Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block

Wrapping script


Code Block
./ corana_submit [-c <config-file>] [-t <fname-tau>] [-x] <xtc-file-list>

For example:

Code Block
./CorAnaSubmit.pycorana_submit -c ImgAlgos/data/psana-xcsi0112-r0015-img-auto-correlation.cfg -t my-tau.txt /reg/d/psdm/XCS/xcsi0112/xtc/e167-r0015-s00-c00.xtc 


  • File with split-image data for selected events img-xcs-r0015-b000N.bin:
    Currently this file contains <uint16_t> amplitude for each pixel in binary format for:
    Code Block
    <data-for-img-partN-of-img1> <data-for-img-partN-of-img2> ... <data-for-img-partN-of-imgLast> 
  • File with metadata parameters img-xcs-r0015-med.txt:
    Code Block
    IMAGE_ROWS      1300
    IMAGE_COLS      1340
    IMAGE_SIZE      1742000
    BLOCK_SIZE      217750
    REST_SIZE       0
    FILE_TYPE       bin
    DATA_TYPE       uint16_t
    TIME_SEC_AVE    8.088413
    TIME_SEC_RMS    0.063639
    TIME_INDEX_MAX       499
  • File with image time records img-xcs-r0015-time.txt:
    Code Block
         1        0.000000  0.000000  20120616-080236.671607864    5366      0
         2        8.026429  8.026429  20120616-080244.698036743    8255      1
         3       16.144788  8.118359  20120616-080252.816395836   11177      2
         4       24.154835  8.010048  20120616-080300.826443448   14060      3
    where each record has:
    Code Block
    <image-in-file#> <t(sec)-from-the-1st-event> <dt(sec)> <time-stamp> <fiducials> <event#-since-configure>
  • File with image time records and evaluated time index img-xcs-r0015-time-ind.txt:
    Code Block
         1        0.000000  0.000000  20120616-080236.671607864    5366      0        0 
         2        8.026429  8.026429  20120616-080244.698036743    8255      1        1 
         3       16.144788  8.118359  20120616-080252.816395836   11177      2        2 
         4       24.154835  8.010048  20120616-080300.826443448   14060      3        3 
         5       32.281937  8.127102  20120616-080308.953545010   16985      4        4 
    where each record has:
    Code Block
    <image-in-file#>  <t(sec)-from-the-1st-event> <dt(sec)> <time-stamp> <fiducials> <event#-since-configure> <time-index-starting-from-0>
  • File with split-image correlators for each value of tau img-xcs-r0015-b000N-result.bin:
    Currently it saves <float> correlator for each pixel in binary format for:
    Code Block
    <corr-for-img-partN-of-tau1> <corr-for-img-partN-of-tau2> ... <corr-for-img-partN-of-tauLast> 
  • my-tau.txt:
    Code Block
     1 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 32 36 40 ... 160 180 200 240 280 300 320 360 400
    contains the tau values presented in terms of number of ordered images in the file.

Quick start guide

We assume that everything is set up to work on LCLS analysis farm, otherwise see Computing and Account Setup.

How to run this procedure

If the version of the package ImgAlgos is already current software release, then you may run the script command(s) directly, for example:

Code Block

cd <your-favorite-directory>
mkdir work_corana
corana_submit [-c <config-file>] [-t <fname-tau>] [-x] <xtc-file-list>

If the code in package ImgAlgos has been recently changed and the updated release is not yet available, then one need to create the local release directory, get the latest/HEAD version of the package and compile the code as shown below:

Code Block

cd <your-favorite-directory>
newrel ana-current myReleaseDirectory
cd myReleaseDirectory
addpkg ImgAlgos HEAD

Where to find results

The procedure will produce a bunch of files in the work_corana directory. The most important files are

File name tail




binary for <float32_t

correlators for all image pixels for all tau values



time records for all selected events/images



the list of tau intervals



meta data parameters



Histogram array with correlators averaged for ring regions of the image for all tau values, shown in the first column