Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


GlastRelease-17-35-24-br05 Branch created to support reprocessing GlastRelease tags utilize -rp## suffix

GlastRelease-17-35-24-br06 Branch for Level One Processing after the truncation stuff was merged into br03

GlastRelease-17-35-24-br07 Branch created to support updates to CRflux and celestialSources from Markus and Keith

If you would like to request a new tag be included in GlastRelease, please use the GR Update Request page.



10 Nov 2009





Catch up - picking up many warning fixes and Leon's first round of updates
for the mass model
Includes Pass 7.2 tags as of Nov 10, 2009
IExternal/obf v1r1p3gr02 rebuild for RHEL4-32
RootcintPolicy v7r0p2 GlastPolicy
tip v2r15p4
astro v3r8p8
facilities v2r18p10
xmlUtil v3r4p2
idents v2r20p2
Event v13r5p1
GlastSvc v9r28p1
LdfConverter v4r4p1 use EvtMax==0 to denote reading in a complete input file
commonRootData v2r15p6, mcRootData v2r22p1,
digiRootData v11r14p0, reconRootData v9r20p1
rootUtil v1r4p1, RootConvert v1r43p0, RootIo v24r4p1
Trigger v7r1p1
f2c v3r2
celestialSources v1r3p3 - using same version as ST
genericSources v1r14p0, Pulsar v2r5p3, SpectObj v1r3p7, GRB v4r4p4
GRBobs v3r3p3, GRBtemplate v1r3p2, eblAtten v0r7p2, microQuasar v1r4p3
flux v8r40p3, FluxSvc v6r55p5
CalXtalResponse v0r23p1, CalDigi v3r7p1, CalRecon v6r8p1
GCRCalib v1r6p3
TkrDigi v2r10p4, TkrUtil v3r18p8, TkrRecon v10r16p8gr02
GlastMS v0r3p1
G4Generator v5r25p1, G4HadronSim v1r6p0
ntupleWriterSvc v5r4p1
OnboardFilter v4r14p2, OnboardFilterTds v0r10p1
calibUtil v1r13p1
CalibData v0r26p2, CalibSvc v0r40p2
calibTkrUtil v2r9p1
G4Propagator v2r5p2
lsfData v4r3p1, ldfReader v7r4p3
HepRepSvc v0r31p5, HepRepCorba v3r1p4, HepRepXml v0r8p5
xmlBase v5r5p5
rdbModel v2r14p2
GlastClassify v7r5p0
detCheck v1r7p1
SwigPolicy v0r5p1 - same version in ST
mootCore v1r24p4, MootSvc v1r1p7
OverlayEvent v0r2p2, Overlay v1r5p6, overlayRootData v0r2p3
Gleam v7r4p4, userAlg v6r6p4
AcdDigi v3r9p0 and AcdUtil v3r0p0 new AcdFailureSvc |


13 Oct 2009





Catching up to fixes for data processing:
enums v3r0p1 fix up TEMBUG constant setting
ldfReader v7r4p2
LdfConverter v4r3p4gr1
CalRecon v6r8p0
Does not include updates for Pass 7.2!!


17 Apr 2012





Pick up Root v5.26.00a-gl6 build with patched xrootd client to prevent 5 minute timeouts after xroot server reboots.


27 Mar 2012





Updated RootIo to improve logging for ROOT errors including empty TTrees and failures to open files


26 Mar 2012





Grabbed updated TkrUtil from Leon to create first Ghost GR for Elliott's group







Hopefully last truncation tag


07 Feb 2012





Truncation Branch for Pass 7  Currently has trouble on RHEL4


14 Jun 2012





Identical to lp30 except for patch to Gleam's readdigi_runrecon.txt JO file suggested by Tom G.
This tag will be used for system test validation where the current L1proc GR lp28 is the baseline







Initial merge of truncation updates from Truncation Branch









April 2012





Merge in RootIo updates from reprocessing branch (-rp##)


