- Write up Run2.1 & Run3.1 descriptions
- Deal with versioning of DR6
Week of 7 December
- Ingest Run2.2i @ NERSC
- Get initial web site up adn running
- DESC Note
- Recheck on user requests
- add in description of Fawad's Compute request
- Fermi
- workbook update
- nEXO
- event viewer
Week of 30 November
- Sprint Week
- Update all DESC conda environments with new GCRCatal
- nEXO data
Week of 16 November
- CO
- write agenda, attend, potentially run and note take for CO meeting
- set up Zoom #s for Sprint week
- shut down desc-python:bleed scheduled build for now
- write agenda, announce, and run DESC DM/DA mtg
- CC
- attend SBPC update and note take
- Write up DESC newsletter entry
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
Week of 9 November
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- Help create lsstdesc-env conda-forge package
- install intake in desc-python:bleed
- follow up on CVMFS problems with sqlite3
- Run a proper DR6 Gen2 ingest
- Create SPIN Postgres
- Test SPIN website
- handle DESC DM/DA meeting
- Discuss GCR future with Yao & Joanne
- Check on DR6-WFD warps
- Look at DR2 object catalogs to regenerate the ones fixed by the finished tract/patch processing
- CC
- announce, attend and run CC meeting
- handle OMP amendment voting
- handle PM amendement voting
- edit draft collaboration announcement
- Write up DESC newsletter entry
- Fermi
- attend ADASS as possible
- nEXO
Week of 2 November
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- DESC DM/DA meeting
- CC
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 26 October
- CO
- Contact James P & George B for CO meeting
- Write agenda, attend and note take for CO meeting
- Upgrade GCRCatalogs to v1.0.2 for all python environments
- Review DC2-analysis tutorials and automate beavis running
- attend GPU webinar
- Update desc-stack-weekly for w_2020_44
- automate those builds
- Follow up on Jupyter issues on Monday
- Deal with reported issues with MPI and nbodykit in desc-python env
- Help SN group upgrade to GCC 9.3.0
- Address question concerning permissions
- Announce, run, write agenda, for DESC DM/DA
- Complete initial set of DR2 object catalogs
- Copy matched catalogs to shared area at nersc
- CC
- Help write up slides, update agenda for DESC-wide Software Policy meeting
- Follow up on SBPC DESC-wide meeting
- Schedule November CC meeting
- ask MC to send out full membership announcement to collab
- Prepare and send email to DESC members reminding them to update DB entries
- Follow up on SNC
- Prepare OpaVote for ratification
- Prepare Collaboration-wide comment period for FM amendment
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 19 October
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- finish Gateways seminars
- Continue viewing JupyterCon
- try out Globus Spin app
- update user on how to intall nbodykit
- Address various desc-help requests
- announce, write agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Produce object catalogs for all DR2 tracts where reasonable
- CC
- attend, run CC Mtg
- Update SRPC page
- Announce SP DESC-wide meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
Week of 12 October
- CO
- attend PS meeting
- attend Gateways
- attend JupyterCon
- attend Rubin Bootcamp
- attend SSim meeting
- Update Jupyter at NERSC Confluence page
- attend TJP meeting to help present DC2 data availability
- write agenda, note take, attend DESC DM/DA
- CC
- Stand up CCNC
- Prepare for Oct 19 meeting
- OMP ratfication
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 5 October
- CO
- Attend JupyterCon tutorials
- Attends parts of Snowmass
- Q4 update
- Follow up on Humna's questions about trouble using desc-stack during Cori outage
- Post NERSC Cori updates to desc-nersc
- Check on HPSS storage use
- Work out issues connecting to jupyterhub with CSCRATCH unavailable.
- descqa website problems
- Attend ParslFest
- Follow up on DR2 WWT data
- CC
- Announce potential CCNC members to CC and gain approval
- send invites
- Announce CC Oct meeting, update DESC calendar, alert SP team, write agenda
- Announce potential CCNC members to CC and gain approval
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Test SDF for nEXO user using singularity
- Set up new nEXO SDF space
- Start up build to set up a private docker image including nexo-offline to test with Yee
Week of 28 September
- CO
- Attend CS meeting
- Prepare for CO meeting
- Attend DIA meeting
- set up data for WWT
- check on desc-bleed
- set up re-useable Gen2/Gen3 repo at NERSC
- refresh small dataset on HPSS
- Write agenda, announce, note take, attend DESC DM/DA meeting
- Back up DR2 calexps just in case
- CC
- Get DESC-wide meeting set up for SRPC and SBPC
- Stand up CCNC
- Work on scheduling Oct CC Meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- set up nexo-offline on SDF with Yee
Week of 21 September
- CO
- Attend SSim meeting
- Set up Transfer for WWT
- Transfer DC2 Run2.2i to lsstdev
- check on desc-bleed
- Announce, write agenda, attend DESC DM meeting
- Grab updated Gen2 calibration flats for Gen3 testing
- set up Gen2/Gen3 repo at NERSC
- Move on with Gen3 testing at NERSC
- CC
- Sept CC meeting
- MRPC Meeting
- Provide newsletter update
- Announce Software Policy draft
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Work with Yee to set up nexo sims on SDF
- Software meeting
Week of 14 September
- CO
- write agenda, take notes for CO meeting
- announce meeting and invite DMers
- announce meeting and invite DMers
- write agenda, take notes for CO meeting
- Set up transfer for WWT
- Update desc-python:bleed and turn automatic installation back on
- write agenda, attend, take notes for Wednesday meeting
- Get DR6 WFD annoucement out the door
- organize warps and put them on CSCRATCH
- fix up dr2 calexps from Run2.2i
- regenerate tract2visit sqlite DB
- CC
- set up Sept mtg time
- discuss SRP edits
- Push on CCNC and SNC meetings
- Contact 2019 SNC about survey
- Fermi
- Slac
- nEXO
- attend Slac computing discussion on Thursday
- attend software meeting
- respond to issues submitting jobs on GPUs
- Work with Yee to set up some modules on SDF
- Figure out a good production version using LLNL's install
- Figure out a good production version using LLNL's install
Week of 7 September
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- attend CS meeting
- add ceci to desc-python
- add ceci to desc-stack
- write agenda, attend, note take for DESC DM meeting
- Keep warp copying going
- Update scripts to find the warps left to copy and try globus instead
- Chat with Tom about warps
- Set up tract2visit mapper for DR2
- Find uband noPSF config discussions
- CC
- Set up Sept CC MTG poll
- Push along SNC and CCNC
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 31 August
- CO
- check on descdm quota
- check on descdm quota
- CC
- Aug CC meeting notes for collaboration
- Get back to meetings committee concerning their question
- get MRPC meeting set up
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Try out GH Actions
Week of 17 August
- CO
- help SN set up a conda environment
- meet with Bruno and Rick
- inquire about TxPipe
- look at running sn-pipe in tutorial notebooks
- help SN set up a conda environment
- agenda, attend DESC DM/DA meeting
- continue pulling over Run2.2i DR6 data from CC
- Prepare for DR6 release
- back up pixel level data
- remove unwanted tracts and patches
- Reach agreement on what is DR6d
- Update DC2 calibration headers to adhere to new CALIB_ID format
- Y1 warps for DR2
- add /usr/bin/time to shifter image for parsl DR2 runs
- data transfer to lsst-dev all of Run2.2 and Run3.1
- Clean up CSCRATCH
- CC
- announce, write agenda, attend Aug Meeting
- write up DESC-wide minutes
- complete MRPC note and send
- Put out one more call for CCNC and SNC members
- Questionnaire Survey
- glastsys password
- performance review
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- test free github area
- look at open source chat tools to replace Slack
Week of 3 August
- CO
- attend leadership meeting to update SRM
- export Zoom stats
- Size of DC2 files
- fverify Run3.1i sim files
- update sn repo wth NERSC instructions
- test GHI
- setup new SN min
- rsync coadds again, consider cron
- Copy DR6 coadd data to NERSC
- CC
- poll for August meeting
- poll for August meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- add more users to nexo UNIX group
Week of 27 July
- CO
- Complete Q3 report
- Complete Q3 report
- Reorg Run1.2x data to reside on CFS
- Back up Run3.0i data on HPSS and remove from CFS
- Finish cleaning up my CSCRATCH
- Clean up desc's CSCRATCH
- Setup automated running of DC2Analysis tutorials at NERSC
- add selenium and python-snappy to desc-python
- need to fix up desc-python-bleed
- need to fix up desc-python-bleed
- Upgrade desc-stack-weekly for next DM weekly, which hopefully fixes their conda install issues
- Reinstall Run2.2i Gen3 repo using latest DM weekly
- Update tutorial notebook for Gen3
- IPP eups
- setup rsync of DR6 WFD coadds
- Store Run2.2i WFD in HPSS
- Y1
- Y2
- Y3
- extract unneeded Y4 and Y5 files
- Y4
- Y5
- CC
- write up June monthly meeting notes
- schedule August meeting
- send out poll
- send out poll
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Evaluate open source chat options
- Evaluate open source chat options
Week of 20 July
- Attend collaboration meeting
- Install new desc-python-dev to downgrade pyarrow for desc-pyspark
- complete Gen3 Run2.2i demo repo
- Set up desc-stack-weekly-latest for w_2020_27 to be used with Gen3 repo
- Write up notes for others to run notebook examining Gen3 repo
- nEXO
- respond to Samuele's questoins about CVMFS
- respond to Vladimir's data proposal
Week of 13 July
- CO
- attend WL meeting
- Write up builder nomination letters
- Announce, attend, note take CO meeting
- announce, attend, note take DESC DM/DA meeting
- announce, attend, note take DESC DM/DA meeting
- set up Run2.2i Gen3 repo
- Fix entrypoint for desc-bleed
- CC
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- create, test and install new nexo-python docker image at SLAC and announce
- set up nexo-base cpuonly pytorch container
- reproduce success
- Update Singularity instructions to include how to submit jobs to bsub ( and slurm)
Week of 6 July
- CO
- ask Debbie to speak at next CO meeting
- attend first half of DIA meeting
- Write agenda, note take and attend DESC DM / DA
- Write agenda, note take and attend DESC DM / DA
- Back up Run3.0 sim data to HPSS
- Back up truth catalogs to HPSS
- finish setting up dustmaps
- add v20 stack-sims image
- setup Gen3 repo in postgres (started)
- back up catalogs
- Copy out July 7th version of metacal DR6a merged tract parquet files
- Update desc-python & desc-stack for pyarrow, dask, and distributed:
- CC
- Write up June meeting notes for DESC
- Check on black lives matter Slack channel
- follow up on update to OMP
- Follow up on updates to Membership Policy
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend Slac computing discussion
- attend software meeting
- Update nexo-base to use py3.7
- Update nexo-base to install pytorch cpuonly
- Update nexo-base to install pytorch with cudatoolkit == 10.0 for SLAC compatibility
- Update singularity doc to include installation at SLAC instructions
- Update Singularity instructions to include how to submit jobs to bsub ( and slurm)
Week of 29 June
- CO
- Finish up slides for DC2 update for WL and present
- Help plan Gen3 sessions at collab meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Count up data sizes of all Run 2.2 and 3.0 FITS
- fverify all Run3.0 files, update sqlite tracking db and notify Fabio we are ready to transfer
- Fix up desc-bleed and make sure build is scheduled and cron job set up to import into shifter
- set up rsync of object catalog area at CC (set up cron job to continue daily updates)
- set up rsync of metacal
- finish setting up dustmaps
- add v20 stack-sims image
- set up DR2 calexps for descdm
- Clean up descim CSCRATCH
- Back up truth catalogs to HPSS
- CC
- Send Membership Committee Annual report to CC
- Follow up on updates to Membership Policy
- Check on SBPC draft to make sure it is not publically available.
- Follow up with SRPC to make their google doc draft as a draft
- Fermi
- nEXO
- add more users to GitHub repo
- add more users to nexo UNIX group and look into ongoing inconsistent group membership on RHEL6 and centos7
- inquire about SLAC backup policies
Week of 22 June
- CO
- attend CI interviews
- set up desc-stack-sims for v20 - but first perhaps sort out which sims weekly to use with it (22 or 24)
- set up desc-stack for v20 just create the tag, don't make it the productoin desc-stack
- scrape metacal logs and ?,?_nImage.fits for exposure info
- Setup notebook to look at data
- clean up descim area
- back up truth catalogs
- rsync object catalogs and coadd from CC
- setup rsync cron job
- Handle desc-help #22 copying files for Sam
- set up cron job for desc-python-bleed
- CC
- Write up June meeting minutes for DESC
- Write up June meeting minutes for DESC
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of 15 June
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- attend DESC-wide meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- setup CI for desc-drp-stack
- add test for numba
- add pyccl test for desc-stack
- set up desc-stack weekly images
- Look at GH actions environment differences:
- merge PR#221 in obs_lsst
- Look into adding configs to IPP
- Join Snowmass mailing lists and slack channels
- add dustmaps packages to desc-stack (and possibly desc-python)
- setup CI for desc-drp-stack
- CC
- revise EDI committee member invite
- send EDI committee invites
- Set up June meeting and write agenda
- announce EDI committee
- attend CC meeting
- Update trello
- Retrieve GoogleForm response and send to CC
- add DESC computing doc to KIPAC github
- add DESC computing doc to KIPAC github
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Livermore workshop
- Meet with Lisa
- Update SLAC wiki page to fix broken links
- Try setting up LHC libraries again
- Update SLAC wiki page doc
note stack-jupyter:prod was pointing to v19_0_0-v3r1 moving to v19_0_0-v6r1
Week of 8 June
- CO
- attend SSim meeting
- attend SSim meeting
- Set up and attend DR2 processing meeting
- FInish setting up DR2 repo
- Meet, set up agenda, note take, to discuss DR2 processing at NERSC
- Update Run3.0i Confluence page to include pointers to data and software versions
- Validate Run3.0 y1-y3 fits files
- Update desc-drp-stack image to include llvmlite 0.30.0
- Create ticket to help user with UNIX group membership
- Create ticket to help user with UNIX group membership
- CC
- Call Dawson vote for EDI
- Announce end of vote for PubBoard
- Create poll for June Meeting
- Help draft strike statement
- Fermi
- Cancel software meeting
- Rebuild 20-10-04-gr07 to compare lib/<variant> vesus lib structure obtained from Jenkins versus local build
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- add another user to the nexo group
- closeout SLAC IT ticket concerning group membership across rhel6 and centos7
- Investigate NEST submodule failure - the branch with the commit was deleted
- Test Nest update PR 141 and merge and inform Jason Bane of fix
Week of 29 May
- CO
- Write up agenda, attend and note take for CO meeting
- Attend Leadership meeting
- Listen in to WL meeting
- Reorg DC2 Confluence page: DC2
- DC2 Hack Day June 5th
- Go over Confluence Doc
- check on desc-dm-dc2 repo and update any areas to use CFS and add in Run2.2i
- Check on DC2-Analysis
- Transfer DR6 object catalogs to NERSC
- Provide desc-stack-weekly
- Announce, write agenda, note take DESC DM meeting
- set up new desc-drp-stack repo and got new v19-v2 docker image and wrote up doc for Tom
- Started setting up new DR2 repo, need to request new quota and figure out how much room DR2 might take up.
- Attend Super facility Brown Bag
- Transfer registry.sqlite3 file from CC after DR6 calexp transfer
- CC
- Post May CC meeting Confluence Page
- Post May CC meeting Confluence Page
- Attend Virtual Residence when possible:
- Attend Virtual Residence when possible:
- Fermi
- annouce software meeting
- Check on new "externals" directory for M.E.
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Copy over more chargeSim files to SLAC
- Set up Doxygen for Lisa
- Provide example running 2 instance of the same service
- Test CMake ExternalData_OBJECT_STORES
- Announce SLAC FTP site
- Provide incident example
- send Tony Dockerfile
- update Dockerfile for Doxygen
- Attend sims meeting
Week of 25 May 2020
- CO
- Attend CS meeting
- Clean up desc-python doc and yaml files
- Announce, write agenda, note-take DESC DM
- Announce, write agenda, note-take DESC DM
- Request full copy of DR6 calexps from CC
- Follow up on outstanding NERSC account requests
- Attend Superfacility Brown Bag - SPIN
- Request early access to rancher 2
- CC
- Finalize MCPs registration wording
- Summarize May meeting minutes for DESC
- Provide CC summary for DESC newsletter
- Fermi
- Annouce software meeting
- Annouce software meeting
- nEXO
- copy chargesim data files to SLAC
- Set up doxygen for Lisa
- Advertise FTP area and updated CMake files
Week of 18 May 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- Add GCRCatalgos master to desc-python-dev
- Attend SuperFacility Brown Bag
- Attend SIGEUF
- Update desc-stack and desc-python with new v0.17.0 GCRCatalogs
- Inform DESC user when over Computing allocation
- CC
- attend CC meeting (note take on the side)
- WRite up DESC summary for meeting
- Work out PubBoard rotation
- Respond to Membership Committee email concerning annual report
- Update draft for note to Meetings Committee concerning upcoming registration
- update CC trello
- Write up possible update to MCP request on registation form
- Fermi
- announce s/w meeting
- announce s/w meeting
- nEXO
- Meet with Lisa
- Poke Tony about Jenkins builds and web accessible area for doxygen output
- Set up new doxygen for Lisa and test it out
Week of 11 May 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, and note take for CO Meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take for CO Meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Refresh HSC Gen3 example at NERSC
- Demonstrate gen2togen3 conversion using DMstack w_2020_19 and Run2.2i data
- Continuing move to shared area
- copied PhotoZDC2 catalogs:
- Copy old and new Buzzard catalogs
- descqa/v1
- SSim data
- Transition WGs to CFS
- CL
- CS
- LSS - created new area and requested current owners move content
- PZ
- SSim
- TJP - removed content as agreed
- WL - created new area and in contact with conveners to determine who will handle the data move
- Prepare for WG NERSC migration
- Announce on desc-announce
- Alert all WGs
- Back up old and new descqa areas
- attend NERSC brown bag series - New Data Management
- Inquire about NERSC DB services
- Continuing move to shared area
- CC
- write up agenda for May 18th meeting, post entry on DESC Calendar
- attend SBPC DESC-wide meeting
- write up draft announcement of SRPC status
- write up agenda for May 18th meeting, post entry on DESC Calendar
- Fermi
- announce Fermi Software meeting
- Check for L1 branches
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- populate new SLAC FTP area
- add new user to nexo group at SLAC
- add new users to GH organization
- Update CMake to use new FTP area
- test at SLAC
- test at LLNL
- test on laptop
Week of 4 May 2020
- CO
- Alert WG conveners and DC2 analysis czars about upcoming CO discussion concerning validation efforts
- Complete Q2 report
- attend leadership meeting
- attend CS meeting
- Update GitHub workflows for DC2-imsim docker images, to work around disk space issues on GH Actions
- Announce, write agenda, attend, note take for DESC DM meeting
- Install new gcr-catalogs 0.16.1
- Help write up draft CFS directory organization
- Test use of desc account in Globus
- Move Buzzard-4 into new CFS shared area
- attend External User Group meeting
- CC
- Set up WhenIsGood poll for next CC meeting
- write agenda for next meeting
- Contact SRPC to determine next steps
- Weekly SLAC meeting
- Weekly SLAC meeting
- Fermi
- announce offline s/w meeting
- announce offline s/w meeting
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa
- Add nexo-base:current tag and update documentation
- Attend sims meeting
- Look at Fireworks
Week of 27 April 2020
- CO
- attend SSims meeting
- inquire about missing w_2019_42 sims on CVMFS
- request v19 lsst_distrib be pinned on CVMFS
- Test reported issues with ipympl at NERSC and CC
- Upgrade desc-python to include tabulate, flake8, new sacc, healsparse
- Report Missing sims w_2019_42 on CVMFS:
- Confirm removal of dev installs on CVMFS:
- Write up quarterly report
- Keep an eye on progress
- Finish reorg of Y4/Y5 checkpoint files
- Check final counts
- Copy Y4/Y5 checkpoint files to tape
- Announce, write agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Transition WG to CFS
- CL
- CS
- PZ
- SSim
- WL
- desc-help
- Transition WG to CFS
- CC
- Write up message to Membership Committee
- Review scheduled council activities for April/May/June
- Fermi
- announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- Merge astro changes from igrf_updates branch into L1 and test in Jenkins
- Release GR including new astro
- announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- set up new area for shared data files
- Update Cmake build to down data files
- Update CMake to require sniper >= 1.3
- add new nexo user to nexo group at SLAC
- add new nexo user to nexo group at SLAC
- attend sims meeting
Week of 20 Apr 2020
- CO
- announce, run, and note-take CO meeting
- Update Zoom infor for all Computing meetings in Calendar and some Confluence pages
- Keep an eye on progress
- DESC DM meeting
- Attend NUG on 4/22
- desc-help
- Finish reorg of Y4/Y5 checkpoint files
- inquire how to handle Grid duplicates
- inquire how to handle Grid duplicates
- CC
- Fermi
- announce Fermi software meeting
- Help Nicola will additional GR/astro building questions
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Add new users to GH and provide instructions to apply for accounts at SLAC & LLNL
- Locate new location for data files at SLAC?
- ticket opened
- ticket opened
- Address SNIper filtering to cut down output file size
- Update Cmake build to down data files
- Update CMake to require sniper >= 1.3
Week of 13 Apr 2020
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- update sacc in desc-python
- update gcr-catalogs in desc-python
- fix up pip includes in desc-python
- announce, write up agenda, note take DESC DM mtg
- announce, write up agenda, note take DESC DM mtg
- crack all y4 y5 files and extract checkpoints
- Store y02-missing instance catalogs to HPSS
- Store cosmoDC2 to HPSS
- Store y02-missing instance catalogs to HPSS
- Store cosmoDC2 to HPSS
- CC
- Look over notes for meetings committee
- release April Zoom mtg notes
- Fermi
- announce, attend, note take for software meeting
- inquire about status of new astro
- help Nicola get going with developer tools
- Tag GRcontainerSettings to capture 2018 changes on master
- Test new Jenkins build
- Install miniconda2 and add latest fermi-repoman and scons
- Test command line build of GR
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Finish setting up new docker/singularity image and documentation
- Update nexo-base image on GH Actions
- Continue trying to get nexo builds with LCG libraries to work
- attend sims meeting
Week of 6 Apr 2020
- CO
- attend SSims meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Attend Leadership meeting
- test updated desc-python with fast3tree fix
- release v0.0.24
- update sacc in desc-python
- fix up pip includes in desc-python
- Confirm Y4-Y5 raw transfer was successful and inform Fabio
- rollback 11 failed jobs and redo transfer to HPSS
- Confirm success
- Extract Y4 Y5 checkpoint files, organize and push into HPSS
- Contact projecta www owners and tell them about projecta transition
- Contact WG conveners about NERSC projecta => CFS transition
- Start up Science Gateway page:
- Checklist projecta => CFS transition:
- Confirm Y4-Y5 raw transfer was successful and inform Fabio
- CC
- Write agenda, send reminder and attend monthly CC meeting
- write up DESC summary
- Help Dominique pinpoint issues cloning DMstack env on CVMFS at CC
- Complete Cyber security Training
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and take notes for Offline S/W meeting
- Announce, attend, and take notes for Offline S/W meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Test updated nexo-base docker image removing NEST, going to Py3 and LLNL externals
- setup SLAC with LCG 96python3
Week of 30 Mar 2020
- CO
- Write up agenda, run CO meeting
- discuss desc-python
- discuss desc-python
- Announce new Confluence page for DESC envs on desc-leadership
- write up adding user packages to desc-python
- test nbodykit
- test nbodykit
- write up adding user packages to desc-python
- test nbodykit
- Help CC figure out how to install and maintain desc-python
- Write up agenda, run CO meeting
- Validate Y2-hole FITS files and coordinate transfer to CC
- announce, write agenda and run DESC DM mtg
- Meeting with Rollins
- Investigate nbody dependencies
- Transfer y4-y5 raw files to HPSS
- finish setting up testdata_ci_desc_gec repo
- empty
- Run2.2i data
- CC
- Set March/April meeing, write agenda
- Set March/April meeing, write agenda
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, note take Offline S/W meeting
- Announce, attend, note take Offline S/W meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- New nexo-base docker image with NEST and latest sniper
- Provided updated externals at SLAC
- find fix for ROOT compilation error with gcc 4.8.5 and LZMA
- Get SLAC to install lzma-devel
- move to LCG externals
- find fix for ROOT compilation error with gcc 4.8.5 and LZMA
Week of 23 Mar 2020
- CO
- ask Erin to present at next CO meeting
- attend WL meeting and present DC2 update
- Write up confluence page listing available DESC environments and POCs
- Attend CS meeting
- announce, write agenda and run DESC DM mtg
- set up testdata_ci_desc repo with a portion of Run2.2i data
- Help coordinate Y4/Y5 transfer from CC with Fabio
- Work out updating the SQLite tracking DB for Y4/Y5 and Y2 hole
- Help coordinate Y2 hole transfer to CC
- Write up wiki describing how to set up a DM Gen2 repo
- Ask about jupyter widgets
- release new conda-forge based desc-python
- Test new desc-python and adding user packages
- CC
- ask meetings committee about data retention
- plan next April CC meeting
- ask meetings committee about data retention
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend sim meeting
- Merge updates to lightmapsvc
- Help new nexo user set up and use docker and latest nexo-offline
Week of 16 Mar 2020
- CO
- Prepare slides for Monday's WL meeting
- Prepare slides for Monday's WL meeting
- Attend DM Alg Workshop remotely Tues - Thur 8:45 AM - 2:30 PM PT
- Validate Y4-WFD fits files and request transfer to CC
- Update DC2 Run2.2i Confluence doc for DR3
- Move Y4 WFD checkpoint files to HPSS
- Copy Y2 Hole instance catalogs to HPSS
- Respond to Rollins questions about use of key/value API within jupyter notebooks
- deploy new desc-stack production bersion vased on v19
- CC
- Update newsletter Feb/March summary
- Update newsletter Feb/March summary
- Complete Annual Security Training
- Complete Annual Security Training
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Attend simulation meeting
- Help Ako with Sniper Questions
- Update LightMapSvc to fix example algorithm to allow setup once during initialize
- Update LightMapSvc to retrieve data from TH2D
- Complete LLNL Security Training
Week of 9 Mar 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, note take and CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, note take and CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, note take DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, note take DESC DM meeting
- Pull Y2 WFD instance catalogs from tape
- Pull Y2 WFD instance catalogs from tape
- CC
- Attend Data Science Training
- Attend Data Science Training
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Attend simulation meeting
- Chat with Lisa about Confluence, JIRA, GitHub, etc
- Open SLAC ticket to help nexo user set default shell to bash
- Test git submodules on nexo-offline
Week of 2 Mar 2020
- CO
- Finish CI slides
- Present CI work at DESC seminar
- attend CS meeting
- update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with DR3 directory
- start gcr-catalogs updates for object and meta catalogs
- Update desc-help README to provide pointers to other help faciilties
- Finish CI slides
- announce, write up agenda, run, and note take for DESC DM mtg
- announce, write up agenda, run, and note take for DESC DM mtg
- Clear off Y1 and Y2 chkpoints, freeing 146 TB for y4-wfd transfer from scratch
- Prepare subset of DR4 on CSCRATCH for general DESC release
- Request ownership transfer of DR3 drp data
- Update Confluence doc for NERSC account
- Test ability of DR3 drp data on CFS to run on batch - fails, same locking issue as projecta
- CC
- Fermi
- attend software week sessions
- Test Jenkins builds of GR
- Report problems with GR builds to Brian
- retest Jenkins manual triggering of builds
- Test binary tarball at SLAC - seems to work
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Inquire about transfer speeds between IHEP and SLAC
- Provide skeleton light map service
Week of of 24 Feb 2020
- CO
- Prepare slide for Computing Infrastructure Talk at DESC Seminar
- attend SSIM meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Set up space for DR3 transfer from CC
- update desc-stack to resolve:
- Open NERSC ticket concerning users with trouble starting up jupyter
- CC
- Attend and note take for the meeting
- Update Trello with CC activities
- Write up DESC Summary of Feb mtg
- Write up Feb DESC newsletter submission
- Fix up CC Confluece area containing Council Minutes - past minutes were spread between 2 separate pages.
