The Digital Access Index (DAI) from the ITU has data from 1995 to 2003. It combines eight variables, covering five areas, to provide an overall country score. The areas are availability of infrastructure, afordability of access, educational level, quality of ICT services, and Internet usage. The results of the Index point to potential stumbling blocks in ICT adoption and can help countries identify their relative strengths and weaknesses.
Digital Opportunity Index (DOI)
In 2006 the ITU submitted the Digital Opportunity Index report for 180 economies worldwide. The Index monitors the mobile communications that promise to bridge the digital divide in many parts of the world, as well as more recent technologies such as broadband and mobile Internet access. Due to it being one with the most recent results and also having a large coverage we tend to prefer this one at the moment.
Network Readiness Index (NRI)
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) introduced the Technology Achievement Index (TAI) in 2001 to reflects a country's capacity to participate in the technological innovations of the network age. It contains data from 1995-1000 andf covers 72 countries. The TAI aims to capture how well a country is creating and diffusing technology and building a human skill base. It includes the following dimensions: Creation of technology (e.g. patents, royalty receipts); diffusion of recent innovations (Internet hosts/capita, high & medium tech exports as share of all exports); Diffusion of old innovations (log phones/capita, log of electric consumption/capita); Human skills (mean years of schooling, gross enrollment in tertiary level in science, math & engineering).
Digital Opportunity Index (DOI)
In 2006 the ITU submitted the Digital Opportunity Indexreport for 180 economies worldwide. The Index monitors the mobile communications that promise to bridge the digital divide in many parts of the world, as well as more recent technologies such as broadband and mobile Internet access. Due to it being one with the most recent results and also having a large coverage we tend to prefer this one at the moment.
Correlations Between Indices
These are shown below:
DAI | TAI vs DOI | NRI vs DOI | DAI vs DOI |
| |
DOI vs GDP | HDI vs DOI |
Some maps of the index values are seen below:
Comparing this to the GDP/capita we get the scatter plot below. The correlation is seen to be moderate to strong (R2 ~ 0.59). The figure also identifies some of the major outliers. Those countries below the line are usually well developed but hard to get to countries (such as Finland, Iceland) or wealthy countries that have not full developed their Internet access (e.g. UAE)
Another comparison is Comparisons with the DOI are shown below:
Throughput vs DOI | Loss vs DOI |
| ||
Comparisons with GDP/capita are shown below.
Loss vs GDP/cap | Throughput vs GDP/cap |