March 2012





Modification to EventIntegrity to check all error flags


Jan 2012





Same as gr15, with modified version of fitsGen


Jan 2012





First version of L1proc to use SCons builds


09 Feb 2010





Updated GlastClassify v7r5p0gr02 with new xmlt file 17.10 on Pass7 Confluence page







First attempt to grab GlastClassify patch for xml file







Overllay-01-06-00 to fix CAL Overlay issue







Move to rebuilt OBF for RHEL4-32
Updated RootIo allows specific branches to be turned off when reading
astro v3r8p8 Fixed bug in the calculation of Lambda, fix to EarthCoordinate v3r8p7 29-jul-09 THB Fix to EarthCoordinate, bug found by Johan Bregeon, Fix JIRA OBS-14,  Increase tolerance for pointing interpolation warning message to 65 s.


14 Feb 2010





GlastClassify v7r5p0gr03 fix to XML file and apply.exe from Tracy


17 Oct 2009





GlastClassify v7r5p0 Pass 7.2 prep


6 Oct 2009





Prep for Pass 7.2
AnalysisNtuple v2r55p9
GlastClassify v7r4p0


20 Aug 2009





IExternal testing new ROOT v5.20.00-gl5 and xerces 2.8.0


3 Aug 2009





GlastClassify v7r3p1 updated version of xml file


30 Jul 2009





GlastPolicy v6r16p1 upgrade for Doxygen
GlastClassify v7r3p0 Pass7 update
IExternal v4r19p0 ROOT v5.20.00-gl5 and xerces 2.8.0-gl1







Uses new ROOT v5.20.00-gl4 which fixes TTree::CloneTree bug (head of ROOT's v5.20.00 branch)







Next test tag for Eric Charles' AcdRecon updates


28 May 2009





Test tag for Eric Charles' AcdRecon updates - step one


24 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p5 v16.4


22 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p4 new XML file from Carmelo


22 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r4 and GlastClassify v7r2p3 that now allows a TTree ptr
to be passed into RootTupleSvc::getItem to force the tree used to obtain
branch pointers


22 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p2


21 May 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r55p3 from Leon
Gleam patch to JO to make FhSetMeritAlg part of the default setup


19 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r3p1 patch to fix running in default case without input ntuples


18 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r3 checks the output tree within RootTupleSvc::getItem if the input tree has the requested branch as disabled


14 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r2p1 which throws an exception when a client calls RootTupleSvc::getItem and requests a disabled branch


14 May 2009





Move to ROOT v5.20.00-gl3 which includes update to xrootd
Patch tag to IExternal/Geant4 to force the installer to recognize new G4 version


13 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p1 new bit methods


12 May 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r55p2 fix up FT1EventClass from Leon


09 May 2009





IExternal v4r14, back to ROOT v5.20.00-gl1 until ST is ready to move
  GlastClassify v7r1p1
  RootIo v24r4 fixes for event display


08 May 2009





-- IExternal v4r15, move to ROOT v5.20.00-gl2
  -- facilities p7 which includes fix for TIMING_DIR env var
  -- ntupleWriterSvc addition of IncludeBranchList and ExcludeBranchList
  -- Grab Hiro's updated calibTkrUtil v2r9 and calibGenTKR v4r8
  -- AnalysisNtuple v2r55 adds vars, removes others, and handles copying
     Obf vars to Fsw for simulations
  -- TkrRecon v10r16p7 from Leon to clean up error reporting, no change to
     basic TkrRecon code itself
  -- GlastClassify v7r1p0


26 Apr 2009





Move to G4 8.0.p01-gl4 which is a rebuild of G4 to set the flags:  G4_NO_VERBOSE and G4_NO_STORE_TRAJECTORY


1 Apr 2009



GRINF-51 and TKR-29


EventIntegrity v0r8p2 JIRA GRINF-51
  TkrUtil v3r18p2 JIRA TKR-29
  HepRepSvc v0r31p2
    1) color CAL Edep boxes yellow for "saturated" xtals
    2) New HepRepInitSvc param: MonteCarloFiller_useMcInfo (default is true).
       This should help with really big MC events
  G4HadronSim to use G4Runtime_PATH rather than DIR so the tables will be found


