Versions Compared


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merit v6r28p5: H
- THB fix FT1Energy; new define required by OnboardFilter on Win32
- THB FT1 mod to set pointing stuff for background
- THB fix FT1Livetime

ldfReader v3r18: Av3r19p2: A
- hmk Forgot to add ErrParser.cxx
- hmk print eventId and apid when reading LSF with EbfDebug set
- hmk Store TKR fifo errors in all their glory and update
- hmk Eventflags to include common error bits in error contribution
- hmk Modify ACD parsing to create AcdDigi objects during the header method rather than just during PHA. This takes care of the unlikely occurance of veto latching occurring after GEM.

enums v0r6:
- HMK Check in new include DetectorConstants.h
- HMK New eventflags for error contribution

idents v2r17: T
- jrb Add a constructor and some get fctns to AcdId
- eac add AcdGapId


calibUtil  v1r6: C
- jrb Add new dtd for Acd calibs & a couple sample files 

calibGenCAL v3r9p6: O
\- fewtrel: fixed stupid bug in MuonCalib::readAsymTXT(), probably introduced when I added tower info to output txt files in v3r9calibGenCAL v3r9p5: O
\- dwood/fewtrell XML parser - switched base XML parser from python standard (minidom) to PyXML pacakage (4DOM)
\- dwood/fewtrell allows for DTD validation:
       - DTD validation is now enabled for XML files required to have DTD information prefixed
       - DTD validation still disabled for XML files which have no DTD yet
       - better for quality control, but quite a bit slower 
\- dwood/fewtrell adcsmooth - numerous changes to work correctly with sparsely sampled characterization data
\- dwood/fewtrell extrapolate data near the pedestal noise region; promotes sharp cutoff at low end of curves
\- dwood/fewtrell LAC pedestal noise is zeroed out:
       - smoothing filter does not run at endpoints of curves; promotes sharp cutoff
       - better extrapolation of FLE coarse range values past measurement range
      - special processing for ULD data to reconstruct saturation plateau with sparse data  
\- dwood/fewtrell charplot - new utility to plot raw and smoothed characterization data. Mainly a tool to diagnose the output of adcsmooth  
\- dwood/fewtrell charVal - new validation application for characterization data XML files. Will catch gross errors, but probably still needs work to improve validation criteria  
\- dwood/fewtrell dacVal - new validation application for DAC settings XML files:
     - works backwards from DAC setttings to calculate threshold in energy units
     - requires a complete set of files to run
     - nothing yet for ULD 
\- dwood/fewtrell adc2nrgVal - fixed bug with ROOT output option 
\- dwood/fewtrell - new scripts generate collumnar text files from offline Cal calibration files 
\- dwood/fewtrell - generates per channel differences between any 2 cal dac settings snapshot files. 
\- dwood/fewtrell - generates collumnar text files from all histograms in ROOT file. 
\- dwood/fewtrell - generates images files for all histograms & Canvases in ROOT file. 
\- dwood/fewtrell unit_test - now 2 tower instead of 8 to save processing time  
\- dwood/fewtrell - now supports commandline override of twr_id as well as each individual processing phase. Allows work to be easily broken up into several threads w/ same cfg file.
\- dwood/fewtrell C+\+ - TXT format output now supports new format used by python scripts. improved format includes tower information & contains all 4 asym types & both MeVPerDAC types into single file each.
\- fewtrell C+\+ apps now use TH1S instead of TH1F across board. Results are the same & it saves memory
\- fewtrell future updates w/ 16 tower support will use a lot of memory so this is important step. C+\+ apps now use float instead of double in most places. the precision is not needed & it saves some memory, particularly in larger arrays. 
\- fewtrell All python scripts now have .bat & .sh shell launcher scripts. All .sh scripts have executable bit set. 
\- fewtrell,, all generate appropriate validation outputs along w/ their primary output.
\- dwood/fewtrell For DAC settings XML file produced from genXXXsettings tools, modified the values of the element 'hierarchy' and 'shape' attributes. Hierarchy is set to the value '\['GCCC','GCRC','GCFE',''\]' and shape is set to the value '(8,2,12)'. 
\- dwood/fewtrell Added support to tools for handling LEX1 energy range FLE DAC characterization files. Currently, a simple scale factor is used to convert to LEX8 ADC units and process as before.
\- dwood/fewtrell Better file type checking for files which use the ADC/DAC XML tables as input.  
\- dwood/fewtrell Muon asymmetry now smarter for cross diode asymmetry. Uses average ratio of Large2Small diode signal instead of the slope. This will make energy & position response @ 1 GeV \+\- 100 MeV better. 
\- dwood/fewtrell runCIFit can now process broadcast mode calibGen as well as the older, 1 column at a time method. 
\- dwood/fewtrell uldVal: new application to validate ULD DAC settings XML files (from genULDsettings)  
\- dwood/fewtrell dacVal:
    - fixed report of FAILED tests
    - relaxed FHE error and warning limits 
\- dwood/fewtrell charVal:
    - added support for ULD characterization files
    - added check for incorrect pedestal subtraction
    - relaxed FHE and LAC error and warning limits  
\- dwood/fewtrell build_adcsmooth: added call to charVal to do validation on ULD characterization files
\- dwood/fewtrell gensettings:
    - added call to uldVal to do validation on ULD DAC settings files
    - fixed bug which put 'cp' instead of 'copy' in Windows BAT output files
    - made processing of muon gain FHE files optional; command line \-m or \--muon 
\- dwood/fewtrell build_tholdci_cfg: make sure FHE threshold is properly converted from GeV to MeV 
\- dwood/fewtrell runSuiteParallel: fixed undefined environment variable error
\- dwood Added titles and axes labels to ROOT output graphs generated by plot and validation scripts 
\- dwood genULDsettings - removed one DAC step safety margin; output margins are closer now to user requested value  
\- dwood uldVal:
    - look at all energy ranges when comparing threshold to saturation level
    - add check to make sure (saturation - threshold) is not less than margin paramter 
    - tholdCIVal - removed check of FLE threshold verses LEX8 ULD value; not needed now that FLE data is LEX1
\- fewtrell fixed bug introduced w/ broadcast mode in v3r9p

calibGenACD v1r4p1: N
- EAC Fix a spurious include in cmt/requirements
- EAC Added runMuonCalib_Svac.cxx to run mip peak calibrations on SVAC ntuple files.
- EAC Make changes so that xml format agrees with the dtd file that joanne has
- EAC Remove a dead src/runMuonCalib_Roi.cxx file which was moved to apps subdir
- EAC Initilize pedestal file to zero to prevent crash if it don't exist
- EAC Fairly big update, added AcdMeritCalib, changed the structure a bit.
- EAC Fairly big update, added AcdVetoCalib, changed the structure a bit.
- EAC Minor update. Add information about the datasets used to generate calibrations to the txt and xml output files. Also, added apps/ subdir for application main() routines.
- EAC Major re-write. Brings in some code from the ACD. Uses polynomials to smooth pha distributions and find the peak values. Uses a simple algorithm to decide what range to fit over. Supports both ped-subtracted and raw values.

digiRootData v9r5:
-  HMK Add Tkr FIFO Full bits to Error class 

RootIo v17r9gr7:
-  HMK TKR FIFO errors from LDF

LdfEvent v3r7:
- HMK store TKR fifo errors from err contribution  


TkrRecon v10r8p1em0: F
- LSR Fix the Vtx status bit thing for latest EM