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend Tuesday software meeting
- Inquire at SLAC to use gridFTP for data transfer
- Work with SLAC to gain CVMFS access to IHEP filesystem
Week of 17 Feb 2020
- CO
- write agenda, note take for CO meeting
- write agenda, note take for CO meeting
- write agenda, run meeting,note take
- write agenda, run meeting,note take
- add graphviz to desc-python
- Store Y3-wfd checkpoint files on HPSS
- CC
- Start up agenda page
- Poll for meeting time
- Follow up on
- PubBoard Rotation
- Fermi
- announce, note take for software meeting
- announce, note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- help track down memory leak
- attend sims meeting
- install updated external libs at SLAC
- update cmake install to handle downloading of ancillary files
Week of 10 Feb 2020
- CO
- attend DESC leadership mtg and take notes
- announce new desc-help github repo
- attend and note take for CS mtg
- Copy Y4 instance catalogs back off tape to CSCRATCH
- Set up 1 TB area for PLASTICC
- submit NERSC ticket to sort out how to set quota
- submit NERSC ticket to sort out how to set quota
- Refresh NERSC Getting Started Confluence page with new NERSC links
- install w_2020_06 in shifter for Michael
- address ipyml issue in jupyter
- contact NERSC about htar compression
- CC
- attend SRPC - CC meeting and take notes
- attend SRPC - CC meeting and take notes
- nEXO
- Look over commit history on nexo-offline branches
- add outside collaborator to one nexo repo
Week of 3 Feb 2020
- CO
- Generate new stack-sims-cat using w_2019_42 and adding in pyarrow for Bryce & Joanne
- Attend SSim mtg
- Gen3 meeting
- Gen3 meeting
- transfer y02 instCat to hpss
- transfer y05 instCat to hpss
- transfer y06 instCat to hpss
- Request increase to descim CSCRATCH quota
- Inquire about new user LSST group membership
- Inquire about PI notification concerning users over job allocation
- Transfer checkpoint files to HPSS
- Y1
- Y2
- Y3
- CC
- set up meeting with SRPC
- Attend group meeting
- Attend group meeting
- Fermi
- announce, attend, notetake Software mtg
- announce, attend, notetake Software mtg
- nexo
- attend software meeting
- Write MC filter Alg
- PR
- Coordinate SLAC adding JuNO path to CVMFS
- Meet with Lisa
- Add new SNiPER service to read in ROOT TH2 LightMap
Week of 27 Jan 2020
- CO
- write up agenda, run, and note take during CO meeting
- Set up desc-help repo and explore issue templates
- write up agenda, note take during DESC DM & DA meeting
- validate Y3 sim data, update tracking DB and request transfer to CC
- Consider moving projecta content to CFS
- Look over CFS content from project area
- CC
- meet with Yao to discuss to do list
- meet with Yao to discuss to do list
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of 20 Jan 2020
- CO
- Set up workflow for gcr-catalogs to create desc-stack:test and desc-python:test
- Set up workflow to move desc-stack:prod to desc-stack:old
- Set up mtg with Ben, Tom, Jim, Adrian
- Pull out y4 instance catalogs for James P to transfer to Grid
- CC
- Organize, pick up, deliver food for cc-mgmt meeting
- Set up mtg with Yao & Eric
- Fermi
- announced cancellation of Software mtg this week
- announced cancellation of Software mtg this week
- nEXO
- Update NEST to latest master in nexo-base:latest
- testing failed due to missing valgrind which seems to be required
- testing failed due to missing valgrind which seems to be required
- Update NEST to latest master in nexo-base:latest
Week of 13 Jan 2020
- CO
- Provide GCRCatalog workflow triggered off master to produce desc-stack and desc-python test envs
- Set up new desc-stack repo in LSSTDESC using v19.0.0
- Introduce Docker build of desc-python in LSSTDESC
- Update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with all Run2.1i and Run2.2i data locations
- Update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with all Run2.1i and Run2.2i data locations
- Validate straggler y1-wfd and y2-wfd visits, update tracking DB and request transfer
- Write up slides, attend WL meeting and provide DESC processing update
- Prepare new CFS area for DESC with directories and permissions
- Inquire about area ownership:
- Inquire about area ownership:
- Refresh Run2.1i CSCRATCH copy
- Refresh Run1.2i CSCRATCH copy
- Address inode issue for descdm CSCRATCH
- Start moving agn_ckpts to HPSS
- inquire about stalled HPSS jobs:
- y1-wfd
- y2-wfd
- inquire about stalled HPSS jobs:
- Finish moving instance catalogs to HPSS
- y02
- y05
- y06
- Prepare new CFS area for DESC with directories and permissions
- Update CC plenary slides
- Handle food for CC-Mgmt meeting
- Remind desc members to review draft SRP and provide comments
- Help plan CC Town Hall
- zoom recording?
- zoom recording?
- Fermi
- Announce, note take and attend weekly software meeting
- Announce, note take and attend weekly software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Provide fresh externals installation at SLAC for latest nexo-offline
- Meet with Samuele to discuss skeleton recon SNiPER alg
- Write up draft organization for charge and light reconstruction
Week of 6 Jan 2020
- CO
- Write agenda, announce, and notetake for CO meeting
- Provide Debbie some advance dates of DESC needs
- Q1 report
- survey paper validation section
- Prepare for Collab Mtg
- Follow up on DDF checklist
- Validate y2-wfd and update sqlite tracking db and request transfer to CC
- Announce, write agenda, attend and note take for DESC DM meeting
- Transfer tract 3828 and 3829 to lsst-dev
- and ancillary data including CALIB, ref_cats
- and ancillary data including CALIB, ref_cats
- Free up space in descim CSCRATCH
- y4
- y3
- y1
- y2
- y5
- Free up space in projecta
- agn-checkpoints for y1-wfd
- agn-checkpoints for y1-wfd
- Refresh RUn1.2p
- Refresh Run1.2i
- Cron job for CSCRATCH?
- Collaboration Council
- Start preparing CC update for Collaboration Mtg
- Help plan TownHall
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note take offline software meeting
- nEXO
- Attend software meeting
- Read, respond, and provide Fermi's Gaudi experience for Vladimir's project overview
Week of 16 Dec 2019
- CO
- Section 7.2 DC2 survey paper (cross-validation)
- Attend Wednesday Leadership Mtg
- Ingest Run2.1i reference catalog using v19.0.0 and obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch
- Ingest Run2.1i reference catalog using v19.0.0 and obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch
- Update desc-stack, making sure it pin python 3.7
- Finish SPIN implementation for running integration tests using CVMFS installations
- Help Anze figure out how to use emacs after loading desc-python
- Fermi
- Create any necessary JIRAs for upcoming GR astro update
- Create any necessary JIRAs for upcoming GR astro update
- nEXO
- attend Sunday evening telecon with SNiPER representatives
- attend Sunday evening telecon with SNiPER representatives
Week of 9 Dec 2019
- CO
- Attend SSim meeting
- Attend SSim meeting
- write up agenda, run, and note take DESC DM meeting
- validate y1-wfd fits and centroids
- Request transfer to CC
- Request transfer to CC
- Attend SPIN Hack day
- Attend NUG:
- Test gcr-catalogs uninstall and clean up old catalogs files in desc-python
- update desc-python
- updated desc-stack
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend 3 hour (until had to go) workflow meeting
- Attend software meeting
Week of 2 Dec 2019
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, run, and note take CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, and note take CO meeting
- Announce and write up agenda for DESC DM meeting
- Update setup script for IPP pipelines
- Update obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch for w_2019_47
- attend SPIN training Thus and Friday afternoons
- attend SPIN training Thus and Friday afternoons
- Fermi
- announce software meeting
- announce software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Read Vladimir's work plan and comment
Week of 18 Nov 2019
- CO
- prepare list of current desc-python packages to circulate, investigate CC's conda env, and open GH issue
- Consult conveners concerning who should offer GCR analysis commentary at next mtg
- prepare list of current desc-python packages to circulate, investigate CC's conda env, and open GH issue
- Announce, write up agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Provide Tom and Ben an updated dc2-run2.1i docker image with astropy 3.2.3
- Deal with Michael's questions about building against CVMFS using recent stacks
- Upload and test recent LSSTSQRE docker image into Shifter at NERSC and worked out building
- Tested CVMFS at CC
- Work with DM to determine how to set ABI flags for scons builds of local packages
- Dealing with private DM NERSC questions: Bruno, Humna
- Continue to work on mrau's inode use - down from 96% to 69%
- Move more files to HPSS
- Update desc-python-dev to include CLMM and cluster toolkit.
- indicated that we need release tags on both before I add this to desc-python
- Note the need for GSL and adding gsl-config to PATH
- Deal with Michael's questions about building against CVMFS using recent stacks
- Fermi
- Announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- Announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software/sims meeting
- rebase Brian's PR and merge because no one knows how to use git on nexo
- add doxyfile for Tony to test Doxygen generation in Jenkins
- update nexo-base env to include new NEST master
- Add GitHub actions workflow
- Release new docker image
- Add GitHub actions workflow
Week of 11 Nov 2019
- CO
- PR, tag, and create docker image for lsstdesc/dc2-imsim:Run2.2i-production-v1
- attend data access meeting
- Attend DM bootcamp Tues - Thur 2-5 PM ET
- Attend DM bootcamp Tues - Thur 2-5 PM ET
- Deal with projecta inode quota which is currently at 96%
- continue moving files to HPSS
- Fermi
- announce and note take for offline s/w mtg
- announce and note take for offline s/w mtg
- nEXO
- test build at SLAC
- Open new GH issue for cmake build failure
Week of 4 Nov 2019
- CO
- write agenda, announce and note take for CO mtg
- Update Nov, Dec, Jan DESC calendar for upcoming holidays
- Prepare new stack-sims-cat docker image for instance catalog generation
write agenda, announce and note take DESC DM meeting
- Install pyCCL 2.0.1 in desc-stack and desc-python
- Meet with Debbie to go through NERSC user survey
- Continue moving data onto HPSS
- Fermi
- announce mtg
- announce mtg
- nEXO
- attend software meeting and provide update
- Help Caio with SLAC install
- Deal with doc PR
Week of 25 Oct 2019
- CO
- attend Data Access meeting and note take
- attend CS meeting
- write draft DDF checklist
- Transfer Grid data from CSCRATCH to projecta space
- continue transferring data to HPSS from projecta
- Generate new sims docker containers as needed
- imSim v0.6.1
- imSim v0.6.1
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- Continue answering C++ and git questions
- setup external library area at SLAC using same versions as LLNL
- attend software meeting
Week of 14 Oct 2019
- CO
- Write up Agenda and run and note take for CO mtg
- Attend Data Access meeting
- Attend SRM milestones meeting
- Edit Parsl DRP planning doc
- setup up empty Run2.1.1i repo for testing on CSCRATCH and HPSS
- Transfer NCSA Run2.1.1i processing to NERSC
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Handle C++ questions
- Start to Investigate strax
Week of 7 Oct 2019
- CO
- Attend Grid meeting
- Attend CS meeting
- Announce, write up agenda, note take, and run DESC DM meeting
- Help Tom out with DM questions
- Help Bela to run shifter images in batch
- Start transferring more data to HPSS
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note take for software mtg
- Handle M.E.'s questions concerning new GR release build
- Remove Charlotte's name from the workbook where necessary, per her request
- Announce, attend, and note take for software mtg
- nEXO
- Attend software meeting
- Deal with C++ questions
- Test ROOT writing performance to address Soud's inquiries
Week of 30 Sept 2019
- CO
- Oct 2nd meeting agenda and note taking
- Meet with Ben and Tom to discuss Parsl
- Discuss Data Transfer with Fabio, Antonio, Dominique, Tom
- Review Johann's PR from dc2/run2.1
- Create new obs_lsst branch for dc2/run2.2
- Finish writing Quarterly Report
- Fermi
- attend, note take for offline software
- opt build for GR 20-10-04-gr06
- nEXO
- software meeting
- software meeting
Week of 23 Sept 2019
- CO
- Prepare agenda and run CO meeting
- Prepare agenda and run CO meeting
- Finish no sky correction Run2.1.1i process and make it available to Jim
- Update weekly 39 docker image to remove current tag
- Migrate more data to hpss
- Prepare to copy instance catalogs back off tape
- Fermi
- Build new L1 GR
- See that Jenkins is fixed to build L1
- offline software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- prep singluarity image for OSG
- update docker image with new externals
Week of 16 Sept 2019
- instance catalogs for Run2.1i do not need to be regeneratd? how does that affect what is stored to HPSS?
- take a look at throughputs tags in docker image
- Generate new imsim Docker image with new Galsim
- Set up agenda and run DESC DM portion of Wednesday meeting
- set up docker image for use in SRS pipeline
- validate DDF data from Run2.1i y5
- CO
- Make Confluence pages consistent and update content
- Update DESC Calendar
- SChedule Data Transfer Discussion
- draft agenda: Sep 30 10 AM PT
- draft agenda: Sep 30 10 AM PT
- set up instance catalog generation software
- NaMaster in desc-python
- update for GCR-catalogs
- Help Bruno & Bob access Run2.1i data
- Coordinate with NERSC to see if we can use Globus transfers into HPSS and transfer owernship
- Continue copying instance catalogs and Run2.1i data to HPSS to free space
Week of 3 Sept 2019
- DM-DC2
- finish processing 4 tracts of Run2.1.1i through multiband
- run merge_tract_cat to produce HDF files on all the 14 tracts of Run2.1.1i
- rerun processing with skyCorrection
- finish documenting running at NERSC
- Converse with Ben as questions arise as he works thorugh implementing DRP in parsl
- Check on imsim Docker image and the throughputs tag
- Install NaMaster in docker image
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- Back up Run2.1.1i 4 tract nersc processing
- recopy RUn1.2i and reapply symlink fix
- Create back up of Run2.1.1i, Run2.1i on projecta for users to use during outage
- Inquire about Jupyter inaccessiability
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- Fermi
- Announce, run, and note take Fermi mtg Sept 4th
- Tag L1 fitsGen after rebasing with master and create a new L1 GR tag
- nEXO
- write up tutorial for python access
- retrieve all requirements for OSG (onhold)
- meet with Lisa
- merge Emma's WT branch into issue_31 after resolving conflicts
- Present "How to create a Data Object and write it out in SNiPER"
- attend nEXO software/sim meeting
- Catch up with Scott and Chris about the throughputs tags
Week of Aug 5 2019
- DM-DC2
- Retrieve Y2 DR1B instance catalogs from HPSS
- Attend DC2 validation/next steps meeting
- Document
- Poke NERSC about file system status
- Demonstrate running SRS workflow at NERSC
- Continue clearing projecta space
- Fermi
- announce, attend and note take for Fermi Offline mtg
- nexo
- attend sims/software meetign
- present update on nexo-offline status
- Help update doc on Docker
- contact Tony about setting up Jenkins builds
- Work through Save All Events problem in nexo-offline
- finish testing cmake in docker
- Look at pySniper algorithm
Week of July 29 2019
- DM-DC2
- announce, write agenda and note take for weekly meeting
- announce, write agenda and note take for weekly meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- Recover from Cori upgrade
- Update desc-python to use gcc 7.3.0
- Adjust setup_current_stack and setup_current_sims to use new gcc 7.3.0 build of w_2019_19 on CVMFS
- test new gcc 7.3.0 build
- test new gcc 7.3.0 build
- Recover from Cori upgrade
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend sims/software meeting
- Run nexo-offline and nEXO_MC using TPCVesselU.mac
- attend LLBL cmke training remotely
Week of July 22 2019
- DM-DC2
- Open JIRA concerning throughputs and semantic tagging
- Ask Michael about identifying a tract to retain on projecta from instance cats through object catalogs
- Retrieve Y6 instance catalogs from HPSS for James P for use in grid processing
- Write up Draft Confluence page for DESC DM Change Requests
- add NaMaster to desc-stack
- consider adding sacc to desc-stack
- add cl-classmod environment to desc-stack? or some subset.. or update the classmod env
- install new gcr-catalogs 0.14.1 in desc-python & desc-stack
- Help Humna with her ongoing desc-stack problems
- Continue moving WFD instance catalogs to HPSS
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note-take for Fermi Offline Meeting
- Announce, attend, and note-take for Fermi Offline Meeting
- nEXO
- attend software/sims meeting
- attend software/sims meeting
week of DESC Meeting
- DM-DC2
- Help set up Tom to parsl sfd
- New confluence page for CCB DESC requests
- Python
- NaMaster
- sacc
- DIA kernel
- Install gcr-catalogs 0.13.1 and 0.14.0 into desc-python and desc-nersc for Hack Day
- Install gcr-catalogs 0.13.1 and 0.14.0 into desc-python and desc-nersc for Hack Day
- Check on ability to use later gcc version with CVMFS installation
- Doc use of jupyter compute nodes
- doc use of batch for desc-stack
- instance catalog from tape Y6
Week of July 1 - 12 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, run and note take DM-DC2 meeting for both July 1 & 8th
- Write agenda, run and note take DM-DC2 meeting for both July 1 & 8th
- update lsstdesc/nersc to remove PYTHONSTARTUP for desc-stack
- Document the use of DESCPYTHONPATH
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of June 24 2019
- DM-DC2
- Listen to recording of weekly meeting and transcribe notes
- Plan any DM-DC2 sessions for collaboration meeting
- Document new DR naming convention
- Deal with docker removal from lsst-dc10, find another place to build
- Deal with docker removal from lsst-dc10, find another place to build
- Continue clearing out the instance catalogs to HPSS
- Quality check Y5 simulated data and update the tracking DB
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take Fermi Offline Software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take Fermi Offline Software meeting
- nEXO
- attend collaboration meeting at Stony Brook
- add Cards to nexo-offline master and u/heather999/issue_31
- Testing running docker image with nEXO_MC
- Run nexo-offline and nexo_MC TPC jobs for regression testing
- Take a look at historgrams generated
- Keep track of Soud's progress with Clustering and Reconstruction port
Week of June 17 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare new w_2019_23 stack sims docker image for imsim group
- Prepare new w_2019_23 stack sims docker image for imsim group
- Continue moving instance catalogs to HPSS
- Alert IN2P3 when there is enough space for y1-y2 calexp and coadds
- attend stand-up meeting
- attend stand-up meeting
- Fermi
- announce, take notes, attend offline software meeting
- announce, take notes, attend offline software meeting
- nEXO
- Complete new nexo-base docker image include NEST2.0
- write up slides for collaboration meeting
Week of June 10 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda and run DM-DC2 meeting
- quality check y3-wfd sim data and update tracking db
- Help coordinate transfer for new calexp-v1 to NERSC from IN2P3
- Create branch and PR for forcedPhotCcd_metadata template
- attend data access meeting
- Prepare updated desc-stack-dev and install at NERSC
- Test desc-stack-dev at NERSC using DC2-analysis notebooks, resulting in the following issues
- additionally identified the need to add seaborn and extinction ot the docker image
- Consider increasing desc CSCRATCH quota
- Copy and remove DC1 deepCoadd to tape from projecta
- Check over y1-y3 instance catalogs on HPSS
- remove y1-y3 from projecta
- move y7-10 to HPSS
- Help demonstrate cvmfs problems at NERSC
- attend group meeting
- attend group meeting
- Fermi
- announce, note take and attend software meeting
- announce, note take and attend software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- report on nexo-offline status at software meeting
- Update nexo-env to handle NEST2.0
- Create new docker base image with NEST2.0
- send Samuele/Lisa slide for collab meeting
- check with Tony about status of Jenkins builds
Week of May 28 2019
- DM-DC2
- Coordinate transfer of 6 months DM processed data from IN2P3
- Set up 6 month data at NERSC under CSCRATCH with the appropriate CALIB, ref_cats
- Make Run1.2x repos readable by later versions of the DMstack
- Create stack-sims:w_2019_19-sims_w_2019_19 image for use at NERSC
- Create stack-sims:w_2019_19-sims_w_2019_19 image for use at NERSC
- create new docker image based on w_2019_19 plus all desc python packages
- include stile
- install at NERSC as desc-stack-dev
- Update desc-stack-prod
- Update BF Kernel cp_pipe installation for w_2019_19 after Tom's reports that the older installation using w_2019_17 no longer worked
- continue transferring data into NERSC
- DC2 Run2.1i instance catalogs
- Remove DC1/DC1-imsim/dithered and undithered
- Remove DC1/astrometry
- Start cleaning DC1/DM/DC1-imsim-dithered
- icExp contains just temp files
- compare random calexp and deepCoadd fits files using fdiff with the copy in HPSS
- create new docker image based on w_2019_19 plus all desc python packages
- attend group stand up meeting
- attend group stand up meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Get some more info about Simulation/DetSim/Nest
- Add
Week of May 20 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Welcome Dino and send along some getting started links
- Open up a new ticket for Darren White
- Attend DC2 meeting and lead discussion concerning what data needs to be available for the analysis groups
- Continue transferring data into HPSS
- Open GitHub issue to discuss what can be removed from projecta
- Fermi
- Announce and note take for offline meeting
- Announce and note take for offline meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- setup Soud with u/heather999/issue_31 branch at SLAC
- contact Tony about getting some Jenkins builds going before collab meeting
- Contact Pere and Gabriele C about NEST2 linking errors against G4
- Poke Jason and Samuele about nEXO_MC PR for NEST
Week of May 13 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes,and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Ingest new ref catalog and deliver to IN2P3
- update obs_lsst configs according to Slack conversation:
- inquire about using --show history
- attend data access mtg
- attend data access mtg
- Move files from projecta to HPSS to reduce disk use on projecta
- DC2_ImSim/Run2.0i
- DC2_ImSim_UKTest
- Twinkles1
- DC2_ImSim/Run2.0i
- ask Richard to increase "desc" HPSS quota
- Move files from projecta to HPSS to reduce disk use on projecta
- install parsl on IR2 in v17_gcc7 env
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of May 6 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Update visit DB to mark files and visits tables as quality_controlled and quality_completed, respectively
- Create updated CALIB products tarball including BF kernels
- Update Antonio's visit DB to note that all Y2-WFD visits and files have been quality controlled.
- attend CI meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- review Dominique's slides for DC2 mtg
- attend 3x2 mtg
- help Francois access Run1.2i force photometry data - only to learn that newer DMstacks cannot deal with the older repos.
