# Usage: source loadLSST.bash
source scl_source enable devtoolset-3
1) Login to corigrid.nersc.gov as yourself 2) module load globus 3) myproxy-logon -s nerscca.nersc.gov Enter your password 4) gsissh localhost -l desc
[heather@LSST-PC92228 rest]$ python hack.py prod Prod getResults getResultsJH-SR-RTM-noise.json ""
16 Nov 2017
vnc at Harvard https://www.howtoforge.com/vnc-server-installation-on-centos-7
still starting up the vncserver on reboot for now
15 Nov 2017
MariaDB [(none)]> create user 'ccs'@localhost identified by 'lsst';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to 'ccs'@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'ccs'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'lsst';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> create database atsccsdb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL on atsccsdb.* to 'ccs' IDENTIFIED BY 'lsst';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Nov 9 2017
installing Shared Stack at NERSC
confirmed DESCQA uses py2 , and no one seems to object to gcc6
installed miniconda 2 4.3.21 (looked at newinstall), using lsstsw package list
doing a fresh installation of lsst_distrib w_2017_41 and then followed by the release sims or perhaps something else..
Nov 6 2017
Installing MIniconda3 - 4.2.12 based on the version we get from NERSC for v14 This is for Joanne on RHEL6-64 to allow testing of py3
py3-4.2.12 installation miniconda followed by
conda install --file conda_packages-linux-64.txt
This sets up the DM set of conda packages. From this root environment, we can set up DM, DESCQA, CCL.. etc? hopefully
Then set up w.2017.41 against this installation using gcc6, to achieve a shared stack.
For QA testing
copied Jim's data off NCSA using tar -cvzf data.tar.gz -C dirwheredatais .
to avoid full path in the tarball
Oct 30 2017
Oct 26, 2017
V14 DMstack release.
#!/bin/bash cd /lsst/dh/software/centos7-gcc48/stack/v14_py2 curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/14.0/scripts/newinstall.sh bash newinstall.sh -b -2 -ct source loadLSST.bash echo 'loadLSST.bash complete' eups distrib install -t v14_0 lsst_distrib curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/shebangtron/master/shebangtron | python mkdir site echo 'hooks.config.site.lockDirectoryBase = None' >> site/startup.py conda install -y ipython conda install -y jupyter conda install -y pylint
sudo -u du mkdir stack (previously installs were conda installations)
sudo -u du chmod 2775 stack
sudo -u du bash newinstall.sh -2 -ct
source loadLSST.bash
granted myself w privileges via the group and then proceeded to do the
eups distrib install -t v14_0 lsst_distrib
where I"ll chown the whole directory structure back to dh user.
Need to set permissions for shared stack.
scl enable git19 bash scl enable devtoolset-3 bash unset LSST_HOME EUPS_PATH LSST_DEVEL EUPS_PKGROOT REPOSITORY_PATH bash newinstall.sh -ct source loadLSST.bash eups distrib install -t v14_0 lsst_distrib curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/shebangtron/master/shebangtron | python echo 'hooks.config.site.lockDirectoryBase = None' >> site/startup.py adding conda install ipython jupyter pylint which upgrades numexpr to a nomkl version (which probably makes sense - why doesn't DM do that??) could not install mysql-python, due to its dependency on py2
[ 75/106 ] obs_base 14.0 ... ***** error: from /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/obs_base-14.0/build.log: File "tests/testCameraMapper.py", line 403, in tearDown shutil.rmtree(self.ROOT) File "/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/python/miniconda3-4.2.12/lib/python3.5/shutil.py", line 474, in rmtree _rmtree_safe_fd(fd, path, onerror) File "/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/python/miniconda3-4.2.12/lib/python3.5/shutil.py", line 416, in _rmtree_safe_fd onerror(os.rmdir, fullname, sys.exc_info()) File "/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/python/miniconda3-4.2.12/lib/python3.5/shutil.py", line 414, in _rmtree_safe_fd os.rmdir(name, dir_fd=topfd) OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: 'b' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 24 tests in 8.955s FAILED (errors=1, expected failures=1) The following tests failed: /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/obs_base-14.0/obs_base-14.0/tests/.tests/testCameraMapper.py.failed 1 tests failed scons: *** [checkTestStatus] Error 1 scons: building terminated because of errors. + exit -4 eups distrib: Failed to build obs_base-14.0.eupspkg: Command: source "/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/eups/2.1.4/bin/setups.sh"; export EUPS_PATH="/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67"; (/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/obs_base-14.0/build.sh) >> /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/obs_base-14.0/build.log 2>&1 4>/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v14/stack/miniconda3-4.2.12-7c8e67/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/obs_base-14.0/build.msg exited with code 252
Oct 24, 2017
Setting up SLAC install of imsim used at NERSC for KNL testing
skipping unit testing due to failure at SLAC
eups declare sims_catUtils 2.3.6.sims -r .
setup -r .
