Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • single core: 43 ms
  • 80-core: 84 ms

2024-02-20 jungfrau single panel timing in real data


Use local version of calib_jungfrau with timing points:

Code Block
def calib_jungfrau(det, evt, cmpars=(7,3,200,10), **kwa):
    Returns calibrated jungfrau data

    - gets constants
    - gets raw data
    - evaluates (code - pedestal - offset)
    - applys common mode correction if turned on
    - apply gain factor


    - det (psana.Detector) - Detector object
    - evt (psana.Event)    - Event object
    - cmpars (tuple) - common mode parameters
        - cmpars[0] - algorithm # 7-for jungfrau
        - cmpars[1] - control bit-word 1-in rows, 2-in columns
        - cmpars[2] - maximal applied correction
    - **kwa - used here and passed to det.mask_v2 or det.mask_comb
      - nda_raw - if not None, substitutes evt.raw()
      - mbits - DEPRECATED parameter of the det.mask_comb(...)
      - mask - user defined mask passed as optional parameter

    t00 = time()

    src = det.source # - src (psana.Source)   - Source object

    nda_raw = kwa.get('nda_raw', None)
    arr = det.raw(evt) if nda_raw is None else nda_raw # shape:(<npanels>, 512, 1024) dtype:uint16
    if arr is None: return None

    t01 = time()

    peds = det.pedestals(evt) # - 4d pedestals shape:(3, 1, 512, 1024) dtype:float32
    if peds is None: return None

    t02 = time()

    gain = det.gain(evt)      # - 4d gains
    offs = det.offset(evt)    # - 4d offset

    t03 = time()

    detname = string_from_source(det.source)
    cmp = det.common_mode(evt) if cmpars is None else cmpars

    t04 = time()

    if gain is None: gain = np.ones_like(peds)  # - 4d gains
    if offs is None: offs = np.zeros_like(peds) # - 4d gains

    #print(info_ndarr(peds, 'peds'))
    #print(info_ndarr(gain, 'gain'))
    #print(info_ndarr(offs, 'offs'))

    # cache
    gfac = store.gfac.get(detname, None) #
    if gfac is None:
       gfac = divide_protected(np.ones_like(peds), gain)
       store.gfac[detname] = gfac
       store.arr1 = np.ones_like(arr, dtype=np.int8)

    t05 = time()

    # Define bool arrays of ranges
    # faster than bit operations
    gr0 = arr <  BW1              # 490 us
    gr1 =(arr >= BW1) & (arr<BW2) # 714 us
    gr2 = arr >= BW3              # 400 us

    t06 = time()

    # Subtract pedestals
    arrf = np.array(arr & MSK, dtype=np.float32)

    t07 = time()

    arrf[gr0] -= peds[0,gr0]
    arrf[gr1] -= peds[1,gr1] #- arrf[gr1]
    arrf[gr2] -= peds[2,gr2] #- arrf[gr2]

    t08 = time()

    factor =, gr1, gr2), (gfac[0,:], gfac[1,:], gfac[2,:]), default=1) # 2msec

    t09 = time()

    offset =, gr1, gr2), (offs[0,:], offs[1,:], offs[2,:]), default=0)

    t10 = time()

    arrf -= offset # Apply offset correction

    t11 = time()
    #print('   time to subtract offset(sec): %.06f' % (t11-t10)) # ~< 100us

    if store.mask is None:
       store.mask = det.mask_total(evt, **kwa)
    mask = store.mask

    t12 = time()

    if cmp is not None:
      mode, cormax = int(cmp[1]), cmp[2]
      npixmin = cmp[3] if len(cmp)>3 else 10
      if mode>0:
        #arr1 = store.arr1
        #grhg =,  gr1), (arr1, arr1), default=0)
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(gr0, 'gain group0'))
        logger.debug(info_ndarr(mask, 'mask'))
        t0_sec_cm = time()
        gmask = np.bitwise_and(gr0, mask) if mask is not None else gr0
        #sh = (nsegs, 512, 1024)
        hrows = 256 #512/2
        for s in range(arrf.shape[0]):
          if mode & 4: # in banks: (512/2,1024/16) = (256,64) pixels # 100 ms
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_2d_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          if mode & 1: # in rows per bank: 1024/16 = 64 pixels # 275 ms
            common_mode_rows_hsplit_nbanks(arrf[s,], mask=gmask[s,], nbanks=16, cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

          if mode & 2: # in cols per bank: 512/2 = 256 pixels  # 290 ms
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,:hrows,:], mask=gmask[s,:hrows,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)
            common_mode_cols(arrf[s,hrows:,:], mask=gmask[s,hrows:,:], cormax=cormax, npix_min=npixmin)

