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Starting ELogbook

Always be sure that the Electronic Logbook is up and running when you come on shift.  If it isn't running on one of the desktops, you can bring it up by double clicking on the ELogbook icon on the desktop. 

The first GUI that comes up asks you for  details about connection to the server that holds the ELogbook database.  The defaults are normally appropriate.  The LAT-BTserver computer serves the MySQL database for the ELogbook.  As it turns out, LAT-BTserver is also the machine with the screens, keyboard and mouse, so the ELogbook client can connect to the 'localhost'. 

Accessing the Shift Log

Once the connection between client and server is made, another GUI pops up that shows the various kinds of logbooks that can be accessed.  For the beam test, the one that will be used most often is the shift logbook.  There is a button in the upper right hand corner labeled "Access Shift" that allows you to go to the shift of your choice.  By default it goes to the current shift in progress.  You can also peruse existing shifts or create future shifts (e.g. to populate the Summary/plan section).  After clicking on this button, you can hide the logbook selector GUI.
