5 June 2024
MIgration of Run2.2i and Run3.1i
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 5 -> 2a8a32e1bec3
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 5 repo
lsst.daf.butler.cli.utils ERROR: Caught an exception, details are in traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/cli/cmd/commands.py", line 142, in upgrade
script.migrate_upgrade(*args, **kwargs)
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/script/migrate_upgrade.py", line 92, in migrate_upgrade
command.upgrade(cfg, revision, sql=sql)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/command.py", line 403, in upgrade
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/script/base.py", line 583, in run_env
util.load_python_file(self.dir, "env.py")
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 95, in load_python_file
module = load_module_py(module_id, path)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 113, in load_module_py
spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 72, in <module>
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 66, in run_migrations_online
File "<string>", line 8, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/environment.py", line 948, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/migration.py", line 627, in run_migrations
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/1fae088c80b6.py", line 49, in upgrade
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/1fae088c80b6.py", line 84, in _validate_initial_dimension_universe
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/butler_attributes.py", line 228, in validate_dimensions_json
raise err
ValueError: dimensions.json stored in database does not match expected daf_butler universe version 5.
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "Earliest sequence number that might be related to this exposure.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure of the visit that contains this exposure.",
"name": "seq_start",
"type": "int"
- "doc": "Oldest sequence number that might be related to this exposure.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the final exposure of the visit that contains this exposure.",
"name": "seq_end",
"type": "int"
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"type": "float"
- "doc": "Azimuth of the telescope at the start of the exposure in degrees. Can be NULL for observations that are not on sky, or for observations where the azimuth is not relevant.\n",
+ "doc": "Azimuth of the telescope at the start of the exposure in degrees. Can be NULL for observations that are not on sky, or for observations where the azimuth is not relevant.",
"name": "azimuth",
"type": "float"
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"type": "float"
- "doc": "True if this exposure has some content that was simulated. This can be if the data itself were simulated or if parts of the header came from simulated systems, such as observations in the lab that are recorded as on-sky.\n",
+ "doc": "True if this exposure has some content that was simulated. This can be if the data itself were simulated or if parts of the header came from simulated systems, such as observations in the lab that are recorded as on-sky.",
"name": "has_simulated",
"type": "bool"
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "The preferred visit system for this instrument.\n",
+ "doc": "The preferred visit system for this instrument.",
"name": "visit_system",
"type": "int"
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure that is part of this visit.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure that is part of this visit.",
"name": "seq_num",
"type": "int"
@@ -394,12 +394,12 @@
"type": "string"
- "doc": "Approximate azimuth of the telescope in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continually changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
+ "doc": "Approximate azimuth of the telescope in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continually changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.",
"name": "azimuth",
"type": "float"
- "doc": "Approximate zenith angle in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continuously changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
+ "doc": "Approximate zenith angle in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continuously changing during and observation and multiple visits can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
"name": "zenith_angle",
"type": "float"
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
"visit_system": {
- "doc": "A system of self-consistent visit definitions, within which each exposure should appear at most once.\nA visit may belong to multiple visit systems, if the logical definitions for those systems happen to result in the same set of exposures - the main (and probably only) example is when a single-snap visit is observed, for which both the \"one-to-one\" visit system and a \"group by header metadata\" visit system will define the same single-exposure visit.\n",
+ "doc": "A system of self-consistent visit definitions, within which each exposure should appear at most once.\nA visit may belong to multiple visit systems, if the logical definitions for those systems happen to result in the same set of exposures - the main (and probably only) example is when a single-snap visit is observed, for which both the \"one-to-one\" visit system and a \"group by header metadata\" visit system will define the same single-exposure visit. ",
"keys": [
"name": "id",
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
"visit_system_membership": {
"always_join": true,
- "doc": "A many-to-many join table that relates visits to the visit_systems they belong to.\n",
+ "doc": "A many-to-many join table that relates visits to the visit_systems they belong to.",
"populated_by": "visit",
"requires": [
Repositories originally created at dimension universe 1 or earlier may have incorrect documentation strings.
Re-run butler migrate with the flag '--options allow_dimension_universe_mismatch=1' to bypass this check.
This will overwrite any customizations made to the dimension universe.
This triggered the exemption noted here in the Rubin doc
Step 4b: Possible failure recovery needed for older repositories
For older repositories, the migration command in step 4a may fail with the following error:
ValueError: dimensions.json stored in database does not match expected daf_butler universe version 5.
This can happen because we recently began validating the configuration during migration, and there can be some minor discrepancies in older repositories.