        logger.debug('TIME: common-mode correction time = %.6f sec' % (time()-t0_sec_cm))

    t13 = time()

    resp = arrf * factor if mask is None else arrf * factor * mask # gain correction

    t14 = time()
    times = np.array((t00, t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14), dtype=np.float64)

    return resp, times


Code Block
single-core processing

mpirun -n 1 python Detector/examples/ 2
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0427 +/- 0.0010 rms: 0.0011 +/- 0.0007
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0428 +/- 0.0011 rms: 0.0012 +/- 0.0008
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0428 +/- 0.0014 rms: 0.0015 +/- 0.0010
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:000 cpu:000 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0427 +/- 0.0010 rms: 0.0011 +/- 0.0007

80-core processing

mpirun -n 80 python Detector/examples/ 2
python Detector/examples/ -99
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:000 cpu:007 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1041 +/- 0.0114 rms: 0.0480 +/- 0.0080
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:001 cpu:027 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0775 +/- 0.0058 rms: 0.0192 +/- 0.0041
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:002 cpu:042 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0692 +/- 0.0048 rms: 0.0123 +/- 0.0034
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:003 cpu:054 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0516 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0028 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:004 cpu:069 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1066 +/- 0.0100 rms: 0.0432 +/- 0.0071
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:005 cpu:086 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0974 +/- 0.0076 rms: 0.0309 +/- 0.0054
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:006 cpu:100 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1153 +/- 0.0363 rms: 0.1002 +/- 0.0257
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:007 cpu:122 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1206 +/- 0.0205 rms: 0.0796 +/- 0.0145
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:008 cpu:009 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1003 +/- 0.0107 rms: 0.0457 +/- 0.0076
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:009 cpu:028 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0759 +/- 0.0064 rms: 0.0188 +/- 0.0045
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:010 cpu:041 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0680 +/- 0.0057 rms: 0.0137 +/- 0.0040
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:011 cpu:060 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0527 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0028 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:012 cpu:076 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1057 +/- 0.0097 rms: 0.0433 +/- 0.0069
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:013 cpu:082 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0901 +/- 0.0070 rms: 0.0272 +/- 0.0050
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:014 cpu:106 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1058 +/- 0.0227 rms: 0.0702 +/- 0.0161
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:015 cpu:120 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1235 +/- 0.0215 rms: 0.0813 +/- 0.0152
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:016 cpu:004 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1057 +/- 0.0119 rms: 0.0499 +/- 0.0084
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:017 cpu:025 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0779 +/- 0.0063 rms: 0.0204 +/- 0.0045
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:018 cpu:039 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0676 +/- 0.0054 rms: 0.0126 +/- 0.0038
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:019 cpu:049 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0520 +/- 0.0019 rms: 0.0025 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:020 cpu:075 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1052 +/- 0.0098 rms: 0.0408 +/- 0.0069
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:021 cpu:094 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0900 +/- 0.0068 rms: 0.0268 +/- 0.0048
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:022 cpu:108 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1113 +/- 0.0193 rms: 0.0703 +/- 0.0136
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:023 cpu:124 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1199 +/- 0.0197 rms: 0.0774 +/- 0.0140
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:024 cpu:014 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1060 +/- 0.0104 rms: 0.0457 +/- 0.0073
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:025 cpu:028 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0747 +/- 0.0054 rms: 0.0173 +/- 0.0038
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:026 cpu:036 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0694 +/- 0.0051 rms: 0.0135 +/- 0.0036
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:027 cpu:055 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0523 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0026 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:028 cpu:066 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1039 +/- 0.0093 rms: 0.0396 +/- 0.0066
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:029 cpu:092 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0914 +/- 0.0061 rms: 0.0231 +/- 0.0043
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:030 cpu:097 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1175 +/- 0.0258 rms: 0.0805 +/- 0.0183
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:031 cpu:113 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1162 +/- 0.0171 rms: 0.0704 +/- 0.0121
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:032 cpu:001 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1041 +/- 0.0120 rms: 0.0500 +/- 0.0085
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:033 cpu:031 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0792 +/- 0.0065 rms: 0.0212 +/- 0.0046
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:034 cpu:038 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0692 +/- 0.0052 rms: 0.0132 +/- 0.0037
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:035 cpu:050 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0527 +/- 0.0021 rms: 0.0031 +/- 0.0015
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:036 cpu:072 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1025 +/- 0.0100 rms: 0.0420 +/- 0.0070
