Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Running the code

run the executable:


if you compiled the code against the boost library, you can use

$./runLightJetAnalysis.exe --h

to see the available run options / arguments. 

Changing the MakeClass

The files LightJetAnalysisBase.C and LightJetAnalysisBase.h are generated using the MakeClass() method of a TTree.

If the branches of the TTree of the input file is changed, these two files need to be regenerated. For this, do the following:

$root -l myfile.root

root [1] myTree->MakeClass("LightJetAnalysisBase");

The file LightJetAnalysisBase.h now contains the declaration of the branches of the TTree myTree .

One annoying feature of MakeClass is that the arraw size is taken from the first entry of the tree. For instance, you may find lines like this:

Float_t Jpt[17]; //[NJetsFilled]

which needs to be changed into

Float_t Jpt[NJetsFilled];