
  • Status display should be an interactive web application, that can be run on a desktop or on a captive display (e.g. in the computer center lobby)
  • Emphasis should be on scientific computing -- but should include some infrastructure status
  • Web application will for the most part fetch data from web services/databases provided by other groups
    • E.g. Networking, Nagios, LSF, planned outages, message of the day, ...
    • Not all features need to be ready to get started 
  • Status display should be extensible, easy to add new modules
  • Since web based can include links for more detailed information
  • Could potentially include modules for display of experiment/project info (e.g. LCLS, Fermi, EXO, ....)
  • Could run offsite -- but is there any point?
  • Security concerns -- do we need to limit access (would be much better if this could be avoided)?


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