This is a beginner's beginner guide to vacuum theory, it assumes the reader knows nothing about vacuums . This document assumes no technical background, uses informal language, and avoids the use of math or units. It It aims to incrementally introduce concepts and define some of the language of vacuum technology, laying the groundwork for deeper learning.
This guide starts off way waaay zoomed out and oversimplified, building off itself as it goes, introducing new terms along the way, and ends still zoomed out and oversimplified –but , but a bit less so. There 's is so much more depth behind these concepts than acknowledge is acknowledged here! More technical discussion and descriptions can be found within the other pages of LCLS Vacuum Support Training, within textbooks, and most of all within your coworkers (go talk with them!).
Side note: many of the pictures are linked to external material, including: videos, articles, slideshows, and product pages. Click to explore, though they aren't necessary, and may can be tangential or go well beyond the scope of this introductory guide.