SLAC Timing generator (Version4):

# Log into server
$ ssh rdsrv107

# Run in bash mode
$ bash

# Go to software directory
$ cd /u1/DUNE/workspace/timing-board-software/

# Run the start run script 
$ source

Acceptable Warning message

19-03-18 11:29:57.208636 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - Class "I2CMasterNode" is unknown to the NodeTreeBuilder class factory. A plain node will be returned instead.

19-03-18 11:29:57.208683 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - No class types have been defined

19-03-18 11:29:57.208794 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - Class "I2CMasterNode" is unknown to the NodeTreeBuilder class factory. A plain node will be returned instead.

19-03-18 11:29:57.208814 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - No class types have been defined

19-03-18 11:29:57.208914 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - Class "SI5344Node" is unknown to the NodeTreeBuilder class factory. A plain node will be returned instead.

19-03-18 11:29:57.208932 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - No class types have been defined

19-03-18 11:29:57.210639 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - Class "PartitionNode" is unknown to the NodeTreeBuilder class factory. A plain node will be returned instead.

19-03-18 11:29:57.210664 [7f5a80f5d700] WARNING - No class types have been defined

SLAC Timing generator (Legacy Version3):

# Log into server
$ ssh rdsrv107

# Run in bash mode
$ bash

# Setup the environment 
$ source /u1/DUNE/

# Go to software directory
$ cd /u1/DUNE/workspace/software_v3/

# Initialize the timing generator 

# Configure the timing generator for 1 Hz triggers

CERN Timing generator:

!!! Read First

  1. Do NOT touch CERN timing setup.
  2. Do NOT touch CERN timing setup.
  3. If you must use CERN timing setup, notify #np04-daq-integration at, as it may interrupt data taking and other DAQ sub-system.
  4. The CERN timing system is configured thru ProtoDUNE DAQ Run Control. The following commands doesn't work if the CERN timing board is not initialized properly.
  5. Only execute trigger clear and rate setting commands. Leave the rest to the Run Control.
# Log into server (inside
$ ssh np04daq@np04-srv-012

# Setup the environment 
$ source /nfs/sw/timing/pro/software/timing-board-software/tests/

# clear trigger configuration
$ pdtbutler master DUNE_FMC_MASTER trigclear

# Configure the timing generator for ~0.7 Hz triggers
# Rate = 50 Mhz/2^(12+divider)
# e.g. Rate = 0.7 Hz when divider =14
$ pdtbutler master DUNE_FMC_MASTER triggen 14



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