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Throughput to Africa

MinRTT from SLAC - Aug. 2009 [[xls


Derived Throughput from SLAC to Africa Jan-Aug '09 [xls]

PingER Coverage in Africa


Image Added

The striking number of countries in Eastern and Central Africa with minimum RTTs of >400ms is indicative that they were using geo-stationary satellite links. The new cable should also result in less loss and jitter due to the reduction in congestion caused by the increase in capacity.


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Routing from South Africa to African Countries (Sep '05)

Routing from South Africa to African Countries (Aug '09) [[xls


Routing from Burkina Faso to African Countries (Aug '09) [[xls




Connections from Burkina Faso in August 2009 were direct to only Senegal, Mali, and Benin (in green).  Most other countries in grey were reached by intercontintal connections via Europe, followed by many in teal that go via Europe and N. America. Somalia was reached via Europe, N. and S. America. Burundi was reached via Europe, N. America and E. Asia.

Initial Results on First Day

One would expect with the use of a terrestial fibre rather than a geo-stationary satellite that the minimum RTT woud be reduced from >=400ms to 200-300ms as seen from the US. Also the reduced congestion enabled by the higher speed links should make the average RTT more stable and reduce the packet loss. Below are shown the average RTTs and losses from SLAC on the West Coast of the US to various hosts on the East Coast of Africa. These are all measured using the PingER project's data.