2017 Oct 11
SRU allocation exhausted. Found Top 7 users via NIM:
https://nim.nersc.gov set Repository to m1727 in upper right
click on "User Status by Repo"
Individual User reports can be generated by clicking on "Reports"=>Daily Use/Repo
fill in the search filter
Users control their Project Percentage
PIs control user quotas
SRUs are charged for reading, writing, and storage
2017 Oct 5
python hack.py prod Prod getResults getHardwareInstances.json ""
Rebuilding meas_base using Mario's updates to allow use of the MKL
had to update Mario's code to use the new log package, replacing pex_logging
copied the meas_base code from the failed installation and copied into my own directory and removed build products
eups declare meas_base 13.0-20-g03c8adc+9 -r .
setup -r .
eups distrib install -t sims_2_3_6 lsst_sims --nolocks actually I did obs_lsstSim
Then set up imsim again
2017 Oct 4
Group Manager interface: http://java.freehep.org/svn/repos/srs/show/org-srs-groupmanager/trunk/jar/src/main/java/org/srs/groupmanager/GroupManager.java?revision=HEAD
2017 Sept 25
David Thomas desires a SLAC DMstack lsst_distrib, lsst_sims + phosim installation. Trying our w_2017_26_py3 under the descsoft account first.
conda create --name base --file conda3_package-linux-64.txt from the lsstsw package
2017 Sept 22
Chat with Tom about NERSC space
- Ongoing issue with inode allocation
- How many nodes are used per file on average?
- Request 20 M ?
- Already used 92% of 5M with 1/3 of 140 TB
- Disk use in production
- 17 TB DC1_imsim - some cleaning up may be possible, but it does not account for much space
- DM 21 TB
- DC1_phosim3 46 TB
- WG directories
- Create a dedicated user for project writing, that everyone is a member of. This allows everyone to clean up, but eliminates accountability.
- Tom wonders how Posix extended ACLs handle setting permissions when dealing with unpacking tar files
- Contact NERSC for suggestions on managing our project space and if the GPFS tools to manage quotas are available.
- Monitoring quotas via a script run 1/day, assuming it doesn't run too long. Plot user vs time
- How to manage purging? Maybe a monthly cron job that copies and unpacks a tarball
- Software area
- For batch only
- manage who has the ability to install s/w
- Establish purging policy - retain production software or archive to HPSS or rely on the ability to rebuild at will
- Is the Anaconda module useful to us?
- Emptying old project space
- Tom put in a question to Mustafa to see how soon NERSC needs us out, there may be no real pressure
- Float the idea of setting the old area read-only on Oct 1st with the goal of emptying it by Jan 1st
2017 Sept 21
Project portal at NERSC - troubles with DESCQ, still pointing to the old area. Should figure out when we should point to the new one.
Doc NERSC disk quota tools... and monitory disk and inode use
Project space write up
Clean up contrib area
Prep for KNL Hack Day
Check on running shifter image at NERSC
python hack.py prod Prod getContainingHardware getHardwareContain.json
[heather@LSST-PC92228 ~]$ python hack.py dev Prod getResults getMissing.json "jrb"
2017 Sept 5
Installing DMstack w_2017_26 using Miniconda py3, plus latest eups 2.1.4 which allows read-only stack for use by other users
scl enable git19 bash scl enable devtoolset-3 bash curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/w.2017.24/scripts/newinstall.sh edit version of EUPS unset LSST_HOME EUPS_PATH LSST_DEVEL EUPS_PKGROOT REPOSITORY_PATH bash newinstall.sh -3 source loadLSST.bash eups distrib install -t w_2017_26 lsst_distrib --nolocks eups distrib install -t sims_2_3_6 lsst_sims --nolocks echo 'hooks.config.site.lockDirectoryBase = None' >> site/startup.py
2017 Sept 1
trouble with v13_0 on ir2 box lsst-dc10
LSSTTD-1124Getting issue details...
