Versions Compared


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NamePopulation (K)RegionIncome per capita ($)Pop-Density (Kpop/sq-km)Median Age (yrs)Covid-19 Information
Argentina45195.774S America208290.01631.9
Bolivia11673.021S America75760.01125.4
Brazil212559.417S America155530.02533.5
Chile19116.201S America247470.02535.400002
Ecuador17643.054S America116120.06428.1
New Zealand4822.233Australasia407480.01837.900002
Peru32971.854S America134630.02629.1
South Africa59308.69Africa135260.04927.299999

confirmed cases linear Y-axis

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confirmed/million population

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Log10 confirmed/million population

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% Deaths/confirmed

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Smoothed daily confirmed cases per million population

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Smoothed daily deaths per million population

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The smoothing is a seven-day running average.


  • As would be expected Brazil, with the largest population by far (~ 3.5 times that of the runner up South Africa) had the largest number of confirmed cases.
  • Once one normalizes the confirmed cases by the population then Chile takes the lead followed by Peru and then Brazil both of which are catching up with PeruChile, then a gap before South Africa, Bolivia and Argentina. Ecuador comes next, having considerably flattened its curve compared to the previous nations, and finally Australia and New Zealand.
  • On January 26, 2020, Australia was the first of these countries to confirm a case, almost four weeks before the second country (Chile)
  • Australia experienced exponential growth in confirmed cases throughout the month of March before dramatically flattening its curve in April.
  • Australia then experienced a further rise in confirmed cases starting the second week of June and extending to the third week of August.
  • Looking at the deaths, Brazil again has the most, over four and half time more than the runner up Peru.
  • Once one normalizes the deaths by population then Peru is the leader followed by Chile with Brazil close behind, then Bolivia, Ecuador, South Africa and Argentina.
  • The Log10 charts indicate that New Zealand has managed to successfully flatten both its confirmed cases and deaths, while Australia after flattening the curves has experienced a rise in both metrics starting in July.
  • It appears that the ratio of deaths/confirmed with time has peaked and is going down for Ecuador, Brazil and  Argentina. It apears to be rising again for Bolivia, Peru, Chile, South Africa and Australia. New Zealand is holding steady.
  • The daily confirmed cases are on the rise for Chile and Argentina, falling for S. Africa, Chile, Australia and possibly Brazil.
  • The daily deaths are falling for Brazil, Chile and S. Africa. They appear to be rising for Argentina and Australia. Ecuador and Bolivia appear to be roughly holding steady.
  • New Zealand is a special case. Its first confirmed case was reported on February 28. The first death was a month later on March 29th by which time there had been  514 confirmed cases. The last death was May 29th (this was the 22nd cumulative death) by which time the number of confirmed cases totaled  1504.

Northern Hemisphere countries with contrasting strategies 8/31/20