If this occurs, review the output to make sure that only documentation strings were incorrect, for example lines like:
- "doc": "Earliest sequence number that might be related to this exposure.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure of the visit that contains this exposure.",
If there are any changes that do not begin with "doc", do not attempt to finish the migration. Stop and ask for further guidance.
If everything is OK, run the following command to complete the migration:
butler migrate upgrade <repo> 352c30854bb0 --options allow_dimension_universe_mismatch=1
Rerunning with: butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0 --options allow_dimension_universe_mismatch=1
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Generating data for day_obs table from exposure_table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Loading instrument definition LSSTCam-imSim from class lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCamImSim lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 6 repo lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Adding can_see_sky column to exposure table lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Populating can_see_sky column lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: ...can_see_sky values were set for all exposure records. lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
Checking looks good:
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 7 -> 352c30854bb0 (head)
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler query-dimension-records --limit 10 $REPO exposure
instrument id day_obs group physical_filter obs_id exposure_time dark_time observation_type observation_reason seq_num seq_start seq_end target_name science_program tracking_ra tracking_dec sky_angle azimuth zenith_angle has_simulated can_see_sky timespan (TAI)
------------- --- -------- ----- --------------- ------ ------------- --------- ---------------- ------------------ ------- --------- ------- ----------- --------------- ----------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------- ------------------ ------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 5 -> 2a8a32e1bec3
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
Same anticipated error as Run2.2i
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 5 repo
lsst.daf.butler.cli.utils ERROR: Caught an exception, details are in traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/cli/cmd/commands.py", line 142, in upgrade
script.migrate_upgrade(*args, **kwargs)
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/script/migrate_upgrade.py", line 92, in migrate_upgrade
command.upgrade(cfg, revision, sql=sql)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/command.py", line 403, in upgrade
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/script/base.py", line 583, in run_env
util.load_python_file(self.dir, "env.py")
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 95, in load_python_file
module = load_module_py(module_id, path)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 113, in load_module_py
spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 72, in <module>
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 66, in run_migrations_online
File "<string>", line 8, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/environment.py", line 948, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/migration.py", line 627, in run_migrations
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/1fae088c80b6.py", line 49, in upgrade
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/1fae088c80b6.py", line 84, in _validate_initial_dimension_universe
File "/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/butler_attributes.py", line 228, in validate_dimensions_json
raise err
ValueError: dimensions.json stored in database does not match expected daf_butler universe version 5.
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "Earliest sequence number that might be related to this exposure.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure of the visit that contains this exposure.",
"name": "seq_start",
"type": "int"
- "doc": "Oldest sequence number that might be related to this exposure.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the final exposure of the visit that contains this exposure.",
"name": "seq_end",
"type": "int"
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"type": "float"
- "doc": "Azimuth of the telescope at the start of the exposure in degrees. Can be NULL for observations that are not on sky, or for observations where the azimuth is not relevant.\n",
+ "doc": "Azimuth of the telescope at the start of the exposure in degrees. Can be NULL for observations that are not on sky, or for observations where the azimuth is not relevant.",
"name": "azimuth",
"type": "float"
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"type": "float"
- "doc": "True if this exposure has some content that was simulated. This can be if the data itself were simulated or if parts of the header came from simulated systems, such as observations in the lab that are recorded as on-sky.\n",
+ "doc": "True if this exposure has some content that was simulated. This can be if the data itself were simulated or if parts of the header came from simulated systems, such as observations in the lab that are recorded as on-sky.",
"name": "has_simulated",
"type": "bool"
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "The preferred visit system for this instrument.\n",
+ "doc": "The preferred visit system for this instrument.",
"name": "visit_system",
"type": "int"
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
"type": "int"
- "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure that is part of this visit.\n",
+ "doc": "The sequence number of the first exposure that is part of this visit.",
"name": "seq_num",
"type": "int"
@@ -394,12 +394,12 @@
"type": "string"
- "doc": "Approximate azimuth of the telescope in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continually changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
+ "doc": "Approximate azimuth of the telescope in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continually changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.",
"name": "azimuth",
"type": "float"
- "doc": "Approximate zenith angle in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continuously changing during an observation and multiple exposures can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
+ "doc": "Approximate zenith angle in degrees during the visit. Can only be approximate since it is continuously changing during and observation and multiple visits can be combined from a relatively long period.\n",
"name": "zenith_angle",
"type": "float"
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
"visit_system": {
- "doc": "A system of self-consistent visit definitions, within which each exposure should appear at most once.\nA visit may belong to multiple visit systems, if the logical definitions for those systems happen to result in the same set of exposures - the main (and probably only) example is when a single-snap visit is observed, for which both the \"one-to-one\" visit system and a \"group by header metadata\" visit system will define the same single-exposure visit.\n",
+ "doc": "A system of self-consistent visit definitions, within which each exposure should appear at most once.\nA visit may belong to multiple visit systems, if the logical definitions for those systems happen to result in the same set of exposures - the main (and probably only) example is when a single-snap visit is observed, for which both the \"one-to-one\" visit system and a \"group by header metadata\" visit system will define the same single-exposure visit. ",
"keys": [
"name": "id",
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
"visit_system_membership": {
"always_join": true,
- "doc": "A many-to-many join table that relates visits to the visit_systems they belong to.\n",
+ "doc": "A many-to-many join table that relates visits to the visit_systems they belong to.",
"populated_by": "visit",
"requires": [
Repositories originally created at dimension universe 1 or earlier may have incorrect documentation strings.
