Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • login access to
  • read access to the following directory, and executables, on
    • /etc/nagios and all subdirectories
    • /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins
  • * privileges to run remctrl


What is remctl?

remctl (the client) and remctld (the server) implement a client/server protocol for running single commands on a remote host using Kerberos v5 authentication and returning the output. They use a very simple GSS-API-authenticated network protocol, combined with server-side ACL support and a server configuration file that maps remctl commands to programs that should be run when that command is called by an authorized user.


Remctl Commands

As a nagios administrator for Fermi you have basically three commands you can send to nagios using remctl (the port is  46157 for now):

  • schedule - schedule a check on a host/service
  • downtime -  a host/service is known to be down, don't contact the contacts for a while
  • acknowledge - Alert for host/service has been acknowledged so stop sending alert notices

Basic formats for host or service are:

remctl -p 46157 nagios ack host HOSTNAME COMMENT

remctl -p 46157 nagios ack service HOSTNAME SERVICENAME COMMENT





service alert and stop sending notification emails

remctl -p <port> <nagios-server-name>  nagios <cmd> <host or service> <hostname> <service name> <comment>
remctl -p 46157 nagios02 nagios ack service wain007 xroot-wain007  'xrootd daemon off temporarily'










pre-emptively mark a host or service as down,
don't contact contacts for a while

remctl -p 46157 nagios downtime host wain007 xroot-wain007 'down for 1 hr'

tell nagios to run a check for this host or service in M minutes

remctl -p 46157 nagios schedule host wain007 5 'run check in 5 mins'













To acknowledge an alert for a service:
