Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current]$ tree
|-- bin
|   |-- aespasswd
|   |-- analyze
|   |-- tr-mkmap
|   |-- viewtrace
|   `-- web100clt
|-- lib
|   `-- libI2util.a
|-- man
|   |-- man1
|   |   |-- aespasswd.1
|   |   |-- analyze.1
|   |   |-- tr-mkmap.1
|   |   |-- viewtrace.1
|   |   `-- web100clt.1
|   |-- man5
|   |   `-- ndt.conf.5
|   `-- man8
|       |-- fakewww.8
|       `-- web100srv.8
|-- ndt
|   |-- Admin.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$1.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$2.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$3.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$4.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$5.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$6.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$Message.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$MyTextPane.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$OsfwWorker.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$Protocol.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$TestWorker.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100$clsFrame.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100.class
|   |-- Tcpbw100.jar
|   |-- admin.html
|   |-- admin_description.html
|   |-- copyright.html
|   |-- web100_variables
|   `-- web100variables.html
`-- sbin
    |-- fakewww
    `-- web100srv

8 directories, 36 files

NDT Testing

You can run a server with:

{{ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/sbin$ sudo ./web100srv -a }}

You can run a client with

No Format

[ytl@nettest5:/opt/ndt/current/bin]$ ./web100clt -n localhost
Testing network path for configuration and performance problems  --  Using IPv4 address
Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Protocol error!

on the server, we get

!!!!!!!!!!! web100_middlebox() failed to get web100 connection data, rc=4

something's gone wrong! dunno what.

what happened to the web server for ndt??