Versions Compared


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This is the procedure for running SLIC from the Cygwin commandline.

  1. Select Start -> Programs -> Cygwin -> Cygwin Bash ShellOpen a bash shell.
  2. Add Xerces-C++ bin to the load path.
    No Format
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cygdrive/c/sim/xerces/bin:$PATH$XERCESCROOT/lib
  3. Go to the SLIC directory.
    No Format
    cd /cygdrive~/c/sim/slic
  4. Run the executable.
    No Format
    bin/WIN32Linux-g++/slic [options]

If you receive an error message about a missing DLL cygxerces-c26.dllXerces library, then make sure that the PATH is setup correctly and Xerces-C++ was properly installed.


No Format

# 1. work area
export sim_work=/cygdrive/c/work/nsim~/sim

# 2. java
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Java/jdk1.4.2
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

# 3. clhep installation area
export CLHEP_BASE_DIR=${sim_work}/clhep

# 4. geant4
export G4INSTALL=${sim_work}/geant4/geant4.7.0.p01
export G4SYSTEM=WIN32Linux-g++

# 5. LCPhys
export LCPHYS_BASE=${sim_work}/LCPhys

# 6. LCIO
export LCIO=${sim_work}/lcio
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LCIO/tools:$LCIO/bin:$PATH

# 7. Xerces-C++ installation area
export XERCESCROOT=${sim_work}/xercesc

# 8. GDML
export GDML_BASE=${sim_work}/GDML2/CPPGDML
export PLATFORM=cygwin_g++

# 9. LCDD
export LCDD_BASE=${sim_work}/lcdd

# 10. SLIC
export SLIC_BASE=${sim_work}/slic

The above should be sufficient to "bootstrap" the environment for any future (re)builds of SLIC dependencies.


That's it.

Happy simulating!