Re-run butler migrate with the flag '--options allow_dimension_universe_mismatch=1' to bypass this check.
This will overwrite any customizations made to the dimension universe.
descdm@perlmutter:login35:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate> butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0 --options allow_dimension_universe_mismatch=1
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Generating data for day_obs table from exposure_table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Loading instrument definition LSSTCam-imSim from class lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCamImSim
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 6 repo
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Adding can_see_sky column to exposure table
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Populating can_see_sky column
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: ...can_see_sky values were set for all exposure records.
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
Checking looks good
butler query-dimension-records --limit 10 $REPO exposure
instrument id day_obs group physical_filter obs_id exposure_time dark_time observation_type observation_reason seq_num seq_start seq_end target_name science_program tracking_ra tracking_dec sky_angle azimuth zenith_angle has_simulated can_see_sky timespan (TAI)
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 7 -> 352c30854bb0 (head)
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
3 June 2024
MIgration of DECam
Backed up the registry and all the data to /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/backups
starting from v3, need to upgrade to v4, then v5, then v7
v4 migration notes: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/DM/2023-12-14+Updating+dimensions-config+to+v4+for+USDF+embargo
source /cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/loadLSST-ext.bash w_2024_21
setup lsst_distrib
daf_butler_migrate setup -k -r .
(lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) descdm@perlmutter:login40:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7> butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 3 -> c5ae3a2cd7c2
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate stamp
$REPO (needed to stamp first)
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 9888256c6a18
Checking - looks good
(lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) descdm@perlmutter:login40:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7> butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 4 -> 9888256c6a18
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
Now upgrade to v5
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 2a8a32e1bec3
Checking looks good
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 5 -> 2a8a32e1bec3
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
now upgrade to v7
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
(lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) descdm@perlmutter:login40:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7> butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 5 repo
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Generating data for day_obs table from exposure_table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Loading instrument definition DECam from class lsst.obs.decam.DarkEnergyCamera
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 6 repo
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Adding can_see_sky column to exposure table
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Populating can_see_sky column
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: ...can_see_sky values were set for all exposure records.
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
Checking looks good:
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 7 -> 352c30854bb0 (head)
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
Checking exposure table
butler query-dimension-records --limit 10 $REPO exposure
instrument id day_obs group physical_filter obs_id exposure_time dark_time observation_type observation_reason seq_num seq_start seq_end target_name science_program tracking_ra tracking_dec sky_angle azimuth zenith_angle has_simulated can_see_sky timespan (TAI)
---------- ------- -------- ------- ----------------------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------------ ------- --------- ------- ----------------- --------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------- ------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
DECam 1186271 20230321 1186271 N540 DECam c0014 5403.2 210.0 ct4m20230321t200459 100.0 81.76089 dome flat unknown 1186271 1186271 1186271 DomeFlat-N540-100 2023A-716082 49.128741550558175 20.693085581480673 90.0 0.0415 50.94 False False [2023-03-21T20:05:36, 2023-03-21T20:07:16)
