Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We also commented out all the pingerlod cronjobs for for pinger@pinger.slac.stanford.

Now we have 

Code Block
338cottrell@pinger:~$df -h /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      807G  770G   29G  97% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
339cottrell@pinger:~$du -sh /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
du: cannot read directory `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/lost+found': Permission denied
662G    /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Exit 1
341cottrell@pinger:/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger$du -sh *
du: cannot read directory `lost+found': Permission denied
1.0K    lost+found
2.7G    pinger2
3.0K    pinger_mon_data
607G    pingerdata
53G     pingerreports
63M     tulip
Exit 1

Note (see PingER data flow at SLAC) pingerdata holds the rawdata gathered from the MAs. pingerreports holds the analyzed data in particular the hourly data.

Next steps

The big elephant is pingerdata. It consists of 

Code Block
351cottrell@pinger:/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata$du -sh *
22M     1997
406M    1998
815M    1999
2.3G    2000
3.0G    2001
3.7G    2002
3.9G    2003
589G    hep
2.0K    new
3.9G    oldftp

We have the following space in /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite

Code Block
54cottrell@pinger:~$df -h /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      610G  188G  417G  32% /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite