As reported by email from the PingER cronjob we ran out of space on /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/ (example).  This was confirmed as seen below, however there was space in the parent directory in pingerdata.unite.

207cottrell@pinger:~$df /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     845881344 837422080         0 100% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
206cottrell@pinger:~$df /nfs/slac/g/net/
Filesystem           1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      17001308 5586492  10551380  35% /
~$ls -l   /nfs/slac/g/net/
total 1
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    0 Dec  2 10:40 iepm-bw/
drwxrwsr-x 28 1049 iepm 1024 Jan 23  2014 pinger/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    0 Dec  2 10:40 pingerdata.unite/

Looking in more detail at:

$ls -l /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/* > dir
ls: cannot open directory /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/lost+found: Permission denied
Exit 2

Looking in dir, it is apparent that apart from the directories:

pingerlod/, pingerreports/, pingerdata/, pinger_mon_data/, pinger2/, tulip/

most of this data is old and from earlier projects.  Rather than lose it we decided to move this other data from

/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger to /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/

hence preserving a copy if we run into problems.

We copied and deleted:

This saved about 15GBytes
then we deleted

223cottrell@pinger:~$df /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     845881344 816465920  20956160  98% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
i.e. we saved ~ 44Gbytes total

More saving 3/11/2016

Once again we are receiving:

/bin/mv: closing `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/hep/minimum_rtt/minimum_rtt-1000-by-site-2016-03.txt.gz': No space left on device
[cottrell@pinger ~]$ df /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/hep/
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     845881344 837422080      1024 100% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
[cottrell@pinger ~]$ df /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                     845881344 837422080      1024 100% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger

It appears there are old files in 

[cottrell@pinger ~]$ ls -l /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/
total 19
drwxrwsr-x 15 cottrell iepm   512 Oct 24  2009 --by/
drwxrwsr-x  2 cottrell iepm   512 Dec  5  2009 --date/
drwxrwsr-x 20 iepm     iepm 11264 Dec  4 17:21 hep/
drwxrwsr-x  2 pinger   iepm   512 Oct 25  2009 hep#/
drwxrwsr-x  2 pinger   iepm   512 Jul  7  2012 hep--size/
drwxr-sr-x 15 iepm     iepm   512 Jun 14  2005 hep-rest/
drwxr-sr-x  3 cottrell iepm   512 May 18  2006 hepc/
drwxr-sr-x 15 cottrell iepm   512 May 17  2006 heps/
drwxr-sr-x 16 pinger   iepm   512 Mar  8  2012 new/

We believe that all apart from hep/ are not needed. However before we delete we want to make a copy somewhere else just in case. So we need to mkdir man cpman cppingerreports/ and cp --by/, --date/, hhep–size, hep-rest, epc/, heps/, new/ from /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/ to /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerreports/. then we need to 

Use cp -r -p -v to preserve the mode, ownership and timestamps, recursively copy directories and explain what is being done. 

Since this will take a lot of time (day or so) you may want to try cp -r -p -v <from> <to> >! log& and use top and tail log to watch progress 

Use rm -r -v to remove files that have been copied from /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerreports/new/

More saving 8/31/2016

We are receiving

Your "cron" job


produced the following output:

can't close tmp
file=/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/tulip/cachetr/cache_tmp.txt: No space left on
device at /afs/slac/package/pinger/tulip/ line 168.

TRSrun@pinger: Command exited with value 28

Looking at the space used, we see

311cottrell@pinger:~$df -h /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      807G  799G     0 100% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger

To find the space in each subdirectory of /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger, we use

307cottrell@pinger:/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger$du -sh *
du: cannot read directory `lost+found': Permission denied
1.0K    lost+found
2.7G    pinger2
3.0K    pinger_mon_data
607G    pingerdata
29G		pingerlod
53G     pingerreports
63M     tulip
Exit 1

pingerlod is no longer required, when/if it is restored we will move it to a new place

We used  the following to copy the files and watch progress

270cottrell@pinger:~$mkdir /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod
274cottrell@pinger:~$cp -r -p -v /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod >! log&
[1] 32068
278cottrell@pinger:~$tail log
`/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/Aduna_Data/openrdf-sesame/logs/main-2013-08-26.log' -> `/nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod/pingerlod/Aduna_Data/openrdf-sesame/logs/main-2013-08-26.log'
279cottrell@pinger:~$wc log
  105   316 20480
300cottrell@pinger:~$ps -efl | grep 32068
0 S cottrell  4837 17630  0  80   0 -  1107 -      15:48 pts/3    00:00:00 grep 32068
0 D cottrell 32068 17630  1  80   0 -  1389 -      15:33 pts/3    00:00:14 cp -r -p -v /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod
cottrell@pinger:~$du -sh /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod
29G     /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod
29G     /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite/pingerlod

We then used rm -r  -v to remove files that have been copied from /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod to remove the files however first we have to change the ownership from renan to pinger by submitting a ticket to unixadmin.

netfs03 # cd /u2/
netfs03 # find . -user renan -exec chown -h pinger {} \;
pinger@pinger $ rm -r -v /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/
removed `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/Aduna_Data/openrdf-sesame/logs/main-2013-08-14.log'
removed `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/Aduna_Data/openrdf-sesame/logs/main-2013-08-15.log'
pinger@pinger $ du -sh /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/
du: cannot access `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerlod/': No such file or directory

We also commented out all the pingerlod cronjobs for pinger@pinger.slac.stanford.

Now we have 

338cottrell@pinger:~$df -h /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      807G  770G   29G  97% /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
339cottrell@pinger:~$du -sh /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
du: cannot read directory `/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/lost+found': Permission denied
662G    /nfs/slac/g/net/pinger
Exit 1
341cottrell@pinger:/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger$du -sh *
du: cannot read directory `lost+found': Permission denied
1.0K    lost+found
2.7G    pinger2
3.0K    pinger_mon_data
607G    pingerdata
53G     pingerreports
63M     tulip
Exit 1

Note (see PingER data flow at SLAC) pingerdata holds the rawdata gathered from the MAs. pingerreports holds the analyzed data in particular the hourly data.

Next steps

The big elephant is pingerdata. It consists of 

351cottrell@pinger:/nfs/slac/g/net/pinger/pingerdata$du -sh *
22M     1997
406M    1998
815M    1999
2.3G    2000
3.0G    2001
3.7G    2002
3.9G    2003
589G    hep
2.0K    new
3.9G    oldftp

We have the following space in /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite

54cottrell@pinger:~$df -h /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      610G  188G  417G  32% /nfs/slac/g/net/pingerdata.unite