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Table of Contents

Navigating The Profile Monitor Screens

For these examples I will be using the LCLS-II OTR11B device in L1B/BC1B location. There are two designs used for the Profile Monitor Devices; A standard device with 1 target, 2 filters, 2 lamps, and 3 motors and the PAL device with 2 target screens, 1 filter, 1 target lamp, and 1 motor. There is also and EDM and a PYDM of most screens.

PYDM Screen Version

Main Location Screen (Unreleased)

EDM Screen Version

Main Location Screen

  1. Link to Profile Monitor MATLAB GUI: where you are able to see all of the Profile Monitor Cameras and capture images for the e-Logbook.
  2. Brightness Controls: this is dependent on which chassis the slider controls. If you are not seeing the brightness change when there are multiple brightness options double check which one you are using
    1. In future iterations the brightness bar will be attached to each of the Profile Monitor Device Controls.
    2. PAL device has only the target brightness bar.
  3. Profile Monitor Device Controls: this widget controls and displays the status of the Profile Monitor Device. All sections, other than the indicator light in the top right, have visibility rules for the devices set automatically during IOC start but can be turned on after the fact if needed.
    1. Camera Image and On/Off button: $(DEVICE):CAMTYPE
    2. Target Button: $(DEVICE):TGTINSTALLED
    3. Filter 1: $(DEVICE):FLT1INSTALLED
    4. Filter 2: $(DEVICE):FLT2INSTALLED
    5. Target Lamp: $(DEVICE):TLAMPINSTALLED
    7. Motor Controls (not visible):$(DEVICE):MTRINSTALLED
    8. Indicator light will be green if the camera is powered (Standard) or has framerate (PAL)
  4. TID Image/PGP/Timing Camera Controls: this screen confirms if the FEB and Camera are communicating, controls camera exposure time, camera trigger delays, camera gain, image mode, trigger mode, image collection, camera setup, chosen triggers and timing. There are some bugs with this screen so if the camera is not behaving appropriately please look though the verification portion of the screen below.

Main Profile Monitor Location Screen

TID Image/PGP/Timing Camera Controls (pgpCamTop)

This screen can be used to help diagnose problems with the screen. Currently there are bugs in this screen so if the camera is not working properly please read through numbers 4-8 for easy things to double check on this screen.

  1. Rogue pgp Vars Button: this screen looks at the PGP card in the cpu and gives more information about the camera along with the trigger codes for the other attached cameras. 
    1. This is the primary diagnostic to see if something is not going on with the camera other than the Timing Button (See 3).
    2. Unlike the EvrV2:RateSel on the pgpCamTop screen, the PV that logs the trigger code on this screen works but you will need to know which channel the camera is attached to.
    3. More information on this screen is in a below section.
  2. Camera Plugin Stack Button: this screen covers
    1. With new/replaced cameras some settings will need to be set as enabled from this screen. Otherwise you will not be able to acquire images or be able to see them in MATLAB.
    2. More information on this screen is in a below section.
  3. Timing Button: this screen covers the timing information that is displayed here is exclusively for the camera listed. 
    1. Unlike the EvrV2:RateSel on the pgpCamTop screen, the PV that logs the trigger code on this screen works.
    2. Use this screen if all that is being done is changing timing.
    3. More information on this screen is an a below section
  4. Exposure time PV: this is where you can change the exposure time for the camera. See below information about known bug!
    1. If the cpu or primary control ioc are rebooted the exposure time may be set to the wrong exposure time or the camera may have the wrong exposure time saved. 
      1. The iocs in question can be found on the Profile Monitor Control Room Help page, typically -pm01 or -pm04 with some exceptions.
    2. There is a bug with this PV where when entering a number the incorrect number is logged. Double check that the number shown on the right matches the number entered on the left. 
      1. Typically we see an incorrect "e-##" but sometimes the primary number is also incorrect.
      2. Re-entering the PV sometimes works but typically you need to change the number and revert back to the desired exposure time.
  5. Image/Trigger Mode PV: if the capture rate is different than the EvrV2:RateSel this could be due to these two PVs got set incorrectly on the camera. This is typically due to the camera being powered off and lost the correct trigger and image code. Resubmit them as the seen modes in the image.
    1. This an cause the capture rate to be different than the timing rate
  6. Acquire PV: this PV needs to be set to "Collecting" by hitting "Start" in order to acquire images assuming timing is running. See below information about known bug!
    1. There is a known bug where sometimes this PV needs to be turned On and Off a few times in order to acquire images.
    2. If images are still not getting collected look to see if:
      1. The Exposure Time is incorrect. (4)
      2. Timing is available and is updating. (3)
      3. EventBuilder Bypass is set to 4 on in the Timing or Rogue pgp Vars screen while the PV is set to "Collecting". (1)
      4. The proper Plugin Stack PVs are enabled. (2)
  7. EvrV2:RateSel: This PV controls which timing signal you are connecting to. See Control Sequence Bit for LCLS-II timing.
  8. Timing:TriggerSource and Timing:RateType: When beam is active you should see Timing:TriggerSource as EVR and Timing:RateType as ControlWord