Versions Compared


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GitHub repo: (currently using branch tempRelease)

Using XilinxKcu1500Pgp4_10Gbps mcs files from pgp-pcie-apps GitHub repo

(need to run from the "script" directory at the moment) "python script/ --pciePgpEn 1 --boardType XilinKcu1500".  or to run with via the zmq port: "python --serverPort 9200 --pciePgpEn 1" (zmq port defaults to 9100, but that port was in use in the test stand).  or to ignore the data streams: "python --boardType XilinxKcu1500 --dev /dev/datadev_0 --pciePgpEn 1 --justCtrl 1"

currently has 4 ASICs in a 2x2 configuration (one piece of silicon).  the size of the ASIC is 192*384 columns (more than twice as big as EpixHR ASIC)

each ASIC is its own lane

firmware defaults to LCLS-II timing

Need to ask Chris Kenney or Lorenzo about precise panel geometries so Mikhail can support the geometry in psana2

need this setting in devGui under "Root":

Image Removed

3 means 168MHz clock, and the 4 1's initialize (includes a reset plus configuration) the ASICs, which includes loading config files: the config files that are used are in config/ePixHRM320k_ASIC_u1_PLLBypass.yml (and u2,u3,u4 for other ASICs).  Currently the 4 configurations are identical, apart from a module name.  Also configures the firmware of a single "managing" FPGA (e.g. batching event-builder).

Issue: the serial links between the managing FPGA and the ASICs don't always lock until a number of frames have been transmitted (may want to fix this more robustly in the long-term).  Short-term workaround: call root.hwTrigger(frames, rate) for ~1000 frames at rate 1000 (1kHz).

Currently the data needs to be descrambled in software.  There is a plan to eventually descramble in firmware.

Plan: run the software/notebook/maximumRateTest.ipynb

View file
nameDOERING - ePixHRM320k- A detector system for soft x-ray imaging - abstract 2023.pdf

Introductory script

currently has 4 ASICs in a 2x2 configuration (one piece of silicon).  the size of the ASIC is 192*384 columns (more than twice as big as EpixHR ASIC)

each ASIC is its own lane

firmware defaults to LCLS-II timing

Need to ask Chris Kenney or Lorenzo about precise panel geometries so Mikhail can support the geometry in psana2

need this setting in devGui under "Root":

Image Added

3 means 168MHz clock, and the 4 1's initialize (includes a reset plus configuration) the ASICs, which includes loading config files: the config files that are used are in config/ePixHRM320k_ASIC_u1_PLLBypass.yml (and u2,u3,u4 for other ASICs).  Currently the 4 configurations are identical, apart from a module name.  Also configures the firmware of a single "managing" FPGA (e.g. batching event-builder).

Issue: the serial links between the managing FPGA and the ASICs don't always lock until a number of frames have been transmitted (may want to fix this more robustly in the long-term).  Short-term workaround: call root.hwTrigger(frames, rate) for ~1000 frames at rate 1000 (1kHz).

Currently the data needs to be descrambled in software.  There is a plan to eventually descramble in firmware.

Plan: run the software/notebook/maximumRateTest.ipynb

View file
nameDOERING - ePixHRM320k- A detector system for soft x-ray imaging - abstract 2023.pdf

Introductory script

Code Block
### Setup the library ###
import pyrogue as pr
import os, sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import datetime
import numpy as np
import math
import pprint
import inspect 
rootTopLevel = top_level+'script/'
pr.addLibraryPath( rootTopLevel )

import setupLibPaths

import ePix320kM as devBoard

args = None

# Defining root
root =  devBoard.Root(   
        top_level  = rootTopLevel,
        dev        = '/dev/datadev_0',
        pollEn     = False
Code Block
### Setup the library ###
import pyrogue as pr
import os, sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import datetime
import numpy as np
import math
import pprint
import inspect 
rootTopLevel = top_level+'script/'
pr.addLibraryPath( rootTopLevel )

import setupLibPaths

import ePix320kM as devBoard

args = None

# Defining root
root =  devBoard.Root(   
        top_level  = rootTopLevel,
        devinitRead        = '/dev/datadev_0'True,
        pollEnserverPort     = False,
        initRead   = True,
        serverPort = = 9099,
        pciePgpEn  = True,

# example showing a read
AxiVersion = root.Core.AxiVersion
print ( '###################################################')
print ( '#             Firmware Version                    #')
print ( '###################################################')
print ( '###################################################')

