Versions Compared


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  • Support an AXI4-Lite and AXI4 firmware modules
    • SrpV3AxiLite.vhd will only support 32-bit transactions and 32-bit alignment
    • For applications that need non 32-bit transactions or non 32-bit alignment for AXI-Lite, we can achieve this by bridging the SrpV3Axi.vhd with the AxiToAxiLite.vhd
  • Echos back the AXI stream's TDEST
  • Header will include:
    • SRP Version number: (8-bits)
      • Always echo backs the local version (0x03)
    • OP-Code: Non-Posted Read, Non-Posted Write, Posted Write, NULL (2-bit)
    • Spare (6-bit)
    • Retry counter (8-bit)
    • Timeout counter (8-bit)
      • In units of 100 ms
      • If 0x0, no time out
    • Transaction ID: (32-bits)
    • Base Address of bursting (64-bits)
    • Request Size  (32-bit)
      • In units of bytes
      • Max. read size is 232
      • Max. write size is 212
  • Header will be echoed except for:
    • SRP Verson number
  • Footer will be 32-bit, zero on success, and will include:
    • Memory Bus response (8-bit)
      • success == 0x0
      • failed != 0x0
    • Timeout flag (1-bit)
    • Request's EOFE (1-bit)
    • Version Mismatch (1-bit)
    • Invalid request size (1-bit)
    • All other bits must be 0x0
