- DM-DC2
- finish processing 4 tracts of Run2.1.1i through multiband
- run merge_tract_cat to produce HDF files on all the 14 tracts of Run2.1.1i
- rerun processing with skyCorrection
- finish documenting running at NERSC
- Converse with Ben as questions arise as he works thorugh implementing DRP in parsl
- Check on imsim Docker image and the throughputs tag
- Install NaMaster in docker image
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- Back up Run2.1.1i 4 tract nersc processing
- recopy RUn1.2i and reapply symlink fix
- Inquire about Jupyter inaccessiability
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- install DMstack v18.1.0 for IR2
Jira server SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory serverId 1b8dc293-975d-3f2d-b988-18fd9aec1546 key LSSTTD-1433
- install DMstack v18.1.0 for IR2
- Fermi
- Announce, run, and note take Fermi mtg Sept 4th
- Announce, run, and note take Fermi mtg Sept 4th
- nEXO
- write up tutorial for python access
- retrieve all requirements for OSG (onhold)
- meet with Lisa
- merge Emma's WT branch into issue_31 after resolving conflicts
- Present "How to create a Data Object and write it out in SNiPER"
- attend nEXO software/sim meeting