# Useful short names
APP  = root.App
AXIV = root.Core.AxiVersion
TRIG = ASICTOP.TriggerRegisters
ASIC0 = APP.Mv2Asic[0]
ASIC1 = APP.Mv2Asic[1]
ASIC2 = APP.Mv2Asic[2]
ASIC3 = APP.Mv2Asic[3]
HSDAC = APP.Dac.FastDac 
PKREG = [None] * 4
PKREG[0] = ASICTOP.DigAsicStrmRegisters0
PKREG[1] = ASICTOP.DigAsicStrmRegisters1
PKREG[2] = ASICTOP.DigAsicStrmRegisters2
PKREG[3] = ASICTOP.DigAsicStrmRegisters3
BATCHER0 = ASICTOP.BatcherEventBuilder0
BATCHER1 = ASICTOP.BatcherEventBuilder1
BATCHER2 = ASICTOP.BatcherEventBuilder2
BATCHER3 = ASICTOP.BatcherEventBuilder3
DEBUG0 = root._dbg[0]
DEBUG1 = root._dbg[1]
DEBUG2 = root._dbg[2]
DEBUG3 = root._dbg[3]
DATARCV0 = root.DataReceiver0
DATARCV1 = root.DataReceiver1
DATARCV2 = root.DataReceiver2
DATARCV3 = root.DataReceiver3
FULLRATERCV0 = root.fullRateDataReceiver[0]
FULLRATERCV1 = root.fullRateDataReceiver[1]
FULLRATERCV2 = root.fullRateDataReceiver[2]
FULLRATERCV3 = root.fullRateDataReceiver[3]
REGCTRL = ASICTOP.RegisterControlDualClock

# Configure clock to 168 MHz and configures all ASICS

# disable some software rogue data receivers

#run some triggers and exercise lanes and locks
frames = 5000
rate = 1000

root.hwTrigger(frames, rate)

#get locked lanes

#Enable data receivers and run some triggers
root.Trigger() # one event via software trigger

# Obtain descrambled single frame data from ASICs from DataReceiver. Data receiver is down sampled.
frame = [None for i in range(4)]
for asicIndex in range(4):
    frame[asicIndex] = getattr(root, f"DataReceiver{asicIndex}").Data.get()

#frame dimensions
for asicIndex in range(root.numOfAsics):

#plot image
for asicIndex in range(root.numOfAsics):
    if asicIndex == 3 :
    elif asicIndex == 2 :
    else :
    if np.shape(frame[asicIndex])[0] != 1 :
        plt.xlabel("ASIC {}".format(asicIndex))
    else :
        plt.xlabel("ASIC {}: No data".format(asicIndex))


Dionisio wrote about the fiber pair count requirement for the prototype detector:
Looking at the git repo I would think that the minimum number of fibers is 7 but @Dawood Alnajjar please confirm this

Lane[0].VC[0] = Data[0]
Lane[1].VC[0] = Data[1]
Lane[2].VC[0] = Data[2]
Lane[3].VC[0] = Data[3]

Lane[5].VC[0] = SRPv3
Lane[5Lane[0].VC[01] = Data[0] software trigger (ssiCmd)
Lane[15].VC[02] = Data[1]XVC
-Lane[26].VC[0] = slow Datamonitoring[21:0]
Lane[3].VC-    [1] = Power and Communication Board
-    [0] = Data[3] Digital Board

Lane[5].VC[0] = SRPv3
Lane[5].VC[1] = software trigger (ssiCmd)
Lane[5].VC[2] = XVC
-Lane[6].VC[0] = slow monitoring[1:0]
-    [1] = Power and Communication Board
-    [0] = Digital Board

Lane[11] = LCLS-II Timing11] = LCLS-II Timing

Running devGui

Using XilinxKcu1500Pgp4_10Gbps mcs files from pgp-pcie-apps GitHub repo

(need to run from the "script" directory at the moment) "python script/ --pciePgpEn 1 --boardType XilinKcu1500".  or to run with via the zmq port: "python --serverPort 9200 --pciePgpEn 1" (zmq port defaults to 9100, but that port was in use in the test stand).  or to ignore the data streams: "python --boardType XilinxKcu1500 --dev /dev/datadev_0 --pciePgpEn 1 --justCtrl 1"

For kcu1500 devGui use pgp-pcie-apps directory and run "python scripts/ --numLane 8 --boardType Kcu1500".  Currently (April 1, 2024) this still requires rogue5.

Pedestal Scans and Charge Injection
