- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Work with SLAC IT to get all necessary system libraries installed to build nEXO's externals
- Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- Create some initial dev doc in their wiki
- DM-DC2
- Attend and take notes for task force meeting
- Attend SSims meeting Thursday
- Create docker image using new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Install new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Install CCL At NERSC in the shared DESCQA python env
- GH Issue https://github.com/LSSTDESC/CCL/issues/346
- Updated CCL NERSC Wiki: https://github.com/LSSTDESC/CCL/wiki/Using-and-Installing-CCL-on-NERSC
- Continue watching jupyterlab progress
- Create some documentation to use it
- Update Fermi and DESC SLAC Account instructions - maybe nEXO's too
- ATS At Harvard
- Attend test stand tutorial 9 AM - 10 AM PT Wednesday