The gross domestic product or GDP is a way of measuring the size of a region's economy. It is usually normalized by dividing by capita. It is often compared with the purchasing power parity (PPP) of the currency relative to the US$. There are measures from the World Bank and the Central Intelligence Agency among others, we are using https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2004rank.html
Human Development Index (HDI)
DAI | TAI vs DOI | NRI vs DOI | DAI vs DOI |
DOI vs GDP | HDI vs DOI |
Comparisons with loss, jitter and unreachability are shown below :together with Jitter vs Loss. I can see why unreachability may not correlate well with loss or jitter, since the unreachability is often an end site/host problem. I am somehwat surprised by the lack of a strong correlation between Jitter and Loss and need to think a bit more deeply about it. I would have expected a correlation between jitter and loss. Basically jitter is classically caused by router queuing (due to the output link being busy with another packet) delaying packets. If the output link does not clear then the queue fills with more packets waiting to be sent and newly arriving packets are lost, hence expect correlation. This can be caused by one or more fast links trying to feed a slower or more congested link (e.g. to Developing Country). There can of course be other reasons for loss, such as noise & db loss (especially with wireless and probably satellite circuits) which are not correlated with queuing. I would expect to see the latter causes mainly in places where networking is pooor (e.g. Developing Regions). I see no evidence for the correlation being stronger or weaker at larger values. At some time I will dig deeper by looking at outliers to see if I can see rhyme or reason.
Throughput vs Jitter | Throughput vs Loss | Throughput vs Unreachability | Jitter vs Loss |
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Comparisons with the DOI are shown below:
Loss vs GDP/cap | Throughput vs GDP/cap |
Comparisons with International bandwidth are shown below:
Throughput vs Int. BW |