Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current]$ tree
|-- bin
|   |-- aespasswd
|   |-- analyze
|   |-- tr-mkmap
|   |-- viewtrace
|   `-- web100clt
|-- lib
|   `-- libI2util.a
|-- man
|   |-- man1
|   |   |-- aespasswd.1
|   |   |-- analyze.1
|   |   |-- tr-mkmap.1
|   |   |-- viewtrace.1
|   |   `-- web100clt.1
|   |-- man5
|   |   `-- ndt.conf.5
|   `-- man8
|       |-- fakewww.8
|       `-- web100srv.8
|-- ndt
|   |-- Admin.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$1.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$2.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$3.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$4.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$5.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$6.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$Message.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$MyTextPane.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$OsfwWorker.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$Protocol.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$TestWorker.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$clsFrame.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100.jar
|   |-- admin.html
|   |-- admin_description.html
|   |-- copyright.html
|   |-- web100_variables
|   `-- web100variables.html
`-- sbin
    |-- fakewww
    `-- web100srv

8 directories, 36 files

NDT Testing

Client/Server Applications

You can run a server with:


something's gone wrong! dunno what.

Web Server

A web server to house to the java applet for ndt testing is supplied. It defaults to run on port 7123/tcp what happened to the web server for ndt?? It can be run with

sudo /opt/ndt/sbin/fakewww -l /opt/ndt/current/log/fakewww.log

which opens a web browser on port 7123

however, opening a broswer results in a page which says:


No Format
[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/log]$ cat fakewww.log 
Aug 25 17:08:38 server started, listening on port 7123
Aug 25 17:08:41 [] requested file '/' - sent to client
 not found
Aug 25 17:08:42 [] requested file '/favicon.ico' - access denied

There is a ndt init.d startup script in the package distro (not installed path) under the conf directory. Edited to suit installation:


Rich Carlson suggested to run the script - initially it complained that it could not find the tcpbw100.template file. it can be found in the package distro - so copied it to /opt/ndt/current/


conf and ran the file again. It creates the file: /opt/ndt/current/




However the same error for the web page came up.

Also tried addingtcpbw100.html:

No Format


export PATH=$PATH:$base/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$base/lib:$web100/lib

but same thing; it cannot find the webpage.

also noticed that there is a library in the ndt lib directory; so added to /etc/

No Format


and ran /sbin/ldconfig - same; still nothing (sad)

Rich Carlson suggested to run the script - initially it complained that it could not find the tcpbw100.template file. it can be found in the package distro - so copied it to /opt/ndt/current/conf and ran the file again. It creates the file: /opt/ndt/current/conf/tcpbw100.html:

No Format

[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/conf]$ ./ 
Welcome to the NDT server configuration program.  This
program will create a custom tcpbw100.html file for your site.

Enter your site name [Internet2]  : SLAC
Enter your site's location [Ann Arbor - MI]  : Menlo Park - CA
Server connection info, enter 1 for 100 Mbps, 2 for 1 Gbps [2]  : 2

Information for email trouble reporting
Enter email userid [rcarlson]  : ytl
Enter email domain name []  :
Enter default subject line [Trouble report from nettest5]  : [NDT] Trouble Report
The base web page 'tcpbw100.html' has now been created.  You
must move this file into the ndt_DATA directory [/usr/local/ndt]
created during the 'make' process.
Do you want to install this file now? [yes]  :  
Enter location [/usr/local/ndt]  : /opt/ndt/current/

The init.d services can be installed with the conf/ script:

No Format

[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/conf]$ sudo ./ 
This script will configure your system to automatically
start the NDT processes at boot time.

ndt             0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

Moved the html file to the conf directory and put a symlink to it in the ndt directory:


conf]$ ./ 
Welcome to the NDT server configuration program.  This
program will create a custom tcpbw100.html file for your site.

Enter your site name [Internet2]  : SLAC
Enter your site's location [Ann Arbor - MI]  : Menlo Park - CA
Server connection info, enter 1 for 100 Mbps, 2 for 1 Gbps [2]  : 2

Information for email trouble reporting
Enter email userid [rcarlson]  : ytl
Enter email domain name []  :
Enter default subject line [Trouble report from nettest5]  : [NDT] Trouble Report
The base web page 'tcpbw100.html' has now been created.  You
must move this file into the ndt_DATA directory [/usr/local/ndt]
created during the 'make' process.
Do you want to install this file now? [yes]  :  
Enter location [/usr/local/ndt]  : /opt/ndt/current/
Script Install

System init scripts can be installed automatically. Under the distribution package (ie tar'd file), there are numerous files in the conf directory which are not copied over during the system install.

The system init script was edited a little to incorporate environment variables from the non-default path installation:

Code Block



[ -f $path/web100srv ] || exit 0
[ -f $path/fakewww ] || exit 0

export PATH=$PATH:$base/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$base/lib:$web100/lib


  1. Specify some default options.
    FAKEWWW_OPTIONS="-l /opt/ndt/current/log/fakewww.log"
    No Format
    Also noticed that there is a library in the ndt lib directory; so added to {{/etc/}}:
    No Format
    and ran {{/sbin/ldconfig}} to update dynamic library paths.
    The init.d services can be installed with the {{conf/}} script:
  1. ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/


  1. conf$ sudo ./
    This script will configure your system to automatically
    start the NDT processes at boot time.

ndt 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

No Format

Moved the html file to the {{conf}} directory and put a symlink to it in the {{ndt}} directory:

ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/$ mv tcpbw100.html conf/
ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/$ ln -s conf/tcpbw100.html ndt/tcpbw100.html

No Format

Created a profile.d file to export the NDT variables etc.

# NDT stuff - Yee 28th Aug 2006 export NDT_BASE=/opt/ndt/current export PATH=$PATH:$NDT_BASE/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$NDT_BASE/lib
Code Block