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This meeting was recorded with EVO. This is the a tar file May14_evo.tar
(you will need EVO to play this filethese files)

  • GLAST news and launch information update (Julie McEnery)
  • Collaborative efforts (Moderator: Gino Tosti pdf ):
    • MW campaigns
      (summary of planned campagins, ToO thresholds, ...)
    • Blazar monitoring and alerts
      (GLAST alerts for known TeV sources/candidates on a best effort basis?, E > 1 GeV data monitoring?, Whipple, optical programs, communication channels)
    • Proposals to be submitted to major observatories (Spitzer, Chandra, XMM, Suzaku, NRAO, ...) (are we willing to submit joint proposals for greater chances of success?)
  • Policy issues (Moderator: Dave Thompson):
    (not addressed in the first part of the meeting), including:
    non-exclusivity, publication policy, confidentiality and conflict resolution.
  • Moving forward
    • Logistics (communication channels, data formats, etc...)
    • Building up on the 2007 MW workshop at Addler Planetarium (Chicago).
    • Suggestions and action items
