Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. A "Gaudi" executable. This is the Gleam executable, Gleam.exe; and its location depends on the software package that is used. BeamtestRelease-v3r0907p2: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u09/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/BeamtestRelease/BeamtestRelease-v3r0907p2/Gleam/v6r18/rh9_gcc32opt/Gleam.exe; EngineeringModel-v6r070329p16: /nfs/farm/g/glast/u09/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/EngineeringModel/EngineeringModel-v6r070329p16/Gleam/v6r8p1/rh9_gcc32opt/Gleam.exe
  1. Wiki Markup*A job options ascii file.* This file defines, among other things, the input data and geometry to be used. It is slightly different for different software package versions. Examples follow: [jobOptions_beamtest.txt|^jobOptions_beamtest.txt], [jobOptions_beamtest_montecarlo.txt|^jobOptions_beamtest_mc.txt]\[ , jobOptions_EngineeringModel.txt\|^jobOptions_EngineeringModel.txt\]
  1. A working directory. Any (valid) directory will work

Important Remark

FRED requires to run the script in a BASH shell, therefore the sripts used in the GLAST panel must BASH scripts.
