Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following commands should then be executed in order from this working directory to make the slicPandora binary. You should execute each new package build from your working dir.


No Format
svn co ilcutil
cd ilcutil
cmake .
make install
export ILCUTIL_DIR=`pwd`
cd ..


No Format
svn co PandoraPFANew
cd PandoraPFANew
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
cd ..
export PandoraPFANew_DIR=`pwd`/PandoraPFANew


No Format
cvs -d co -r v01-51 lcio
cd lcio
mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd ..
export LCIO_DIR=`pwd`
cd ..


No Format
cvs -d co slicPandora
cd slicPandora
mkdir build
cd build
make install

If this step completes successfully without compilation or link errors, you should see a binary at slicPandora/bin/PandoraFrontend. You are basically done building slicPandora.

Pandora Settings (optional)


No Format
cvs -d co LCDetectors

For example, see LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3/sidloi3_pandora.xml and its compact detector description.


The PandoraFrontend binary provides a simple frontend to slicPandora.


This table explains the function of each of these arguments.




geometry xml Geometry XML file


Pandora settings xml XML file


LCIO input events


LCIO output file with PFOs appended


number of events to run (optional)


number of events to skip (optional)

The geometry file is in an XML format. It can be created from a compact detector description using GeomConverter with the option "-o pandora". You are required to provide some additional parameters related to sampling fractions (see LCDetectors/detectors/sidloi3 for example).

The Pandora settings XML file contains settings to configure the Pandora PFA algorithm. Example configuration files can be found in the Pandora Settings SVN project (see building instructions above) (see SettingsPandoraSettings/PandoraSettingsBasic.xml).

The LCIO input events should contain collections of LCIO CalorimeterHits and named according to their subdetectors, plus a collection of LCIO Track objects called "Tracks." There also needs to be a collection called "TrackStates" containing momentum measurements at various points along the Track (see below for details of generating these files).

The LCIO output file will contain the contents of the input file plus the PFO collections created by Pandora, as well as some intermediate collections of hit objects. This file is generated by slicPandora.

Using GeomConverter to Output the Pandora Geometry Format


This will create the file sidloi3_pandora.xml that can be used as input to slicPandora.

FIXME: Need to document the conditions used to set sampling fractions.

Running Events in SlicPandora