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:037 cpu:095 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0945 +/- 0.0067 rms: 0.0272 +/- 0.0047
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:038 cpu:110 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1074 +/- 0.0191 rms: 0.0660 +/- 0.0135
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:039 cpu:119 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1095 +/- 0.0190 rms: 0.0714 +/- 0.0134
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:040 cpu:011 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1043 +/- 0.0102 rms: 0.0453 +/- 0.0072
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:041 cpu:029 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0768 +/- 0.0063 rms: 0.0199 +/- 0.0044
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:042 cpu:037 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0683 +/- 0.0050 rms: 0.0119 +/- 0.0035
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:043 cpu:058 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0523 +/- 0.0021 rms: 0.0029 +/- 0.0015
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:044 cpu:070 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1074 +/- 0.0117 rms: 0.0471 +/- 0.0083
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:045 cpu:087 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0907 +/- 0.0068 rms: 0.0261 +/- 0.0048
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:046 cpu:107 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1116 +/- 0.0225 rms: 0.0752 +/- 0.0159
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:047 cpu:125 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1165 +/- 0.0220 rms: 0.0799 +/- 0.0155
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:048 cpu:013 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1087 +/- 0.0104 rms: 0.0462 +/- 0.0073
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:049 cpu:030 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0776 +/- 0.0063 rms: 0.0199 +/- 0.0045
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:050 cpu:035 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0680 +/- 0.0049 rms: 0.0119 +/- 0.0035
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:051 cpu:061 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0526 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0028 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:052 cpu:074 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1010 +/- 0.0103 rms: 0.0405 +/- 0.0073
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:053 cpu:089 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0953 +/- 0.0070 rms: 0.0288 +/- 0.0049
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:054 cpu:104 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1162 +/- 0.0385 rms: 0.1044 +/- 0.0272
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:055 cpu:121 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1134 +/- 0.0249 rms: 0.0804 +/- 0.0176
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:056 cpu:005 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1029 +/- 0.0114 rms: 0.0490 +/- 0.0081
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:057 cpu:028 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0747 +/- 0.0059 rms: 0.0176 +/- 0.0042
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:058 cpu:039 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0679 +/- 0.0051 rms: 0.0124 +/- 0.0036
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:059 cpu:052 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0520 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0027 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:060 cpu:072 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1065 +/- 0.0113 rms: 0.0461 +/- 0.0080
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:061 cpu:081 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0913 +/- 0.0071 rms: 0.0281 +/- 0.0050
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:062 cpu:105 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1148 +/- 0.0327 rms: 0.0935 +/- 0.0231
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:063 cpu:116 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1075 +/- 0.0161 rms: 0.0647 +/- 0.0114
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:064 cpu:006 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1062 +/- 0.0110 rms: 0.0480 +/- 0.0078
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:065 cpu:046 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0681 +/- 0.0052 rms: 0.0125 +/- 0.0037
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:066 cpu:040 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0692 +/- 0.0055 rms: 0.0143 +/- 0.0039
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:067 cpu:063 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0525 +/- 0.0021 rms: 0.0030 +/- 0.0015
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:068 cpu:071 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1087 +/- 0.0116 rms: 0.0486 +/- 0.0082
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:069 cpu:090 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0975 +/- 0.0068 rms: 0.0286 +/- 0.0048
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:070 cpu:102 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1169 +/- 0.0312 rms: 0.0952 +/- 0.0221
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:071 cpu:118 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1113 +/- 0.0191 rms: 0.0697 +/- 0.0135
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:072 cpu:008 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1047 +/- 0.0105 rms: 0.0455 +/- 0.0074
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:073 cpu:040 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0684 +/- 0.0053 rms: 0.0131 +/- 0.0038
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:074 cpu:043 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0684 +/- 0.0051 rms: 0.0122 +/- 0.0036
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:075 cpu:050 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0531 +/- 0.0020 rms: 0.0029 +/- 0.0014
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:076 cpu:077 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1007 +/- 0.0091 rms: 0.0381 +/- 0.0065
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:077 cpu:083 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.0909 +/- 0.0078 rms: 0.0273 +/- 0.0055
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:078 cpu:105 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1118 +/- 0.0241 rms: 0.0763 +/- 0.0170
hostname:sdfmilan216 rank:079 cpu:114 cmt:1p-v2 proc time (sec) mean: 0.1148 +/- 0.0229 rms: 0.0815 +/- 0.0162
mean time (sec): 0.0908


det.calib fir fungfrau already uses float32

time per event per core

  • single core: 43 ms
  • 80-core: 91 ms

