The benefit of running NPT over a standard install is as follows:
- no need to recompile kernels for web100 each time
- no need for taylor as updates are maintained by Internet2 (although time will tell if the security updates are sufficiently regular)
- relocation of performance host trivial - pop cd into new machine and plug in the USB key - settings should be maintained
- SLAC's reverse traceroute server run's on default on port 3765 (perhaps we should redirect to this host).
- no AFS client (yet?)
- security strongly depends on release cycle of boot disk
This guide will look at
- setting up a nptoolkit host
- configuring services to suit SLAC, this specifically includes
- syslog logging to a remote host
- setting up the NPT server
- Configuring ntp for SLAC's stratum servers
- setting up bwctl servers
- setting up owamp servers
It will also look at changing the NDT and rev-tracerouter servers to use apache2 instead of their own daemon http listeners.