2020 June Release GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07
repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07|& tee hmkcheckout.log
Installed 0.2.8 fermi-repoman in GLASTEXT/repoman on RHEL6 as well as scons which is now used in Jenkins
scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=$GLAST_EXT --compile-opt --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons |& tee hmkBuild.log
The variant isn't included in the Jenkinsbuilds and the L1 scripts still rely on that set up. They should migrate, but in the meantime, I did a build by hand.
repoman checkout GlastRelease (will checkout latest tags as specified in GR master packageList.txt)
repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease L1
repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease --force GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr03
Building in Jenkins, one can offer more than one build parameter without commas: L1 FDM-10
25 Sept 2019
Jenkins isn't building L1 right now, need to push out a new GR
Testing a build of L1 at the command line on rhel6-64
repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease L1 |& tee checkouthmk.log
/afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/2.1.0/bin/scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=$GLAST_EXT --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons |& tee hmkBuild.log
Optimized Build
/afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/2.1.0/bin/scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=$GLAST_EXT --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons --compile-opt |& tee hmkBuild.log
That worked, now merging Giacomo's changes from astro into new branch then adding it to L1
28 June 2018
Testing checkout out L1 tags
repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease --force GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr03
That works.
1 Mar 2018
Realized that the xxxRootData packages were updated on master for rootcint during the git transition. Tagged master, and then updated the packageList.txt for L1 and GR master. Jenkins L1 built, and now doing a command line build on rhel6-64
28 Feb 2018
Brian will send instructions to clear out Jenkins workspace.. but basically, I would log onto fermilnx-v03 and remove a directory on SCRATCH
Trying a fresh L1 build on rhel6-64
21 Feb 2018
Updated repoman to the latest release to get --bom option which creates repoman.jsom file and stores commits used for the checkout.
with that son file I now can see the commits associated with the checkout repoman checkout --bom GlastRelease L1
and then do things like git describe --tags <commit>
need to finish setting up L1 branches for all required repos
git clone whatever repo git checkout -b L1 <tag> git push origin L1
13 Feb 2018
repoman checkout GlastRelease L1
repoman checkout SConsShared SConsShared-02-03-00
-C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=$GLAST_EXT --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons (site-dir is relative to the GlastRelease directory)
2 Feb 2018
Installing updated version of anaconda 2 and 3 at GLAST_EXT starting with basic Anaconda2-5.0.1 and Anaconda3-5.0.1 then adding any special modules we require. Need to sort out distribution to users - where some paths are hard-coded in the anaconda distribution. Probably also want to provide basic miniconda install using a condalist.
see: Building Python#Anaconda2-4.2.0
17 Jan 2018
Created L1 branch on GlastRelease and containerSettings to pick up the right set of subpackage tags.
Updated rhel6-64 repoman to latest 0.2.2
repoman checkout GlastRelease --force L1
Building after checking out latest SConsShared package in directory above
<pathtoscons>/scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=$GLAST_EXT --site-dir=../SConsShared/site-scons
13 Dec 2017
Trying out repoman at SLAC rhel6-64
Install latest repoman version=0.2 using a conda env on GLAST_EXT
pip install -U fermi-repoman (installs latest release 0.2)
Working through new workflow documentation:
make sure you enable your git SSH id and then
repoman checkout GlastRelease GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr02
ended in error:
INFO:root:Checkout out spec: CHS eventFile-09-01-01 for path eventFile Unable to checkout name: CHS, You may need to force checkout. Command Output: stderr: 'error: pathspec 'eventFile-09-01-01' did not match any file(s) known to git. error: pathspec 'eventFile' did not match any file(s) known to git.'
Jenkins builds :
18 Jul 2017
moving CAL calibration from RH5 to RH6-64
rebuilding their copy of CalUtil and calibGenCAL against GR 20-10-04-gr02
/afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/2.1.0/bin/scons --rm -k -C /nfs/farm/g/glast/u52/ReleaseManagerBuild/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/Optimized/GlastRelease/20-10-04-gr02 --with-GLAST-EXT=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44 --compile-opt --variant=redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44-Optimized --supersede=$PWD CalUtil
and calibGenCAL too
Looking over Sasha's set up. ~chehtman/.cshrc looks fine, it just sets up an alias to his directory and sources the group cshrc file for scons
Next trying to run genMuonPed using his build of calibGenCAL and mine. Actually, I can run his build of genMuonPed by doing:
Copied over the setup_env_scons_asym_rhel6-64.csh file from Sasha's directory (defined in his .cshrc file) Then I created a cal_mon subdirectory and copied over the digi_1file.txt as handled in the file. Once that's done, we can pass it to genMuonPed as handled in
1) I login to my account – I use .cshrc_rhel6-64 as .cshrc (I copied .cshrc_rhel6-64 to .cshrc previously) in my home folder /afs/
2) cd $CGCANA
3) source setup_env_scons_asym_rhel6-64.csh
4) cd cal_mon
genMuonPed -e 100000 digi_1file.txt calPed_20170718
The problem ended up being that there was another in the file that pointed to RH5.
6 May 2015
Trying out the event displays using the most recent GR
Still needs ruby 1.8.6 (or at least doesn't seem to work with
Add /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit-gcc41/ruby/1.8.6/bin to PATH
Add /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat5-i686-32bit-gcc41/fox/1.4.34-gl3/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
tried: ruby $GLAST_EXT/Fred/v100r2/bin/fred.rb failed with:
FXRbGLVisual::create: requested OpenGL extension not available.