Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
img-xcs-r0015-b0000.bin - file with a part of image vs time
img-xcs-r0015-time.txt - list of time-record for all events in processed run.
img-xcs-r0015-time-ind.txt - list of time-record for all events in processed run with time index.
img-xcs-r0015-med.txt - file with metadata. In particular it has the original image size, number of image parts for splitting, number of images in run, etc.


  • The <int16_t> image data array is split for ordered number of equal parts and each part is saved in the output img-xcs-r0015-b000N.bin file sequentially for all selected events.
  • The time record for each selected event is saved in the file img-xcs-r0015-time.txt.
  • At the end of the splitting procedure:
    • the average time difference and its rms between sequential events is evaluated for all recorded time records.
    • The file img-xcs-r0015-time.txt is re-winded and for each record the time index is evaluated as unsigned value of
      Code Block
      <time-index> = (<event-time> + 0.5 <average-time-between-events>) /  <average-time-between-events> 
    • Event record with time index is saved in the file img-xcs-r0015-time.txt
  • The file img-xcs-r0015-med.txt contains input parameters, image size, <average-time-between-events, maximal value of the time index etc.

Time correlation processing


  • img-xcs-r0015-b000N.bin:
    Currently it saves uint16_t amplitude for each pixel in binary format for:
    Code Block
    <data-for-img-partN-of-img1> <data-for-img-partN-of-img2> ... <data-for-img-partN-of-imgLast> 
  • img-xcs-r0015-med.txt:
    Code Block
    IMAGE_ROWS      1300
    IMAGE_COLS      1340
    IMAGE_SIZE      1742000
    BLOCK_SIZE      217750
    REST_SIZE       0
    FILE_TYPE       bin
    DATA_TYPE       uint16_t
    TIME_SEC_AVE    8.088413
    TIME_SEC_RMS    0.063639
    TIME_INDEX_MAX       499
  • img-xcs-r0015-time.txt:
    Code Block
         1        0.000000  0.000000  20120616-080236.671607864    5366      0
         2        8.026429  8.026429  20120616-080244.698036743    8255      1
         3       16.144788  8.118359  20120616-080252.816395836   11177      2
         4       24.154835  8.010048  20120616-080300.826443448   14060      3
    where each record has:
    Code Block
    <image-in-file#> <dt(sec)> <time-stamp> <fiducials> <event#-since-configure>
  • img-xcs-r0015-time.txt:
    Code Block
         1  1339858956.672      0.000000  0.000000000  20120616-080236.671607864    5366      0      005366  000000 
         2  1339858964.698      8.026429  8.026026429  20120616-080244.698036743  008255  8255      1        000011 
         3  1339858972.816     16.144788  8.118118359  20120616-080252.816395836   11177     011177 2        000022 
         4       133985898024.826154835  8.010010048  20120616-080300.826443448   14060       014060  000033        3 
         5       32.281937  8.127102  20120616-080308.953545010   16985      4        4 
    where each record has:
    Code Block
    <image-in-file#> <dt(sec)> <time-stamp> <fiducials> <event#-since-configure> <time-index-starting-from-0>
  • img-xcs-r0015-b000N-result.bin:
    Currently it saves float correlator for each pixel in binary format for:
    Code Block
    <corr-for-img-partN-of-tau1> <corr-for-img-partN-of-tau2> ... <corr-for-img-partN-of-tauLast> 
  • my-tau.txt:
    Code Block
     1 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 30 32 36 40 ... 160 180 200 240 280 300 320 360 400
    contains the tau values presented in terms of number of ordered images in the file.