DECam 1186273 20230321 1186273 N540 DECam c0014 5403.2 210.0 ct4m20230321t200909 100.0 101.2095399 dome flat unknown 1186273 1186273 1186273 DomeFlat-N540-100 2023A-716082 50.17257490142825 20.694835681778226 90.0 0.0415 50.94 False False [2023-03-21T20:09:46, 2023-03-21T20:11:26)
DECam 1186275 20230321 1186275 N540 DECam c0014 5403.2 210.0 ct4m20230321t201320 100.0 81.74192 dome flat unknown 1186275 1186275 1186275 DomeFlat-N540-100 2023A-716082 51.21645825298984 20.696585781208885 90.0 0.0415 50.94 False False [2023-03-21T20:13:57, 2023-03-21T20:15:37)
DECam 1186277 20230321 1186277 N540 DECam c0014 5403.2 210.0 ct4m20230321t201730 100.0 81.7875199 dome flat unknown 1186277 1186277 1186277 DomeFlat-N540-100 2023A-716082 52.2644916053075 20.698391713457994 90.0 0.0415 50.94 False False [2023-03-21T20:18:07, 2023-03-21T20:19:47)
31 May 2024
Actual migration on roman-desc-sims
butler migrate stamp $REPO (lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) descdm@perlmutter:login39:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate> butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0 lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 5 repo lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Generating data for day_obs table from exposure_table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Loading instrument definition LSSTCam from class lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference day_obs table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference group table lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 6 repo lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Adding can_see_sky column to exposure table lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Populating can_see_sky column lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: WARNING: No default value for can_see_sky is known for the following observation types: ['flat'] Exposure records with these observation types will have a NULL can_see_sky. lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes (lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) descdm@perlmutter:login39:/pscratch/sd/d/descdm/schema-migration-v7/daf_butler_migrate>
30 May 2024
Schema migration v5→v7 on roman-desc-sims
Discussion on Slack: https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C01FBUGM2CV/p1717090889474719
Will use LSST Sci Pipelines w_2024_21
Used globus to copy the full contents of /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/roman-desc-sims/repo to /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/productions/backups/roman-desc-sims-copy2/repo
roman_desc repo is in the desc_dm_gen3_spin database (while decam is in a separate database)
Looking at the list of schemas in desc_dm_gen3_spin:
desc_dm_gen3_spin=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ----------------------------+------------------ bfk_tests_w_2021_38 | gen3_devel dr6_run31i_wfd | gen3_devel gen3_tiny_repo | gen3_devel hk_w_2023_21 | desc_roman_devel hmk_lsst_test | gen3_devel jchiang_4849_w_2021_16 | gen3_devel jchiang_bfk_gen_w_2021_15 | gen3_devel jchiang_bfk_test_w_2021_16 | gen3_devel jchiang_w_2021_10 | gen3_devel jchiang_w_2021_11 | gen3_devel jchiang_w_2021_12 | gen3_devel public | postgres roman_desc_sims_w_2024_07 | gen3_devel rubin_roman_w_2023_22 | desc_roman_devel
roman_desc_sims_w_2024_07 | gen3_devel is our target
Setting up a clone of our registry and pointing to our new data
shifter --image=postgres:13.8-alpine --module=none psql -h desc-schema-v7-test-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U postgres
now setting up btree extension by doing:
Check that btree_gist was properly installed: To get list of extensions: /dx
then went on to create the database and a new user:
postgres=# create database desc_dm_gen3_spin;
postgres=# create user gen3_devel with password 'mypassword';
postgres=# grant all on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to gen3_devel;
postgres=# create user desc_roman_devel with password 'mypassword';
postgres=# grant all on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to desc_roman_devel;
ERROR: must be member of role "desc_roman_devel"
Fixed by doing
GRANT desc_roman_devel TO gen3_devel;
postgres=# create user gen3_user with password 'mypassword';
grant connect,temp on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to gen3_user;
Now dump the contents from the original db into the new one
shifter --image=postgres:13.8-alpine --module=none psql -h desc-schema-v7-test-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U gen3_devel -p 5432 -d desc_dm_gen3_spin -f ./postgres-desc_dm_gen3_spin-backup-30-05-2024.sql |& tee clone-for-schema-migration-v7.log
editing butler.yaml to point to my cloned postgres registry
Set up w_2024_21: source /cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_21/loadLSST-ext.bash w_2024_21
check out daf_migration
git clone https://github.com/lsst-dm/daf_butler_migrate.git
cd daf_butler_migrate
setup -k -r .
Checking status of existing REPO
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.1 -> c0e4f9ab4a5d (head)
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 5 -> 2a8a32e1bec3
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
Looks good we're at version 5 as expected
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
fails so we have to stamp first
butler migrate stamp
(lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact-ext) heatherk@perlmutter:login19:/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration-v7> butler migrate upgrade $REPO 352c30854bb0
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Locking exposure table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 5 repo
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Generating data for day_obs table from exposure_table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Loading instrument definition LSSTCam from class lsst.obs.lsst.LsstCam
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference day_obs table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Populating group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Creating instrument index for group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating exposure table to reference group table
lsst.1fae088c80b6_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Checking that this is an unmodified daf_butler universe 6 repo
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Adding can_see_sky column to exposure table
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Populating can_see_sky column
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: WARNING: No default value for can_see_sky is known for the following observation types:
Exposure records with these observatio
butler query-dimension-records --limit 10 $REPO exposure
instrument id day_obs group physical_filter obs_id exposure_time dark_time observation_type observation_reason seq_num seq_start seq_end target_name science_program tracking_ra tracking_dec sky_angle azimuth zenith_angle has_simulated can_see_sky timespan (TAI)
---------- ------------- -------- ------------- --------------- -------------------- ------------- --------- ---------------- ------------------ ------- --------- ------- ----------- --------------- ------------------ ------------------- --------- ------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------
LSSTCam 5024011700060 20240117 5024011700060 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000060 500.0 500.0 flat flat 60 60 60 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T03:29:59, 2024-01-17T03:38:20)
LSSTCam 5024011700061 20240117 5024011700061 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000061 500.0 500.0 flat flat 61 61 61 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T03:38:29, 2024-01-17T03:46:50)
LSSTCam 5024011700062 20240117 5024011700062 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000062 500.0 500.0 flat flat 62 62 62 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T03:46:59, 2024-01-17T03:55:20)
LSSTCam 5024011700063 20240117 5024011700063 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000063 500.0 500.0 flat flat 63 63 63 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T03:55:29, 2024-01-17T04:03:50)
LSSTCam 5024011700064 20240117 5024011700064 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000064 500.0 500.0 flat flat 64 64 64 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:03:59, 2024-01-17T04:12:20)
LSSTCam 5024011700065 20240117 5024011700065 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000065 500.0 500.0 flat flat 65 65 65 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:12:29, 2024-01-17T04:20:50)
LSSTCam 5024011700066 20240117 5024011700066 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000066 500.0 500.0 flat flat 66 66 66 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:20:59, 2024-01-17T04:29:20)
LSSTCam 5024011700067 20240117 5024011700067 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000067 500.0 500.0 flat flat 67 67 67 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:29:29, 2024-01-17T04:37:50)
LSSTCam 5024011700068 20240117 5024011700068 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000068 500.0 500.0 flat flat 68 68 68 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:37:59, 2024-01-17T04:46:20)
LSSTCam 5024011700069 20240117 5024011700069 g_6 IM_P_20240117_000069 500.0 500.0 flat flat 69 69 69 UNKNOWN calibration 199.68134610137426 -34.544668655603914 None None None True None [2024-01-17T04:46:29, 2024-01-17T04:54:50)
n types will have a NULL can_see_sky.
lsst.352c30854bb0_py INFO: Updating dimensions.json in ButlerAttributes
12 April 2024
butler transfer-datasets
Patricia ran some SSI processing in the test postgres, and it would be nice to migrate that over to the production version
source setup.sh w_2024_13
using query-collections to see Patricia's data
butler query-collections $REPO
butler query-datasets --collections=u/plarsen/*_schemamigration* $REPO
butler transfer-datasets --collections=u/plarsen/*_schemamigration* --register-dataset-types $REPOSRC $REPODEST |& tee testing-transfer-2.log
lsst.daf.butler.direct_butler INFO: Transferring 4967824 datasets into Butler(collections=(), run=None, datastore='file:///global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run2.2i/repo/', registry='PostgreSQL@desc_dm_gen3_spin:run22i_w_2021_48')
lsst.daf.butler.datastores.fileDatastore INFO: Skipped transfer of 4862860 datasets already present in datastore
Number of datasets transferred: 4902592
15 March 2024
Looking at all repos in our Postgres DB
repo and run22i_repo
Need to update from schema version 0 => 5
Testing out Run2.2i repo migration
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO --namespace daf_butler
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 0 -> f3bcee34f344
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
butler migrate stamp --namespace daf_butler $REPO
butler migrate show-current --namespace daf_butler $REPO
77e5b803ad3f (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
butler migrate upgrade --namespace daf_butler $REPO 380002bcbb26
butler migrate upgrade --options has_simulated=1
$REPO bf6308af80aa
butler migrate upgrade $REPO c5ae3a2cd7c2
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 9888256c6a18
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 2a8a32e1bec3
butler migrate show-current --namespace daf_butler $REPO
77e5b803ad3f (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
repo and run31i_repo
Need to update from schema version 0 => 5
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO --namespace daf_butler
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.1 -> 1601d5973bf8
dimensions-config: daf_butler 0 -> f3bcee34f344
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
butler migrate stamp --namespace daf_butler $REPO
butler migrate upgrade --namespace daf_butler $REPO 380002bcbb26
user decam_devel
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
Currently on schema v3
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 3 -> c5ae3a2cd7c2
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
Up to date with Schema version 5
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.1 -> c0e4f9ab4a5d (head)
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18 (head)
dimensions-config: daf_butler 5 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (head)
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
13 March 2024
output from \d+ run22i_w_2021_36.visit_definition;
| Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description |
| instrument | character varying(16) | not null | extended | <null> | <null> |
| visit_system | bigint | not null | plain | <null> | <null> |
| exposure | bigint | not null | plain | <null> | <null> |
| visit | bigint | | plain | <null> | <null> |
"visit_definition_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (instrument, visit_system, exposure)
"visit_definition_fkidx_instrument" btree (instrument)
"visit_definition_fkidx_instrument_exposure" btree (instrument, exposure)
"visit_definition_fkidx_instrument_visit" btree (instrument, visit)
"visit_definition_fkidx_instrument_visit_system" btree (instrument, visit_system)
Foreign-key constraints:
"fkey_visit_definition_exposure_instrument_id_instrumen_21a4dc77" FOREIGN KEY (instrument, exposure) REFERENCES run22i_w_2021_36.exposure(instrument, id)
"fkey_visit_definition_instrument_name_instrument" FOREIGN KEY (instrument) REFERENCES run22i_w_2021_36.instrument(name)
