Versions Compared


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Once the GUI's are up, the FEB's should be powered first, followed by the flange cards.



IOC Control



Log into 'clonioc1' (requires access through gateway).

Code Block
ssh hallgw
ssh clonioc4clonioc1
cd /usr/clas12/hps/dev/
source .setup-hps


# Use procServMgr to control the IOC
procServMgr -p /usr/clas12/hps/dev/apps/iocBoot -i iochvCaen [status|start|stop]
# Monitor output (to check if commands get through the IOC for example)
telnet localhost port # you can find the 'port' from the status command above
# while in monitor mode:
# If you type 'Cntrl-X' the IOC will stop and restart automatically
# You can type 'Cntr-]' to get telnet prompt (and e.g. 'quit' to exit form there).  

SVT Hybrid and DAQ IOC

Control  IOCs (if not running!):Log into 'clonioc4' (requires access through gateway).

Code Block
ssh clonioc4
cd /usr/clas12/hps/dev/
source .setup-hps
cd utils
# get status|start|stop Run this as user='epics'
su epics #default passwd

# use this helper scripts to help control SVT DAQ IOCs
python ./ -a status|start|stop [h

# Examples:
# For all the below: add -t for testing] 

# you can also give args for specific nodes:
# Control DPM IOC only mode to print the procServ command
# start/stop/status for all SVT DAQ IOCs:
python ./ -a status|start|stop controldpm

# Data DPM "X" (X=0-13) IOC only:
python ./ -a status|start|stop dpmX

# DTM "X" (0-1) IOC only:
python ./ -a status|start|stop dtmX

# toBring monitorup the IOC stdout in xtermsfor all or individual SVT DAQ IOCs


  -h [dpmX|dtmY|cntrldpm] # 'X'=0-13 and 'Y'=0-1 

If everything fails try to use the below running as user=epicsstandard procServMgr scripts:

Code Block
procServMgr -p /usr/clas12/hps/dev/apps/iocBoot status/start/stop


If the IOC refuses to stop or start, If that doesn't work than the process might be stuck and you manually have to kill the IOCs before you restart.

If that fails, call Pelle.

Official IOC instructions
