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30 minStatusAll


ePix Update:

    • Kickoff meeting for ePix fab April 9, 3pm, Kite
    • Testing to begin on ePixHR soon.

  • Peter Denes visited last week to discuss SXR imager requirements:
      • Notes from last SXR requirements discussion now posted here. Latest version in circulation for review, need to finalize a the end of this week (April 12)

  • TES re-baseline document has been reviewed by NIST/CU and some comments have been incorporated. Next step is to forward to LCLS management for approval.
  • Costed proposal from Anton for MCP/TImepix tests has been formulated as a PEC briefing...turns out that it doesn't need PEC, so will re-cast as a 'project charter' this week and turn on the funding. Would like to arrange a kickoff meeting, perhaps a road trip to UCB/SSL?

  • Update > Status RIXS-CCD test planning
    • Masks here, holder ready (question)
    • tests last week reached 300Hz operation, not sure of effect on performance.


  • MEC EMP testing CSPAD/ePix Date TBD
  • KN Wave8 upgrade for FIM CDR Mid-April
  • ePix10k requires new MPODS, working issue
  • Laser SoP moving forward...set up so no laser glasses necessary...administrative controls OK
  • eGun interlock doc (2wk.)
  • Lost cabinets were not delivered....(2wks) Now set for refund and re-order as two rolling tool chests
  • KZ: Control room furniture install this afternoon. Furniture installed, wall cabinets remain to go.
  • Status documentation/procedures effort
  • How many fibers do we have to run to B84?? Work with Jana to tell Mark Foster (2wk)
5 minBudget Updatemmck
  • ASC: $222k $255k spent, $31k $3k remains
  • Ops: $233k spent, $925k remains (Feb Actuals, incl. I&D, detector research, mgmt.), $28k under plan
15 minReview ASC First Projectsall

Coordinate/update lab schedule

10 minAny other business  