Looking back at:
LSSTTD-922Getting issue details...
[v13_0] sudo -u dh env "PATH=$PATH" conda install --name v13_0 pyqt=4.11 Fetching package metadata ......... Solving package specifications: . Package plan for installation in environment /lsst/dh/software/centos7-gcc48/anaconda/py-2.7-4.3.14/envs/v13_0: The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: harfbuzz: 0.9.39-2 pango: 1.40.3-1 The following packages will be DOWNGRADED: matplotlib: 2.0.2-np111py27_0 --> 1.5.1-np111py27_0 pyqt: 5.6.0-py27_2 --> 4.11.4-py27_4 qt: 5.6.2-4 --> 4.8.7-4
2017 Aug 5
some links
2017 Jul 14
On base python installation
setfacl -R -d -m group:last:rx blah
setfacl -R -m group:lsst:rx blah
edit .condarc file:
allow_softlinks: False
- /global/common/cori/contrib/lsst/apps/anaconda/py2-envs
source /blah/blah/bin/activate
conda create --copy --clone root --name DESCQA
allow_softlinks: False
- /global/common/cori/contrib/lsst/apps/anaconda/py2-envs
- /global/common/cori/contrib/lsst/apps/anaconda/py2-envs/DESCQA/pkgs
poked around conda issues, it seems conda was updated to improve support for multi-users
2017 Jul 13
setfacl -R -d -m group:last:rx blah
conda create --copy --clone root --name DESCQA
Do the ACLs set up allow others to play with their env?
as of conda 4.3.X multi-user env should honor permissions
setfacl -m group:lsst:rx blah
Set up .condarc in root anaconda directory and disallow softlinks
Also want to set pkg directory
2017 Jun 13
Slack bots and elog
setup private SLACK channel on lsstc: hmktest with bot user hmkelogtest
set up simple python installation with pip, virtualenv (try conda) and pip installed "slackclient" which has a python api
Miniconda install
pip install slackclient
conda install pyyaml (see an interesting discussion here: https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues/issues/1205)
create bot user and save its Slack token
Also need user id for this bot to check which messages are directed to it.
Then set up eLog connection using an xml user account on elog, and a new Slack entry form which stores an author.
References: https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog/build-first-slack-bot-python.html
2017 Jun 2
Reinstalling using the dh user on IR2
sudo -u dh bash Miniconda.blah sudo -u dh env "PATH=$PATH" conda install --file conda2_packages_linux64-v13.txt sudo -u dh env "PATH=$PATH" conda create --copy -c http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.13.0 --name v13_0 lsst-distrib nose python=2 create loadLSST.bash export PATH=/lsst/dh/software/centos7-gcc48/anaconda/py-2.7-4.3.14/bin:${PATH} source activate v13_0 source eups-setups.sh setup lsst_distrib PS1="[v13_0] " in the test subdirectory, I installed the demo code and created some scripts to run demo as the dh user sudo -u dh ./runtest.sh sudo -u dh ./runcheck.sh
2017 May 31
Installing DMstack v13_0 vanilla on IR2 using conda
Miniconda installation 4.3.14 conda install --file conda_packages-linux-64.txt conda config --add channels http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.13.0 conda create --copy --name v13_0 python=2 source activate v13_0 conda install -c http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.13.0 --copy lsst-distrib conda install nose
2017 May 26
Ingested vendor data for E2V-CCD250-277 after recreating the tar.bz2 file to replace the darks files.
2017 May 25
python hack.py prod Prod getResults jsonFile.json
Building DMstack v13 plus obsSim updates on Cori KNL
source installScripts/loadmodules_13.0_knl.sh curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/13.0/scripts/newinstall.sh bash newinstall.sh (let them install miniconda) source loadLSST.bash eups distrib install -t v13_0 lsst_distrib --nolocks
2017 May 24
Testing DMstack building on KNL
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl
2017 May 23
Trying to test the eT API via curl or directly in a browser doesn't seem to work. I was able to use Warren's hack.py script instead and feed it json as input.
2017 May 12
command of the day: xdg-open
to open a png file from the command line on Linux - works at NERSC.
