Versions Compared


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Please use ~cottrell/bin/There are two scripts. They both require sudo priviledges to run (e.g. sudo –prot 4 –conf ~cottrell/ | tee ps-v4-ch.txt for Chinese MA, for SLAC MA change ch to and have an option --prot <4|6> for IPv4 vs IPv6. Help is available via the --help option. The output in both cases goes to STDOUT, e.g. sudo --prot 4 | tee pg-v4-sl.txt (if you are using ping-vs-tcp-ps then change pg to ps, for Chinese MA change sl to ch, for Unimas MA change to myto my, Thailand change to th.To make IPv4 measurements from perfSONAR hosts in  the conf(ig) file, it will run for about 6 hours. to th). IPv4 measurements in both cases take about 7 hours.

  1. This requires you to provide a configuration file (e.g. –conf | tee ps-v4-ch.txt for Chinese MA, 
  2. This gets its configuration by using wget to get the SLAC PingER database of hosts, so there is no configuration option (--conf).

The form of the config and resultant file is <source of hosts>.target hosts, e.g. lc for Les, sq for Saqib>-<IPv 4 or 6>.<country of MA>-<site of MA, sl for SLAC, ch for China, th for Thailand, my for Malaysia>.<cf=configuration file | txt=output from ping-vs-tcp script | csv=csv file of the just the important measurements | xlsx=Excel analyzed data>

If you see lc in the config file name it means I (Les Cottrell)  created it, if you see sq Saqib created it etc.


The form of the file STDOUT is sent to is <source of target, i.e. pg for PingER and ps for perfSONAR>-<site of MA, sl for SLAC, ch for China, th for Thailand, my for Malaysia>.txt

Then proceed as follows for exampleThen: