Week of 25 Oct 2019
- CO
- attend Data Access meeting and note take
- attend CS meeting
- write draft DDF checklist
- Transfer Grid data from CSCRATCH to projecta space
- continue transferring data to HPSS from projecta
- Generate new sims docker containers as needed
- imSim v0.6.1
- imSim v0.6.1
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- Continue answering C++ and git questions
- setup external library area at SLAC using same versions as LLNL
- attend software meeting
Week of 14 Oct 2019
- CO
- Write up Agenda and run and note take for CO mtg
- Attend Data Access meeting
- Attend SRM milestones meeting
- Edit Parsl DRP planning doc
- setup up empty Run2.1.1i repo for testing on CSCRATCH and HPSS
- Transfer NCSA Run2.1.1i processing to NERSC
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Handle C++ questions
- Start to Investigate strax