Started Linting
2017 May 11
Learned more about adding new conda packages to a DM installation. Remember that conda environments do not allow additional "conda installs" must set up everything at creation time or use "pip install".
Ended up dumping spec file and creating a conda environment by adding the one additional conda package we desired. Note that I had to find a version of this package, basemap, that was compatible with numpy 1.11.* via conda info basemap
conda list --explicit > specfile.txt conda create --name rb --file specfile.txt source activate rb
Learned about conda version pattern matching: https://conda.io/docs/spec.html#package-match-specifications and pinning https://conda.io/docs/faq.html#pinning-packages https://www.continuum.io/blog/developer/advanced-features-conda-part-1
store pinned file in conda-meta/pinned to use it, filled by doing conda list --export > pinned and then editing via vim :%s/=/ /g
2017 May 10
Managing conda environments for Twinkles & Dm at NERSC in this GitHub issue: https://github.com/LSSTDESC/Twinkles/issues/448
Creating a new env: conda create --name <blah> --clone root
which creates a new env in Linux64/miniconda2/3.19.0.lsst4/envs
source activate <blah>
source deactivate <blah>
Pinning, requires creating a "pinned" file in envs/blah/conda-meta
format for versioning here: https://conda.io/docs/spec.html#package-match-specifications
nomkl versions are preferred in DM (numpy, scipy, numexpr)
conda list --export will show me what is in the current root environment, where we should pin to precisely what we receive from DM
Also see package list: https://github.com/lsst/lsstsw
2017 May 1
merged Brian's PR on the datacat-utilties repo into a new branch. We weren't ready for master quite yet, not until we're ready to do with datacat 0.5
git checkout -b brianv0-u/bvan/dc_0.5_client_fixes master git pull https://github.com/brianv0/datacat-utilities.git u/bvan/dc_0.5_client_fixes Created a new branch in GitHub git checkout <newbranch> git merge --no-ff brianv0-u/bvan/dc_0.5_client_fixes git push
2017 Apr 17
VirtualBox CentOs7 installation to test ST
created 32 gb virtual harddrive plus 2GB memory
sudo dhclient to kick start internet connection
sudo yum install libXtst
sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install glibc-devel (already installed)
curl -OL http://www-glast.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/viewcvs/SCons-installer/src/installer.py?revision=1.10&view=markup
rename installer.py
python installer.py -c install --package ScienceTools --versionType RELEASE --version 11-05-02 --variant Optimized --os redhat7-x86_64-64bit-gcc48 -e $HOME/extLib -i $HOME/ST/
2017 Apr 13
Created miniconda python 2.7.12 on rh7. Modified the files to use GLAST_EXT environment variable rather than full SLAC path.. this doesn't work, the env variable is rejected. Instead, users would have to run this on their own download and adjust the paths for their own machines. Did some research about relocating conda installs: github.com/conda/conda/issues/1845
perl -p -i -e 's!/afs/slac.stanford.edu/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat7-x86_64-64bit-gcc48!\$GLAST_EXT!g' `grep -rl /afs/slac/stanford.edu/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat7-x86_64-64bit-gcc48/python/2.7.12 /afs/slac/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat7-x86_64-64bit-gcc48/python/2.7.12-mini`
Once DC1 phosim production is complete, we should review the SED installation and perhaps use those that come with the more recent sims release 2_3_4
Trying to keep SLAC and NERSC phosim installs in synch.
SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR points to the installation directory
At NERSC we seem to be using: cp -as /global/common/cori/contrib/lsst/lsstDM/w.2016.20/lsstsw/stack/Linux64/sims_sed_library/12.0/* .
and at SLAC: cp -as /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/w.2016.40-sims_2.3.1/Linux64/sims_sed_library/2016.01.26/* .