"fkey_visit_definition_visit_instrument_id_instrument_visit" FOREIGN KEY (instrument, visit) REFERENCES run22i_w_2021_36.visit(instrument, id)
"fkey_visit_definition_visit_system_instrument_id_instr_26df1493" FOREIGN KEY (instrument, visit_system) REFERENCES run22i_w_2021_36.visit_system(instrument, id)
Has OIDs: no
Trying the schema migration again
source /cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/loadLSST.bash
setup lsst_distrib
cd daf_butler_migrate
setup -k -r .
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO --namespace daf_butler
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.0 -> 87a30df8c8c5
dimensions-config: daf_butler 0 -> f3bcee34f344
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
butler migrate stamp --namespace daf_butler $REPO
checked visit_definitions in pgcli, and there are still foreign keys defined.
pgcli postgresql://gen3_devel@hmk-postgres-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org:5432/desc_dm_gen3_spin
butler migrate show-current --namespace daf_butler $REPO
77e5b803ad3f (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
butler migrate upgrade --namespace daf_butler $REPO 380002bcbb26
no output, and the visit_definition still looks good in pgcli
butler migrate show-current $REPO
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
butler migrate upgrade --options has_simulated=1
$REPO bf6308af80aa
No errors this time and visit_definitions look good
version 3
butler migrate upgrade $REPO c5ae3a2cd7c2
No errors
Version 4
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 9888256c6a18
Move to Verion 5
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 2a8a32e1bec3
butler migrate upgrade $REPO 2a8a32e1bec3
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table instrument
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_calibs_00000001
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_calibs_00000003
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000006
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table collection_summary_instrument
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_calibs_00000002
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000001
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000002
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000003
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000007
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000011
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000012
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000014
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000015
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000018
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table detector
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000009
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table dataset_tags_00000013
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table patch_visit_detector_region_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table patch_visit_detector_region_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table patch_visit_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table patch_visit_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table physical_filter
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table tract_visit_detector_region_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table tract_visit_detector_region_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table tract_visit_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table tract_visit_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_definition
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_detector_region_skypix_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_system
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_detector_region
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_detector_region_skypix_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_skypix_overlap
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_skypix_overlap_summary
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table exposure
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Locking table visit_system_membership
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter instrument.name column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_calibs_00000001.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_calibs_00000003.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000006.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter collection_summary_instrument.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_calibs_00000002.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000001.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000002.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000003.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000007.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000011.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000012.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000014.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000015.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000018.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter detector.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000009.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter dataset_tags_00000013.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter patch_visit_detector_region_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter patch_visit_detector_region_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter patch_visit_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter patch_visit_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter physical_filter.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter tract_visit_detector_region_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter tract_visit_detector_region_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter tract_visit_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter tract_visit_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_definition.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_detector_region_skypix_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_system.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_detector_region.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_detector_region_skypix_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_skypix_overlap.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_skypix_overlap_summary.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter exposure.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Alter visit_system_membership.instrument column type to VARCHAR(32)
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Update dimensions.json version to 5
lsst.2a8a32e1bec3_py INFO: Update dimensions.json column size to 32
7 March 2024
Started cloned workload for new postgres
Checked that PGDATA is set as env variable in the workload to point to /var/lib/postgresql/data this avoids some errors with postmaster.pid
-c max_connections=500 is included in workload arguments due to cloning
Need to do general set up first:
Original version shifter --image=postgres:13.8-alpine --module=none psql -h desc-postgres-lsst-sci-pipelines-loadbalancer.desc-co.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U postgres
New version:
shifter --image=postgres:13.8-alpine --module=none psql -h desc-postgres-test-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U postgres
now setting up btree extension by doing:
Check that btree_gist was properly installed: To get list of extensions: /dx
then went on to create the database and a new user:
postgres=# create database desc_dm_gen3_spin;
postgres=# create user gen3_devel with password 'mypassword';
postgres=# grant all on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to gen3_devel;
postgres=# create user desc_roman_devel with password 'mypassword';
postgres=# grant all on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to desc_roman_devel;
ERROR: must be member of role "desc_roman_devel"
Fixed by doing
GRANT desc_roman_devel TO gen3_devel;
postgres=# create user gen3_user with password 'mypassword';
grant connect,temp on database desc_dm_gen3_spin to gen3_user;
Now dump the contents from the original db into the new one
shifter --image=postgres:13.8-alpine --module=none psql -h desc-postgres-test-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U gen3_devel -p 5432 -d desc_dm_gen3_spin -f ./postgres-gen3-backup-07-03-2024.sql |& tee clone-for-schema-migration-test-take2.log
Now ready to try a schema migration.
