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Detector/app/epix10ka_calib_components -t102 -S 



Code Block
titledatinfo -e mfxc00118 -d epix10k2M -r191
datinfo -e mfxc00118 -d epix10k2M -r191
[I] L0210: command: /cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py2/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/datinfo -e mfxc00118 -d epix10k2M -r191
[I] L0211: **kwargs
      runs: 191
  dssuffix: :smd
   detname: epix10k2M
   evtkeys: 2
    stskip: 0
   expname: mfxc00118
     steps: 1000
    evskip: 0
   stepnum: None
   logmode: INFO
    events: 1000000
[I] L0040: dsname: exp=mfxc00118:run=191:smd
[I] L0041: detname: epix10k2M
[I] L0114: runnum: 191
[I] L0115: info_det: info_det
  det.src: Source("DetInfo(MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0)")
  dettype: 32
calibration constants for par(run or evt): 191
  pedestals shape:(7, 16, 352, 384) size:15138816 dtype:float32 [3497.452 3462.729 3479.892 3555.06  3379.326...]
  rms       shape:(7, 16, 352, 384) size:15138816 dtype:float32 [6.935 7.433 7.335 7.416 7.097...]
  status    shape:(7, 16, 352, 384) size:15138816 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
  common_mode shape:(16,) size:16 dtype:float64 [ 7.  2. 10. 10.  0....]
  pixel X shape:(1, 16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:float64 [-42873.23141788 -42773.25839541 -42673.28537293 -42573.31235046
  pixel Y shape:(1, 16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:float64 [-41529.65240873 -41528.50952055 -41527.36663237 -41526.22374418
 -41525.080856  ...]
  pixel Z shape:(1, 16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:float64 [-175852.28919395 -175854.31121874 -175856.33324353 -175858.35526833
[I] L0116: calibDir: /reg/d/psdm/mfx/mfxc00118/calib
[I] L0117: dettype: 32
[I] L0118: dettype of EPIX10KA2M: 32
==== run 0191 ====

==== istep 0

   EventKey(type=psana.EvrData.DataV4, src='DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.0)', alias='evr0')
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ArrayV1, src='DetInfo(MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0)', alias='epix10k2M')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataEBeamV7, src='BldInfo(EBeam)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataFEEGasDetEnergyV1, src='BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataBeamMonitorV1, src='BldInfo(MFX-DG1-BMMON)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataBeamMonitorV1, src='BldInfo(MFX-DG2-BMMON)')

 ievt: 0000  pixel gain mode fractions for ranges
  FH       FM       FL       AHL-H    AML-M    AHL-L    AML-L
  1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
 ievt: 0000 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3632 3496 3644 3543 3374...]

   EventKey(type=psana.EvrData.DataV4, src='DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.0)', alias='evr0')
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ArrayV1, src='DetInfo(MfxEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0)', alias='epix10k2M')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataEBeamV7, src='BldInfo(EBeam)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataFEEGasDetEnergyV1, src='BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataBeamMonitorV1, src='BldInfo(MFX-DG1-BMMON)')
   EventKey(type=psana.Bld.BldDataBeamMonitorV1, src='BldInfo(MFX-DG2-BMMON)')

 ievt: 0001  pixel gain mode fractions for ranges
  FH       FM       FL       AHL-H    AML-M    AHL-L    AML-L
  1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
 ievt: 0100 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3507 3458 3474 3722 3377...]
 ievt: 0200 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3498 3493 3494 3543 3386...]
 ievt: 0300 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3483 3454 3461 3722 3382...]
 ievt: 0400 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3513 3662 3487 3829 3376...]
 ievt: 0500 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3667 3445 3479 3551 3378...]
 ievt: 6700 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3500 3655 3477 3555 3374...]
 ievt: 6800 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3575 3653 3492 3543 3378...]
 ievt: 6900 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3502 3468 3472 3551 3375...]
 ievt: 6999 raw shape:(16, 352, 384) size:2162688 dtype:uint16 [3490 3465 3484 3547 3376...]
==== Summary
run:0191 step:(events total, good):
 0: (7000, 7000)
[I] L0215: DONE, consumed time 184.117 sec
End of datinfo


Access to calibration raw data


combine these arrays together for panel images with x20 rows for each calibration row.