- Deal with user questions on #desc-nersc
- Start uploading DC2 data into HPSS to free projecta space
- attend CI meeting
- install stile
- Install new python environment compatible with recent DMstacks
- Create new docker image for sims w_2019_17 which will be the base of new jupyter kernels
- Fermi
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Clean up merge of nEXO_MC and nexo-offline
- compile on SLAC with gcc 7.3 and LCG 94a
- compile with gcc 4.8.5
- run some tests
- submit PR
- attend sims meeting
Week of Apr 29 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Check y2 Run2.1i data for incomplete files
- Ferry sky correction configs into master of lsst/obs_lsst
- rebase, update comments, squash commits
- Update dc2/run2.1 lsst/obs_lsst branch for use at IN2P3
- Rerun skyCorrection for eyeballer visits
- Due to decision to skip skyCorrection, this attempt was abandoned
- Generate new set of BF kernels
- first attempt failed
- Poked DM about weekly release note page which wasn't working:
- Update setup scripts at NERSC to use CVMFS
- Update confluence documentation for NERSC software installations
- Install updated cp_pipe for BF kernel generation
- Investigate inode use on /global/project/projectdirs/m1727
- Poke owners of files
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- Inquire about software meeting
- nEXO
- Test CMake build of SNiPER
- Test CMake build of nexo-offline
- Test CMT build of nexo-offline against CMake build of SNiPER
- Set up LCG 94a at SLAC
Week of Apr 15 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Deliver CALIB to IN2P3
- Check 2y Run2.1i data for incomplete files
- test updated sky configs and running makeFpSummary
- Clear out Javier's copy of DC1 undithered data
- Start transfer of Run1.1 and Run1.2 data into HPSS
- Update gcr-catalog in jupyter kernels and underlying shifter image
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- Help Bill get set up with GR at SLAC for debugging
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Review Git and Code review docs
Week of Apr 8 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Regnerate BF flats with w_2019_14
- update config and ingest new Reference catalog
- Rerun constructDark with doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Rerun constructFlat with doCrosstalkBeforeAsseble=False
- Set up updated CALIB products using w_2019_14 and setting isr.doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Update obs_lsst with isr.doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Try out sky construction using Jim's sky frames
- Try sky construction again with flats available
- Get sky configs updates into obs_lsst
- Go through outstanding LSSTDESC/ImageProcessingPipelines issues and close where possible
- Work with Johann to clean up the IPP/workflows/srs/dm_configs area and ultimately deleted it
- Reviewed the reworked SFD pipeline SRS workflow with Johann
- Attend and present at CI meeting
- Attend Rachel's Computing WG meeting
- Get HPSS Project area set up
- Determine HPSS quota request
- Figure out Katrin's HPSS use
- Assess DESC user HPSS useage
- set up DM repo in CSCRATCH/descdm/DC2/Run2.1i area
- Point James Perry to Intel Python:
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting and present update
- Try out LCG view installation at SLAC and update nEXO wiki doc
- Complete LLNL security training
- Contact LLNL to get my account activated
Week of Apr 1 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Script to find all potential incomplete Run2.1i visits in the first production run
- Write up todo list of DRP processing of Run2.1i-y2wfd
- Schedule mtg with Katrin, Jim, Rachel, Dominique, Fabio, Johann concerning Run2.1i processing
- meeting with Katrin,Jim, Rachel, Dominique, Fabio about Run2.1i processing
- Q2 report
- Attend Data access meeting
- Arrange Run1.1p, 1.2p, 1.2i, 2.0i data and tabulate disk use
- Prepare HPSS disk request
- Put in HPSS project area request
- Set up new conda area based on updated DMstack dependencies
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- merge
- send Alex some details about SNiPER wrapping of python
- Ask SNiPER developers about XmlObjDesc
- Improve docker images
- Update SLAC instllation
- try out CMake
Week of Mar 25 2019
- DM-DC2
- write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Generate flats calibration products for Run2.1i
- regenerate R22 S11 using updated configs
- test run1.2i R22 S11 flat raw using same stack w_2019_09
- test run2.1i 80k flats
- generate subset of bf flats
- Ask Johann for metacal summary
- Create RFC or Confluence page to request DM support for DC2:
- send out announcement concerning NERSC jupyter
- Set up Yadu with a copy of ci_hsc at NERSC:
- check on mcnanna usage
- Continue arranging the /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production area for Run1.2p and Run1.2i
- Pull out DC1 undithered calexp from HPSS for Javier
- deal with desc account being over quota in CSCRATCH
- SLAC/Camera
- inquire about BNL computing status
- SISA Information Security I
- inquire about BNL computing status
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- nEXO
- attend Tuesday software meeting
- summarize decision concerning nexo-env
- close
- merge
- merge
- send Alex some details about SNiPER wrapping of python
- Ask SNiPER developers about XmlObjDesc
- Improve docker images
- Update SLAC instllation
- try out CMake
Week of Mar 18 2019
- DM-DC2
- write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 mtg
- Fix bf flat headers
- Install latest updated cp_pipe master from Craig
- Take a look at the BF kernels in Michael's notebook
- Attend Data access TF meeting
- Build and release new lsstdesc/stack-sims docker image w_2019_10_1 and patch w_2019_10 due to shebangtron
- Finish CI Q1 report
- update jupyter doc
- Request descim account access for Ben Clifford
- Continue cleaning up data storage on projecta
- SLAC/Camera
- Completely shut down elog bot on SLACK
- Update glastsys password and escrow
- Fermi
- attend and note take offline software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- attempt to set up 2009 mac with ElCapitan
- attempts to upgrade to later MacOS failed
- Attempt to install a current ROOT failed
- Set up VM with MacOS
Week of Mar 11 2019
- Write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 mtg
- Generate BF flats
- tarball and store on projecta
- set up CSCRATCH area with CALIB, ref_cats and bf flats
- Attend and present at CI meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- update jupyter doc for jupyter-dev changes
- test after maintenance is completed on 3/15
- Build new w.2019.10 sims docker image
- Help Anita with sncosmo and sims jupyter kernels - install parsl 0.7.2 in desc-python
- Deal with ongoing permission issues due to mixed ownership in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.1i/instCat
- Help Anita with sncosmo and sims jupyter kernels
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- Find SLAC anaconda 3 installation
- send note to SLAC unix-admin about public installation
- Find SLAC anaconda 3 installation
- nEXO
- attend and apparently run software meeting
Week of Mar 4 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 meeting
- Github issue for tracking handling of DC2 data
- Take another look at running SingleFrameDriver at NERSC
- Generate darks and biases for Run2.1i
- first get cvmfs caching fixed at NERSC
- first get cvmfs caching fixed at NERSC
- BF Kernel Generation
- test updated configs - send Tom some instructions
- test updated configs
- Help mishak with AUP
- add parsl 0.7 to desc-stack
- CCL installation instructions?
- SLAC/Camera
- Complete SLAC Computing Security Training
- Complete SLAC Computing Security Training
- Fermi
- s/w mtg and note taking
- s/w mtg and note taking
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- contact Sniper developers about how to best embed python in Sniper algs
- Write up to do list based on software workshop notes
- Check on Venkatesh and docker set up
Week of Feb 18, 2019
- DM-DC2
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks
- run test through patch of Run1.2i
- ingest
- sfd
- coadd
- multiband
- CI quarterly report
- set up Parsl discussion with Jim/Katrin/Tom/Yadu/Ben/Antonio
- check into mweiser problems accessing lsst resources
- Inquire about globus and collab use
- Inquire about HPSS project directory
- add new ccl and postgressql to docker and jupyter kernels
- Finish copying DC2 data to projecta
- request increase in inode quota of descdm $CSCRATCH
- Clean up $CSCRATCH descdm
- update desc-python and desc-stack with new gcr-catalogs release in time for collaboration mtg
- Inform NERSC of Hack Day and planned Tuesday tutorials using jupyter-dev
- SLAC/Camera
- Data portal updates for NCRs
- Data portal updates for NCRs
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Test cmake
- attend sims meeting
- release nexo-ofline and install at SLAC and create docker image
- meet with Lisa about workshop agenda
- Demo Doxygen for Lisa
- meet with Lisa to go over git branches on nexo_MC
- PR updates to Guofu's optical photon changes
Week of Feb 11, 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend and note take for the DM-DC2 mtg
- Set Tom up with Run1.2i calibration products
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks
- Contact Scott about adding obs_lsst to lsst_sims
- Coordinate merge of
- Meeting with Jim & Katrin
- Discuss disk space needs for Run2.1i (plan to add 1 Pb per year for now)
- How much data will come back from IN2P3?
- How much data will come back from IN2P3?
- Where will Run2.1i processing occur?
- Discuss disk space needs for Run2.1i (plan to add 1 Pb per year for now)
- CI quarterly report
- CI quarterly report
- Install new CCL release
- add new ccl and postgressql lib to docker & jupyter kernels
- Finish copying the DC2 data into projecta and prepare count of all contents
- Plan HPSS use
- SLAC/Camera
- Data Portal Update for NCRs
- install pyds9 on lsst-dc10 and maybe also afs
- sent inquiry to Jim and Richard
- sent inquiry to Jim and Richard
- Fermi
- Attend and take notes for offline meeting
- Attend and take notes for offline meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- create list of open branches in nexo_MC
- Ask SNiPER developers about the ability to submit jobs via the python config scripts
- Prepare discussion on documentation for next software meeting: Doxygen & ROOT's THtml
- Respond to Samuele's Gaudi questions
- test cmake build of sniper against nexo-offline
- install py3 at SLAC
- RElease new nexo-offline and install at SLAC & create docker/singularity containers
- OSG?
- OSG?
- Document a tutorial for nexo-offline for workshop
- Lessons learned?
Week of Feb 4 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Help Tom set up a suitable stack for BF kernel generation testing
- Test BF kernel generation by running the data produced through a modified version of Michael's notebook
- Set Tom up with Ru1.2i calibration data
- Test obs_lsst master using Run2.1 data
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks generation
- Continue moving DC2 data to production area at NERSC
- Prepare a space request for HPSS based on DC2 needs
- Attend Data-Access meeting
- CI quarterly report
- Finish looking over Joanne's postgres notebooks
- Send in Travel request
- Ask NERSC about setting up a shared HPSS area accessible via globus
- Install latest pyCCL on desc-python and in shifter images
- Document and promote use of CVMFS at NERSC
- SLAC/Camera
- contact Arash about setting up a DB for elog storage
- contact Arash about setting up a DB for elog storage
- Fermi
- announce, set up agenda, attend and take notes for s/w mtg
- announce, set up agenda, attend and take notes for s/w mtg
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Meet with Lisa to plan Software Workshop
- attend sims meeting
Week of Jan 28 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend, and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Finish off
- Merge
- Help Tom set up a suitable stack to exercise MIchael WV's BF notebook
- Prepare NERSC space discussion and attend CI mtg
- Attend DC2 mtg
- Prepare DM-DC2 XWG Confluence page
- Prepare space request for HPSS based on DC2 needs
- Request IN2P3 transfer Run1.2p raw repackaged data back to NERSC
- set up psycog2 at NERSC
- SLAC/Camera
- eLog - check new FNAL account and contact Margherita about transferring data to external DB
- contact Arash about a DB?
- alert camera community about impending elog shut down
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and take notes for offline mtg
- nEXO
- Help SLAC users set up nEXO and EXO env
- check out Gaudi
Week of Jan 21 2019
- DM-DC2
- Reprocess requests 28 visits through minidrp
- Prepare for new Run2.1i branch of obs_lsst
- attend ssims meeting
- Review Joanne's postgres notebook
- Write up proposal for DC2 disk space use
- Try Exposure Checker
- Update jupyter kernels set up to add current working directory to PYTHONPATH
- update desc-dc2-dm-data for Run1.2p_v4
- Copy Run1.2p_v4 to CSCRATCH
- Build and release new docker image that supports Run1.2p_v4
- Write up proposal for DC2 disk space use
- Fermi
- Attend and take notes for Offline mtg
- nEXO
- Attend Sims meeting
- Write up Communications tools page
- Help SLAC users set up nEXO and EXO env
Week of Jan 14 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and take minutes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Merge minidrp Run2.1i into IPP repo
- Chat with Tom about pipeline help
- Prepare NERSC disk space use slides and attend CI mtg
- Write up NERSC DC2 disk space use
- Set up collaboration accounts
- Fermi
- S/W mtg
- nEXO
- Look into Gaudi
- Install Anaconda Python
- Provide installation instructions
- Getting started at SLAC doc
- Install nEXO_MC and nexo_offline at SLAC
- Fast Charge
Week of Dec 17
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and take minutes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Test Run2,0i minidrp workflow
- Transfer IN2P3 Run1.2i configs to lsst-dev
- Get copies of CALIB and ref_cats
- Fix up handling of config.isr.doCrosstalk in obs_lsst
- Prepare Run1.2i/p update and attend CI meeting
- Fermi
- Attend software meeting
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Attend analysis discussion
- Contact Sara about docker
- Take another look at migrating FastCharge to nexo-offline
- Contact Vladimir about CMake progress
- Test singularity image at OSG
Week of Dec 10
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Run1.2i processing
- Prepare Run2.1i minidrp workflow
- nersc user mailing list?
- docker image for sims+mkl
- New docker image sims 2_13_1
- Fermi
- write agenda and notetake for offline meeting
- nEXO
- complete travel request
- help Sara with Docker
- Poke G4 guy about speed of light G4Exceptions
Week of Dec 3
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
Test new biases and darks- Tarball and send Johann new biases and darks, request CALIB directory be transferred to NERSC
- Run1.2i processing on KNL
- rebase and merge PR#41 obs_lsst
- nersc user mailing list?
- new sims image 2_13_0
- tag obs_lsst for Run2.1i
- docker image for sims+mkl
- attend and present 1.2i/2.0i processing update CI mtg
- install new jupyter-kernels
- update desc-python with GCRCatalogs 0.9.3
- update desc-stack with GCRCatalogs 0.9.3
- update desc-python and desc-stack with GCR 0.8.7
- Fermi
- Help with recon root reading
- nEXO
- sims meeting
- meet with Lisa
- setup nexo-env so it can work with base nexo external image
- Help Sara with Docker
- Test for G4Exception using Guofu's mac file on v0r0p1
- Merge zepeng's chargesim updates
- new release tag and docker image
Week of Nov 26
- DM-DC2
- prepare agenda, run, and take notes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Test newly generated biases and darks
- look at obs_lsst PRs
- Run1.2i processing
- nersc user mailing list?
- docker image for sims+mkl
- update desc-python to include emcee
- Fermi
- s/w meeting
- Help with Recon root files
- nEXO
Meeting with Lisa- Merge Guofu's updates and tag new release
- Create new v0r1p0 Docker images
- create external only base for docker images
Week of Nov 19
- DM-DC2
- prepare agenda and run, take notes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Regenerate darks and biases for Run1.2p using phosim v3.7.9
- Test generating bias file and sky flat using haswell build vs knl build at NERSC
- continue Run1.2i processing
- make sure all outstanding obs_lsstCam PRs are merged
- figure out default setting for xtalk for Ru1.2p versus Run1.2i
- ask Charlotte about setting up a nersc user mailing list
- Update stack-sims images to keep test files and retain eigen includes
- Fermi
- weekly s/w mtg
- nEXO
- singularity at SLAC
- update wiki doc
- generate test data for Guofu's update
- attend sims mtg
Week of Nov 12
- DM-DC2
- continue processing Run1.2i
- Maintain copy of IN2P3 on NERSC $CSCRATCH
- ask Charlotte about setting up a nersc user mailing list
- Field ANL questions about docker and stack+sims building
- create new jupyter-kernels repo
- Update desc-python at NERSC
- Get login fixed after enabling MFA
- Fermi
- weekly s/w meeting
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa
- singluarity at SLAC
- ask Raymond about OSG
- still not fixed
- Test Guofu's updates
Week of Nov 5
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Repackage ALL of Run1.2i data
- Attend CI meeting
- Document DESCPYTHONPATH for jupyter
- Transfer NCSA Run1.2i data to NERSC?
- Update desc-python at NERSC
- Add GCR==0.8.6
- Attend weekly stand up meeting
- nEXO
- sims meeting
- Check on Guofu's testing of his updates in nexo-offline
- singularity at SLAC
- doc use of SLAC in nexo WIki
Week of Oct 8
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Chat with Leanne and attend meeting with Leanne, Johann, Bob, Dominique
- Process Run1.2i using w_2018_39 + obs_lsstCam dc2/run1.2-v2
- Create w_2018_30-run1.2 docker image + DESC python
- take a look at dask-jobqueue
- Help write up problems/request for upcoming ERCAP application
- nEXO
- attend Sims meeting
- Release new Docker and singularity image for testing
- Port optical updates in nEXO_MC to nexo-offline
- Ask Guofu to test
- Make a new Docker image
- Fermi
- run and attend s/w meeting
Week of Oct 1
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- test obs_lsstCam master + w_2018_39 ingest
- Run calexps and checkCcdAstrometry on two visits shared between Run1.2i and Run1.2p
- attend data access meeting on Monday
- Check on availability of /usr/bin/time on Cori compute nodes
- Help Johann get started with jupyter on IR2
- Install Anaconda 5.2.0 for python 3.6
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa on Wednesday
- Create updated docker image of nexo-offline
- Create Singularity image
- Fermi
- s/w meeting
- Respond to W's questions about fitsGen & astro updates
Week of Sept 24
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Update SRS workflow
- Regenerate calibration data for Run1.2p
- repackage
- ingest
- test creation of multiple ingest repo
- merge separate repos
- Revisit darks/bias/flats generation from a couple of months ago
- Stay on top of obs_lsstCam updates
- merge xtalk PR
- Contact Robert about merging outstanding PRs
- Contact Robert about obs_lsstCam=>obs_lsst migration
- Update run1.2 branch
- Contact Robert about run_visit updates for jointcal
- attend CI meeting
- Provide CV
- Attend DC2 meeting and take minutes
- Create new w_2018_38 docker image for MWV
- Work out problems with movable stack builds
- Check on /usr/bin/time on Cori and Edison and contact NERSC
- Deal with IR2 stack installs and python questions
- Document on Confluence
- Deal with IR2 stack installs and python questions
- Fermi
- attend s/w meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- install latest sniper-offline at SLAC
- Check on OSG installation
- Meet with Lisa on Wednesdays
- Check in with Raymond about OSG
Week of Sept 17
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Test and update new SRS workflow
- move to Edison
- cannot run on Edison - chatted with Tom, sent a note to Tony, Brian, and W
- Tried Tony's suggested fix and it seems to be working
- cannot run on Edison - chatted with Tom, sent a note to Tony, Brian, and W
- move back to Cori
- write up for Warren
- move to Edison
- Stay on top of obs_lsstCam updates
- Create run2.0 branch
- Update run1.2 branch
- Create scripts for merging ingested repos
- Handle permissions on $CSCRATCH/../desc/DC2/Run2.0i
- Work out kinks setting up movable stack builds
- Reinstall v16 binaries and test updating python install
- Fermi
- Tag evtClassDefs
- attend s/w meeting
- nEXO
Week of Sept 10
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Help sort out using ingestDriver from within a container - Contact Tom G about pilot Edison jobs
- Test running ingest on Edison
- Coordinate with Johann to get an updated workflow
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Finished creating new lsst_sims docker image over the weekend and uploaded to NERSC
- Prepare and attend DC2 meeting
- copy UK Run1.2i data to projecta and test use of ACLs
- Fix ACls on the projecta production area
- Coordinate with NERSC to sort out problems with cvmfs:
- Try to sort out source builds at NERSC on SCRATCH and migrate to /global/common/software
- still a work in progress, need to fix up miniconda installation
- Install DMstack v16 on IR2
- Inquire about IR2 install of devtoolset-6
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Help nexo user use Centos7
- inquire about data disk filling up at SLAC
- convert FastCharge sim to Sniper
- Fermi
- Attend C&A meeting
Week of Sept 3
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting on Tuesday
- Validation processing of Run1.2i
- generate amplifier files from original eimages
- run ingest on Cori Haswell and Cori KNL
- run singleFrameDriver and report errors
- run makeFpSummary
- Try visualizeVisit
- update obs_lsstCam to include necessary template
- Keep documentation updated
- Answer Tom U's questions about ingestDriver
- Coordinate obs_lsstCam branch and create Run1.2 tag
- Create new lsst_sims docker image for Jim and upload to NERSC
- Inquire about desc access to globus
- Clean up inode use on /projecta
- install w_2018_26 for Emily
- Handle vendor ingests (5 so far)
- nEXO
- Fermi
- software meeting
- check celestialSources used in GR L1 versus master
- contact Luis about updates to eblAtten
Week of Aug 20
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- install phosim 3.7.16
- nEXO
- Fermi
- Software Meeting
Week of August 13
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Attend CI meeting
- finish coadd processing Run1-2iTest
- Test use of DMstack Shifter image in jupyter-dev
- update jupyter-dev confluence pages
- fix inode use on projecta
- finish testing relocatable Stack weekly build
- release and install latest datacat-utilities on SLAC public and IR2
- nEXO
- attend Sims meeting
- Install nEXO_MC and test running FastCharge
- Fermi
- respond to Katie Chapman's Fermipy helpsoft issue
- Update workbook pages to remove POI form
Week of July 16th
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Update shared python installation
- GCRCatalogs
- new CCL
- track down reported notebook failure
- track down reported notebook failure
- reinstall at NERSC pyccl 0.3.5
- Update shared python installation
- Follow up on laptop purchase
- Release and install datacat-utiltiies-0.1.1
- Release and install datacat-utiltiies-0.1.1
- Install sims 2_9_0 at SLAC
- nEXO
- Sims Meeting
- Test Docker image in Singularity
- Fermi
- Offline S/W meeting
Week of July 9th
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run weekly DM-DC2 meeting
- Prepare for XWG DM-DC2 Meeting
- Create symlink copy of IN2P3 data in $SCRATCH
- Help update Jupyter documentation and contact NERSC about jupyterLab
- Update CCL NERSC doc
- Contact Debbie & Wahid about GPFS AFM
- Install sims 2_9_0 from source
- Install docker image of sim 2_9_0 at NERSC
- Continue testing weekly install cron job
- Contact NERSC about missing gcc/6.3.0 module
- Follow up on laptop purchase
- nEXO
- Meet with Lisa
- contact Raymond about fast charge
- contact Alex about fast charge (email sent)
- Gain access to LLNL account
- Pursue Singularity container
- Install Singularity on CentOS7
- Try using our docker image within Singularity
- Document Docker container
- Set up version control for SNiPER framework
- Check OSG external library installation and send email to Benedikt
- Fermi
- Offline Software meeting
Week of June 25
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Create NERSC's raw directory for Run1.2p data transferred from IN2P3 in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/global/in2p3/Run1.2p/w_2018_18
- Merge and close the makeFpSummary PR on LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Work through remaining issues, merge and close config updates
- Push along updates to the Cookbook and write up a similar doc with an overview à la HSC
- Prepare to run mini-DRP on Run1.2i
- Attend DC2 prep meeting
- Attend DC2 data access meeting
- Contact Dominique F about providing an update at the DC2 meeting on July 6th
- Monitor NERSC ticket concerning GPFS AFM
- Inquire about monitoring SCRATCH space for upcoming purges
- Review slow runtime at NERSC including the use of --batch-type when using the SRS workflow
- Fix weekly builds of DMstack to use limited number of cores and skip w_2018_24, since it will not build due at NERSC
- NERSC Ticket to work out details of weekly DMstack builds
- Update CCL doc for collab meeting
- Clean up disk space in /global/common/software
- Fix inode use on projecta space
- New sims 2_9_0 release, docker image
- Install sims 2_9_0 at NERSC
- Contact owner of galsim files installed under our w.2018.13-sims_2.7.0 installation in /global/common/software/lsst
- Check on set up of datacat-utilities
- Check on set up of datacat-utilities
- nEXO
- Respond to CMT=>CMake project for SNiPER
- Ping Marco (Gaudi) about their CMT=>CMake experience
- Fermi
Week of June 18
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Keep up with Johann's modifications to the SRS workflow
- Create NERSC's raw directory for Run1.2p data transferred from IN2P3 in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/global/in2p3/Run1.2p/w_2018_18
- Merge and close the makeFpSummary PR on LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Work through remaining issues, merge and close config updates
- Try running ingestCalib again using the phosim v3.7.9 produced biases and darks
- Push along updates to the Cookbook and write up a similar doc with an overview à la HSC
- Prepare to run mini-DRP on Run1.1i
- Review slow runtime at NERSC including the use of --batch-type when using the SRS workflow
- Investigate load use of weekly installs and modify the cron job to limit the number of cores utilized.
- update to GCRCatalogs 0.7.8 in the shared python environment as requested by Yao
- Install DMstack v15 for IR2, py3
- Install w_2018_23 for summer grad student
- nEXO
- Write up slides for Docker intro for collaboration meeting and present
- Write up slides for SNiPER update and present
- Listen in to Simulation session 9PM-1:30AM
- Fermi
- Weekly software meeting
Week of Jun 11 2018
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, run, and take notes for weekly DM-DC2 meeting
- update fast3tree installation for Yao to allow writing to the install directory
- nEXO
- Complete docker image for collaboration meeting
- Inform collaborators and help get them set up before the meeting
- Fermi
- New L1 Release tag for GR See JIRA FDM-5
- Build new L1 Release tag at SLAC for Philippe to use
Week of Jun 4 2018
- DM-DC2
- CI Meeting update
- Prepare agenda, run DM-DC2 meeting, and take notes
- Try constructFlat at NERSC
- ingest subset of Run1-2p data
Doodle Poll to find new meeting time- chat with Dominique & Johann first
Ingest all Run1-2p data at NERSC- Merge latest IN2P3 workflow into NERSC workflow
- Start up the jobs
- investigate installing new python module Yao requested
- Talk to Joe Z about his miniconda env at NERSC to see about pulling it into the shared python env
- Reinstall stack weeklies when the next python update for DM is released
- deal with inode use on /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/
- Issues is associated with the phosim SEDs for every visit, these files must be tarred.
- nEXO
- Data Task Force Meeting Wednesday
- Prepare proper docker image with tutorials
- Fermi
- merge slac doc in github
- Offline Software meeting
- Help Philippe make L1 updates to TkrDigi
- get a new GR L1 release tag made
Week of May 28 2018
- DM-DC2
- Finish slides for seminar and present
- Test Javier's notebook
- Fix py3-4.3.21 installation with numpy and numexpr
- install phosim v3.7.15 for Haskell-Intel & KNL-intel
- Install CCL for Yao in the shared python area
- Handle vendor ingests while Tom is away
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting and report on docker status
- Update docker image with tutorials
- Fermi
- Help Philippe get set up with github and new JIRA area
- Write up initial doc for developing at SLAC:
Week of May 21 2018
- DM-DC2
- prepare for weekly meeting and take notes
- Send Bob Armstrong details for getting connected to NERSC and IN2P3
- Rerun processEimage test for v3.7.14 to capture log
- Prepare update for CI meeting
- Report unit test failure in LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Fix the failure
- Arrange meeting with IN2P3 folks
- Attend DM-Stack-Club
- Attend and report at DC2 Meeting
- Rerun bias and darks using phosim v3.7.14
- install latest parsl
- set up new external python environment
- Prepare slides for seminar
- Set up new docker image for new sims release and upload to shifter
- Install new sims release from source
- Transfer DC1 data from HPSS to SCRATCH
- Confirmed /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC1/DM/DC1-imsim-dithered is the full data set stored in HPSS
- Help user build CCL paper and updated the CCL wiki
- nEXO
- update docker image to add in tutorials
- order new laptop - waiting on response from I&T
- Handle vendor ingests while Tom is away
- Fermi
Week of May 14 2018
- DM-DC2
- set up agenda and write up notes for Monady's DM-DC2 meeting
- Check getting started at NERSC documentation
- Contact Michael & Javier about the NERSC seminar May 30th
- Run phosim v3.7.9 and v3.7.14 test data through miniDRP
- Check on kubernetes availability at NERSC jupyterhub and set up meeting
- nEXO
- update docker image to remove sudo and add in tutorials
- coordinate archiving nexo-sniper
- set up order for new laptop
- Fermi
Week of May 9 2018
- DM-DC2
- Setup agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Create darks using phosim 3.7.9
- Install new versions of phosim as they appear
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting and make presentation concerning SNiPER visit
- Update docker image with tokens
- contact Raymond about timing correlation
- Set up order for new laptop
- Requested and tested git lfs install at SLAC for nexo
- Fermi
- Attend software meeting and write up notes
Week of April 30 2018
- DM-DC2
- Set up agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Rerun one processEimage job on one core on KNL using a source build of the stack
- Send Salman and Katrin directions about the steps to run "mini-DRP" so they can try it at ANL
- Set up full pipeline at NERSC to run on KNL
- Finish creating calibration products and document
- Prepare Monday's CI update
- Update python environment to include potables
- Create "current" symlink to point to the current python installation
- Test and document setting up jupyter-dev using a shared stack install
- Install phosim v3.7.10 for both haswell-intel and knl-intel
- install phosim v3.7.11 for both haswell-intel and knl-intel
- nEXO
- Set up Docker image for nexo-offline + SNiPER
- Provide daily summaries on the Slack meeting channel
- Test new SNiPER using the last collaboration meeting examples
- Understand how to implement Time Correlation
- Attend Tuesday Update meeting with nexo collaborators
- Help Tom M set up python on his laptop
- Update elog Slack app to add a new channel as requested by Aaron
Week of Apr 23 2018
- DM-DC2
- Set up agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Rerun one processEimage job on one core on KNL as requested by Salman
- Send Salman directions about the steps to setup the DMstack so they can try it at ANL
- Provide NERSC update for DC2 meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Create an area of IN2P3 to transfer their data products
- nEXO
- Install new version of SNiPER for centos7
- request new tbb system library be installed
- Send some initial SLAC usage instructions to the SNiPER developers
- Install new version of SNiPER for centos7
- Help Steve ssh tunnel to new IR2 jupyterhub
Week of Apr 16th 2018
- DM-DC2
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Generate darks using phosim v3.7.9
- Play with constructFlat.