2017 Apr 11
installing lsst_apps v13_0 rather than lsst_distrib to avoid building problems with galsim when building against our own python
datacat-utilities reorganization complete on branch. Testing by clone 2.5.0 anaconda at SLAC: conda create --name hmk --clone root
2017 Mar 30
scl enable git19 bash scl enable devtoolset-3 bash export PATH=/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/anaconda/4.3.1/bin:$PATH curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/13.0/scripts/newinstall.sh unset LSST_HOME EUPS_PATH LSST_DEVEL EUPS_PKGROOT REPOSITORY_PATH bash newinstall.sh source loadLSST.bash eups distrib install lsst_distrib -t v13_0 --nolocks echo 'hooks.config.site.lockDirectoryBase = None' >> site/startup.py
Same error even after updating my python for nomkl
bash-4.1$ eups distrib install lsst_distrib -t v13_0 --nolocks [ 1/93 ] apr 1.5.2 done. [ 2/93 ] cfitsio 3360.lsst4 done. [ 3/93 ] doxygen 1.8.5.lsst1 (already installed) done. [ 4/93 ] eigen 3.2.5.lsst2 done. [ 5/93 ] fftw 3.3.4.lsst2 done. [ 6/93 ] gsl 1.16.lsst3 done. [ 7/93 ] mariadbclient 10.1.21.lsst1 done. [ 8/93 ] minuit2 5.34.14 done. [ 9/93 ] mpich 3.2.lsst1 done. [ 10/93 ] python 0.0.6 (already installed) done. [ 11/93 ] swig 3.0.10 done. [ 12/93 ] xpa 2.1.15.lsst3 done. [ 13/93 ] activemqcpp 3.9.0.lsst2+3 done. [ 14/93 ] apr_util 1.5.4 done. [ 15/93 ] astropy 0.0.1.lsst2+2 ... Using externally provided astropy v1.3. [ 15/93 ] astropy 0.0.1.lsst2+2 done. [ 16/93 ] boost 1.60.lsst1+1 done. [ 17/93 ] mpi 0.0.1+2 done. [ 18/93 ] numpy 0.0.3+1 ... Using externally provided numpy v1.11.3. [ 18/93 ] numpy 0.0.3+1 done. [ 19/93 ] pykg_config 1.3.0+1 done. [ 20/93 ] python_d2to1 0.2.12.lsst2+1 done. [ 21/93 ] python_future 0.15.2+2 done. [ 22/93 ] python_mysqlclient 1.3.7.lsst1+8 done. [ 23/93 ] python_psutil 4.1.0+3 done. [ 24/93 ] pyyaml 3.11.lsst1+3 done. [ 25/93 ] scons 2.5.0.lsst2+1 (already installed) done. [ 26/93 ] sqlalchemy 1.0.8.lsst3+3 done. [ 27/93 ] wcslib 5.13.lsst1 done. [ 28/93 ] astrometry_net 0.67.123ff3e.lsst1+1 done. [ 29/93 ] esutil 0.6.0+1 done. [ 30/93 ] log4cxx 0.10.0.lsst7 done. [ 31/93 ] matplotlib 0.0.4 ... Using externally provided matplotlib v2.0.0. [ 31/93 ] matplotlib 0.0.4 done. [ 32/93 ] mpi4py 2.0.0+2 done. [ 33/93 ] ndarray 1.3.0 done. [ 34/93 ] scipy 0.0.1.lsst1+3 ... Using externally provided scipy v0.19.0. [ 34/93 ] scipy 0.0.1.lsst1+3 done. [ 35/93 ] sconsUtils 13.0 (already installed) done. [ 36/93 ] stsci_distutils 0.3.7.lsst1+2 done. [ 37/93 ] tmv 0.73+5 done. [ 38/93 ] astrometry_net_data 10.0+89 done. [ 39/93 ] base 13.0 done. [ 40/93 ] lmfit 0.9.3+4 done. [ 41/93 ] lsst 13.0 (already installed) done. [ 42/93 ] psfex 13.0 done. [ 43/93 ] pyfits 3.4.0+7 done. [ 44/93 ] galsim 1.4.1.lsst3 ... ***** error: from /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/galsim-1.4.1.lsst3/build.log: TMV version is 0.73 Using TMV_LINK file: /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/Linux64/tmv/0.73+5/share/tmv/tmv-link -L/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/Linux64/tmv/0.73+5/lib -ltmv -lpthread -fopenmp Checking for correct TMV linkage... (this may take a little while) Checking for correct TMV linkage... yes Checking if we can build against Python... Unable to build a python loadable module using the python executable: /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/anaconda/4.3.1/bin/python, the library name libpython2.7.so, and the libdir /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/anaconda/4.3.1/lib. Nor did any of the known variations on this work. If these are not the correct library name or location, you can tell scons the correct names to use with the flags EXTRA_LIB_PATH and/or EXTRA_LIBS. Please fix the above error(s) and rerun scons. Note: you may want to look through the file INSTALL.md for advice. Also, if you are having trouble, please check the INSTALL FAQ at https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim/wiki/Installation%20FAQ + exit -4 eups distrib: Failed to build galsim-1.4.1.lsst3.eupspkg: Command: source /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/eups/bin/setups.sh; export EUPS_PATH=/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0; (/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/galsim-1.4.1.lsst3/build.sh) >> /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/galsim-1.4.1.lsst3/build.log 2>&1 4>/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44/DMstack/v13_0/EupsBuildDir/Linux64/galsim-1.4.1.lsst3/build.msg exited with code 252
