Versions Compared


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Code Block
setenv DAQREL /reg/g/pcds/dist/pds/2.10.6/build  (the latest release goes here)
setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:${DAQREL}/pdsapp/lib/x86_64-linux:${DAQREL}/ami/lib/x86_64-linux
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${DAQREL}/pdsdata/lib/x86_64-linux:${DAQREL}/pdsapp/lib/x86_64-linux:${DAQREL}/ami/lib/x86_64-linux


Code Block
import pyami

class AmiScalar(pyami.Entry):      # subclass for readability
    def __init__(self,name):
class AmiAcqiris(pyami.Entry):     # subclass for readability
    def __init__(self,detid,channel):
eth_lo = 0x7f000001
eth_mc = 0xefff2604
CxiAcq = 0x18000200                # detector identifier for CxiEndstation Acqiris readout

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pyami.connect(eth_lomc,eth_lo,eth_mclo)     # example parameters for a monitoring playback job

    x = AmiScalar("ProcTime")               # accumulate (events,mean,rms) for 'ProcTime' scalar variable
    x.get()                                 # return accumulated data

    x = AmiAcqiris(CxiAcq,1)                # accumulate averaged waveform for Cxi Acqiris readout module
    x.get()                                 # return accumulated waveform


Code Block
 -- pyami module --

connect(Server_Group, CDS_interface, FEZ_interface, Server_Group)
    Connects the module to the group of monitoring servers.
    The input parameters are specific to the hutch.
    If the last two parameters are omitted, they will be learned from the
    available network interfaces on the host.
    This must be called before any of the following class methods.

class pyami.Entry(name,'Scalar')
    Monitors data from the scalar variable 'name'.  A tupledictionary of
    ('Scalar', n_events, mean, rms) is accumulated.

class pyami.Entry(name,'TH1F',nbins,xlo,xhi)
    Monitors data from the scalar variable 'name'.  A tupledictionary of
    (type='TH1F', underflowsuflow, overflowsoflow, data=( n_bin0, n_bin1, ...)) is accumulated.

class pyami.Entry(det_identifier) or
class pyami.Entry(det_identifier,channel)
    Monitors the data from the detector associated with 'det_identifier' and
    'channel'.  A tupledictionary of data averaged over events is accumulated.  The
    dimensions and binning of the data are determined from the detector.
    The tupledictionary format is
    (type='Waveform', entries=events, xlow, xhigh, data=(y0, y1, ...)) or
    (type='Image', entries=events, offset=dark_level, ppxbin, ppybin,
         data=((row0col0,row0col1,...),(row1col0,row1col1,...))) or
    (type='ImageArray', entries=events, offset=dark_level, ppxbin, ppybin,
         data=( ((row0col0,row0col1,...),(row1col0,row1col1,...))_0,
               ... ))

    Each of the above methods also takes an optional final string argument that
    defines an event filter.  The string must take the form:
        _lo_value_<_scalar_name_<_hi_value_  or
        (_expr1_)&(_expr2_)                  or

    where _expr1_ and _expr2_ also take one of the forms.


        Returns the data accumulated since the object was created.