- Rerun miniDRP task using KNL and produce some timing information
- Update LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSIm for Phosim v3.7.9
- Tagged Run1.1p obs_lsstSim fork
- Successfully updated the obs_lsstSIm files using the bias output
- Work through unit test failures
- PR
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Clear out out Stack builds as advertised on Slack
- Install parts in shared python env + weeklies + v15
- Consider setting up a common shared lib area
- Install a modern dmtcp on knl-intel and haswell-intel
- multilib install failed, went back to 64 bit only for now - which should be fine for phosim
- nEXO
- Prepare for travel to SLAC
- Help SNiPER Developers get set up with SLAC accounts
- Install new version of SNiPER at SLAC
Week of Apr 9 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- Write up SLAC SNiPER installation instructions on wiki
- Send Lisa some journal references for Gaudi
- DM-DC2
- Prepare for Task Force Meeting and write up Live Notes
- Complete initial run of first Run 1.2p visits through minidrp
- Create new dc2 Shifter image with room for a NERSC volume
- Create dc2 Shifter image using a dc2 tag to try to avoid version mismatch errors
- update workflow to use Shifter and submit PR
- Create w_2018_14 + LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim Shifter image
- Test pipeline with w_2018_14+LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim Shifter
- update NERSC workflow to try out processEimage on rafts
- Prepare updates for CI meeting
- Attend Ci meeting
- Send Katrin some information about how the set up NERSC for DESC
- Ask NERSC about anticipated need to recompile software after the scheduled Cori OS update on Apr 25-26
- Install DMstack v15 in the common software area
- Request to remove some older stack installations at NERSC
- Write up portal section in Overleaf
- Complete Research integrity course
- Aux Telescope
Week of Apr 2 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- Attend Simulations Meeting
- Write up SLAC SNiPER installation instructions on wiki
- DM-DC2
- Set up new Docker image which includes patched obs_lsstSIm
- Prep slides and attend SSim meeting
- Check on weekly builds and document their new location
- Create new docker image for new sims 2_7_0 release
- Install sims 2_7_0 from source in the common software area
- Complete CyberSecurity Training
- Write up portal section in Overleaf
- get antivirus going on home centos7 to allow VPN connection required to deploy portal
- Aux Telescope
Week of Mar 26 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- DM-DC2
- Prep for Task Force Meeting
- Write up Live Notes
- Contact Dominque B concerning processEimage failure
- Now fixed with new config file
- add this config file to github
- Write update for Friday's DC2 meeting
- Write update for CI meeting
- Start up new mini-DRP task in SRS pipeline
- Run ingestData for all 66 visits from Run 1.1p
- Run processEimage (obtain time and memory consumption stats)
- Fix LSSTTD-1257
- Deploy data portal 0.5.14
- move weekly builds to common software area by updating cron job
- Aux Telescope
- On Hold until we hear from Kirk
Week of Mar 19 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- Fix build of ROOT on centos7, missing libEve and libRGL
- Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- Attend simulations meeting
- DM-DC2
- DM-DC2 Meeting prep
- Attend SSims meeting
- Write up Live notes
- Extend DRP Workflow to run processEimage
- Update DRP Workflow to run processEimage for multiple visits
- Meet with Nicolas to discuss DRP
- Install TreeCorr
- Install new GCRCatalogs in all conda environments
- Move weekly stack installs
- Clean up old contrib area
- request another 100 GB of space
- update cron job
- Aux Telescope
- Wait to hear from Kirk
Week of Mar 12 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- nEXO
- Fix build of ROOT on centos7, missing libEve and libRGL
- Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- DM-DC2
- Update Nicolas' ImageProcessingPipelines branch for NERSC
- Demonstrate running SRS workflow for ingest
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- Aux Telescope
Week of Mar 5 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Work with SLAC IT to get all necessary system libraries installed on centos7 to build nEXO's externals
- libXpm-devel
- bzip2-devel
- Motif
- Motif-devel
- mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLU-devel
- Work through build problems with Coin3d 3.1.3 (an external lib) - Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- Create some initial dev doc in their wiki
- DM-DC2
- Attend and take notes for task force meeting
- Attend SSims meeting Thursday
- Create docker image using new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Install new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Add note about lsst_distrib + lsst_sims on Confluence: NERSC Software Installations
- Install CCL At NERSC in the shared DESCQA python env
- GH Issue
- Updated CCL NERSC Wiki:
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- ATS At Harvard
- Attend test stand tutorial 9 AM - 10 AM PT Wednesday
Week of Feb 26 2018
- Fermi
- get Brian to fully clean up between GR Jenkins builds - created JIRA
- get L1 GR to build
- figure out how to clean up workspaces in Jenkins on my own.
- Tag first GlastRelease release in github GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr03 only change is to the xxxRootData packages
- Figure out the release process
- nEXO
- send an email update to Lisa
- update Slack channel about Raymond's discussions with SNiPER developers
- Work on HistogramSvc for ROOT files
- DM-DC2
- Run Monday Meeting and write minutes
- Update GitHub issues
- Contact Chris W about flats
- Talk to Tom about setting up directory for transfer to IN2P3
- test at NERSC - Update IPP repo with new mini-DRP Epic - Create new SRS pipeline task to run ingest on eImages - Update SRS pipeline task to handle ref cat ingest
- Update SRS pipeline task to run processEimage
- attend DC2 meeting
- Poke NERSC about jupyter-dev outage - now fixed
- ATS At Harvard
Week of Feb 19 2018
- Fermi
- Finish Anaconda 3 install
- Fix up L1 builds on Jenkins
- Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- Start new HistogramSvc for ROOT files
- Simulation Meeting Thursday
- DM-DC2
- First Task Force Meeting
- Migrate DC2 Cookbook issues to IPP (ImageProcessingPipeline) repo
- Create new issues in IPP repo
- sort out HPSS allocation
- Help David L access his account
- ATS at Harvard
- Meeting with Tony & Owen on Tuesday
- Go to Harvard on Friday
Week of Feb 12 2018
- Fermi
- attend offline meetings!
- Finish Anaconda3 installation
- Work out distribution of externals in the new regime
- Install swig 3.0.12 RH6 and RH7 on GLAST_EXT
- work out L1 build in Jenkins
- nEXO
- Meet with sims people
- NERSC Support
- re-re-install cosmosis to help out the WL folks who wanted the latest along the develop branch
- Reach out to Joe to encourage tagging of cosmosis and provide some feedback on their setup script for NERSC
- Reach out to wl pipeline group to ask about cosmosis installations.
- Start up automated weekly stack installations
- Document weekly stack installations
- Send Joe Z updates to the setup-cosmosis-nersc script
- Help Erfan get going with cosmosis at NERSC
- SLAC support
- Read over Joanne's docs
- Pow-wow with Joanne over the DP and eT and the eT DB
- set up docker for Jim on IR2
- Update DESC and Fermi documentation on getting a SLAC account
- DRP/L2 Processing
- Task Force
- Phil mentioned that "they" had to write up a charge - figure out what that means
- Modify charge after receiving suggestions
- At Nicolas' suggestion reach out to Fabio H concerning weekly stack installations
- Phil mentioned that "they" had to write up a charge - figure out what that means
- Task Force
- ATS at Harvard
- Attend CCS meeting to find out how best to support Harvard
- Contact Harvard to sort out list of devices & plans for their use for testing
- Meet with Kirk
- write up minutes from Kirk/Nick meeting and prepare to iterate with Kirk
Week of Feb 5 2018
- DRP/L2 Processing
- SLAC DESC support
- NERSC support
- set up automated installs :
- Help Alex set up web data access:
- Other
- Read over Joanne's docs:
- Write up IN2P3 account Confluence page
- Update DMstack install on Harvard AUX Telescope machine
- nexo
- Attend Sims meeting
- Schedule time to meet Lisa next week
- Try out Raymond's example using SLAC install
- finish SLAC installation
- Fermi
- Finish Anaconda 3 installation at SLAC
- work out distribution of externals for end users
Week of Jan 29nd 2018
- Data Portal
- support Joanne as she learns about the plotting
- DRP/L2 Processing
- Check on James P
- Get a copy of the DC1 WF going
- Update WF to run Jim's latest imSim Data
- Learn how to deal with pipeline issue in JMX dealing with large number of jobs stuck in submitted state
- Run Jim's imSim data through SLAC WF (first attempt in progress)
- Prep to run using Phosim 1.1p
- Document using the Slac WF and add scripts to a GH repo in LSSTDESC area
- attend Friday dc2 meeting
- SLAC support
- review, release, and install the latest version of datacat-utilities
- Read over Joanne's documentation
- -
automate weekly install of DMstack binaries for camera- - install datacat-utilities on lsst-dc10
- NERSC support
- Upload latest SQRE DMstack (w_2018_03) Docker image into Shifter
- Install w_2018_03 plus sims from source
- Create w_2018_03+sims Shifter Image (debugging issue with afw - issue identified.. fixing it is something else)
- create sims Shifter image the long way, without using lsstsqre's base image
- Install WeakLensingDeblending for Javier.
- Random LSST Camera and DESC items
- SSim meeting
- Meet with Wil on Friday
- Write up notes from meeting
- Look over DESC architects confluence page
- nEXO
- reinstall SNiPER in the new disk space
- try out examples
- sign up for the collaboration mailing list
- Fermi
- Investigate trouble with AcdDigi in L1 branch
- Find a way to upgrade Anaconda external for ST
- Install miniconda py3
- Contact Helen
Week of Jan 22nd 2018
- Data Portal
- Consider rerunning all the ITL sensors in need of updated MET ingest and MET 05 by hand
- plots - commit latest code and write up intro for Joanne
- CCB request and deploy MET updates for the DP
- Deploy DP 0.5.11
- SLAC support
- automate weekly install of DMstack binaries for camera (Jim doesn't seem to feel this is a priority)
- Read over Joanne's documentation
- NERSC support
- update DESCQA install to include tensor flow
- write up instructions for w_2018_01 shifter install
- automate installation of shifter images
- Create docker image of new sims release based on w_2018_04
- Reintall cosmosis for WL group due to updated FFTW module, trying cray-fftw this time
- Send instructions to Josh to set up his own test galsim using the extlibs we already have set up for Cori KNL gcc
- install Phosim 3.7.7 and 3.7.8 for knl-intel and haswell-intel
- meet with Mustafa about HPSS
- Fix Cosmosis installation
- Workflows/L2 DC2 Pipeline
- send plea to Tony
- Meeting with Tom about using the SLAC pipeline + pilots
- work out setting up test Pipeline2 job reusing DC1 L2 task and a handful of visits
- Prep for CI meeting
- Fermi
- Work through errors with AcdDigi on L1 branch
- Set up new Anaconda external
- Work out with Brian the requirements for setting up externals these days
- nEXO
- get Tony an disk space estimate for SLAC installs
- get some disk space from Tony at SLAC
- set up SNiPER at SLAC in a temp location (in progress)
- attend Tuesday sims meeting
Week of Jan 15th 2018
- Data Portal
- revisit plots
- Holding off MET updates until new traveler to reingest ITL sensors is available
- datacat-utilities
- Install new release 0.0.9 at SLAC
- Install new release 0.0.9 at SLAC
- SLAC support
- automate weekly installs of DMstack binaries for camera
- automate weekly installs of DMstack binaries for camera
- NERSC Support
- update DESCQA install to include tensorflow
- Write up instructions for w_2018_01 shifter install
- automate installation of shifter images
- Add WeakLensingDeblending
- Check on CCL installation
- Workflows/L2 DC2 Pipeline
- DC2 meeting Friday Jan 19th
- Slim down docker image which includes sims - now down to 3 GB on DockerHub
- Slim down docker image which includes sims - now down to 3 GB on DockerHub
- Fermi
- Set up draft f2f meeting page Fermi Software Week Winter 2018
- Continue working on GR L1 branch - completed checkout of L1 code successfully
- Work through errors with AcdDigi on L1 branch
- nEXO
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
Week of Jan 8th 2018
- DataPortal
- finish off ITL-3800C-368 ingest after sorting out http authentication errors
- revisit plots
- Hold off on MET updates until new traveler to reingest ITL sensors is available.
- datacat-utilities
- Install new release
- SLAC suport
- Install w_2018_01 binaries lsst_distrib for camera
- Work out automated weekly installs via cron (u1 is 97% full, ~990 GB left)
- Install Merlin's eotest branch
- NERSC Support
- Update DESCQA install to include tensorflow
- Try w_2018_01 shifter install (in progress)
- Testing w_2018_01 shifter install and write up instructions
- Add WeakLensingDeblending
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Set up lsst_sims docker image for NERSC & uploaded to Dockerhub
- Try another lsst_sims docker image using lsstsqre image as the base rather than centos7 (initially failed, have new plans to retry)
- Fermi
Attend Wednesday software meeting- Finish setting up GR L1 branch
- Test L1 build in Jenkins
- Try interactive build of GR L1 branch
- Attend Tuesday software meeting
- Contact SNiPER team about Open Source License
- Apply for OSG and LLNL accounts
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
Week of Dec 18th 2017
- DataPortal
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Reproduce error James P sees
- Repeat experiment with multiple visits
- Repeat experiment using Head of ImageProcessingPipeline repo
- Potentially meet with Jim & James this week
- Catch up on Parsl progress
- CI
- Set up new Docker image to use with imSIm's travis builds
- Create a smaller Docker images for use with travis
- NERSC Support
- Shared Stack
- JupyterHub documentation and simplification
- clean old project space by removing MBII-snapshots
- Request reduction in old project space quota to 40 TB
- imSim
- Fermi
- Set up GR L1 branch in GitHub
- Test build of L1 branch
- Read up on SNiPER
- Meet with Lisa K on Tuesday 5 PM Eastern
- send feedback on documentation
- set up user accounts on Wiki, LLNL, OSG
- talk to Tony about nExo
Week of Dec 11th 2017
- Data Portal
- Deploy ETCCB-429
- MET updates - almost complete
- Install mvn and associated libraries and get Nick going with Lakeshore driver
- Install mvn and associated libraries and get Nick going with Lakeshore driver
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Send James P a link to the recordings from last week
- Repeat test using Jim's parsl wf at NERSC
- CI
- Docker image for use in travis builds
- Docker image for use in travis builds
- imSIM
- NERSC Support
- Fresh Shared Stack installation for KNL - stuck working out disk space in the common software area – started
- dmtcp installation
- Update jupiter-dev documentation
- quota checker
- Fresh Shared Stack installation for KNL - stuck working out disk space in the common software area – started
- Fermi
- Try GR with repoman
- Documentation
Week of Nov 27th 2017
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- Finish off write up of chat with Tony
- Ask James P about remote participation during Spring Week
M & W 8 - 12 central time - Try a run using Simon's cookbook
- Meet with Jim & James P
- write up notes
- Try Parsl pipeline at NERSC
- NERSC software installations
- Shared Stack installation - verify that the DESCQA and py3 install is working
- Add CCL
- Install new sims 2.4.2 using DMstack w.2017.46 Haswell-gcc6 using py3
- Ask about cosmosis needs
- Install cosmosis, TreeCorr, and MLZ in projecta area under the WL WG directory
- Install phosim 3.7.3
- dmtcp
- quota checker
- Consider requesting more common software space
obtained 50 GB more
- Shared Stack installation - verify that the DESCQA and py3 install is working
- NERSC project space
- Verify MBII-snapshots is in HPSS and remove from project area
Found the content in the desc hsi area, and viewed the contents of some snap.tar via htar -tf CS/MBII-DMO-snapshots/snapdir_074.tar Also noticed that the group_xxx.tar files are duplicated in the Archive home directory. Contacted Mustafa to sort that out and remove duplicates.
- Verify MBII-snapshots is in HPSS and remove from project area
- Data Portal
- MET updates
- Meet with Anders and Seth
- MET updates
- Harvard ATS
- Check that ccs reboot restarts the MySQL, LocalRestServices, and Trending
- Check in with Nick about the Lakeshore
- Fermi
- Try GR using repoman
- Documentation
- Discuss Gaudi for nEXO - Attend Stanford IT Unconference
Week of Nov 20th 2017
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- NERSC software installations
- py3 shared stack installation
- finish phosim 3.7.2 installation
- dmtcp intel installation
- quota checker
- cosmosis installation
- check in on GH issue
- Cover Vendor Ingests M-W
- Data Portal
- plots
- check in with Tony about his changes to load the page more quickly
- Harvard ATS
- Determine who will deal with the Lakeshore drivers - Grab Owens updates and install on CCS machine
- Direct Nick to make updates as needed.
- Fix mounting of data drive on ccs machine
- Try a version of the TS subsystem on the ccs machine and set up groovy & properties files
- Check monochromator plays well with the TS subsystem
- Determine who will deal with the Lakeshore drivers
- Fermi
- Try a GR build with repoman
- Documentation
- Inquire about pointlike updates in CVS on Slack
Week of Nov 13th 2017
- Harvard ATS
- Create user accounts and ccs sudo account which grants sudo access to all users
- Set up directory structure following IR2 model
- Install DMstack v14
- Install eotest compatible with v14
- document the above on the Confluence page ATS Test Stands
- Set up Trending Database
- MariaDB installation
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- Meet with Jim on Monday
- Write up Notes
- Contact James P
- Try to run Simon's Cookbook
- Chat with Tony
- Meet with Jim on Monday
- NERSC Software Installations
- Shared Stack
- first try failed due to conflicts with libiconv installed presumably for
- Phosim 3.7.2 bug fix for haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- DMTCP intel build
- Help out with cosmosis installation
- Shared Stack
- Data Portal
- Chat with Tony about plots
- Plots
- Bad Channels
- read noise
- NERSC Project Space
- Test MBII-snapshot HPSS copy and remove from project area
Week of Nov 6th 2017
- QA Testing
- Investigate cause of differences between Lauren's plots from NCSA and those generated at NERSC
- look at 'conda list' on both NCSA and NERSC (no differences discovered)
- generate cal_refs as was done at NCSA
- try gcc 6 build as is being done at NCSA
- Determine the cause of differences between ref catalogs at NCSA and NERSC
- Investigate cause of differences between Lauren's plots from NCSA and those generated at NERSC
- L2 Pipeline
- Data Portal
- Finish off first round of Richard's plots
- bad channels
- read_noise
- Finish off first round of Richard's plots
- NERSC Project Space
- test MBII-snapshot HPSS copy
- prep for Tony & Owen's visit
- Installations
- Py3 on SLAC RH6-64 for Joanne to test out
- finish testing NERSC's cfitsio installation
- install phosim 3.7.1 for Cori haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- ask Glenn to install module files
- install phosim 3.7.2 for Cori haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- Shared Stack Installation using w.2017.41
- Query DESCQA and CCL groups
- py2 w.2017.41 installation
- py3 w.2017.41 installation
Week of Oct 30th 2017
- Data Portal
- Plots
- DC2 prep
- QA testing
- w.2017.41 installation plus branches of obs_lsstSim and pipe_analysis
- Run visitAnalysis, coaddAnalysis, etc
- QA testing
- NERSC Workflow work
- NERSC Project Space
- Work with Mustafa to get MBII-snapshot backed up
- NERSC Installations
- w.2017.? stack installation plus sims - waiting on new sims release using the camera geometry updates
- Phosim 3.7
- Testing NERSC cfitsio installation
- SLAC Installations
- descsoft w.2017.? stack plus sims installation
- See if there is any prep work necessary for Tony's visit later in Nov
- Request Nick set up new box with CentOS7
- set up user accounts and groups
- Determine if Mike is still coming out ~Nov 1st
- See if there is any prep work necessary for Tony's visit later in Nov
- Attend SuperCDMS meeting concerning their potential move to NERSC.
Week of Oct 23rd 2017
- Data Portal
- NERSC Workflow work
- Try out HTCondor and Pegasus on cori21
- Take a look at Jim's imsim script
- NERSC Project Space
- Set the old project directory to read-only (in progress)
- claim desc ownership of the whole directory space
- Clear out all directories where the owners have indicated it is fine to do so
- Determine the end state of merging old project and projecta areas and handling of www
- Set up disk quota monitor
- Coordinate HPSS storage of MBII-snapshots
- Set the old project directory to read-only (in progress)
- NERSC installations
- Phosim v3.7
- Coordinate with NERSC to get cfitsio v3410 installed (in progress)
- Rebuild using NERSC supplied cfitsio
- Coordinate with Glenn to set up module files
- Set up software for DC2 testing
- v14_0 lsst_distrib + sims 2.4.0
- Phosim v3.7
- SLAC installations
- Set up same imsim at SLAC as used at NERSC for KNL testing (in progress)
- v14_0 on RH6-64 public (on hold pending resolution to obs_base unit test failure)
- camera area
- descsoft
- test eotest branch
- v14_0 on IR-2
- Document KNL vs Haskell mkl imsim testing at NERSC
- Initial mkl tests indicate no huge improvement - putting testing on back burner for now
- CCS - still waiting to hear from Peter, I cannot access their TS3 machine to install and test a new version of the test stand subsystem
Week of Oct 16th 2017
- Richard's plots in DP
- Complete Sensor Arrival Time plot
- Create JSON
- NERSC installations
- Phosim v3.7
- Try out NERSC supplied FFTW
- Request new cfitsio v3410 installation required by Phosim
- Complete installation of all flavors: haswell-gcc, haswell-intel, knl-gcc, knl-intel
- Waiting on cfitsio v3410 before knl-intel will be available
- Phosim v3.7
- NERSC Project Space
- Notify all users of the need to migrate
- Handle all help requests - migrating some directories to the new projecta area
- Install disk quota monitor
- Check on old project status and prepare to set it to read-only
- Coordinate backup of nkhandai data to tape with Mustafa
- Install latest version of teststand subsystem at Harvard there is a machine made available - waiting on response from Peter
- Keep an eye out for v14 DMstack
Week of October 9th 2017
- Continue work on Richard's plots in DP
LSSTTD-1165Getting issue details...
- Released Data Portal 0.5.7
- Testing imSim built on KNL
- Continue MKL tests at NERSC once the system recovers from the weekend outage
- Install the same version of the stack at SLAC to allow similar testing with and without MKL
- Attempt build of DMstack using the intel compiler at NERSC
- NERSC Project space
- Install disk quota monitor
- Coordinate backup of nkhandai data to tape with Mustafa
- Prepare to set the old project area as read-only
- Send mail to all owners of files on the old project space
- NERSC HPSS SRU overallocation
- Install latest version of datacat-utilities 0.0.8 at SLAC
- Install the latest teststand snapshot at Harvard to support use of the monochromator when Peter returns.
- Contacted Peter - I can't connect to the archon machine to install the test stand snapshot
- Investigate creating a harvard.groovy (perhaps based on TS8bench or TS7) and possibly create a harvard main routine.
- Keep an eye out for the v14 DMstack release and prepare to install on IR-2 and NERSC
- This release will include binary installations.. I'm thinking we may still want to install from source, perhaps that's most useful on IR-2, but we'll see.
- This release will include binary installations.. I'm thinking we may still want to install from source, perhaps that's most useful on IR-2, but we'll see.
Week of October 2nd 2017
- Release DataPortal 0.5.6 which will include
- Implement Richard's plots in the DP starting from some of Tony's examples for trending and Richard's python code.
- Continue testing KNL performance using galsim and imsim
- Attempt to compile galsim and possibly all of DMstack with the intel compiler
- Run longer tests using the MKL libraries on Haswell and KNL
- Rebuild imsim with MKL, using an updated meas_base
- Install an initial shared stack in the new software area at NERSC for testing as discussed at last week's "Shared Stack" meeting
- NERSC Project Space
- Set up an initial quota monitor at NERSC
- Re-connect with Mustafa to get the mkhandai 42 TB archived to tape.
- Investigate an upgrade of the monochromator driver at Harvard and confirm that to achieve what Peter plans to do - to run his ATS work in the lab alongside most of the devices from his TS3 setup.. is possible by running both the teststand and rafts subsystem simultaneously.
- Install latest SNAPSHOT of test stand at Harvard and investigate creating a harvard.groovy (perhaps based on TS8bench or TS7) and possibly creating a harvard main routine.
- Keep an eye out for the v14 release of the DMstack and prepare to install at SLAC/IR-2 and NERSC.