Using pgmetrics to get a general sense of the DB and that WAL is off https://pgmetrics.io/docs/invoke.html
/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/pgmetrics_1.16.0_linux_amd64/pgmetrics -h desc-postgres-test-loadbalancer.desc-co-migration-test.production.svc.spin.nersc.org -U gen3_devel -p 5432 desc_dm_gen3_spin
https://github.com/lsst-dm/daf_butler_migrate/ as of 11 March 2024 tip of main branch
Discussion on Slack https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C01FBUGM2CV/p1707760314990559
Going to try w_2024_10
source /cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/loadLSST.bash
setup lsst_distrib
Then following instructions here: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=197250365
# setup LSST stack, any recent release is OK
$ git clone git@github.com:lsst-dm/daf_butler_migrate
$ cd daf_butler_migrate
$ setup -k -r .
$ scons
After that you should be able to use `butler migrate` command.
/global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run3.1i/repo (referenced here on Slack: https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C2U2K05JR/p1689807539027229?thread_ts=1685690345.985839&cid=C2U2K05JR)
is /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run3.1i/run31i_repo used at all?
/global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run2.2i/repo https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C2U2K05JR/p1686011378259709?thread_ts=1685690345.985839&cid=C2U2K05JR
while not clear that /global/cfs/cdirs/lsst/production/gen3/DC2/Run2.2i/run22i_repo is used
What about u user space?
Do I have write access to all of that - and should we warn people before making an update???
Doesn't matter because this migration does not touch the datastore on disk, only the postgres database registry
Checking schema migration versions
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO --namespace daf_butler (only support namespace is daf_butler)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config, dimensions-config-daf_butler), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
Once you migrate to dimensions-config version 1, the namespace is stamped into the database and you don't need to specify it again.
Copied run22i_repo to allow some testing
lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact) heatherk@perlmutter:login29:/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration> butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO --namespace daf_butler
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.0 -> 87a30df8c8c5
dimensions-config: daf_butler 0 -> f3bcee34f344
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f (head)
butler migrate show-history dimensions-config
9888256c6a18 -> 2a8a32e1bec3 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config) (head), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=5.
c5ae3a2cd7c2 -> 9888256c6a18 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=4.
bf6308af80aa -> c5ae3a2cd7c2 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=3.
380002bcbb26 -> bf6308af80aa (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=2.
f3bcee34f344 -> 380002bcbb26 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=1.
3e2891b82110 -> f3bcee34f344 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), Migration script for dimensions.yaml namespace=daf_butler version=0.
<base> -> 3e2891b82110 (dimensions-config-daf_butler, dimensions-config), This is an initial pseudo-revision of the 'dimensions-config' tree.
