Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Stop using SLACDEV database (in progress)
    • Rationalize use of Dev/prod etc, decide if we need other configuration options
      • For ISOC the databases are: Flight, Integration, Test, Nightly
  • Look into tomcat clustering
  • Integration between monitoring tools and Ops Log
    • Ability to easily copy plots to ops log and comment on them
    • Ability to find all recent comments on a plot
  • Make sure all web projects are under cruisecontrol

Tomcat Servers

  • Finish migrating to using common configuration (not all servers are using common/conf/server.xml)
  • Migrate to using 64 bit machines OS and 64 bit java to push the memory limit to 4Gb
  • Look into tomcat clustering
  • Wrap the tomcat application with java wrapper to be able to start/stop a server programmatically
  • Figure out why sometimes jar files are lost from classpath (seems to be effecting apps on tomcat07)

Web Apps / Servers Monitor

  • This application gives an overview :
    • servers and their memory usage
    • applications and their status
    • JDBC data sources and their usage

Logged in users with Administrative privileges can start/stop/undeploy/reload applications. They can also force the Garbage Collection on the web servers.

This application is very useful to get an overview of the status of the servers and the applications and it provides quick links to probe to further investigate the problem.

To Do

Tomcat Server Monitoring

  • Enable start/stop/restart servers wrap the tomcat process using java wrapper in order to be able to start/stop servers from this application
  • create a java program to register a MBean listener to receive notifications from the memory MBean when the memory goes over a given threshold
  • find a way to assess the status of a web application. So far we can tell if an application is running or not according to tomcat, but even if the application is running it might be producing errors
  • run a java application inside or outside this web app to run a simple query against the JDBC data sources to make sure they are running

Ops Log

  • Make Ops Log use same login system as everything else
  • Install latest version from Fermilab
  • Enable programmatic entry creation
  • Enable "single-click" transfer of plots to ops log


  • Maintainance of confluence/JIRA
    • Upgrade JIRA to latest version (we are far behind)
  • Maintainance of Tomcat/CAS/etc
  • Oracle performance/tuning
  • Switch to new oracle server


  • Stop using SLACDEV database (in progress)
    • Rationalize use of Dev/prod etc, decide if we need other configuration options
      • For ISOC the databases are: Flight, Integration, Test, Nightly
  • Integration between monitoring tools and Ops Log
    • Ability to easily copy plots to ops log and comment on them
    • Ability to find all recent comments on a plot
  • Make sure all web projects are under cruisecontrol


  • implement links between application (done preliminary version)


  • Remove duplication between data processing page and other apps
    • One possibility is to hide queries in functions

Ops Log



To-Do List

  • Make Ops Log use same login system as everything else

GCN/GRB Web front end


Tabular overview of most recent Noticies and possibility to browse GRB/Noticies.


  • Databases have been designed.


The portal is the icing on the cake. It will be targeted and developed at the very end.


Provide a rich and highly customizable environment for viewing data from all the above (and below) applications.


We have developed three portlets to prove that we can extract data from external applications. These portlets can provide tables (from Logging and Fast Copy) and pots (from TelemetryTrending).

To-Do List

Do the rest.

Cross Trending/Reports


This application should give users the possibility to fetch histograms and data trends from all the above applications and to create scatter plots, overlays or tables of data.


A user would write reports in the form of jsp pages with some special tags to embed plots, text, links, etc.
These pages will be registered with the applications.
The application would provide a tabulated lists of all the available reports and a way to generate them on some time period.


A toy version is available for the cross trending part. The Reports are still in the discussion phase.

To-Do List

  • Write database tables to store report jsp pages
  • Define tags API to embed plots in jsp apges