Though this is assigned to Jim, so perhaps I have no need to worry about SLAC:
- LSSTTD-1157Getting issue details... STATUS
Week of 16 November
- CO
- write agenda, attend, potentially run and note take for CO meeting
- set up Zoom #s for Sprint week
- shut down desc-python:bleed scheduled build for now
- write agenda, announce, and run DESC DM/DA mtg
- continue checking warps, include new DR2 warps produced at CC
- CC
- attend SBPC update and note take
- Write up DESC newsletter entry
- Help finish off SNC draft cha
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
Week of 9 November
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- Help create lsstdesc-env conda-forge package
- install intake in desc-python:bleed
- follow up on CVMFS problems with sqlite3
- Run a proper DR6 Gen2 ingest
- Create SPIN Postgres
- Test SPIN website
- handle DESC DM/DA meeting
- Discuss GCR future with Yao & Joanne
- Check on DR6-WFD warps
- Look at DR2 object catalogs to regenerate the ones fixed by the finished tract/patch processing
- CC
- announce, attend and run CC meeting
- handle OMP amendment voting
- handle PM amendement voting
- edit draft collaboration announcement
- Write up DESC newsletter entry
- Fermi
- attend ADASS as possible
- nEXO
Week of 2 November
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- DESC DM/DA meeting
- CC
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 26 October
- CO
- Contact James P & George B for CO meeting
- Write agenda, attend and note take for CO meeting
- Upgrade GCRCatalogs to v1.0.2 for all python environments
- Review DC2-analysis tutorials and automate beavis running
- attend GPU webinar
- Update desc-stack-weekly for w_2020_44
- automate those builds
- Follow up on Jupyter issues on Monday
- Deal with reported issues with MPI and nbodykit in desc-python env
- Help SN group upgrade to GCC 9.3.0
- Address question concerning permissions
- Announce, run, write agenda, for DESC DM/DA
- Complete initial set of DR2 object catalogs
- Copy matched catalogs to shared area at nersc
- CC
- Help write up slides, update agenda for DESC-wide Software Policy meeting
- Follow up on SBPC DESC-wide meeting
- Schedule November CC meeting
- ask MC to send out full membership announcement to collab
- Prepare and send email to DESC members reminding them to update DB entries
- Follow up on SNC
- Prepare OpaVote for ratification
- Prepare Collaboration-wide comment period for FM amendment
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 19 October
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- finish Gateways seminars
- Continue viewing JupyterCon
- try out Globus Spin app
- update user on how to intall nbodykit
- Address various desc-help requests
- announce, write agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Produce object catalogs for all DR2 tracts where reasonable
- CC
- attend, run CC Mtg
- Update SRPC page
- Announce SP DESC-wide meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
Week of 12 October
- CO
- attend PS meeting
- attend Gateways
- attend JupyterCon
- attend Rubin Bootcamp
- attend SSim meeting
- Update Jupyter at NERSC Confluence page
- attend TJP meeting to help present DC2 data availability
- write agenda, note take, attend DESC DM/DA
- CC
- Stand up CCNC
- Prepare for Oct 19 meeting
- OMP ratfication
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 5 October
- CO
- Attend JupyterCon tutorials
- Attends parts of Snowmass
- Q4 update
- Follow up on Humna's questions about trouble using desc-stack during Cori outage
- Post NERSC Cori updates to desc-nersc
- Check on HPSS storage use
- Work out issues connecting to jupyterhub with CSCRATCH unavailable.
- descqa website problems
- Attend ParslFest
- Follow up on DR2 WWT data
- CC
- Announce potential CCNC members to CC and gain approval
- send invites
- Announce CC Oct meeting, update DESC calendar, alert SP team, write agenda
- Announce potential CCNC members to CC and gain approval
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Test SDF for nEXO user using singularity
- Set up new nEXO SDF space
- Start up build to set up a private docker image including nexo-offline to test with Yee
Week of 28 September
- CO
- Attend CS meeting
- Prepare for CO meeting
- Attend DIA meeting
- set up data for WWT
- check on desc-bleed
- set up re-useable Gen2/Gen3 repo at NERSC
- refresh small dataset on HPSS
- Write agenda, announce, note take, attend DESC DM/DA meeting
- Back up DR2 calexps just in case
- CC
- Get DESC-wide meeting set up for SRPC and SBPC
- Stand up CCNC
- Work on scheduling Oct CC Meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- set up nexo-offline on SDF with Yee
Week of 21 September
- CO
- Attend SSim meeting
- Set up Transfer for WWT
- Transfer DC2 Run2.2i to lsstdev
- check on desc-bleed
- Announce, write agenda, attend DESC DM meeting
- Grab updated Gen2 calibration flats for Gen3 testing
- set up Gen2/Gen3 repo at NERSC
- Move on with Gen3 testing at NERSC
- CC
- Sept CC meeting
- MRPC Meeting
- Provide newsletter update
- Announce Software Policy draft
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Work with Yee to set up nexo sims on SDF
- Software meeting
Week of 14 September
- CO
- write agenda, take notes for CO meeting
- announce meeting and invite DMers
- announce meeting and invite DMers
- write agenda, take notes for CO meeting
- Set up transfer for WWT
- Update desc-python:bleed and turn automatic installation back on
- write agenda, attend, take notes for Wednesday meeting
- Get DR6 WFD annoucement out the door
- organize warps and put them on CSCRATCH
- fix up dr2 calexps from Run2.2i
- regenerate tract2visit sqlite DB
- CC
- set up Sept mtg time
- discuss SRP edits
- Push on CCNC and SNC meetings
- Contact 2019 SNC about survey
- Fermi
- Slac
- nEXO
- attend Slac computing discussion on Thursday
- attend software meeting
- respond to issues submitting jobs on GPUs
- Work with Yee to set up some modules on SDF
- Figure out a good production version using LLNL's install
- Figure out a good production version using LLNL's install
Week of 7 September
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- attend CS meeting
- add ceci to desc-python
- add ceci to desc-stack
- write agenda, attend, note take for DESC DM meeting
- Keep warp copying going
- Update scripts to find the warps left to copy and try globus instead
- Chat with Tom about warps
- Set up tract2visit mapper for DR2
- Find uband noPSF config discussions
- CC
- Set up Sept CC MTG poll
- Push along SNC and CCNC
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of 31 August
- CO
- check on descdm quota
- check on descdm quota
- CC
- Aug CC meeting notes for collaboration
- Get back to meetings committee concerning their question
- get MRPC meeting set up
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Try out GH Actions
Week of 17 August
- CO
- help SN set up a conda environment
- meet with Bruno and Rick
- inquire about TxPipe
- look at running sn-pipe in tutorial notebooks
- help SN set up a conda environment
- agenda, attend DESC DM/DA meeting
- continue pulling over Run2.2i DR6 data from CC
- Prepare for DR6 release
- back up pixel level data
- remove unwanted tracts and patches
- Reach agreement on what is DR6d
- Update DC2 calibration headers to adhere to new CALIB_ID format
- Y1 warps for DR2
- add /usr/bin/time to shifter image for parsl DR2 runs
- data transfer to lsst-dev all of Run2.2 and Run3.1
- Clean up CSCRATCH
- CC
- announce, write agenda, attend Aug Meeting
- write up DESC-wide minutes
- complete MRPC note and send
- Put out one more call for CCNC and SNC members
- Questionnaire Survey
- glastsys password
- performance review
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- test free github area
- look at open source chat tools to replace Slack
Week of 3 August
- CO
- attend leadership meeting to update SRM
- export Zoom stats
- Size of DC2 files
- fverify Run3.1i sim files
- update sn repo wth NERSC instructions
- test GHI
- setup new SN min
- rsync coadds again, consider cron
- Copy DR6 coadd data to NERSC
- CC
- poll for August meeting
- poll for August meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- add more users to nexo UNIX group
Week of 27 July
- CO
- Complete Q3 report
- Complete Q3 report
- Reorg Run1.2x data to reside on CFS
- Back up Run3.0i data on HPSS and remove from CFS
- Finish cleaning up my CSCRATCH
- Clean up desc's CSCRATCH
- Setup automated running of DC2Analysis tutorials at NERSC
- add selenium and python-snappy to desc-python
- need to fix up desc-python-bleed
- need to fix up desc-python-bleed
- Upgrade desc-stack-weekly for next DM weekly, which hopefully fixes their conda install issues
- Reinstall Run2.2i Gen3 repo using latest DM weekly
- Update tutorial notebook for Gen3
- IPP eups
- setup rsync of DR6 WFD coadds
- Store Run2.2i WFD in HPSS
- Y1
- Y2
- Y3
- extract unneeded Y4 and Y5 files
- Y4
- Y5
- CC
- write up June monthly meeting notes
- schedule August meeting
- send out poll
- send out poll
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Evaluate open source chat options
- Evaluate open source chat options
Week of 20 July
- Attend collaboration meeting
- Install new desc-python-dev to downgrade pyarrow for desc-pyspark
- complete Gen3 Run2.2i demo repo
- Set up desc-stack-weekly-latest for w_2020_27 to be used with Gen3 repo
- Write up notes for others to run notebook examining Gen3 repo
- nEXO
- respond to Samuele's questoins about CVMFS
- respond to Vladimir's data proposal
Week of 13 July
- CO
- attend WL meeting
- Write up builder nomination letters
- Announce, attend, note take CO meeting
- announce, attend, note take DESC DM/DA meeting
- announce, attend, note take DESC DM/DA meeting
- set up Run2.2i Gen3 repo
- Fix entrypoint for desc-bleed
- CC
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- create, test and install new nexo-python docker image at SLAC and announce
- set up nexo-base cpuonly pytorch container
- reproduce success
- Update Singularity instructions to include how to submit jobs to bsub ( and slurm)
Week of 6 July
- CO
- ask Debbie to speak at next CO meeting
- attend first half of DIA meeting
- Write agenda, note take and attend DESC DM / DA
- Write agenda, note take and attend DESC DM / DA
- Back up Run3.0 sim data to HPSS
- Back up truth catalogs to HPSS
- finish setting up dustmaps
- add v20 stack-sims image
- setup Gen3 repo in postgres (started)
- back up catalogs
- Copy out July 7th version of metacal DR6a merged tract parquet files
- Update desc-python & desc-stack for pyarrow, dask, and distributed:
- CC
- Write up June meeting notes for DESC
- Check on black lives matter Slack channel
- follow up on update to OMP
- Follow up on updates to Membership Policy
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend Slac computing discussion
- attend software meeting
- Update nexo-base to use py3.7
- Update nexo-base to install pytorch cpuonly
- Update nexo-base to install pytorch with cudatoolkit == 10.0 for SLAC compatibility
- Update singularity doc to include installation at SLAC instructions
- Update Singularity instructions to include how to submit jobs to bsub ( and slurm)
Week of 29 June
- CO
- Finish up slides for DC2 update for WL and present
- Help plan Gen3 sessions at collab meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Count up data sizes of all Run 2.2 and 3.0 FITS
- fverify all Run3.0 files, update sqlite tracking db and notify Fabio we are ready to transfer
- Fix up desc-bleed and make sure build is scheduled and cron job set up to import into shifter
- set up rsync of object catalog area at CC (set up cron job to continue daily updates)
- set up rsync of metacal
- finish setting up dustmaps
- add v20 stack-sims image
- set up DR2 calexps for descdm
- Clean up descim CSCRATCH
- Back up truth catalogs to HPSS
- CC
- Send Membership Committee Annual report to CC
- Follow up on updates to Membership Policy
- Check on SBPC draft to make sure it is not publically available.
- Follow up with SRPC to make their google doc draft as a draft
- Fermi
- nEXO
- add more users to GitHub repo
- add more users to nexo UNIX group and look into ongoing inconsistent group membership on RHEL6 and centos7
- inquire about SLAC backup policies
Week of 22 June
- CO
- attend CI interviews
- set up desc-stack-sims for v20 - but first perhaps sort out which sims weekly to use with it (22 or 24)
- set up desc-stack for v20 just create the tag, don't make it the productoin desc-stack
- scrape metacal logs and ?,?_nImage.fits for exposure info
- Setup notebook to look at data
- clean up descim area
- back up truth catalogs
- rsync object catalogs and coadd from CC
- setup rsync cron job
- Handle desc-help #22 copying files for Sam
- set up cron job for desc-python-bleed
- CC
- Write up June meeting minutes for DESC
- Write up June meeting minutes for DESC
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of 15 June
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- attend DESC-wide meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- setup CI for desc-drp-stack
- add test for numba
- add pyccl test for desc-stack
- set up desc-stack weekly images
- Look at GH actions environment differences:
- merge PR#221 in obs_lsst
- Look into adding configs to IPP
- Join Snowmass mailing lists and slack channels
- add dustmaps packages to desc-stack (and possibly desc-python)
- setup CI for desc-drp-stack
- CC
- revise EDI committee member invite
- send EDI committee invites
- Set up June meeting and write agenda
- announce EDI committee
- attend CC meeting
- Update trello
- Retrieve GoogleForm response and send to CC
- add DESC computing doc to KIPAC github
- add DESC computing doc to KIPAC github
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Livermore workshop
- Meet with Lisa
- Update SLAC wiki page to fix broken links
- Try setting up LHC libraries again
- Update SLAC wiki page doc
note stack-jupyter:prod was pointing to v19_0_0-v3r1 moving to v19_0_0-v6r1
Week of 8 June
- CO
- attend SSim meeting
- attend SSim meeting
- Set up and attend DR2 processing meeting
- FInish setting up DR2 repo
- Meet, set up agenda, note take, to discuss DR2 processing at NERSC
- Update Run3.0i Confluence page to include pointers to data and software versions
- Validate Run3.0 y1-y3 fits files
- Update desc-drp-stack image to include llvmlite 0.30.0
- Create ticket to help user with UNIX group membership
- Create ticket to help user with UNIX group membership
- CC
- Call Dawson vote for EDI
- Announce end of vote for PubBoard
- Create poll for June Meeting
- Help draft strike statement
- Fermi
- Cancel software meeting
- Rebuild 20-10-04-gr07 to compare lib/<variant> vesus lib structure obtained from Jenkins versus local build
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- add another user to the nexo group
- closeout SLAC IT ticket concerning group membership across rhel6 and centos7
- Investigate NEST submodule failure - the branch with the commit was deleted
- Test Nest update PR 141 and merge and inform Jason Bane of fix
Week of 29 May
- CO
- Write up agenda, attend and note take for CO meeting
- Attend Leadership meeting
- Listen in to WL meeting
- Reorg DC2 Confluence page: DC2
- DC2 Hack Day June 5th
- Go over Confluence Doc
- check on desc-dm-dc2 repo and update any areas to use CFS and add in Run2.2i
- Check on DC2-Analysis
- Transfer DR6 object catalogs to NERSC
- Provide desc-stack-weekly
- Announce, write agenda, note take DESC DM meeting
- set up new desc-drp-stack repo and got new v19-v2 docker image and wrote up doc for Tom
- Started setting up new DR2 repo, need to request new quota and figure out how much room DR2 might take up.
- Attend Super facility Brown Bag
- Transfer registry.sqlite3 file from CC after DR6 calexp transfer
- CC
- Post May CC meeting Confluence Page
- Post May CC meeting Confluence Page
- Attend Virtual Residence when possible:
- Attend Virtual Residence when possible:
- Fermi
- annouce software meeting
- Check on new "externals" directory for M.E.
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Copy over more chargeSim files to SLAC
- Set up Doxygen for Lisa
- Provide example running 2 instance of the same service
- Test CMake ExternalData_OBJECT_STORES
- Announce SLAC FTP site
- Provide incident example
- send Tony Dockerfile
- update Dockerfile for Doxygen
- Attend sims meeting
Week of 25 May 2020
- CO
- Attend CS meeting
- Clean up desc-python doc and yaml files
- Announce, write agenda, note-take DESC DM
- Announce, write agenda, note-take DESC DM
- Request full copy of DR6 calexps from CC
- Follow up on outstanding NERSC account requests
- Attend Superfacility Brown Bag - SPIN
- Request early access to rancher 2
- CC
- Finalize MCPs registration wording
- Summarize May meeting minutes for DESC
- Provide CC summary for DESC newsletter
- Fermi
- Annouce software meeting
- Annouce software meeting
- nEXO
- copy chargesim data files to SLAC
- Set up doxygen for Lisa
- Advertise FTP area and updated CMake files
Week of 18 May 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, write notes for DESC DM meeting
- Add GCRCatalgos master to desc-python-dev
- Attend SuperFacility Brown Bag
- Attend SIGEUF
- Update desc-stack and desc-python with new v0.17.0 GCRCatalogs
- Inform DESC user when over Computing allocation
- CC
- attend CC meeting (note take on the side)
- WRite up DESC summary for meeting
- Work out PubBoard rotation
- Respond to Membership Committee email concerning annual report
- Update draft for note to Meetings Committee concerning upcoming registration
- update CC trello
- Write up possible update to MCP request on registation form
- Fermi
- announce s/w meeting
- announce s/w meeting
- nEXO
- Meet with Lisa
- Poke Tony about Jenkins builds and web accessible area for doxygen output
- Set up new doxygen for Lisa and test it out
Week of 11 May 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, and note take for CO Meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take for CO Meeting
- Announce, write agenda, and note take DESC DM meeting
- Refresh HSC Gen3 example at NERSC
- Demonstrate gen2togen3 conversion using DMstack w_2020_19 and Run2.2i data
- Continuing move to shared area
- copied PhotoZDC2 catalogs:
- Copy old and new Buzzard catalogs
- descqa/v1
- SSim data
- Transition WGs to CFS
- CL
- CS
- LSS - created new area and requested current owners move content
- PZ
- SSim
- TJP - removed content as agreed
- WL - created new area and in contact with conveners to determine who will handle the data move
- Prepare for WG NERSC migration
- Announce on desc-announce
- Alert all WGs
- Back up old and new descqa areas
- attend NERSC brown bag series - New Data Management
- Inquire about NERSC DB services
- Continuing move to shared area
- CC
- write up agenda for May 18th meeting, post entry on DESC Calendar
- attend SBPC DESC-wide meeting
- write up draft announcement of SRPC status
- write up agenda for May 18th meeting, post entry on DESC Calendar
- Fermi
- announce Fermi Software meeting
- Check for L1 branches
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- populate new SLAC FTP area
- add new user to nexo group at SLAC
- add new users to GH organization
- Update CMake to use new FTP area
- test at SLAC
- test at LLNL
- test on laptop
Week of 4 May 2020
- CO
- Alert WG conveners and DC2 analysis czars about upcoming CO discussion concerning validation efforts
- Complete Q2 report
- attend leadership meeting
- attend CS meeting
- Update GitHub workflows for DC2-imsim docker images, to work around disk space issues on GH Actions
- Announce, write agenda, attend, note take for DESC DM meeting
- Install new gcr-catalogs 0.16.1
- Help write up draft CFS directory organization
- Test use of desc account in Globus
- Move Buzzard-4 into new CFS shared area
- attend External User Group meeting
- CC
- Set up WhenIsGood poll for next CC meeting
- write agenda for next meeting
- Contact SRPC to determine next steps
- Weekly SLAC meeting
- Weekly SLAC meeting
- Fermi
- announce offline s/w meeting
- announce offline s/w meeting
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa
- Add nexo-base:current tag and update documentation
- Attend sims meeting
- Look at Fireworks
Week of 27 April 2020
- CO
- attend SSims meeting
- inquire about missing w_2019_42 sims on CVMFS
- request v19 lsst_distrib be pinned on CVMFS
- Test reported issues with ipympl at NERSC and CC
- Upgrade desc-python to include tabulate, flake8, new sacc, healsparse
- Report Missing sims w_2019_42 on CVMFS:
- Confirm removal of dev installs on CVMFS:
- Write up quarterly report
- Keep an eye on progress
- Finish reorg of Y4/Y5 checkpoint files
- Check final counts
- Copy Y4/Y5 checkpoint files to tape
- Announce, write agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Transition WG to CFS
- CL
- CS
- PZ
- SSim
- WL
- desc-help
- Transition WG to CFS
- CC
- Write up message to Membership Committee
- Review scheduled council activities for April/May/June
- Fermi
- announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- Merge astro changes from igrf_updates branch into L1 and test in Jenkins
- Release GR including new astro
- announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- set up new area for shared data files
- Update Cmake build to down data files
- Update CMake to require sniper >= 1.3
- add new nexo user to nexo group at SLAC
- add new nexo user to nexo group at SLAC
- attend sims meeting
Week of 20 Apr 2020
- CO
- announce, run, and note-take CO meeting
- Update Zoom infor for all Computing meetings in Calendar and some Confluence pages
- Keep an eye on progress
- DESC DM meeting
- Attend NUG on 4/22
- desc-help
- Finish reorg of Y4/Y5 checkpoint files
- inquire how to handle Grid duplicates
- inquire how to handle Grid duplicates
- CC
- Fermi
- announce Fermi software meeting
- Help Nicola will additional GR/astro building questions
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Add new users to GH and provide instructions to apply for accounts at SLAC & LLNL
- Locate new location for data files at SLAC?
- ticket opened
- ticket opened
- Address SNIper filtering to cut down output file size
- Update Cmake build to down data files
- Update CMake to require sniper >= 1.3
Week of 13 Apr 2020
- CO
- attend CS meeting
- update sacc in desc-python
- update gcr-catalogs in desc-python
- fix up pip includes in desc-python
- announce, write up agenda, note take DESC DM mtg
- announce, write up agenda, note take DESC DM mtg
- crack all y4 y5 files and extract checkpoints
- Store y02-missing instance catalogs to HPSS
- Store cosmoDC2 to HPSS
- Store y02-missing instance catalogs to HPSS
- Store cosmoDC2 to HPSS
- CC
- Look over notes for meetings committee
- release April Zoom mtg notes
- Fermi
- announce, attend, note take for software meeting
- inquire about status of new astro
- help Nicola get going with developer tools
- Tag GRcontainerSettings to capture 2018 changes on master
- Test new Jenkins build
- Install miniconda2 and add latest fermi-repoman and scons
- Test command line build of GR
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Finish setting up new docker/singularity image and documentation
- Update nexo-base image on GH Actions
- Continue trying to get nexo builds with LCG libraries to work
- attend sims meeting
Week of 6 Apr 2020
- CO
- attend SSims meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Attend Leadership meeting
- test updated desc-python with fast3tree fix
- release v0.0.24
- update sacc in desc-python
- fix up pip includes in desc-python
- Confirm Y4-Y5 raw transfer was successful and inform Fabio
- rollback 11 failed jobs and redo transfer to HPSS
- Confirm success
- Extract Y4 Y5 checkpoint files, organize and push into HPSS
- Contact projecta www owners and tell them about projecta transition
- Contact WG conveners about NERSC projecta => CFS transition
- Start up Science Gateway page:
- Checklist projecta => CFS transition:
- Confirm Y4-Y5 raw transfer was successful and inform Fabio
- CC
- Write agenda, send reminder and attend monthly CC meeting
- write up DESC summary
- Help Dominique pinpoint issues cloning DMstack env on CVMFS at CC
- Complete Cyber security Training
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and take notes for Offline S/W meeting
- Announce, attend, and take notes for Offline S/W meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Test updated nexo-base docker image removing NEST, going to Py3 and LLNL externals
- setup SLAC with LCG 96python3
Week of 30 Mar 2020
- CO
- Write up agenda, run CO meeting
- discuss desc-python
- discuss desc-python
- Announce new Confluence page for DESC envs on desc-leadership
- write up adding user packages to desc-python
- test nbodykit
- test nbodykit
- write up adding user packages to desc-python
- test nbodykit
- Help CC figure out how to install and maintain desc-python
- Write up agenda, run CO meeting
- Validate Y2-hole FITS files and coordinate transfer to CC
- announce, write agenda and run DESC DM mtg
- Meeting with Rollins
- Investigate nbody dependencies
- Transfer y4-y5 raw files to HPSS
- finish setting up testdata_ci_desc_gec repo
- empty
- Run2.2i data
- CC
- Set March/April meeing, write agenda
- Set March/April meeing, write agenda
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, note take Offline S/W meeting
- Announce, attend, note take Offline S/W meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- New nexo-base docker image with NEST and latest sniper
- Provided updated externals at SLAC
- find fix for ROOT compilation error with gcc 4.8.5 and LZMA
- Get SLAC to install lzma-devel
- move to LCG externals
- find fix for ROOT compilation error with gcc 4.8.5 and LZMA
Week of 23 Mar 2020
- CO
- ask Erin to present at next CO meeting
- attend WL meeting and present DC2 update
- Write up confluence page listing available DESC environments and POCs
- Attend CS meeting
- announce, write agenda and run DESC DM mtg
- set up testdata_ci_desc repo with a portion of Run2.2i data
- Help coordinate Y4/Y5 transfer from CC with Fabio
- Work out updating the SQLite tracking DB for Y4/Y5 and Y2 hole
- Help coordinate Y2 hole transfer to CC
- Write up wiki describing how to set up a DM Gen2 repo
- Ask about jupyter widgets
- release new conda-forge based desc-python
- Test new desc-python and adding user packages
- CC
- ask meetings committee about data retention
- plan next April CC meeting
- ask meetings committee about data retention
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend sim meeting
- Merge updates to lightmapsvc
- Help new nexo user set up and use docker and latest nexo-offline
Week of 16 Mar 2020
- CO
- Prepare slides for Monday's WL meeting
- Prepare slides for Monday's WL meeting
- Attend DM Alg Workshop remotely Tues - Thur 8:45 AM - 2:30 PM PT
- Validate Y4-WFD fits files and request transfer to CC
- Update DC2 Run2.2i Confluence doc for DR3
- Move Y4 WFD checkpoint files to HPSS
- Copy Y2 Hole instance catalogs to HPSS
- Respond to Rollins questions about use of key/value API within jupyter notebooks
- deploy new desc-stack production bersion vased on v19
- CC
- Update newsletter Feb/March summary
- Update newsletter Feb/March summary
- Complete Annual Security Training
- Complete Annual Security Training
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Attend simulation meeting
- Help Ako with Sniper Questions
- Update LightMapSvc to fix example algorithm to allow setup once during initialize
- Update LightMapSvc to retrieve data from TH2D
- Complete LLNL Security Training
Week of 9 Mar 2020
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, note take and CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, note take and CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, note take DESC DM meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, note take DESC DM meeting
- Pull Y2 WFD instance catalogs from tape
- Pull Y2 WFD instance catalogs from tape
- CC
- Attend Data Science Training
- Attend Data Science Training
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Attend simulation meeting
- Chat with Lisa about Confluence, JIRA, GitHub, etc
- Open SLAC ticket to help nexo user set default shell to bash
- Test git submodules on nexo-offline
Week of 2 Mar 2020
- CO
- Finish CI slides
- Present CI work at DESC seminar
- attend CS meeting
- update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with DR3 directory
- start gcr-catalogs updates for object and meta catalogs
- Update desc-help README to provide pointers to other help faciilties
- Finish CI slides
- announce, write up agenda, run, and note take for DESC DM mtg
- announce, write up agenda, run, and note take for DESC DM mtg
- Clear off Y1 and Y2 chkpoints, freeing 146 TB for y4-wfd transfer from scratch
- Prepare subset of DR4 on CSCRATCH for general DESC release
- Request ownership transfer of DR3 drp data
- Update Confluence doc for NERSC account
- Test ability of DR3 drp data on CFS to run on batch - fails, same locking issue as projecta
- CC
- Fermi
- attend software week sessions
- Test Jenkins builds of GR
- Report problems with GR builds to Brian
- retest Jenkins manual triggering of builds
- Test binary tarball at SLAC - seems to work
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Inquire about transfer speeds between IHEP and SLAC
- Provide skeleton light map service
Week of of 24 Feb 2020
- CO
- Prepare slide for Computing Infrastructure Talk at DESC Seminar
- attend SSIM meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Set up space for DR3 transfer from CC
- update desc-stack to resolve:
- Open NERSC ticket concerning users with trouble starting up jupyter
- CC
- Attend and note take for the meeting
- Update Trello with CC activities
- Write up DESC Summary of Feb mtg
- Write up Feb DESC newsletter submission
- Fix up CC Confluece area containing Council Minutes - past minutes were spread between 2 separate pages.