2017 Mar 29
Continued to pursue Minuit2 externals for RH6 and RH7. I had trouble because I forgot to updated containerSettings/externals.scons. There was also a conflict due to the reuse of the libMinuit2 library which ROOT also includes - I renamed the nonROOT Minuit2 as libMinuit2nonroot.so Also had to add link dependences on lm and lgomp
Continuing problems compiling DMstack v13_0 from source using our own anaconda python install. Needed to add pyfits, future and more importantly nomkl to pull in the right versions of numpy and scipy
2017 Mar 28
git 1.9 now installed on SLAC Rh6-64
ksa@rhel6-64a $ scl enable git19 bash [ksa@rhel6-64a ~]$ git --version git version 1.9.4 Or ksa@rhel6-64a $ bash [ksa@rhel6-64a ~]$ source /opt/rh/git19/enable [ksa@rhel6-64a ~]$ git --version git version 1.9.4
2017 Mar 27
JH log files at SLAC (dev) /nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/jobHarness/jh_stage-test/e2v-CCD/E2V-CCD250-182/4770D/vendorIngest/v0/2758
2017 Mar 24
Exploring why conda install of DMstack v13_0 isn't running on SLAC RH6-64. Seems to be due to glibc.
Tom asked about dmtcp 2.4.5 on Edison. It looks like GLIBCXX 3.4.20 was removed, opened a ticket at NERSC to inquire. Here's the error Tom reported:
/global/common/edison/contrib/lsst/dmtcp/dmtcp-2.4.5/bin/dmtcp_launch: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /global/common/edison/contrib/lsst/dmtcp/dmtcp-2.4.5/bin/dmtcp_launch)
strings /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6|grep GLIBCXX strings /global/common/cori/contrib/lsst/dmtcp/2.4.5/bin/dmtcp_launch | grep GLIBCXX
2017 Mar 23
Installed DMstack v13_0 at SLAC in a new shorter path due to ongoing problems with paths >80 chars.
2017 Mar 20
trying another conda install: sudo conda create -y -q -c http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.12.0 -n v12_0a python=2 lsst-distrib
sudo conda install pyqt=4.11 which resulted in downgrading a few packages (which was probably a good thing)
(v12_0a) [heather@lsst-dc10 installScript]$ sudo env "PATH=$PATH" conda install pyqt=4.11 Fetching package metadata ......... Solving package specifications: . Package plan for installation in environment /lsst/dh/software/centos7-gcc48/anaconda/py-2.7: The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: harfbuzz: 0.9.39-2 pango: 1.40.3-1 The following packages will be UPDATED: astropy: 1.3-np112py27_0 --> 1.3.1-np111py27_0 scipy: 0.19.0-np112py27_nomkl_0 [nomkl] --> 0.19.0-np111py27_nomkl_0 [nomkl] The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts: matplotlib: 2.0.0-np112py27_0 --> 1.5.1-np111py27_0 numpy: 1.12.0-py27_nomkl_0 [nomkl] --> 1.11.3-py27_nomkl_0 [nomkl] pyqt: 5.6.0-py27_2 --> 4.11.4-py27_4 qt: 5.6.2-3 --> 4.8.7-4 Proceed ([y]/n)? y numpy-1.11.3-p 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 39.40 MB/s astropy-1.3.1- 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 47.97 MB/s scipy-0.19.0-n 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 67.29 MB/s harfbuzz-0.9.3 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 33.85 MB/s pango-1.40.3-1 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 33.59 MB/s qt-4.8.7-4.tar 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 65.81 MB/s pyqt-4.11.4-py 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 41.16 MB/s matplotlib-1.5 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:00 55.45 MB/s
this allowed me to fix the v12_0 environment. Now missing libXext.so.6, installed via: sudo yum install libXext-1.3.3-3.el7.x86_64
sudo yum install tcl-devel-8.5.13-8.el7.x86_64
sudo yum install libSM-1.2.2-2.el7.x86_64
sudo yum install libXrender-0.9.8-2.1.el7.x86_64
sudo -u dh release/bin/install.py --inst_dir /lsst/dh/software/centos7-gcc48/dev/lssttd-922 --hj_folders T08 release/packageLists/IR2_JH_versions.txt
Installed datacat by copying it (scp) from rhel6-64 as well as the config.cfg file. Reset group ownership to "lsst-ccs"
sudo -u dh scp -r heather@rhel6-64:/u/gl/srs/datacat/dev/0.4 .