Raw data images

Detector/app/epix10ka_calib_components -t102 -S 

parser.parse_args: Namespace(amax=None, amin=None, cframe=0, detname='epix10k2M', events=3, evskip=0, expname='mfxc00118', grindex=None, loglev='INFO', run=191, saveimg=True, segindex=None, stepnum=None, tname='102')

Segments of entire detector


  • panels of quad 0 behave as expected
  • panels of quads 1,2,3 - calibration rows for "dark" and "max code" swap data???

Averaging of calibration rows

Detector/examples/ -e mfxc00118 -d epix10k2M -r191 -N1000 -K0

Code Block
titlestatistics for panels 0-3
== panel:0
  med shape:(4, 384) size:1536 dtype:float64 [3168.367 2983.392 3160.525 2821.145 3094.843...]
  med[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3168.367 2983.392 3160.525 2821.145 3094.843...]
  med[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3207.724 2862.678 3111.163 2934.188 3149.702...]
  rms[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.84345084 1.72983699 1.78251928 1.67749069 1.78054795...]
  rms[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.63518317 1.61873902 1.65663243 1.68245535 1.61962835...]
  minimum of med[0,:]: 2634.083
  minimum of med[1,:]: 2634.186
  maximum of med[0,:]: 3391.569
  maximum of med[1,:]: 3466.012
  medium  of rms[0,:]: 1.887
  medium  of rms[1,:]: 1.849
  maximum of rms[0,:]: 3.073
  maximum of rms[1,:]: 3.039
== panel:1
  med shape:(4, 384) size:1536 dtype:float64 [3374.236 3126.95  3364.15  3193.475 3378.609...]
  med[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3374.236 3126.95  3364.15  3193.475 3378.609...]
  med[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [2901.247 2836.717 2924.391 2860.471 2863.963...]
  rms[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.64143352 1.75997159 1.68923059 1.57396792 1.6894138 ...]
  rms[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.72394635 1.73462128 1.72630212 1.65019968 1.69104435...]
  minimum of med[0,:]: 2812.748
  minimum of med[1,:]: 2529.810
  maximum of med[0,:]: 3605.198
  maximum of med[1,:]: 3465.724
  medium  of rms[0,:]: 1.893
  medium  of rms[1,:]: 1.885
  maximum of rms[0,:]: 3.428
  maximum of rms[1,:]: 3.099
== panel:2
  med shape:(4, 384) size:1536 dtype:float64 [3075.72  3311.056 3158.876 3237.059 3049.259...]
  med[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3075.72  3311.056 3158.876 3237.059 3049.259...]
  med[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3178.537 3370.59  3195.272 3342.484 3157.823...]
  rms[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.81427672 1.88649516 1.82828444 1.85135599 1.69879928...]
  rms[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.81511184 1.78714857 1.72453356 1.79380712 1.77021778...]
  minimum of med[0,:]: 2439.597
  minimum of med[1,:]: 2577.148
  maximum of med[0,:]: 3377.571
  maximum of med[1,:]: 3429.967
  medium  of rms[0,:]: 1.972
  medium  of rms[1,:]: 1.874
  maximum of rms[0,:]: 2.916
  maximum of rms[1,:]: 2.687
== panel:3
  med shape:(4, 384) size:1536 dtype:float64 [3118.39  3215.456 3045.94  3241.929 3118.27 ...]
  med[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3118.39  3215.456 3045.94  3241.929 3118.27 ...]
  med[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [3069.808 3133.232 2972.622 3142.785 2881.554...]
  rms[0,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.74467762 1.76693633 1.74367428 1.74927385 1.7207847 ...]
  rms[1,:] shape:(384,) size:384 dtype:float64 [1.83660992 1.74016551 1.73237294 1.76373893 1.75587129...]
  minimum of med[0,:]: 2815.598
  minimum of med[1,:]: 2534.478
  maximum of med[0,:]: 3558.153
  maximum of med[1,:]: 3253.122
  medium  of rms[0,:]: 1.908
  medium  of rms[1,:]: 1.980
  maximum of rms[0,:]: 2.879
  maximum of rms[1,:]: 2.975

iv calibrows-mfxc00118-r0191-epix10k2M-ave.npy

iv calibrows-mfxc00118-r0191-epix10k2M-rms.npy

Image AddedImage Added

