Week of 25 May 2020
- CO
- Attend CS meeting
- Attend CS meeting
- Announce, write agena, note-take DESC DM
- Announce, write agena, note-take DESC DM
- Request full copy of DR6 calexps from CC
- Follow up on outstanding NERSC account requests
- CC
- Fermi
- Annouce software meeting
- Annouce software meeting
- nEXO
- copy chargesim data files to SLAC
- Set up doxygen for Lisa
- Advertise FTP area adn updated CMake files
Week of 18 May 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- https://github.com/LSSTDESC/desc-help/issues/17
- Add GCRCatalgos master to desc-python-dev
- Attend SuperFacility Brown Bag
- Attend SIGEUF
- Update desc-stack and desc-python with new v0.17.0 GCRCatalogs
- Inform DESC user when over Computing allocation
- CC
- attend CC meeting (note take on the side)
- WRite up DESC summary for meeting
- Work out PubBoard rotation
- Respond to Membership Committee email concerning annual report
- Update draft for note to Meetings Committee concerning upcoming registration
- update CC trello
- Write up possible update to MCP request on registation form
- Fermi
- announce s/w meeting
- announce s/w meeting
- nEXO
- Meet with Lisa
- Poke Tony about Jenkins builds and web accessible area for doxygen output
- Set up new doxygen for Lisa and test it out