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There are a few Eclipse and CSS configurations available on SLAC file systems.

Feel free to use the Eclipse CDT C/C++ Development Tool at /afs/slac/u/re/gwbrown/afsbin/eclipse/eclipse

How it got there:

Download from (one of many flavors of eclipse from
Unzip/ tar -xvf filename
run ./eclipse in the directory created by unzipping

Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers, Indigo Service Release 2, with Python plugin:

No Format


Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers, Indigo Service Release 2

from lcls-builder at:

No Format


from dev network at: /afs/slac/g/lcls/bin/eclipse


Wiki Markup
\[list more that are around?\]

Feel free to try the Eclipse CDT C/C++ Development Tool at /afs/slac/u/re/gwbrown/afsbin/eclipse/eclipse. This is not maintained as a site installation. It's easy to download and install your own configuration, where you can try out plugins etc. and untar a clean uninstall if it causes problems. Make sure you've requested a big afs quota.

To install your own:

Download CDT from (one of many flavors of eclipse from
Unzip/ tar -xvf filename
run ./eclipse in the directory created by unzipping

New workspace:

When you start Eclipse, it asks for a workspace. A workspace is just a directory. Give it a directory name, and it will create it if it isn't there already
