Versions Compared


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Any Driver can be included here, as long as its implementation is present in lcsim or the jars listed in the classpath section. In this case, the SimpleTrackAnalysis Driver is found in the lcsim-analysis jar listed in the classpath section.

The ${outputAidaFile} is a special variable that the job script uses to insert the name of the AIDA output from your analysis. The name is automatically generated from the input files and your job information.

Running the Jobs

The job script has a lot of different options. For user analysis jobs, we only most of its functionality will be turned off.

Here is a sample command to submit a user job:

No Format

python --prodid=1946 --merge=10 --maxfiles=100 --slic="" --marlin="" --pandora="" --lcsim="2.8-SNAPSHOT" --lcsimxml=template.lcsim --postlcsimxml="" --title="JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946" --detector="sidloi3"

If you have setup your working directory as previously described then this command should create a new set of jobs to perform the analysis.

It assumes that your lcsim steering file is present in the working directory with the name template.lcsim. The script will actually use this file to create a number of steering files in the lcsimSteeringFiles directory.

The prodid is used to find input files for the job. Generally these should contain full reconstruction output.

The merge argument specifies how many input files to merge into one job. Generally 10 is a good value here. Any more can cause issues on the nodes.

The slic, marlin, and pandora arguments are set to empty strings to indicate that these applications shouldn't be run. The lcsim argument specifies a version of lcsim to run, which much be present in the DIRAC software catalog. The DIRAC experts will need to be consulted if you need a special or updated version of lcsim for your job, so that it can be put into the catalog.

The title will be used for the job description in the job monitor as well as for naming output files.

The detector should be a valid lcsim detector from LCDetectors.

After this command is executed, something like the following should show in the terminal window:

No Format

 SiD job submission to DIRAC

Using production ID to define LFN list:
  Found production ID 1946. Associated meta data:
    EvtType: evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic
    NumberOfEvents: 400
    Polarisation: m80p20
    Datatype: DST
    Energy: 1000
    MachineParams: B1b_ws
    DetectorType: sid
    Machine: ilc
    DetectorModel: sidloi3
  Found 33398 files associated with meta data

Jobs to submit:
  Number of input files: 33398
  Maximum input files to use: 101
  Merged input files per job: 10
  Events per job: all
  Total number of jobs: 10
  Maximum CPU time per job: 100000 sec

General parameters:
  Detector model: sidloi3
  Process name: evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic
  Job title: JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946
  Banned sites: ['', '', '', '']
  Repository file: repositoryFiles/sidloi3.JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946.prod1946.cfg

  Input sand box: ['LFN:/ilc/prod/software/lcsim/lib.tar.gz']
  Output sand box: ['*.log', '*.xml', '*.lcsim']
  Output data: ['JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.aida']
  Output storage path: sidloi3/evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946
  Output storage element: CERN-SRM

Steps executed:
  1) LCSim step:
    LCSim version: 2.8-SNAPSHOT
    LCSim file: lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml
    Tracking strategies: trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml
    Detector alias file:

Proceed and submit job(s)? (Y/N):

Now press the Y key and Enter to launch the jobs.

Then you'll get more output and another prompt:

No Format

Replica Lookup Time: 1.42 seconds
All LFN files have replicas available
lcsim 2.8-SNAPSHOT
Attribute list :
   outputSE : Not defined
   energy : 1000.0
   extraParams : Not defined
   outputRecFile : Not defined
   outputDstPath : Not defined
   trackingstrategy : trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml
   outputPath : Not defined
   forget_about_Input : Not defined
   outputDstFile : Not defined
   aliasProperties :
   accountInProduction : True
   appname : lcsim
   detectortype : SID
   inputSB : ['lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml', 'trackingStrategies/sidloi3_trackingStrategies_default.xml']
   version : 2.8-SNAPSHOT
   outputFile : JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.slcio
   willBeCut : Not defined
   outputRecPath : Not defined
   logfile : lcsim_2.8-SNAPSHOT_Step_1.log
   detectorModel :
   addedtojob : True
   datatype : REC
   nbevts : -1
   prodparameters : {'JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.slcio': {'datatype': 'REC', 'detectortype': 'SID'}}
   steeringfile : lcsimSteeringFiles/JM_test_analysis_prodID_1946_evW_eeZ_vvZ_semileptonic_m80p20_rec_1946_16000.xml
   debug : Not defined
   inputfile : Not defined

Proceed and submit job(s)? y/[n] :

Hit the y key and Enter and the jobs should start.

The script will print messages like the following as it finds your files.

No Format

Replica Lookup Time: 1.28 seconds
All LFN files have replicas available

Now you are finished with submission.

Monitoring the Jobs

The ILCDIRAC web interface can be used to monitor the jobs.