- DM-DC2
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Generate darks using phosim v3.7.9
- Play with constructFlat.
- Rerun miniDRP task using KNL and produce some timing information
- Update LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSIm for Phosim v3.7.9
- Tagged Run1.1p obs_lsstSim fork
- Successfully updated the obs_lsstSIm files using the bias output
- Work through unit test failures
- PR
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Clear out out Stack builds as advertised on Slack
- Install parts in shared python env + weeklies + v15
- Consider setting up a common shared lib area
- Install a modern dmtcp on knl-intel and haswell-intel
- multilib install failed, went back to 64 bit only for now - which should be fine for phosim
- nEXO
- Prepare for travel to SLAC
- Help SNiPER Developers get set up with SLAC accounts
- Install new version of SNiPER at SLAC