- Data Portal
- Consider rerunning all the ITL sensors in need of updated MET ingest and MET 05 by hand
- plots - commit latest code and write up intro for Joanne
- CCB request and deploy MET updates for the DP
- SLAC support
- automate weekly install of DMstack binaries for camera (Jim doesn't seem to feel this is a priority)
- Read over Joanne's documentation
- NERSC support
- update DESCQA install to include tensor flow
- write up instructions for w_2018_01 shifter install
- automate installation of shifter images
- install Phosim 3.7.7 and 3.7.8 for knl-intel and haswell-intel
- meet with Mustafa about HPSS
- Workflows/L2 DC2 Pipeline
- send plea to Tony
- Meeting with Tom about using the SLAC pipeline + pilots
- work out setting up test Pipeline2 job reusing DC1 L2 task and a handful of visits
- Fermi
- Work through errors with AcdDigi on L1 branch
- nEXO
- get Tony an disk space estimate for SLAC installs
- get some disk space from Tony at SLAC
- set up SNiPER at SLAC in a temp location (in progress)
- attend Tuesday sims meeting