Versions Compared


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GDESOperation Gradient setpoint (MV/m)
GACTMeasured gradient from cavity probe (MV/m)

Maximum allowable gradient (MV/m)

GCALGradient calibration scale factor, nominally 1. Multiply by this when calculating raw register value to set, so increasing GCAL increases output.
GCON(suggestion from Chris Adolfsen that Garth is unclear on) Nominal Gradient (MV/m) in the currently loaded configuration 
PDESOperation Phase setpoint (degrees, where 0 is on-crest)
PACTMeasured phase from cavity probe (degrees), phase offset used by LLRF to convert measured phase to one relative to on-crest operation, adjusted by beam phasing (detrees)
PMAX?Could be included, staying parallel to GMAX, but is this useful?
PCONSee GCON above
FDESCavity detuning setpoint (Hz)
FACTDetune seen by the resonance system (Hz)
FCONSee GCON above
ModeRF mode (off, pulsed, SEL, GDR)
RFCTRLMaster enable for an RF cavity (On, Off) \[How to distinguish this from the SSA specific RF enable register?]
RFreadyStatus of RF controls, (Ready, Not Ready) set to ready when control loops are closed and RF is continuous. Or will we ever run with pulsed RF?
QUENCHQuenchStatus showing when a cavity quenches, from interlocks (Normal, Quenched)
GactWFAmplitude waveform from the cavity probe, which is used to calculate GACT (MV/m)
PactWFPhase waveform from the cavity probe, which is used to calculate PACT (degrees)
GfwdWFAmplitude waveform from SSA output (MV/m)
PfwdWFPhase waveform from SSA output (degrees)
GrevWFReverse/reflected SSA output amplitude waveform (MV/m) I'm favoring rev over ref because ref sounds to me like "reference"
PrevWFReverse/reflected SSA output phase waveform (degrees)
*ErrWFError waveforms corresponding to waveforms above, captured and put in a separate buffer when a fault is detected (degrees or MV/m)
 Any of the above in I/Q equivalent of Amplitude/Phase
PwrFwdForward power from SSA to cavity
PwrRevReflected/reverse power from cavity
PzWFWaveforms from tuner piezo motors, useful for finding microphonics. Units TBD.


VacStatVacuum interlock status (Good, Faulted) \[NOTE: Details needed for specifying which vacuum status bit, coupler or beamline]
TStatTemperature interlock status (Good, Faulted) \[NOTE: Details needed for specifying which temperature status bit, coupler or stepper.]
 Temperature interlock threhshold
VChassis power supply voltage
TChassis board temperature
DCSSA enable/disable internal DC power

SSA RF enable, how to distinguish from global RF enable?


Output voltage to the piezo tuning motor

PzHzExpected tuning change from PzVout


Expert attributes, not for use on operations screens
