Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You are ready to export your software to production.

From lcls-dev2For EPICS IOC Applications:

  1. If your application is CRAMmed from lcls-dev2:
    1. cd to TOP of your Application
    2. cram push
  2. Otherwise,
    1. ssh to the production machine shared account, may  need to hope to lcls-prod02 first
  3. .

For EPICS IOC applications:

    1. cd $EPICS_IOC_TOP/<Application>
  1. eco  m LaserR1-0-0 -d Laser-R1-0-0

Edit RELEASE file and replace path /afs/slac/g/lcls with /user/local/lcls/

    1. Use eco to checkout your application
    2. cd to the TOP of your release
    3. build your application by typeing "make"
  1. cd ..
  2. gmake
    1. cd $EPICS_IOCS/<nodename>
    2. For hard iocs
      1.  cp -p startup.cmd startup.cmd_bckup
    and the edit
      1.   edit startup.cmd file and point to the new tagged release
    1. For soft iocs
      1.  mv bin bin_bckup
      1.   ln -s ../../iocTop/<subsystem>/<tagged-version>/bin/<OS> bin
    Reboot ioc, after mcc has granted permission.
    1. Enter a log in the operations elog book by sending email to controls-software-release
    2. Reboot ioc from network panel, after mcc has granted permission.

Matlab Programs Released to Production:

Step 11: Export ChannelWatcher Config Files
(see the example below)

  • ssh iocegr@lcls-builder or ssh physics@lcls-srv01
  • export CVSROOT=:ext:luchini@lcls-prod02:/afs/slac/g/lcls/cvs
  • cd $TOOLS/ChannelWatcher/config
  • cvs update <filename>
  • ssh laci@lcls-daemon1
  • cd /etc/init.d
  • ./<Subsystem> restart ex) st.cwMG for Magnets
  • logout
  • Note: if you have the Message Logger up (from lclshome) note the number of pv's that failed to connect to ChannelWatcher.
  • Enter a message in the operation elog book by sending email to controls-software-release.