sudo -u dh scp -r heather@rhel6-64:/nfs/farm/g/lsst/u1/software/datacat/config.cfg .
2017 Mar 16
Setting up lsst-dc10
export PATH=<mynewpython>:$PATH
sudo env "PATH=$PATH" conda create --name v12_0 python=2
source activate v12_0
sudo env "PATH=$PATH" conda install -c http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.12.0 lsst-distrib
2017 Mar 14
Going back to set up DMstack v12_0 for users on SLAC public. Installing from scratch rather than attempting to copy the existing the environment
first had to update the conda channels in .condarc to make sure I was pointing just to the 0.12.0 area: http://conda.lsst.codes/stack/0.12.0
Assuming this works - then set up any additional python modules people might need: nose, datacat?, mysql, satrapy
failed on swig so did "conda install swig" and tried again with conda install lsst-distrib
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:
swig: 3.0.10-0 --> 3.0.2-0
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Started over fresh, with a new miniconda installation and then did the lsst-distrib install.. in a shorter path.
conda install nose, ipython, jupiter, mysql-python
2017 Mar 10
Another update to twinkles_#435 branch of obs_lsstSim
setup obs_lsstSim 2017.02.08.twinkles-2-g89ee635 -t v13_0
2017 Mar 9
creating copy of DM v12_0 JH camera installation. First creating a users version on SLAC public and the on the IR2 cluster. Found that the channels for the stack have changed to include a version id, such as 0.12.0. First created an explicit package list and then edited to update the channel. Also modified my .condarc to remove the eupsforge channel which I think is outdated.
conda create --name v12_0 --file dm12-explicit2.txt in my case
then installed git and then had to restart the installation:
conda install --name v12_0 --file dm12-explicit.txt
Succeeded except for one package:
PaddingError: Placeholder of length '80' too short in package git-2.6.4-0.
The package must be rebuilt with conda-build > 2.0.
Tried conda install git=2.6.4-0, but failed in the same way
conda install git instead which worked and installed 2.11.1-0
In the end this failed - with a pre-link error on afw
2017 Mar 9
MySQL & Oracle notes
2017 Mar 8
setting up lsst-dc10
Need to add gcc and anaconda python, then set up DM_v12 based on the conda list we have
2017 Mar 6
Install lsst_distrib on Cori, Edison and SLAC rhel6-64
2017 Mar 1
Updating Edison with phoSim 3.6.1 and DMstack dc1, dc1-a for Tom due to planned Cori outages.
2017 Feb 23
added xlrd to SLAC v12_0 python so that vendor ingest would work with the new updates from Jim. Needed to use "pip install xlrd"
2017 Feb
Scott defined a new twinkles tag
`eups distrib install lsst_sims -t twinkles` `eups distrib install lsst_apps -t twinkles`
For future use, this version can be re-installed with `eups distrib install lsst_* -t twinkles_2017_02_08`.
2017 Jan 19
Jim requested a fresh installation of DMstack for his imSim work. We are on the bullet machines, to access this area:
Allowed DM installer to install its own python.
Updated loadLSST.bash to include the line:
source scl_source enable devtoolset-3
Note the need to override the DM channel. To search for packages and channels see:
2017 Jan 13
Install twinkles_stack at SLAC using the descsoft account
Installed Anaconda Python via miniconda plus a conda list from our py 2.7.11 installation used for the camera on rhel6-64
curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/12.0/scripts/newinstall.sh
scl enable devtoolset-3 bash
bash newinstall.sh
eups distrib
-t twinkles_stack lsst_apps --nolocks
eups distrib
-t twinkles_stack lsst_sims --nolocks