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend Tuesday software meeting
- Inquire at SLAC to use gridFTP for data transfer
- Work with SLAC to gain CVMFS access to IHEP filesystem
Week of 17 Feb 2020
- CO
- write agenda, note take for CO meeting
- write agenda, note take for CO meeting
- write agenda, run meeting,note take
- write agenda, run meeting,note take
- add graphviz to desc-python
- Store Y3-wfd checkpoint files on HPSS
- CC
- Start up agenda page
- Poll for meeting time
- Follow up on
- PubBoard Rotation
- Fermi
- announce, note take for software meeting
- announce, note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- help track down memory leak
- attend sims meeting
- install updated external libs at SLAC
- update cmake install to handle downloading of ancillary files
Week of 10 Feb 2020
- CO
- attend DESC leadership mtg and take notes
- announce new desc-help github repo
- attend and note take for CS mtg
- Copy Y4 instance catalogs back off tape to CSCRATCH
- Set up 1 TB area for PLASTICC
- submit NERSC ticket to sort out how to set quota
- submit NERSC ticket to sort out how to set quota
- Refresh NERSC Getting Started Confluence page with new NERSC links
- install w_2020_06 in shifter for Michael
- address ipyml issue in jupyter
- contact NERSC about htar compression
- CC
- attend SRPC - CC meeting and take notes
- attend SRPC - CC meeting and take notes
- nEXO
- Look over commit history on nexo-offline branches
- add outside collaborator to one nexo repo
Week of 3 Feb 2020
- CO
- Generate new stack-sims-cat using w_2019_42 and adding in pyarrow for Bryce & Joanne
- Attend SSim mtg
- Gen3 meeting
- Gen3 meeting
- transfer y02 instCat to hpss
- transfer y05 instCat to hpss
- transfer y06 instCat to hpss
- Request increase to descim CSCRATCH quota
- Inquire about new user LSST group membership
- Inquire about PI notification concerning users over job allocation
- Transfer checkpoint files to HPSS
- Y1
- Y2
- Y3
- CC
- set up meeting with SRPC
- Attend group meeting
- Attend group meeting
- Fermi
- announce, attend, notetake Software mtg
- announce, attend, notetake Software mtg
- nexo
- attend software meeting
- Write MC filter Alg
- PR
- Coordinate SLAC adding JuNO path to CVMFS
- Meet with Lisa
- Add new SNiPER service to read in ROOT TH2 LightMap
Week of 27 Jan 2020
- CO
- write up agenda, run, and note take during CO meeting
- Set up desc-help repo and explore issue templates
- write up agenda, note take during DESC DM & DA meeting
- validate Y3 sim data, update tracking DB and request transfer to CC
- Consider moving projecta content to CFS
- Look over CFS content from project area
- CC
- meet with Yao to discuss to do list
- meet with Yao to discuss to do list
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of 20 Jan 2020
- CO
- Set up workflow for gcr-catalogs to create desc-stack:test and desc-python:test
- Set up workflow to move desc-stack:prod to desc-stack:old
- Set up mtg with Ben, Tom, Jim, Adrian
- Pull out y4 instance catalogs for James P to transfer to Grid
- CC
- Organize, pick up, deliver food for cc-mgmt meeting
- Set up mtg with Yao & Eric
- Fermi
- announced cancellation of Software mtg this week
- announced cancellation of Software mtg this week
- nEXO
- Update NEST to latest master in nexo-base:latest
- testing failed due to missing valgrind which seems to be required
- testing failed due to missing valgrind which seems to be required
- Update NEST to latest master in nexo-base:latest
Week of 13 Jan 2020
- CO
- Provide GCRCatalog workflow triggered off master to produce desc-stack and desc-python test envs
- Set up new desc-stack repo in LSSTDESC using v19.0.0
- Introduce Docker build of desc-python in LSSTDESC
- Update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with all Run2.1i and Run2.2i data locations
- Update desc-dc2-dm-data repo with all Run2.1i and Run2.2i data locations
- Validate straggler y1-wfd and y2-wfd visits, update tracking DB and request transfer
- Write up slides, attend WL meeting and provide DESC processing update
- Prepare new CFS area for DESC with directories and permissions
- Inquire about area ownership:
- Inquire about area ownership:
- Refresh Run2.1i CSCRATCH copy
- Refresh Run1.2i CSCRATCH copy
- Address inode issue for descdm CSCRATCH
- Start moving agn_ckpts to HPSS
- inquire about stalled HPSS jobs:
- y1-wfd
- y2-wfd
- inquire about stalled HPSS jobs:
- Finish moving instance catalogs to HPSS
- y02
- y05
- y06
- Prepare new CFS area for DESC with directories and permissions
- Update CC plenary slides
- Handle food for CC-Mgmt meeting
- Remind desc members to review draft SRP and provide comments
- Help plan CC Town Hall
- zoom recording?
- zoom recording?
- Fermi
- Announce, note take and attend weekly software meeting
- Announce, note take and attend weekly software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Provide fresh externals installation at SLAC for latest nexo-offline
- Meet with Samuele to discuss skeleton recon SNiPER alg
- Write up draft organization for charge and light reconstruction
Week of 6 Jan 2020
- CO
- Write agenda, announce, and notetake for CO meeting
- Provide Debbie some advance dates of DESC needs
- Q1 report
- survey paper validation section
- Prepare for Collab Mtg
- Follow up on DDF checklist
- Validate y2-wfd and update sqlite tracking db and request transfer to CC
- Announce, write agenda, attend and note take for DESC DM meeting
- Transfer tract 3828 and 3829 to lsst-dev
- and ancillary data including CALIB, ref_cats
- and ancillary data including CALIB, ref_cats
- Free up space in descim CSCRATCH
- y4
- y3
- y1
- y2
- y5
- Free up space in projecta
- agn-checkpoints for y1-wfd
- agn-checkpoints for y1-wfd
- Refresh RUn1.2p
- Refresh Run1.2i
- Cron job for CSCRATCH?
- Collaboration Council
- Start preparing CC update for Collaboration Mtg
- Help plan TownHall
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note take offline software meeting
- nEXO
- Attend software meeting
- Read, respond, and provide Fermi's Gaudi experience for Vladimir's project overview
Week of 16 Dec 2019
- CO
- Section 7.2 DC2 survey paper (cross-validation)
- Attend Wednesday Leadership Mtg
- Ingest Run2.1i reference catalog using v19.0.0 and obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch
- Ingest Run2.1i reference catalog using v19.0.0 and obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch
- Update desc-stack, making sure it pin python 3.7
- Finish SPIN implementation for running integration tests using CVMFS installations
- Help Anze figure out how to use emacs after loading desc-python
- Fermi
- Create any necessary JIRAs for upcoming GR astro update
- Create any necessary JIRAs for upcoming GR astro update
- nEXO
- attend Sunday evening telecon with SNiPER representatives
- attend Sunday evening telecon with SNiPER representatives
Week of 9 Dec 2019
- CO
- Attend SSim meeting
- Attend SSim meeting
- write up agenda, run, and note take DESC DM meeting
- validate y1-wfd fits and centroids
- Request transfer to CC
- Request transfer to CC
- Attend SPIN Hack day
- Attend NUG:
- Test gcr-catalogs uninstall and clean up old catalogs files in desc-python
- update desc-python
- updated desc-stack
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend 3 hour (until had to go) workflow meeting
- Attend software meeting
Week of 2 Dec 2019
- CO
- Announce, write agenda, run, and note take CO meeting
- Announce, write agenda, run, and note take CO meeting
- Announce and write up agenda for DESC DM meeting
- Update setup script for IPP pipelines
- Update obs_lsst dc2/run2.2 branch for w_2019_47
- attend SPIN training Thus and Friday afternoons
- attend SPIN training Thus and Friday afternoons
- Fermi
- announce software meeting
- announce software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Read Vladimir's work plan and comment
Week of 18 Nov 2019
- CO
- prepare list of current desc-python packages to circulate, investigate CC's conda env, and open GH issue
- Consult conveners concerning who should offer GCR analysis commentary at next mtg
- prepare list of current desc-python packages to circulate, investigate CC's conda env, and open GH issue
- Announce, write up agenda, note take and run DESC DM meeting
- Provide Tom and Ben an updated dc2-run2.1i docker image with astropy 3.2.3
- Deal with Michael's questions about building against CVMFS using recent stacks
- Upload and test recent LSSTSQRE docker image into Shifter at NERSC and worked out building
- Tested CVMFS at CC
- Work with DM to determine how to set ABI flags for scons builds of local packages
- Dealing with private DM NERSC questions: Bruno, Humna
- Continue to work on mrau's inode use - down from 96% to 69%
- Move more files to HPSS
- Update desc-python-dev to include CLMM and cluster toolkit.
- indicated that we need release tags on both before I add this to desc-python
- Note the need for GSL and adding gsl-config to PATH
- Deal with Michael's questions about building against CVMFS using recent stacks
- Fermi
- Announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- Announce, attend and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software/sims meeting
- rebase Brian's PR and merge because no one knows how to use git on nexo
- add doxyfile for Tony to test Doxygen generation in Jenkins
- update nexo-base env to include new NEST master
- Add GitHub actions workflow
- Release new docker image
- Add GitHub actions workflow
Week of 11 Nov 2019
- CO
- PR, tag, and create docker image for lsstdesc/dc2-imsim:Run2.2i-production-v1
- attend data access meeting
- Attend DM bootcamp Tues - Thur 2-5 PM ET
- Attend DM bootcamp Tues - Thur 2-5 PM ET
- Deal with projecta inode quota which is currently at 96%
- continue moving files to HPSS
- Fermi
- announce and note take for offline s/w mtg
- announce and note take for offline s/w mtg
- nEXO
- test build at SLAC
- Open new GH issue for cmake build failure
Week of 4 Nov 2019
- CO
- write agenda, announce and note take for CO mtg
- Update Nov, Dec, Jan DESC calendar for upcoming holidays
- Prepare new stack-sims-cat docker image for instance catalog generation
write agenda, announce and note take DESC DM meeting
- Install pyCCL 2.0.1 in desc-stack and desc-python
- Meet with Debbie to go through NERSC user survey
- Continue moving data onto HPSS
- Fermi
- announce mtg
- announce mtg
- nEXO
- attend software meeting and provide update
- Help Caio with SLAC install
- Deal with doc PR
Week of 25 Oct 2019
- CO
- attend Data Access meeting and note take
- attend CS meeting
- write draft DDF checklist
- Transfer Grid data from CSCRATCH to projecta space
- continue transferring data to HPSS from projecta
- Generate new sims docker containers as needed
- imSim v0.6.1
- imSim v0.6.1
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- process ALCF, Cori, and Grid validation test data, through makeFpSummary
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for software meeting
- nEXO
- Continue answering C++ and git questions
- setup external library area at SLAC using same versions as LLNL
- attend software meeting
Week of 14 Oct 2019
- CO
- Write up Agenda and run and note take for CO mtg
- Attend Data Access meeting
- Attend SRM milestones meeting
- Edit Parsl DRP planning doc
- setup up empty Run2.1.1i repo for testing on CSCRATCH and HPSS
- Transfer NCSA Run2.1.1i processing to NERSC
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Transfer more data to HPSS
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Handle C++ questions
- Start to Investigate strax
Week of 7 Oct 2019
- CO
- Attend Grid meeting
- Attend CS meeting
- Announce, write up agenda, note take, and run DESC DM meeting
- Help Tom out with DM questions
- Help Bela to run shifter images in batch
- Start transferring more data to HPSS
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note take for software mtg
- Handle M.E.'s questions concerning new GR release build
- Remove Charlotte's name from the workbook where necessary, per her request
- Announce, attend, and note take for software mtg
- nEXO
- Attend software meeting
- Deal with C++ questions
- Test ROOT writing performance to address Soud's inquiries
Week of 30 Sept 2019
- CO
- Oct 2nd meeting agenda and note taking
- Meet with Ben and Tom to discuss Parsl
- Discuss Data Transfer with Fabio, Antonio, Dominique, Tom
- Review Johann's PR from dc2/run2.1
- Create new obs_lsst branch for dc2/run2.2
- Finish writing Quarterly Report
- Fermi
- attend, note take for offline software
- opt build for GR 20-10-04-gr06
- nEXO
- software meeting
- software meeting
Week of 23 Sept 2019
- CO
- Prepare agenda and run CO meeting
- Prepare agenda and run CO meeting
- Finish no sky correction Run2.1.1i process and make it available to Jim
- Update weekly 39 docker image to remove current tag
- Migrate more data to hpss
- Prepare to copy instance catalogs back off tape
- Fermi
- Build new L1 GR
- See that Jenkins is fixed to build L1
- offline software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- prep singluarity image for OSG
- update docker image with new externals
Week of 16 Sept 2019
- instance catalogs for Run2.1i do not need to be regeneratd? how does that affect what is stored to HPSS?
- take a look at throughputs tags in docker image
- Generate new imsim Docker image with new Galsim
- Set up agenda and run DESC DM portion of Wednesday meeting
- set up docker image for use in SRS pipeline
- validate DDF data from Run2.1i y5
- CO
- Make Confluence pages consistent and update content
- Update DESC Calendar
- SChedule Data Transfer Discussion
- draft agenda: Sep 30 10 AM PT
- draft agenda: Sep 30 10 AM PT
- set up instance catalog generation software
- NaMaster in desc-python
- update for GCR-catalogs
- Help Bruno & Bob access Run2.1i data
- Coordinate with NERSC to see if we can use Globus transfers into HPSS and transfer owernship
- Continue copying instance catalogs and Run2.1i data to HPSS to free space
Week of 3 Sept 2019
- DM-DC2
- finish processing 4 tracts of Run2.1.1i through multiband
- run merge_tract_cat to produce HDF files on all the 14 tracts of Run2.1.1i
- rerun processing with skyCorrection
- finish documenting running at NERSC
- Converse with Ben as questions arise as he works thorugh implementing DRP in parsl
- Check on imsim Docker image and the throughputs tag
- Install NaMaster in docker image
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- Back up Run2.1.1i 4 tract nersc processing
- recopy RUn1.2i and reapply symlink fix
- Create back up of Run2.1.1i, Run2.1i on projecta for users to use during outage
- Inquire about Jupyter inaccessiability
- Check on CSCRATCH before outage and transfer to tape
- Fermi
- Announce, run, and note take Fermi mtg Sept 4th
- Tag L1 fitsGen after rebasing with master and create a new L1 GR tag
- nEXO
- write up tutorial for python access
- retrieve all requirements for OSG (onhold)
- meet with Lisa
- merge Emma's WT branch into issue_31 after resolving conflicts
- Present "How to create a Data Object and write it out in SNiPER"
- attend nEXO software/sim meeting
- Catch up with Scott and Chris about the throughputs tags
Week of Aug 5 2019
- DM-DC2
- Retrieve Y2 DR1B instance catalogs from HPSS
- Attend DC2 validation/next steps meeting
- Document
- Poke NERSC about file system status
- Demonstrate running SRS workflow at NERSC
- Continue clearing projecta space
- Fermi
- announce, attend and note take for Fermi Offline mtg
- nexo
- attend sims/software meetign
- present update on nexo-offline status
- Help update doc on Docker
- contact Tony about setting up Jenkins builds
- Work through Save All Events problem in nexo-offline
- finish testing cmake in docker
- Look at pySniper algorithm
Week of July 29 2019
- DM-DC2
- announce, write agenda and note take for weekly meeting
- announce, write agenda and note take for weekly meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- Recover from Cori upgrade
- Update desc-python to use gcc 7.3.0
- Adjust setup_current_stack and setup_current_sims to use new gcc 7.3.0 build of w_2019_19 on CVMFS
- test new gcc 7.3.0 build
- test new gcc 7.3.0 build
- Recover from Cori upgrade
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend sims/software meeting
- Run nexo-offline and nEXO_MC using TPCVesselU.mac
- attend LLBL cmke training remotely
Week of July 22 2019
- DM-DC2
- Open JIRA concerning throughputs and semantic tagging
- Ask Michael about identifying a tract to retain on projecta from instance cats through object catalogs
- Retrieve Y6 instance catalogs from HPSS for James P for use in grid processing
- Write up Draft Confluence page for DESC DM Change Requests
- add NaMaster to desc-stack
- consider adding sacc to desc-stack
- add cl-classmod environment to desc-stack? or some subset.. or update the classmod env
- install new gcr-catalogs 0.14.1 in desc-python & desc-stack
- Help Humna with her ongoing desc-stack problems
- Continue moving WFD instance catalogs to HPSS
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and note-take for Fermi Offline Meeting
- Announce, attend, and note-take for Fermi Offline Meeting
- nEXO
- attend software/sims meeting
- attend software/sims meeting
week of DESC Meeting
- DM-DC2
- Help set up Tom to parsl sfd
- New confluence page for CCB DESC requests
- Python
- NaMaster
- sacc
- DIA kernel
- Install gcr-catalogs 0.13.1 and 0.14.0 into desc-python and desc-nersc for Hack Day
- Install gcr-catalogs 0.13.1 and 0.14.0 into desc-python and desc-nersc for Hack Day
- Check on ability to use later gcc version with CVMFS installation
- Doc use of jupyter compute nodes
- doc use of batch for desc-stack
- instance catalog from tape Y6
Week of July 1 - 12 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, run and note take DM-DC2 meeting for both July 1 & 8th
- Write agenda, run and note take DM-DC2 meeting for both July 1 & 8th
- update lsstdesc/nersc to remove PYTHONSTARTUP for desc-stack
- Document the use of DESCPYTHONPATH
- Fermi
- nEXO
Week of June 24 2019
- DM-DC2
- Listen to recording of weekly meeting and transcribe notes
- Plan any DM-DC2 sessions for collaboration meeting
- Document new DR naming convention
- Deal with docker removal from lsst-dc10, find another place to build
- Deal with docker removal from lsst-dc10, find another place to build
- Continue clearing out the instance catalogs to HPSS
- Quality check Y5 simulated data and update the tracking DB
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take Fermi Offline Software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take Fermi Offline Software meeting
- nEXO
- attend collaboration meeting at Stony Brook
- add Cards to nexo-offline master and u/heather999/issue_31
- Testing running docker image with nEXO_MC
- Run nexo-offline and nexo_MC TPC jobs for regression testing
- Take a look at historgrams generated
- Keep track of Soud's progress with Clustering and Reconstruction port
Week of June 17 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare new w_2019_23 stack sims docker image for imsim group
- Prepare new w_2019_23 stack sims docker image for imsim group
- Continue moving instance catalogs to HPSS
- Alert IN2P3 when there is enough space for y1-y2 calexp and coadds
- attend stand-up meeting
- attend stand-up meeting
- Fermi
- announce, take notes, attend offline software meeting
- announce, take notes, attend offline software meeting
- nEXO
- Complete new nexo-base docker image include NEST2.0
- write up slides for collaboration meeting
Week of June 10 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda and run DM-DC2 meeting
- quality check y3-wfd sim data and update tracking db
- Help coordinate transfer for new calexp-v1 to NERSC from IN2P3
- Create branch and PR for forcedPhotCcd_metadata template
- attend data access meeting
- Prepare updated desc-stack-dev and install at NERSC
- Test desc-stack-dev at NERSC using DC2-analysis notebooks, resulting in the following issues
- additionally identified the need to add seaborn and extinction ot the docker image
- Consider increasing desc CSCRATCH quota
- Copy and remove DC1 deepCoadd to tape from projecta
- Check over y1-y3 instance catalogs on HPSS
- remove y1-y3 from projecta
- move y7-10 to HPSS
- Help demonstrate cvmfs problems at NERSC
- attend group meeting
- attend group meeting
- Fermi
- announce, note take and attend software meeting
- announce, note take and attend software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- report on nexo-offline status at software meeting
- Update nexo-env to handle NEST2.0
- Create new docker base image with NEST2.0
- send Samuele/Lisa slide for collab meeting
- check with Tony about status of Jenkins builds
Week of May 28 2019
- DM-DC2
- Coordinate transfer of 6 months DM processed data from IN2P3
- Set up 6 month data at NERSC under CSCRATCH with the appropriate CALIB, ref_cats
- Make Run1.2x repos readable by later versions of the DMstack
- Create stack-sims:w_2019_19-sims_w_2019_19 image for use at NERSC
- Create stack-sims:w_2019_19-sims_w_2019_19 image for use at NERSC
- create new docker image based on w_2019_19 plus all desc python packages
- include stile
- install at NERSC as desc-stack-dev
- Update desc-stack-prod
- Update BF Kernel cp_pipe installation for w_2019_19 after Tom's reports that the older installation using w_2019_17 no longer worked
- continue transferring data into NERSC
- DC2 Run2.1i instance catalogs
- Remove DC1/DC1-imsim/dithered and undithered
- Remove DC1/astrometry
- Start cleaning DC1/DM/DC1-imsim-dithered
- icExp contains just temp files
- compare random calexp and deepCoadd fits files using fdiff with the copy in HPSS
- create new docker image based on w_2019_19 plus all desc python packages
- attend group stand up meeting
- attend group stand up meeting
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Get some more info about Simulation/DetSim/Nest
- Add
Week of May 20 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Welcome Dino and send along some getting started links
- Open up a new ticket for Darren White
- Attend DC2 meeting and lead discussion concerning what data needs to be available for the analysis groups
- Continue transferring data into HPSS
- Open GitHub issue to discuss what can be removed from projecta
- Fermi
- Announce and note take for offline meeting
- Announce and note take for offline meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- setup Soud with u/heather999/issue_31 branch at SLAC
- contact Tony about getting some Jenkins builds going before collab meeting
- Contact Pere and Gabriele C about NEST2 linking errors against G4
- Poke Jason and Samuele about nEXO_MC PR for NEST
Week of May 13 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes,and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Ingest new ref catalog and deliver to IN2P3
- update obs_lsst configs according to Slack conversation:
- inquire about using --show history
- attend data access mtg
- attend data access mtg
- Move files from projecta to HPSS to reduce disk use on projecta
- DC2_ImSim/Run2.0i
- DC2_ImSim_UKTest
- Twinkles1
- DC2_ImSim/Run2.0i
- ask Richard to increase "desc" HPSS quota
- Move files from projecta to HPSS to reduce disk use on projecta
- install parsl on IR2 in v17_gcc7 env
- Fermi
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- attend software meeting
Week of May 6 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Update visit DB to mark files and visits tables as quality_controlled and quality_completed, respectively
- Create updated CALIB products tarball including BF kernels
- Update Antonio's visit DB to note that all Y2-WFD visits and files have been quality controlled.
- attend CI meeting
- attend DC2 meeting
- review Dominique's slides for DC2 mtg
- attend 3x2 mtg
- help Francois access Run1.2i force photometry data - only to learn that newer DMstacks cannot deal with the older repos.
