Week of May 6 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Update visit DB to mark files and visits tables as quality_controlled and quality_completed, respectively
- attend CI meeting
- attend CI meeting
- install stile
- Install new python environment compatible with recent DMstacks
- Fermi
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- attend sims meeting
Week of Apr 29 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Check y2 Run2.1i data for incomplete files
- Ferry sky correction configs into master of lsst/obs_lsst
- rebase, update comments, squash commits
- Update dc2/run2.1 lsst/obs_lsst branch for use at IN2P3
- Rerun skyCorrection for eyeballer visits
- Due to decision to skip skyCorrection, this attempt was abandoned
- Generate new set of BF kernels
- first attempt failed
- Poked DM about weekly release note page which wasn't working: https://lsst-web.ncsa.illinois.edu/~swinbank/changelog_weekly.html
- Update setup scripts at NERSC to use CVMFS
- Update confluence documentation for NERSC software installations
- Install updated cp_pipe for BF kernel generation
- Investigate inode use on /global/project/projectdirs/m1727
- Poke owners of files
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- Inquire about software meeting
- nEXO
- Test CMake build of SNiPER
- Test CMake build of nexo-offline
- Test CMT build of nexo-offline against CMake build of SNiPER
- Set up LCG 94a at SLAC