From DOC:
Stamping initial versions
To create `alembic_versions` table and stamp current revisions into it:
$ butler migrate stamp --namespace daf_butler $REPO
After this the output from `show-current` should look like this:
$ butler migrate show-current $REPO
2101fbf51ad3 (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
035dcf13ef18 (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
f22a777cf382 (head)
77e5b803ad3f (head)
Revision `bf6308af80aa` without `head` corresponds to `dimensions-config: daf_butler 2`.
mine =>
butler migrate show-current --namespace daf_butler $REPO
77e5b803ad3f (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
Run migration script
To upgrade to revision `c5ae3a2cd7c2` (this may print some info messages from Alembic or nothing):
$ butler migrate upgrade $REPO c5ae3a2cd7c2
And to check that it is now at the versions `daf_butler 3`:
$ butler migrate show-current $REPO
035dcf13ef18 (head)
77e5b803ad3f (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
2101fbf51ad3 (head)
c5ae3a2cd7c2 (head)
f22a777cf382 (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
$ butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.2 -> 035dcf13ef18
dimensions-config: daf_butler 3 -> c5ae3a2cd7c2
opaque: lsst.daf.butler.registry.opaque.ByNameOpaqueTableStorageManager 0.2.0 -> 77e5b803ad3f
Versions https://github.com/lsst-dm/daf_butler_migrate/blob/main/doc/lsst.daf.butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config.rst
MIgrate to version 1, this is the last time I have to include the --namespace
butler migrate upgrade --namespace daf_butler $REPO 380002bcbb26
butler migrate show-current $REPO
77e5b803ad3f (head)
8c57494cabcc (head)
a07b3b60e369 (head)
more checking
butler migrate show-current --butler $REPO
attributes: lsst.daf.butler.registry.attributes.DefaultButlerAttributeManager 1.0.0 -> f22a777cf382
collections: lsst.daf.butler.registry.collections.synthIntKey.SynthIntKeyCollectionManager 2.0.0 -> 8c57494cabcc (head)
datasets: lsst.daf.butler.registry.datasets.byDimensions._manager.ByDimensionsDatasetRecordStorageManagerUUID 1.0.0 -> 2101fbf51ad3
datastores: lsst.daf.butler.registry.bridge.monolithic.MonolithicDatastoreRegistryBridgeManager 0.2.0 -> a07b3b60e369 (head)
dimensions: lsst.daf.butler.registry.dimensions.static.StaticDimensionRecordStorageManager 6.0.0 -> 87a30df8c8c5
dimensions-config: daf_butler 1 -> 380002bcbb26
Next Migrate to version 2
--options has_simulated=
Ends in failure
butler migrate upgrade --options has_simulated=1 $REPO bf6308af80aa
lsst.daf.butler.cli.utils ERROR: Caught an exception, details are in traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/cli/cmd/commands.py", line 141, in upgrade
script.migrate_upgrade(*args, **kwargs)
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/python/lsst/daf/butler_migrate/script/migrate_upgrade.py", line 92, in migrate_upgrade
command.upgrade(cfg, revision, sql=sql)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/command.py", line 403, in upgrade
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/script/base.py", line 583, in run_env
util.load_python_file(self.dir, "env.py")
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 95, in load_python_file
module = load_module_py(module_id, path)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/util/pyfiles.py", line 113, in load_module_py
spec.loader.exec_module(module) # type: ignore
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 72, in <module>
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/_alembic/env.py", line 66, in run_migrations_online
File "<string>", line 8, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/environment.py", line 948, in run_migrations
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/runtime/migration.py", line 627, in run_migrations
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/bf6308af80aa.py", line 54, in upgrade
File "/pscratch/sd/h/heatherk/schema-migration/daf_butler_migrate/migrations/dimensions-config/bf6308af80aa.py", line 235, in _migrate_visit
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py", line 675, in join
return Join(self, right, onclause, isouter, full)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py", line 1213, in __init__
self.onclause = self._match_primaries(self.left, self.right)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py", line 1320, in _match_primaries
return self._join_condition(left, right, a_subset=left_right)
File "/cvmfs/sw.lsst.eu/linux-x86_64/lsst_distrib/w_2024_10/conda/envs/lsst-scipipe-8.0.0-exact/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/selectable.py", line 1355, in _join_condition
raise exc.NoForeignKeysError(
sqlalchemy.exc.NoForeignKeysError: Can't find any foreign key relationships between 'exposure' and 'visit_definition'.
https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/x/Pc3BCw schema migration doc
DM JIRA: https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-42411
first metion on Slack 2022: https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C2M6H2LAX/p1670463105968469
Feb 2nd discussion concerning USDF DC2 schema migration: https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C027902HL8H/p1706859818360319
usdf-arch discussion leading to postponement https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C028UBS4QTX/p1706900228784069
Feb 2nd USDF announcement to postpone their schema migration: https://lsstc.slack.com/archives/C027902HL8H/p1706904056628749
Using postgres 13.8 - what version(s) is USDF and other sites using?
multiple users with ownership
possible to turn off WAL during migration?
when to run vaccuming?
Need to determine version(s) of Science Pipelines that have written this data