Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


12) If all the FEBs look good (green) and SVT bias is on, then CODA should be ready
for "Prestart" followed by "Go"

SVT Baseline/Threshold Procedure

Configuration for CODA is PROD77_SVT

Download the trigger configuration trigger/HPS/Run2021/Before_Sep16/hps_v2_svtOnly_noThr.trg

There are two procedures to compute the baselines and thresholds for the HPS.

  • Online: take a dedicated baseline run with no beam and analyse the noise using hpstr
  • Offline: compute the baselines from a production run via offline analysis based on hps_java and hpstr

Compute Online Thresholds

1) If open, close Rogue Gui2) Reset the data DPMs before doing a baseline runIt is critical to be sure to reset the data DPMs before you do a baseline run:

Code Block

The clonfarm2 and/or clonfarm3 ROCs will often dump a bunch of nonsense for a bit before the run starts recording triggers, so don't get scared if you see it spewing garbage for a few seconds at the beginning of the run.

3) CODA Configure: PROD77_SVT

4) CODA Download: trigger/HPS/Run2021/Before_Sep16/hps_v2_svtOnly_noThr.trg

5) CODA Prestart

6) CODA Go and take ~2000 events

At the start of the run clonfarm2 and clonfarm3 terminals on CODA runControl (ROCs) might output a large amount of messages which differ with respect to the normal run. This is expected and won't affect the run.

7) The data will end up on clondaq7, so move the data (via scp) from clondaq7 to clonfarm1

Code Block
scp clondaq7:/data/stage_in/hpssvt_<run_number>/hpssvt_<run_number>.evio.00000



8) Next process this data to produce a threshold file. Thresholds require the fw channel mapping so use (as hpsrun):

Code Block
source /data/hps/src/
cd /data/hps/slac_svt/server/thresholds/run
hpstr /data/hps/src/hpstr/processors/config/ -i hpssvt_<run_number>.evio.00000 -o hpssvt_<run_number>_bl2d_fw.root -c fw
python -i hpssvt_<run_number>_bl2d_fw.root -o svt_<run_number>_thresholds2pt5sig_1pt5sigF5H1
cp svt_<run_number>_thresholds2pt5sig_1pt5sigF5H1.dat ../


9) The Thresholds are loaded in CODA by the following configuration (accessible from any clonfarmX machine)

Code Block

Change the line to point to the new threshold file corresponding to the line starting with RCE_THR_CONFIG_FILE, and make a new log entry.

Compute Online Baselines

The baselines are "Online baslines" can be produced by:

Code Block
source /data/hps/src/
cd /data/hps/slac_svt/server/thresholds/run
hpstr /data/hps/src/hpstr/processors/config/ -i hpssvt_<run_number>.evio.00000 -o hpssvt_<run_number>_bl2d_sw.root -c sw
python -i hpssvt_<run_number>_bl2d_sw.root -o svt_<run_number>

The output svt_<run_number>_cond.dat is in the format needed to upload to the database.
This file should be moved to ifarm:/work/hallb/hps/phys2021_svt_calibrations

They can be loaded into the db by logging into ifarm and doing:

Code Block
cd /work/hallb/hps/phys2021_svt_calibrations
./ -f svt_<run_number>_cond.dat -r <run_number>



Change the Online monitoring baselines

After changing the baselines in the online reconstruction and database, change the baselines in the online monitoring application. All you have to do is go into the settings files and change the run number:

Code Block

#the line is


And==>And change that to the appropriate run

Finally restart the Online monitoring applications for the svt expert and remote shifter vncs
===> REMOTE SHIFTER: vnc running on clonsl1.

Code Block
#This will kill both svt and ecal monitoring
killall -9 java

#In one terminal:

#In another terminal (check actual script name):

Same operation for the EXPERT VNC on clonfarm2