27 Mar 2009





Update to RootIo to avoid potential segmentation fault when writing merit header, when running MC non-overlay jobs writing only merit files


25 Mar 2009





RootIo and Overlay patches from Tracy


23 Mar 2009





RootIo v24r1p1 patch to check existance of meritHeader before using
  LdfEvent v4r10 and EventIntegrity v0r8 check TEMbug and phase error
  AnalysisNtuple v2r54p7 fixes Philippe's issue with McTHPrimInteracted
  Overlay v1r5p3 properly registers thePtOverlayCnv service so we will actually output our PtOverlay objects


20 Mar 2009





AcdDigi v3r8 from Tracy to better handle purely overlay hits


19 Mar 2009





RootIo v24r1 and ntupleWriterSvc v5r0p1 introduces merit header
Overlay v1r5p2
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p5


19 Mar 200





Overlay v1r5p1 transfers the ACD status bits into the McPositionHit for
more processing
OverlayEvent v0r2p1 Bit definitions in AcdOverlay need small repair - not
an issue for any overlay files produced
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p4 add new OverlayValsTool, enhance output of
McTkrValsTool. Lots and lots and lots of new vars


18 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r5p0, overlayRootData v0r2p2, OverlayEvent v0r2p0
include the AcdHit status bits in the AcdOverlay object


17 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r4p2 and overlayRootData v0r2p1 patches for class versions This is why v17r8 was deleted


17 Mar 2009





Modifications to detect TEM bug
ldfReader v7r3, LdfEvent v4r9, enums v3r0, digiRootData v11r13,
modify ldf2digi JO in Gleam v7r4p1
astro v3r8p1 fix test program for SAA polygon
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p3 fix ToT logic from Leon:
It caused the average tot to be lower for tracks with ToT255 clusters on
them, and the truncated ToT to be negative very occasionally
and from Michael Kuss:
implemented Carmelo's "unbiased energy" method needed for pass7
and also from Leon:
AcdValsTool - condition energy and tile counts on "accept" bit, so that
below-threshold tiles will not be included for PT (non-zero-suppressed)
Overlay updates from Tracy: Overlay v1r4p1, OverlayEvent v0r1p0,
overlayRootData v0r2p0


02 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r3p0 reuses TFiles rather than continually opening and closing them
RootIo v24r0 restricts rebuilding indices


26 Feb 2009





reverts to GlastClassify v6r5p2


26 Feb 2009





Patch to GlastClassify v7r0p1


20 Feb 2009





move to astro v3r8


18 Feb 2009





picked up Leon's new AnaTup v2r54p1 and astro v3r7p1
Cleanup and move lambda radians->degrees to astro/EarthCoordinate
Remove extraneous public methods from EarthCoordinate
Fix EarthCoordinates to separate geometric from magnetic calculations
This will speed up gtobssim, since it doesn't use the magnetic stuff
Convert lambda from radians to degrees here
Change "large number" -9.999e102 to -9.999e37, so it works on Windows
Define R2D = 180./M_PI in anonymous namespace
patched HepRepSvc v0r31p1 fixes display of status words in merit
EbfWriter v1r8p0 from Tracy
takes LdfEvent::Gem.h TDS object and transfers over to the ebf data
GlastClassify v7r0p0


15 Feb 2009





Identical to v17r2p1, with patch for path for update G4 external that will allow the installer to find it.


12 Feb 2009





Updated G4 with rebuild on rhel4 in optimized mode
Updates from Leon for AnaTup v2r54, astro v3r6p1, Gleam v7r3p2
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="5e7c81ef21514c7f-f066409b-41814933-ad048c8d-bb51ba3d93c370af805be580"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Change to merit ntuple:  adding GltGem[Elapsed/Live]Time, PtLambda
signing of PtMagLat and PtSCzenith


10 Feb 2009





Merge in Overlay branch







For earlier versions of GR please refer to the page:  GlastRelease Tags older than v17