- Your home directory is in weka (/sdf/home/<first letter of your userid>/<your userid>) with 30 GB of space. This space is backed up and is where code, etc., should go.
- We have group space at /sdf/group/fermi/ which includes shared software, as well as Fermi-supplied user (i.e., on top of your home directory) and group space. You can find it in /sdf/group/fermi/u/<you>. There is a symlink to it, called "fermi-user", in your home directory for convenience.
- after gpfs is retired in late 2023, this is where your larger user space will be.
- your user/group space on the old clusters is not directly accessible from s3df - it currently needs to be copied over. (this access policy may get reversed soon)
- We're still providing additional user space from the old cluster, available on request via the slac-helplist mailing list. It is not backed up. This space is natively gpfs. User directories are available under: /gpfs/slac/fermi/fs2/u/<your_dir>; we have not created any group directories on s3df yet.