- Deal with user questions on #desc-nersc
- Start uploading DC2 data into HPSS to free projecta space
- attend CI meeting
- install stile
- Install new python environment compatible with recent DMstacks
- Create new docker image for sims w_2019_17 which will be the base of new jupyter kernels
- Fermi
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- announce, take notes and attend Fermi offline s/w mtg
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Clean up merge of nEXO_MC and nexo-offline
- compile on SLAC with gcc 7.3 and LCG 94a
- compile with gcc 4.8.5
- run some tests
- submit PR
- attend sims meeting
Week of Apr 29 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Check y2 Run2.1i data for incomplete files
- Ferry sky correction configs into master of lsst/obs_lsst
- rebase, update comments, squash commits
- Update dc2/run2.1 lsst/obs_lsst branch for use at IN2P3
- Rerun skyCorrection for eyeballer visits
- Due to decision to skip skyCorrection, this attempt was abandoned
- Generate new set of BF kernels
- first attempt failed
- Poked DM about weekly release note page which wasn't working:
- Update setup scripts at NERSC to use CVMFS
- Update confluence documentation for NERSC software installations
- Install updated cp_pipe for BF kernel generation
- Investigate inode use on /global/project/projectdirs/m1727
- Poke owners of files
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- Inquire about software meeting
- nEXO
- Test CMake build of SNiPER
- Test CMake build of nexo-offline
- Test CMT build of nexo-offline against CMake build of SNiPER
- Set up LCG 94a at SLAC
Week of Apr 15 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Deliver CALIB to IN2P3
- Check 2y Run2.1i data for incomplete files
- test updated sky configs and running makeFpSummary
- Clear out Javier's copy of DC1 undithered data
- Start transfer of Run1.1 and Run1.2 data into HPSS
- Update gcr-catalog in jupyter kernels and underlying shifter image
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- Help Bill get set up with GR at SLAC for debugging
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- Review Git and Code review docs
Week of Apr 8 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Regnerate BF flats with w_2019_14
- update config and ingest new Reference catalog
- Rerun constructDark with doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Rerun constructFlat with doCrosstalkBeforeAsseble=False
- Set up updated CALIB products using w_2019_14 and setting isr.doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Update obs_lsst with isr.doCrosstalkBeforeAssemble=False
- Try out sky construction using Jim's sky frames
- Try sky construction again with flats available
- Get sky configs updates into obs_lsst
- Go through outstanding LSSTDESC/ImageProcessingPipelines issues and close where possible
- Work with Johann to clean up the IPP/workflows/srs/dm_configs area and ultimately deleted it
- Reviewed the reworked SFD pipeline SRS workflow with Johann
- Attend and present at CI meeting
- Attend Rachel's Computing WG meeting
- Get HPSS Project area set up
- Determine HPSS quota request
- Figure out Katrin's HPSS use
- Assess DESC user HPSS useage
- set up DM repo in CSCRATCH/descdm/DC2/Run2.1i area
- Point James Perry to Intel Python:
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi software meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting and present update
- Try out LCG view installation at SLAC and update nEXO wiki doc
- Complete LLNL security training
- Contact LLNL to get my account activated
Week of Apr 1 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Script to find all potential incomplete Run2.1i visits in the first production run
- Write up todo list of DRP processing of Run2.1i-y2wfd
- Schedule mtg with Katrin, Jim, Rachel, Dominique, Fabio, Johann concerning Run2.1i processing
- meeting with Katrin,Jim, Rachel, Dominique, Fabio about Run2.1i processing
- Q2 report
- Attend Data access meeting
- Arrange Run1.1p, 1.2p, 1.2i, 2.0i data and tabulate disk use
- Prepare HPSS disk request
- Put in HPSS project area request
- Set up new conda area based on updated DMstack dependencies
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- merge
- send Alex some details about SNiPER wrapping of python
- Ask SNiPER developers about XmlObjDesc
- Improve docker images
- Update SLAC instllation
- try out CMake
Week of Mar 25 2019
- DM-DC2
- write agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Generate flats calibration products for Run2.1i
- regenerate R22 S11 using updated configs
- test run1.2i R22 S11 flat raw using same stack w_2019_09
- test run2.1i 80k flats
- generate subset of bf flats
- Ask Johann for metacal summary
- Create RFC or Confluence page to request DM support for DC2:
- send out announcement concerning NERSC jupyter
- Set up Yadu with a copy of ci_hsc at NERSC:
- check on mcnanna usage
- Continue arranging the /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production area for Run1.2p and Run1.2i
- Pull out DC1 undithered calexp from HPSS for Javier
- deal with desc account being over quota in CSCRATCH
- SLAC/Camera
- inquire about BNL computing status
- SISA Information Security I
- inquire about BNL computing status
- Fermi
- announce, attend, and note take for Fermi Software Meeting
- nEXO
- attend Tuesday software meeting
- summarize decision concerning nexo-env
- close
- merge
- merge
- send Alex some details about SNiPER wrapping of python
- Ask SNiPER developers about XmlObjDesc
- Improve docker images
- Update SLAC instllation
- try out CMake
Week of Mar 18 2019
- DM-DC2
- write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 mtg
- Fix bf flat headers
- Install latest updated cp_pipe master from Craig
- Take a look at the BF kernels in Michael's notebook
- Attend Data access TF meeting
- Build and release new lsstdesc/stack-sims docker image w_2019_10_1 and patch w_2019_10 due to shebangtron
- Finish CI Q1 report
- update jupyter doc
- Request descim account access for Ben Clifford
- Continue cleaning up data storage on projecta
- SLAC/Camera
- Completely shut down elog bot on SLACK
- Update glastsys password and escrow
- Fermi
- attend and note take offline software meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- attempt to set up 2009 mac with ElCapitan
- attempts to upgrade to later MacOS failed
- Attempt to install a current ROOT failed
- Set up VM with MacOS
Week of Mar 11 2019
- Write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 mtg
- Generate BF flats
- tarball and store on projecta
- set up CSCRATCH area with CALIB, ref_cats and bf flats
- Attend and present at CI meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- update jupyter doc for jupyter-dev changes
- test after maintenance is completed on 3/15
- Build new w.2019.10 sims docker image
- Help Anita with sncosmo and sims jupyter kernels - install parsl 0.7.2 in desc-python
- Deal with ongoing permission issues due to mixed ownership in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC2_ImSim/Run2.1i/instCat
- Help Anita with sncosmo and sims jupyter kernels
- SLAC/Camera
- Fermi
- Find SLAC anaconda 3 installation
- send note to SLAC unix-admin about public installation
- Find SLAC anaconda 3 installation
- nEXO
- attend and apparently run software meeting
Week of Mar 4 2019
- DM-DC2
- Write agenda, take notes, and attend DM-DC2 meeting
- Github issue for tracking handling of DC2 data
- Take another look at running SingleFrameDriver at NERSC
- Generate darks and biases for Run2.1i
- first get cvmfs caching fixed at NERSC
- first get cvmfs caching fixed at NERSC
- BF Kernel Generation
- test updated configs - send Tom some instructions
- test updated configs
- Help mishak with AUP
- add parsl 0.7 to desc-stack
- CCL installation instructions?
- SLAC/Camera
- Complete SLAC Computing Security Training
- Complete SLAC Computing Security Training
- Fermi
- s/w mtg and note taking
- s/w mtg and note taking
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- contact Sniper developers about how to best embed python in Sniper algs
- Write up to do list based on software workshop notes
- Check on Venkatesh and docker set up
Week of Feb 18, 2019
- DM-DC2
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks
- run test through patch of Run1.2i
- ingest
- sfd
- coadd
- multiband
- CI quarterly report
- set up Parsl discussion with Jim/Katrin/Tom/Yadu/Ben/Antonio
- check into mweiser problems accessing lsst resources
- Inquire about globus and collab use
- Inquire about HPSS project directory
- add new ccl and postgressql to docker and jupyter kernels
- Finish copying DC2 data to projecta
- request increase in inode quota of descdm $CSCRATCH
- Clean up $CSCRATCH descdm
- update desc-python and desc-stack with new gcr-catalogs release in time for collaboration mtg
- Inform NERSC of Hack Day and planned Tuesday tutorials using jupyter-dev
- SLAC/Camera
- Data portal updates for NCRs
- Data portal updates for NCRs
- Fermi
- nEXO
- Test cmake
- attend sims meeting
- release nexo-ofline and install at SLAC and create docker image
- meet with Lisa about workshop agenda
- Demo Doxygen for Lisa
- meet with Lisa to go over git branches on nexo_MC
- PR updates to Guofu's optical photon changes
Week of Feb 11, 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend and note take for the DM-DC2 mtg
- Set Tom up with Run1.2i calibration products
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks
- Contact Scott about adding obs_lsst to lsst_sims
- Coordinate merge of
- Meeting with Jim & Katrin
- Discuss disk space needs for Run2.1i (plan to add 1 Pb per year for now)
- How much data will come back from IN2P3?
- How much data will come back from IN2P3?
- Where will Run2.1i processing occur?
- Discuss disk space needs for Run2.1i (plan to add 1 Pb per year for now)
- CI quarterly report
- CI quarterly report
- Install new CCL release
- add new ccl and postgressql lib to docker & jupyter kernels
- Finish copying the DC2 data into projecta and prepare count of all contents
- Plan HPSS use
- SLAC/Camera
- Data Portal Update for NCRs
- install pyds9 on lsst-dc10 and maybe also afs
- sent inquiry to Jim and Richard
- sent inquiry to Jim and Richard
- Fermi
- Attend and take notes for offline meeting
- Attend and take notes for offline meeting
- nEXO
- attend software meeting
- create list of open branches in nexo_MC
- Ask SNiPER developers about the ability to submit jobs via the python config scripts
- Prepare discussion on documentation for next software meeting: Doxygen & ROOT's THtml
- Respond to Samuele's Gaudi questions
- test cmake build of sniper against nexo-offline
- install py3 at SLAC
- RElease new nexo-offline and install at SLAC & create docker/singularity containers
- OSG?
- OSG?
- Document a tutorial for nexo-offline for workshop
- Lessons learned?
Week of Feb 4 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Help Tom set up a suitable stack for BF kernel generation testing
- Test BF kernel generation by running the data produced through a modified version of Michael's notebook
- Set Tom up with Ru1.2i calibration data
- Test obs_lsst master using Run2.1 data
- Create workflow for imsim biases and darks generation
- Continue moving DC2 data to production area at NERSC
- Prepare a space request for HPSS based on DC2 needs
- Attend Data-Access meeting
- CI quarterly report
- Finish looking over Joanne's postgres notebooks
- Send in Travel request
- Ask NERSC about setting up a shared HPSS area accessible via globus
- Install latest pyCCL on desc-python and in shifter images
- Document and promote use of CVMFS at NERSC
- SLAC/Camera
- contact Arash about setting up a DB for elog storage
- contact Arash about setting up a DB for elog storage
- Fermi
- announce, set up agenda, attend and take notes for s/w mtg
- announce, set up agenda, attend and take notes for s/w mtg
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Meet with Lisa to plan Software Workshop
- attend sims meeting
Week of Jan 28 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, attend, and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Finish off
- Merge
- Help Tom set up a suitable stack to exercise MIchael WV's BF notebook
- Prepare NERSC space discussion and attend CI mtg
- Attend DC2 mtg
- Prepare DM-DC2 XWG Confluence page
- Prepare space request for HPSS based on DC2 needs
- Request IN2P3 transfer Run1.2p raw repackaged data back to NERSC
- set up psycog2 at NERSC
- SLAC/Camera
- eLog - check new FNAL account and contact Margherita about transferring data to external DB
- contact Arash about a DB?
- alert camera community about impending elog shut down
- Fermi
- Announce, attend, and take notes for offline mtg
- nEXO
- Help SLAC users set up nEXO and EXO env
- check out Gaudi
Week of Jan 21 2019
- DM-DC2
- Reprocess requests 28 visits through minidrp
- Prepare for new Run2.1i branch of obs_lsst
- attend ssims meeting
- Review Joanne's postgres notebook
- Write up proposal for DC2 disk space use
- Try Exposure Checker
- Update jupyter kernels set up to add current working directory to PYTHONPATH
- update desc-dc2-dm-data for Run1.2p_v4
- Copy Run1.2p_v4 to CSCRATCH
- Build and release new docker image that supports Run1.2p_v4
- Write up proposal for DC2 disk space use
- Fermi
- Attend and take notes for Offline mtg
- nEXO
- Attend Sims meeting
- Write up Communications tools page
- Help SLAC users set up nEXO and EXO env
Week of Jan 14 2019
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and take minutes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Merge minidrp Run2.1i into IPP repo
- Chat with Tom about pipeline help
- Prepare NERSC disk space use slides and attend CI mtg
- Write up NERSC DC2 disk space use
- Set up collaboration accounts
- Fermi
- S/W mtg
- nEXO
- Look into Gaudi
- Install Anaconda Python
- Provide installation instructions
- Getting started at SLAC doc
- Install nEXO_MC and nexo_offline at SLAC
- Fast Charge
Week of Dec 17
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and take minutes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Test Run2,0i minidrp workflow
- Transfer IN2P3 Run1.2i configs to lsst-dev
- Get copies of CALIB and ref_cats
- Fix up handling of config.isr.doCrosstalk in obs_lsst
- Prepare Run1.2i/p update and attend CI meeting
- Fermi
- Attend software meeting
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Attend analysis discussion
- Contact Sara about docker
- Take another look at migrating FastCharge to nexo-offline
- Contact Vladimir about CMake progress
- Test singularity image at OSG
Week of Dec 10
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
- Run1.2i processing
- Prepare Run2.1i minidrp workflow
- nersc user mailing list?
- docker image for sims+mkl
- New docker image sims 2_13_1
- Fermi
- write agenda and notetake for offline meeting
- nEXO
- complete travel request
- help Sara with Docker
- Poke G4 guy about speed of light G4Exceptions
Week of Dec 3
- DM-DC2
- Prepare agenda, run and note take for DM-DC2 mtg
Test new biases and darks- Tarball and send Johann new biases and darks, request CALIB directory be transferred to NERSC
- Run1.2i processing on KNL
- rebase and merge PR#41 obs_lsst
- nersc user mailing list?
- new sims image 2_13_0
- tag obs_lsst for Run2.1i
- docker image for sims+mkl
- attend and present 1.2i/2.0i processing update CI mtg
- install new jupyter-kernels
- update desc-python with GCRCatalogs 0.9.3
- update desc-stack with GCRCatalogs 0.9.3
- update desc-python and desc-stack with GCR 0.8.7
- Fermi
- Help with recon root reading
- nEXO
- sims meeting
- meet with Lisa
- setup nexo-env so it can work with base nexo external image
- Help Sara with Docker
- Test for G4Exception using Guofu's mac file on v0r0p1
- Merge zepeng's chargesim updates
- new release tag and docker image
Week of Nov 26
- DM-DC2
- prepare agenda, run, and take notes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Test newly generated biases and darks
- look at obs_lsst PRs
- Run1.2i processing
- nersc user mailing list?
- docker image for sims+mkl
- update desc-python to include emcee
- Fermi
- s/w meeting
- Help with Recon root files
- nEXO
Meeting with Lisa- Merge Guofu's updates and tag new release
- Create new v0r1p0 Docker images
- create external only base for docker images
Week of Nov 19
- DM-DC2
- prepare agenda and run, take notes for DM-DC2 mtg
- Regenerate darks and biases for Run1.2p using phosim v3.7.9
- Test generating bias file and sky flat using haswell build vs knl build at NERSC
- continue Run1.2i processing
- make sure all outstanding obs_lsstCam PRs are merged
- figure out default setting for xtalk for Ru1.2p versus Run1.2i
- ask Charlotte about setting up a nersc user mailing list
- Update stack-sims images to keep test files and retain eigen includes
- Fermi
- weekly s/w mtg
- nEXO
- singularity at SLAC
- update wiki doc
- generate test data for Guofu's update
- attend sims mtg
Week of Nov 12
- DM-DC2
- continue processing Run1.2i
- Maintain copy of IN2P3 on NERSC $CSCRATCH
- ask Charlotte about setting up a nersc user mailing list
- Field ANL questions about docker and stack+sims building
- create new jupyter-kernels repo
- Update desc-python at NERSC
- Get login fixed after enabling MFA
- Fermi
- weekly s/w meeting
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa
- singluarity at SLAC
- ask Raymond about OSG
- still not fixed
- Test Guofu's updates
Week of Nov 5
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 mtg
- Repackage ALL of Run1.2i data
- Attend CI meeting
- Document DESCPYTHONPATH for jupyter
- Transfer NCSA Run1.2i data to NERSC?
- Update desc-python at NERSC
- Add GCR==0.8.6
- Attend weekly stand up meeting
- nEXO
- sims meeting
- Check on Guofu's testing of his updates in nexo-offline
- singularity at SLAC
- doc use of SLAC in nexo WIki
Week of Oct 8
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Chat with Leanne and attend meeting with Leanne, Johann, Bob, Dominique
- Process Run1.2i using w_2018_39 + obs_lsstCam dc2/run1.2-v2
- Create w_2018_30-run1.2 docker image + DESC python
- take a look at dask-jobqueue
- Help write up problems/request for upcoming ERCAP application
- nEXO
- attend Sims meeting
- Release new Docker and singularity image for testing
- Port optical updates in nEXO_MC to nexo-offline
- Ask Guofu to test
- Make a new Docker image
- Fermi
- run and attend s/w meeting
Week of Oct 1
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- test obs_lsstCam master + w_2018_39 ingest
- Run calexps and checkCcdAstrometry on two visits shared between Run1.2i and Run1.2p
- attend data access meeting on Monday
- Check on availability of /usr/bin/time on Cori compute nodes
- Help Johann get started with jupyter on IR2
- Install Anaconda 5.2.0 for python 3.6
- nEXO
- meet with Lisa on Wednesday
- Create updated docker image of nexo-offline
- Create Singularity image
- Fermi
- s/w meeting
- Respond to W's questions about fitsGen & astro updates
Week of Sept 24
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Update SRS workflow
- Regenerate calibration data for Run1.2p
- repackage
- ingest
- test creation of multiple ingest repo
- merge separate repos
- Revisit darks/bias/flats generation from a couple of months ago
- Stay on top of obs_lsstCam updates
- merge xtalk PR
- Contact Robert about merging outstanding PRs
- Contact Robert about obs_lsstCam=>obs_lsst migration
- Update run1.2 branch
- Contact Robert about run_visit updates for jointcal
- attend CI meeting
- Provide CV
- Attend DC2 meeting and take minutes
- Create new w_2018_38 docker image for MWV
- Work out problems with movable stack builds
- Check on /usr/bin/time on Cori and Edison and contact NERSC
- Deal with IR2 stack installs and python questions
- Document on Confluence
- Deal with IR2 stack installs and python questions
- Fermi
- attend s/w meeting
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- install latest sniper-offline at SLAC
- Check on OSG installation
- Meet with Lisa on Wednesdays
- Check in with Raymond about OSG
Week of Sept 17
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 Meeting
- Test and update new SRS workflow
- move to Edison
- cannot run on Edison - chatted with Tom, sent a note to Tony, Brian, and W
- Tried Tony's suggested fix and it seems to be working
- cannot run on Edison - chatted with Tom, sent a note to Tony, Brian, and W
- move back to Cori
- write up for Warren
- move to Edison
- Stay on top of obs_lsstCam updates
- Create run2.0 branch
- Update run1.2 branch
- Create scripts for merging ingested repos
- Handle permissions on $CSCRATCH/../desc/DC2/Run2.0i
- Work out kinks setting up movable stack builds
- Reinstall v16 binaries and test updating python install
- Fermi
- Tag evtClassDefs
- attend s/w meeting
- nEXO
Week of Sept 10
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Help sort out using ingestDriver from within a container - Contact Tom G about pilot Edison jobs
- Test running ingest on Edison
- Coordinate with Johann to get an updated workflow
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Finished creating new lsst_sims docker image over the weekend and uploaded to NERSC
- Prepare and attend DC2 meeting
- copy UK Run1.2i data to projecta and test use of ACLs
- Fix ACls on the projecta production area
- Coordinate with NERSC to sort out problems with cvmfs:
- Try to sort out source builds at NERSC on SCRATCH and migrate to /global/common/software
- still a work in progress, need to fix up miniconda installation
- Install DMstack v16 on IR2
- Inquire about IR2 install of devtoolset-6
- nEXO
- attend sims meeting
- Help nexo user use Centos7
- inquire about data disk filling up at SLAC
- convert FastCharge sim to Sniper
- Fermi
- Attend C&A meeting
Week of Sept 3
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting on Tuesday
- Validation processing of Run1.2i
- generate amplifier files from original eimages
- run ingest on Cori Haswell and Cori KNL
- run singleFrameDriver and report errors
- run makeFpSummary
- Try visualizeVisit
- update obs_lsstCam to include necessary template
- Keep documentation updated
- Answer Tom U's questions about ingestDriver
- Coordinate obs_lsstCam branch and create Run1.2 tag
- Create new lsst_sims docker image for Jim and upload to NERSC
- Inquire about desc access to globus
- Clean up inode use on /projecta
- install w_2018_26 for Emily
- Handle vendor ingests (5 so far)
- nEXO
- Fermi
- software meeting
- check celestialSources used in GR L1 versus master
- contact Luis about updates to eblAtten
Week of Aug 20
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- install phosim 3.7.16
- nEXO
- Fermi
- Software Meeting
Week of August 13
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Attend CI meeting
- finish coadd processing Run1-2iTest
- Test use of DMstack Shifter image in jupyter-dev
- update jupyter-dev confluence pages
- fix inode use on projecta
- finish testing relocatable Stack weekly build
- release and install latest datacat-utilities on SLAC public and IR2
- nEXO
- attend Sims meeting
- Install nEXO_MC and test running FastCharge
- Fermi
- respond to Katie Chapman's Fermipy helpsoft issue
- Update workbook pages to remove POI form
Week of July 16th
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Update shared python installation
- GCRCatalogs
- new CCL
- track down reported notebook failure
- track down reported notebook failure
- reinstall at NERSC pyccl 0.3.5
- Update shared python installation
- Follow up on laptop purchase
- Release and install datacat-utiltiies-0.1.1
- Release and install datacat-utiltiies-0.1.1
- Install sims 2_9_0 at SLAC
- nEXO
- Sims Meeting
- Test Docker image in Singularity
- Fermi
- Offline S/W meeting
Week of July 9th
- DM-DC2
- Prepare and run weekly DM-DC2 meeting
- Prepare for XWG DM-DC2 Meeting
- Create symlink copy of IN2P3 data in $SCRATCH
- Help update Jupyter documentation and contact NERSC about jupyterLab
- Update CCL NERSC doc
- Contact Debbie & Wahid about GPFS AFM
- Install sims 2_9_0 from source
- Install docker image of sim 2_9_0 at NERSC
- Continue testing weekly install cron job
- Contact NERSC about missing gcc/6.3.0 module
- Follow up on laptop purchase
- nEXO
- Meet with Lisa
- contact Raymond about fast charge
- contact Alex about fast charge (email sent)
- Gain access to LLNL account
- Pursue Singularity container
- Install Singularity on CentOS7
- Try using our docker image within Singularity
- Document Docker container
- Set up version control for SNiPER framework
- Check OSG external library installation and send email to Benedikt
- Fermi
- Offline Software meeting
Week of June 25
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Create NERSC's raw directory for Run1.2p data transferred from IN2P3 in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/global/in2p3/Run1.2p/w_2018_18
- Merge and close the makeFpSummary PR on LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Work through remaining issues, merge and close config updates
- Push along updates to the Cookbook and write up a similar doc with an overview à la HSC
- Prepare to run mini-DRP on Run1.2i
- Attend DC2 prep meeting
- Attend DC2 data access meeting
- Contact Dominique F about providing an update at the DC2 meeting on July 6th
- Monitor NERSC ticket concerning GPFS AFM
- Inquire about monitoring SCRATCH space for upcoming purges
- Review slow runtime at NERSC including the use of --batch-type when using the SRS workflow
- Fix weekly builds of DMstack to use limited number of cores and skip w_2018_24, since it will not build due at NERSC
- NERSC Ticket to work out details of weekly DMstack builds
- Update CCL doc for collab meeting
- Clean up disk space in /global/common/software
- Fix inode use on projecta space
- New sims 2_9_0 release, docker image
- Install sims 2_9_0 at NERSC
- Contact owner of galsim files installed under our w.2018.13-sims_2.7.0 installation in /global/common/software/lsst
- Check on set up of datacat-utilities
- Check on set up of datacat-utilities
- nEXO
- Respond to CMT=>CMake project for SNiPER
- Ping Marco (Gaudi) about their CMT=>CMake experience
- Fermi
Week of June 18
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, take notes, and run DM-DC2 meeting
- Keep up with Johann's modifications to the SRS workflow
- Create NERSC's raw directory for Run1.2p data transferred from IN2P3 in /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/global/in2p3/Run1.2p/w_2018_18
- Merge and close the makeFpSummary PR on LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Work through remaining issues, merge and close config updates
- Try running ingestCalib again using the phosim v3.7.9 produced biases and darks
- Push along updates to the Cookbook and write up a similar doc with an overview à la HSC
- Prepare to run mini-DRP on Run1.1i
- Review slow runtime at NERSC including the use of --batch-type when using the SRS workflow
- Investigate load use of weekly installs and modify the cron job to limit the number of cores utilized.
- update to GCRCatalogs 0.7.8 in the shared python environment as requested by Yao
- Install DMstack v15 for IR2, py3
- Install w_2018_23 for summer grad student
- nEXO
- Write up slides for Docker intro for collaboration meeting and present
- Write up slides for SNiPER update and present
- Listen in to Simulation session 9PM-1:30AM
- Fermi
- Weekly software meeting
Week of Jun 11 2018
- DM-DC2
- Write up agenda, run, and take notes for weekly DM-DC2 meeting
- update fast3tree installation for Yao to allow writing to the install directory
- nEXO
- Complete docker image for collaboration meeting
- Inform collaborators and help get them set up before the meeting
- Fermi
- New L1 Release tag for GR See JIRA FDM-5
- Build new L1 Release tag at SLAC for Philippe to use
Week of Jun 4 2018
- DM-DC2
- CI Meeting update
- Prepare agenda, run DM-DC2 meeting, and take notes
- Try constructFlat at NERSC
- ingest subset of Run1-2p data
Doodle Poll to find new meeting time- chat with Dominique & Johann first
Ingest all Run1-2p data at NERSC- Merge latest IN2P3 workflow into NERSC workflow
- Start up the jobs
- investigate installing new python module Yao requested
- Talk to Joe Z about his miniconda env at NERSC to see about pulling it into the shared python env
- Reinstall stack weeklies when the next python update for DM is released
- deal with inode use on /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/
- Issues is associated with the phosim SEDs for every visit, these files must be tarred.
- nEXO
- Data Task Force Meeting Wednesday
- Prepare proper docker image with tutorials
- Fermi
- merge slac doc in github
- Offline Software meeting
- Help Philippe make L1 updates to TkrDigi
- get a new GR L1 release tag made
Week of May 28 2018
- DM-DC2
- Finish slides for seminar and present
- Test Javier's notebook
- Fix py3-4.3.21 installation with numpy and numexpr
- install phosim v3.7.15 for Haskell-Intel & KNL-intel
- Install CCL for Yao in the shared python area
- Handle vendor ingests while Tom is away
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting and report on docker status
- Update docker image with tutorials
- Fermi
- Help Philippe get set up with github and new JIRA area
- Write up initial doc for developing at SLAC:
Week of May 21 2018
- DM-DC2
- prepare for weekly meeting and take notes
- Send Bob Armstrong details for getting connected to NERSC and IN2P3
- Rerun processEimage test for v3.7.14 to capture log
- Prepare update for CI meeting
- Report unit test failure in LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim
- Fix the failure
- Arrange meeting with IN2P3 folks
- Attend DM-Stack-Club
- Attend and report at DC2 Meeting
- Rerun bias and darks using phosim v3.7.14
- install latest parsl
- set up new external python environment
- Prepare slides for seminar
- Set up new docker image for new sims release and upload to shifter
- Install new sims release from source
- Transfer DC1 data from HPSS to SCRATCH
- Confirmed /global/projecta/projectdirs/lsst/production/DC1/DM/DC1-imsim-dithered is the full data set stored in HPSS
- Help user build CCL paper and updated the CCL wiki
- nEXO
- update docker image to add in tutorials
- order new laptop - waiting on response from I&T
- Handle vendor ingests while Tom is away
- Fermi
Week of May 14 2018
- DM-DC2
- set up agenda and write up notes for Monady's DM-DC2 meeting
- Check getting started at NERSC documentation
- Contact Michael & Javier about the NERSC seminar May 30th
- Run phosim v3.7.9 and v3.7.14 test data through miniDRP
- Check on kubernetes availability at NERSC jupyterhub and set up meeting
- nEXO
- update docker image to remove sudo and add in tutorials
- coordinate archiving nexo-sniper
- set up order for new laptop
- Fermi
Week of May 9 2018
- DM-DC2
- Setup agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Create darks using phosim 3.7.9
- Install new versions of phosim as they appear
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting and make presentation concerning SNiPER visit
- Update docker image with tokens
- contact Raymond about timing correlation
- Set up order for new laptop
- Requested and tested git lfs install at SLAC for nexo
- Fermi
- Attend software meeting and write up notes
Week of April 30 2018
- DM-DC2
- Set up agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Rerun one processEimage job on one core on KNL using a source build of the stack
- Send Salman and Katrin directions about the steps to run "mini-DRP" so they can try it at ANL
- Set up full pipeline at NERSC to run on KNL
- Finish creating calibration products and document
- Prepare Monday's CI update
- Update python environment to include potables
- Create "current" symlink to point to the current python installation
- Test and document setting up jupyter-dev using a shared stack install
- Install phosim v3.7.10 for both haswell-intel and knl-intel
- install phosim v3.7.11 for both haswell-intel and knl-intel
- nEXO
- Set up Docker image for nexo-offline + SNiPER
- Provide daily summaries on the Slack meeting channel
- Test new SNiPER using the last collaboration meeting examples
- Understand how to implement Time Correlation
- Attend Tuesday Update meeting with nexo collaborators
- Help Tom M set up python on his laptop
- Update elog Slack app to add a new channel as requested by Aaron
Week of Apr 23 2018
- DM-DC2
- Set up agenda and write up notes for Monday's DM-DC2 meeting
- Rerun one processEimage job on one core on KNL as requested by Salman
- Send Salman directions about the steps to setup the DMstack so they can try it at ANL
- Provide NERSC update for DC2 meeting
- Attend DC2 meeting
- Create an area of IN2P3 to transfer their data products
- nEXO
- Install new version of SNiPER for centos7
- request new tbb system library be installed
- Send some initial SLAC usage instructions to the SNiPER developers
- Install new version of SNiPER for centos7
- Help Steve ssh tunnel to new IR2 jupyterhub
Week of Apr 16th 2018
- DM-DC2
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Generate darks using phosim v3.7.9
- Play with constructFlat.
- Rerun miniDRP task using KNL and produce some timing information
- Update LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSIm for Phosim v3.7.9
- Tagged Run1.1p obs_lsstSim fork
- Successfully updated the obs_lsstSIm files using the bias output
- Work through unit test failures
- PR
- In support of SkyCorrection Task
- Clear out out Stack builds as advertised on Slack
- Install parts in shared python env + weeklies + v15
- Consider setting up a common shared lib area
- Install a modern dmtcp on knl-intel and haswell-intel
- multilib install failed, went back to 64 bit only for now - which should be fine for phosim
- nEXO
- Prepare for travel to SLAC
- Help SNiPER Developers get set up with SLAC accounts
- Install new version of SNiPER at SLAC
Week of Apr 9 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- Write up SLAC SNiPER installation instructions on wiki
- Send Lisa some journal references for Gaudi
- DM-DC2
- Prepare for Task Force Meeting and write up Live Notes
- Complete initial run of first Run 1.2p visits through minidrp
- Create new dc2 Shifter image with room for a NERSC volume
- Create dc2 Shifter image using a dc2 tag to try to avoid version mismatch errors
- update workflow to use Shifter and submit PR
- Create w_2018_14 + LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim Shifter image
- Test pipeline with w_2018_14+LSSTDESC/obs_lsstSim Shifter
- update NERSC workflow to try out processEimage on rafts
- Prepare updates for CI meeting
- Attend Ci meeting
- Send Katrin some information about how the set up NERSC for DESC
- Ask NERSC about anticipated need to recompile software after the scheduled Cori OS update on Apr 25-26
- Install DMstack v15 in the common software area
- Request to remove some older stack installations at NERSC
- Write up portal section in Overleaf
- Complete Research integrity course
- Aux Telescope
Week of Apr 2 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- Attend Simulations Meeting
- Write up SLAC SNiPER installation instructions on wiki
- DM-DC2
- Set up new Docker image which includes patched obs_lsstSIm
- Prep slides and attend SSim meeting
- Check on weekly builds and document their new location
- Create new docker image for new sims 2_7_0 release
- Install sims 2_7_0 from source in the common software area
- Complete CyberSecurity Training
- Write up portal section in Overleaf
- get antivirus going on home centos7 to allow VPN connection required to deploy portal
- Aux Telescope
Week of Mar 26 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- HistogramSvc
- DM-DC2
- Prep for Task Force Meeting
- Write up Live Notes
- Contact Dominque B concerning processEimage failure
- Now fixed with new config file
- add this config file to github
- Write update for Friday's DC2 meeting
- Write update for CI meeting
- Start up new mini-DRP task in SRS pipeline
- Run ingestData for all 66 visits from Run 1.1p
- Run processEimage (obtain time and memory consumption stats)
- Fix LSSTTD-1257
- Deploy data portal 0.5.14
- move weekly builds to common software area by updating cron job
- Aux Telescope
- On Hold until we hear from Kirk
Week of Mar 19 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- Attend Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- Fix build of ROOT on centos7, missing libEve and libRGL
- Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- Attend simulations meeting
- DM-DC2
- DM-DC2 Meeting prep
- Attend SSims meeting
- Write up Live notes
- Extend DRP Workflow to run processEimage
- Update DRP Workflow to run processEimage for multiple visits
- Meet with Nicolas to discuss DRP
- Install TreeCorr
- Install new GCRCatalogs in all conda environments
- Move weekly stack installs
- Clean up old contrib area
- request another 100 GB of space
- update cron job
- Aux Telescope
- Wait to hear from Kirk
Week of Mar 12 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- nEXO
- Fix build of ROOT on centos7, missing libEve and libRGL
- Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- DM-DC2
- Update Nicolas' ImageProcessingPipelines branch for NERSC
- Demonstrate running SRS workflow for ingest
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- Aux Telescope
Week of Mar 5 2018
- Fermi
- Finish off creating L1 branches for all GR packages
- Get Brian to fully clean up between GR jenkins builds - see JIRA
- Figure out release process for L1
- Look at documentation: old Workbook, Github, Confluence..
- nEXO
- Attend sims meeting
- Work with SLAC IT to get all necessary system libraries installed on centos7 to build nEXO's externals
- libXpm-devel
- bzip2-devel
- Motif
- Motif-devel
- mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLU-devel
- Work through build problems with Coin3d 3.1.3 (an external lib) - Finish building nexo SNiPER on centos7
- Work on HistogramSvc
- Create some initial dev doc in their wiki
- DM-DC2
- Attend and take notes for task force meeting
- Attend SSims meeting Thursday
- Create docker image using new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Install new lsst_sims + w_2018_09
- Add note about lsst_distrib + lsst_sims on Confluence: NERSC Software Installations
- Install CCL At NERSC in the shared DESCQA python env
- GH Issue
- Updated CCL NERSC Wiki:
- Work out production installation of lsst_sims + w_2018_09 using the shared python env
- ATS At Harvard
- Attend test stand tutorial 9 AM - 10 AM PT Wednesday
Week of Feb 26 2018
- Fermi
- get Brian to fully clean up between GR Jenkins builds - created JIRA
- get L1 GR to build
- figure out how to clean up workspaces in Jenkins on my own.
- Tag first GlastRelease release in github GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr03 only change is to the xxxRootData packages
- Figure out the release process
- nEXO
- send an email update to Lisa
- update Slack channel about Raymond's discussions with SNiPER developers
- Work on HistogramSvc for ROOT files
- DM-DC2
- Run Monday Meeting and write minutes
- Update GitHub issues
- Contact Chris W about flats
- Talk to Tom about setting up directory for transfer to IN2P3
- test at NERSC - Update IPP repo with new mini-DRP Epic - Create new SRS pipeline task to run ingest on eImages - Update SRS pipeline task to handle ref cat ingest
- Update SRS pipeline task to run processEimage
- attend DC2 meeting
- Poke NERSC about jupyter-dev outage - now fixed
- ATS At Harvard
Week of Feb 19 2018
- Fermi
- Finish Anaconda 3 install
- Fix up L1 builds on Jenkins
- Fermi Meeting
- nEXO
- Start new HistogramSvc for ROOT files
- Simulation Meeting Thursday
- DM-DC2
- First Task Force Meeting
- Migrate DC2 Cookbook issues to IPP (ImageProcessingPipeline) repo
- Create new issues in IPP repo
- sort out HPSS allocation
- Help David L access his account
- ATS at Harvard
- Meeting with Tony & Owen on Tuesday
- Go to Harvard on Friday
Week of Feb 12 2018
- Fermi
- attend offline meetings!
- Finish Anaconda3 installation
- Work out distribution of externals in the new regime
- Install swig 3.0.12 RH6 and RH7 on GLAST_EXT
- work out L1 build in Jenkins
- nEXO
- Meet with sims people
- NERSC Support
- re-re-install cosmosis to help out the WL folks who wanted the latest along the develop branch
- Reach out to Joe to encourage tagging of cosmosis and provide some feedback on their setup script for NERSC
- Reach out to wl pipeline group to ask about cosmosis installations.
- Start up automated weekly stack installations
- Document weekly stack installations
- Send Joe Z updates to the setup-cosmosis-nersc script
- Help Erfan get going with cosmosis at NERSC
- SLAC support
- Read over Joanne's docs
- Pow-wow with Joanne over the DP and eT and the eT DB
- set up docker for Jim on IR2
- Update DESC and Fermi documentation on getting a SLAC account
- DRP/L2 Processing
- Task Force
- Phil mentioned that "they" had to write up a charge - figure out what that means
- Modify charge after receiving suggestions
- At Nicolas' suggestion reach out to Fabio H concerning weekly stack installations
- Phil mentioned that "they" had to write up a charge - figure out what that means
- Task Force
- ATS at Harvard
- Attend CCS meeting to find out how best to support Harvard
- Contact Harvard to sort out list of devices & plans for their use for testing
- Meet with Kirk
- write up minutes from Kirk/Nick meeting and prepare to iterate with Kirk
Week of Feb 5 2018
- DRP/L2 Processing
- SLAC DESC support
- NERSC support
- set up automated installs :
- Help Alex set up web data access:
- Other
- Read over Joanne's docs:
- Write up IN2P3 account Confluence page
- Update DMstack install on Harvard AUX Telescope machine
- nexo
- Attend Sims meeting
- Schedule time to meet Lisa next week
- Try out Raymond's example using SLAC install
- finish SLAC installation
- Fermi
- Finish Anaconda 3 installation at SLAC
- work out distribution of externals for end users
Week of Jan 29nd 2018
- Data Portal
- support Joanne as she learns about the plotting
- DRP/L2 Processing
- Check on James P
- Get a copy of the DC1 WF going
- Update WF to run Jim's latest imSim Data
- Learn how to deal with pipeline issue in JMX dealing with large number of jobs stuck in submitted state
- Run Jim's imSim data through SLAC WF (first attempt in progress)
- Prep to run using Phosim 1.1p
- Document using the Slac WF and add scripts to a GH repo in LSSTDESC area
- attend Friday dc2 meeting
- SLAC support
- review, release, and install the latest version of datacat-utilities
- Read over Joanne's documentation
- -
automate weekly install of DMstack binaries for camera- - install datacat-utilities on lsst-dc10
- NERSC support
- Upload latest SQRE DMstack (w_2018_03) Docker image into Shifter
- Install w_2018_03 plus sims from source
- Create w_2018_03+sims Shifter Image (debugging issue with afw - issue identified.. fixing it is something else)
- create sims Shifter image the long way, without using lsstsqre's base image
- Install WeakLensingDeblending for Javier.
- Random LSST Camera and DESC items
- SSim meeting
- Meet with Wil on Friday
- Write up notes from meeting
- Look over DESC architects confluence page
- nEXO
- reinstall SNiPER in the new disk space
- try out examples
- sign up for the collaboration mailing list
- Fermi
- Investigate trouble with AcdDigi in L1 branch
- Find a way to upgrade Anaconda external for ST
- Install miniconda py3
- Contact Helen
Week of Jan 22nd 2018
- Data Portal
- Consider rerunning all the ITL sensors in need of updated MET ingest and MET 05 by hand
- plots - commit latest code and write up intro for Joanne
- CCB request and deploy MET updates for the DP
- Deploy DP 0.5.11
- SLAC support
- automate weekly install of DMstack binaries for camera (Jim doesn't seem to feel this is a priority)
- Read over Joanne's documentation
- NERSC support
- update DESCQA install to include tensor flow
- write up instructions for w_2018_01 shifter install
- automate installation of shifter images
- Create docker image of new sims release based on w_2018_04
- Reintall cosmosis for WL group due to updated FFTW module, trying cray-fftw this time
- Send instructions to Josh to set up his own test galsim using the extlibs we already have set up for Cori KNL gcc
- install Phosim 3.7.7 and 3.7.8 for knl-intel and haswell-intel
- meet with Mustafa about HPSS
- Fix Cosmosis installation
- Workflows/L2 DC2 Pipeline
- send plea to Tony
- Meeting with Tom about using the SLAC pipeline + pilots
- work out setting up test Pipeline2 job reusing DC1 L2 task and a handful of visits
- Prep for CI meeting
- Fermi
- Work through errors with AcdDigi on L1 branch
- Set up new Anaconda external
- Work out with Brian the requirements for setting up externals these days
- nEXO
- get Tony an disk space estimate for SLAC installs
- get some disk space from Tony at SLAC
- set up SNiPER at SLAC in a temp location (in progress)
- attend Tuesday sims meeting
Week of Jan 15th 2018
- Data Portal
- revisit plots
- Holding off MET updates until new traveler to reingest ITL sensors is available
- datacat-utilities
- Install new release 0.0.9 at SLAC
- Install new release 0.0.9 at SLAC
- SLAC support
- automate weekly installs of DMstack binaries for camera
- automate weekly installs of DMstack binaries for camera
- NERSC Support
- update DESCQA install to include tensorflow
- Write up instructions for w_2018_01 shifter install
- automate installation of shifter images
- Add WeakLensingDeblending
- Check on CCL installation
- Workflows/L2 DC2 Pipeline
- DC2 meeting Friday Jan 19th
- Slim down docker image which includes sims - now down to 3 GB on DockerHub
- Slim down docker image which includes sims - now down to 3 GB on DockerHub
- Fermi
- Set up draft f2f meeting page Fermi Software Week Winter 2018
- Continue working on GR L1 branch - completed checkout of L1 code successfully
- Work through errors with AcdDigi on L1 branch
- nEXO
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
Week of Jan 8th 2018
- DataPortal
- finish off ITL-3800C-368 ingest after sorting out http authentication errors
- revisit plots
- Hold off on MET updates until new traveler to reingest ITL sensors is available.
- datacat-utilities
- Install new release
- SLAC suport
- Install w_2018_01 binaries lsst_distrib for camera
- Work out automated weekly installs via cron (u1 is 97% full, ~990 GB left)
- Install Merlin's eotest branch
- NERSC Support
- Update DESCQA install to include tensorflow
- Try w_2018_01 shifter install (in progress)
- Testing w_2018_01 shifter install and write up instructions
- Add WeakLensingDeblending
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Set up lsst_sims docker image for NERSC & uploaded to Dockerhub
- Try another lsst_sims docker image using lsstsqre image as the base rather than centos7 (initially failed, have new plans to retry)
- Fermi
Attend Wednesday software meeting- Finish setting up GR L1 branch
- Test L1 build in Jenkins
- Try interactive build of GR L1 branch
- Attend Tuesday software meeting
- Contact SNiPER team about Open Source License
- Apply for OSG and LLNL accounts
- Read over nEXO at OSG simulation notes
Week of Dec 18th 2017
- DataPortal
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Reproduce error James P sees
- Repeat experiment with multiple visits
- Repeat experiment using Head of ImageProcessingPipeline repo
- Potentially meet with Jim & James this week
- Catch up on Parsl progress
- CI
- Set up new Docker image to use with imSIm's travis builds
- Create a smaller Docker images for use with travis
- NERSC Support
- Shared Stack
- JupyterHub documentation and simplification
- clean old project space by removing MBII-snapshots
- Request reduction in old project space quota to 40 TB
- imSim
- Fermi
- Set up GR L1 branch in GitHub
- Test build of L1 branch
- Read up on SNiPER
- Meet with Lisa K on Tuesday 5 PM Eastern
- send feedback on documentation
- set up user accounts on Wiki, LLNL, OSG
- talk to Tony about nExo
Week of Dec 11th 2017
- Data Portal
- Deploy ETCCB-429
- MET updates - almost complete
- Install mvn and associated libraries and get Nick going with Lakeshore driver
- Install mvn and associated libraries and get Nick going with Lakeshore driver
- Workflows/L2 DC2 pipeline
- Send James P a link to the recordings from last week
- Repeat test using Jim's parsl wf at NERSC
- CI
- Docker image for use in travis builds
- Docker image for use in travis builds
- imSIM
- NERSC Support
- Fresh Shared Stack installation for KNL - stuck working out disk space in the common software area – started
- dmtcp installation
- Update jupiter-dev documentation
- quota checker
- Fresh Shared Stack installation for KNL - stuck working out disk space in the common software area – started
- Fermi
- Try GR with repoman
- Documentation
Week of Nov 27th 2017
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- Finish off write up of chat with Tony
- Ask James P about remote participation during Spring Week
M & W 8 - 12 central time - Try a run using Simon's cookbook
- Meet with Jim & James P
- write up notes
- Try Parsl pipeline at NERSC
- NERSC software installations
- Shared Stack installation - verify that the DESCQA and py3 install is working
- Add CCL
- Install new sims 2.4.2 using DMstack w.2017.46 Haswell-gcc6 using py3
- Ask about cosmosis needs
- Install cosmosis, TreeCorr, and MLZ in projecta area under the WL WG directory
- Install phosim 3.7.3
- dmtcp
- quota checker
- Consider requesting more common software space
obtained 50 GB more
- Shared Stack installation - verify that the DESCQA and py3 install is working
- NERSC project space
- Verify MBII-snapshots is in HPSS and remove from project area
Found the content in the desc hsi area, and viewed the contents of some snap.tar via htar -tf CS/MBII-DMO-snapshots/snapdir_074.tar Also noticed that the group_xxx.tar files are duplicated in the Archive home directory. Contacted Mustafa to sort that out and remove duplicates.
- Verify MBII-snapshots is in HPSS and remove from project area
- Data Portal
- MET updates
- Meet with Anders and Seth
- MET updates
- Harvard ATS
- Check that ccs reboot restarts the MySQL, LocalRestServices, and Trending
- Check in with Nick about the Lakeshore
- Fermi
- Try GR using repoman
- Documentation
- Discuss Gaudi for nEXO - Attend Stanford IT Unconference
Week of Nov 20th 2017
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- NERSC software installations
- py3 shared stack installation
- finish phosim 3.7.2 installation
- dmtcp intel installation
- quota checker
- cosmosis installation
- check in on GH issue
- Cover Vendor Ingests M-W
- Data Portal
- plots
- check in with Tony about his changes to load the page more quickly
- Harvard ATS
- Determine who will deal with the Lakeshore drivers - Grab Owens updates and install on CCS machine
- Direct Nick to make updates as needed.
- Fix mounting of data drive on ccs machine
- Try a version of the TS subsystem on the ccs machine and set up groovy & properties files
- Check monochromator plays well with the TS subsystem
- Determine who will deal with the Lakeshore drivers
- Fermi
- Try a GR build with repoman
- Documentation
- Inquire about pointlike updates in CVS on Slack
Week of Nov 13th 2017
- Harvard ATS
- Create user accounts and ccs sudo account which grants sudo access to all users
- Set up directory structure following IR2 model
- Install DMstack v14
- Install eotest compatible with v14
- document the above on the Confluence page ATS Test Stands
- Set up Trending Database
- MariaDB installation
- L2 pipeline DC1 rerun
- Meet with Jim on Monday
- Write up Notes
- Contact James P
- Try to run Simon's Cookbook
- Chat with Tony
- Meet with Jim on Monday
- NERSC Software Installations
- Shared Stack
- first try failed due to conflicts with libiconv installed presumably for
- Phosim 3.7.2 bug fix for haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- DMTCP intel build
- Help out with cosmosis installation
- Shared Stack
- Data Portal
- Chat with Tony about plots
- Plots
- Bad Channels
- read noise
- NERSC Project Space
- Test MBII-snapshot HPSS copy and remove from project area
Week of Nov 6th 2017
- QA Testing
- Investigate cause of differences between Lauren's plots from NCSA and those generated at NERSC
- look at 'conda list' on both NCSA and NERSC (no differences discovered)
- generate cal_refs as was done at NCSA
- try gcc 6 build as is being done at NCSA
- Determine the cause of differences between ref catalogs at NCSA and NERSC
- Investigate cause of differences between Lauren's plots from NCSA and those generated at NERSC
- L2 Pipeline
- Data Portal
- Finish off first round of Richard's plots
- bad channels
- read_noise
- Finish off first round of Richard's plots
- NERSC Project Space
- test MBII-snapshot HPSS copy
- prep for Tony & Owen's visit
- Installations
- Py3 on SLAC RH6-64 for Joanne to test out
- finish testing NERSC's cfitsio installation
- install phosim 3.7.1 for Cori haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- ask Glenn to install module files
- install phosim 3.7.2 for Cori haswell gcc & intel, KNL gcc & intel
- Shared Stack Installation using w.2017.41
- Query DESCQA and CCL groups
- py2 w.2017.41 installation
- py3 w.2017.41 installation
Week of Oct 30th 2017
- Data Portal
- Plots
- DC2 prep
- QA testing
- w.2017.41 installation plus branches of obs_lsstSim and pipe_analysis
- Run visitAnalysis, coaddAnalysis, etc
- QA testing
- NERSC Workflow work
- NERSC Project Space
- Work with Mustafa to get MBII-snapshot backed up
- NERSC Installations
- w.2017.? stack installation plus sims - waiting on new sims release using the camera geometry updates
- Phosim 3.7
- Testing NERSC cfitsio installation
- SLAC Installations
- descsoft w.2017.? stack plus sims installation
- See if there is any prep work necessary for Tony's visit later in Nov
- Request Nick set up new box with CentOS7
- set up user accounts and groups
- Determine if Mike is still coming out ~Nov 1st
- See if there is any prep work necessary for Tony's visit later in Nov
- Attend SuperCDMS meeting concerning their potential move to NERSC.
Week of Oct 23rd 2017
- Data Portal
- NERSC Workflow work
- Try out HTCondor and Pegasus on cori21
- Take a look at Jim's imsim script
- NERSC Project Space
- Set the old project directory to read-only (in progress)
- claim desc ownership of the whole directory space
- Clear out all directories where the owners have indicated it is fine to do so
- Determine the end state of merging old project and projecta areas and handling of www
- Set up disk quota monitor
- Coordinate HPSS storage of MBII-snapshots
- Set the old project directory to read-only (in progress)
- NERSC installations
- Phosim v3.7
- Coordinate with NERSC to get cfitsio v3410 installed (in progress)
- Rebuild using NERSC supplied cfitsio
- Coordinate with Glenn to set up module files
- Set up software for DC2 testing
- v14_0 lsst_distrib + sims 2.4.0
- Phosim v3.7
- SLAC installations
- Set up same imsim at SLAC as used at NERSC for KNL testing (in progress)
- v14_0 on RH6-64 public (on hold pending resolution to obs_base unit test failure)
- camera area
- descsoft
- test eotest branch
- v14_0 on IR-2
- Document KNL vs Haskell mkl imsim testing at NERSC
- Initial mkl tests indicate no huge improvement - putting testing on back burner for now
- CCS - still waiting to hear from Peter, I cannot access their TS3 machine to install and test a new version of the test stand subsystem
Week of Oct 16th 2017
- Richard's plots in DP
- Complete Sensor Arrival Time plot
- Create JSON
- NERSC installations
- Phosim v3.7
- Try out NERSC supplied FFTW
- Request new cfitsio v3410 installation required by Phosim
- Complete installation of all flavors: haswell-gcc, haswell-intel, knl-gcc, knl-intel
- Waiting on cfitsio v3410 before knl-intel will be available
- Phosim v3.7
- NERSC Project Space
- Notify all users of the need to migrate
- Handle all help requests - migrating some directories to the new projecta area
- Install disk quota monitor
- Check on old project status and prepare to set it to read-only
- Coordinate backup of nkhandai data to tape with Mustafa
- Install latest version of teststand subsystem at Harvard there is a machine made available - waiting on response from Peter
- Keep an eye out for v14 DMstack
Week of October 9th 2017
- Continue work on Richard's plots in DP
LSSTTD-1165Getting issue details...
- Released Data Portal 0.5.7
- Testing imSim built on KNL
- Continue MKL tests at NERSC once the system recovers from the weekend outage
- Install the same version of the stack at SLAC to allow similar testing with and without MKL
- Attempt build of DMstack using the intel compiler at NERSC
- NERSC Project space
- Install disk quota monitor
- Coordinate backup of nkhandai data to tape with Mustafa
- Prepare to set the old project area as read-only
- Send mail to all owners of files on the old project space
- NERSC HPSS SRU overallocation
- Install latest version of datacat-utilities 0.0.8 at SLAC
- Install the latest teststand snapshot at Harvard to support use of the monochromator when Peter returns.
- Contacted Peter - I can't connect to the archon machine to install the test stand snapshot
- Investigate creating a harvard.groovy (perhaps based on TS8bench or TS7) and possibly create a harvard main routine.
- Keep an eye out for the v14 DMstack release and prepare to install on IR-2 and NERSC
- This release will include binary installations.. I'm thinking we may still want to install from source, perhaps that's most useful on IR-2, but we'll see.
- This release will include binary installations.. I'm thinking we may still want to install from source, perhaps that's most useful on IR-2, but we'll see.
Week of October 2nd 2017
- Release DataPortal 0.5.6 which will include
- Implement Richard's plots in the DP starting from some of Tony's examples for trending and Richard's python code.
- Continue testing KNL performance using galsim and imsim
- Attempt to compile galsim and possibly all of DMstack with the intel compiler
- Run longer tests using the MKL libraries on Haswell and KNL
- Rebuild imsim with MKL, using an updated meas_base
- Install an initial shared stack in the new software area at NERSC for testing as discussed at last week's "Shared Stack" meeting
- NERSC Project Space
- Set up an initial quota monitor at NERSC
- Re-connect with Mustafa to get the mkhandai 42 TB archived to tape.
- Investigate an upgrade of the monochromator driver at Harvard and confirm that to achieve what Peter plans to do - to run his ATS work in the lab alongside most of the devices from his TS3 setup.. is possible by running both the teststand and rafts subsystem simultaneously.
- Install latest SNAPSHOT of test stand at Harvard and investigate creating a harvard.groovy (perhaps based on TS8bench or TS7) and possibly creating a harvard main routine.
- Keep an eye out for the v14 release of the DMstack and prepare to install at SLAC/IR-2 and NERSC.
Though this is assigned to Jim, so perhaps I have no need to worry about SLAC:
- LSSTTD-1157Getting issue details... STATUS